A lot of people have asked me to compile a thread outlining @JDVance’s terrible extremist positions on just about everything. I still think Trump is going to dump Vance as his running mate, but since that hasn’t happened yet, I am more than happy to do this. Buckle up (Thread)
I. Abortion

Vance supports a total abortion ban with no exceptions for incest and rape, saying in 2021, “two wrongs don’t make a right.”
When asked to expand on this, he added: “It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term. It’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society.” (Sweet Jesus)
Then, a few months later, he expressed vague support for “reasonable exceptions,” and said there should be an exception for situations in which the mother’s life is in danger. However, all while running for Senate in 2022, his campaign website read “Ban Abortion.”
During a debate with Democratic representative Tim Ryan, Vance said he was fine with a national abortion ban, saying, “Some minimum national standard is totally fine with me.” Vance has also compared abortion to slavery (I wish I was kidding).
When asked to clarify his position just last week, though, Vance said he “adhered to Trump’s view that abortion should be a state issue” (Trump has no such view; this is just the way these assholes try to distance themselves from where they really stand because it’s so unpopular)
People like Vance are snakes, just like Donald Trump. Ultimately, they don’t really possess any positions (that is, true convictions) on any issue because they really don’t care about it. They just care about getting into office and the power that this will enable them to abuse.
I still remember Republicans trying to use Trump’s flip-flops across the years on issues like abortion as a sort of “gotcha” for libs, like “you don’t know what he believes, HA!” And I remember being like “Neither do you. Why would you support a guy whose positions are unknown?”
And of course I know what people like Trump and Vance believe. Even if they have no real ideology or convictions; they most certainly despise women and want them to be second-class citizens; Trump himself gave SCOTUS the votes to overturn Roe and still brags about this constantly
Also, while Vance has scrubbed a lot of his Twitter, here’s a tweet that gives a good picture of where he stands in my opinion

It’s from Nov. 8th of last year, the day his state of Ohio voted to codify a woman’s right to abortion and contraception, which he called a “gut punch.”
I’ve done so many threads explaining how abortion rights have nothing to do with “the unborn” or “killing babies” or “trimesters” etc., but I’m going to explain this again because I think it will help those of you who find yourself in debate on it with the opposing side.
Here’s the deal: abortion rights are not complicated; it’s just that the right has reframed the the issue to benefit themselves. It is not pro-choice vs pro-life. It’s: who should make personal health/medical decisions about women’s bodies? Women themselves or state governments?
And there is no debate, either. The answer is WOMEN. WOMEN SHOULD MAKE THESE CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES WITH INPUT FROM THEIR DOCTORS AND LOVED ONES. Why would you want the state government (of ANY state) to be empowered to FORCE/MANDATE pregnancy even in cases of rape/incest????
The reality is that not even the right pretended to give a flying fuck about “the unborn” until almost eight years AFTER Roe was passed. And that is because the only reason they shifted to going after abortion rights was when they LOST their battle to re-segregate schools.
I wrote a Substack piece on this because it’s fascinating and totally exposes how hollow and gross the fake-Christian’s entire forced-birth movement is. I’ll screenshot the first four pages here and then make it into a separate thread since I think it was a paywalled article.

Here are some more super inconvenient facts (for the “pro-life” side):

—Abortion is not “killing a baby” or even “killing a fetus”
—If you believe that killing a fetus is equivalent to “murdering a baby,” congratulations on having a super dumb false RELIGIOUS belief
—The first *sentence* of the First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” This applies to SCOTUS, which isn’t supposed to be making laws under the separation of powers anyway. This makes Dobbs unconstitutional and illegitimate.
-You are entitled to the false belief that abortion is murder and is morally wrong. But all that belief entitles you to do under our Constitution (regardless of what the illegitimate six Federalist Society members currently on the high court say) is not get an abortion yourself
Here's how religious freedom works in America and always will no matter who is currently occupying SCOTUS, Congress, or the WH as long as we still have a U.S. Constitution and obviously Trump/Republicans finally die off after they lose this November *whispers* they're going to: Image
-Pregnancy is 14 times more likely to kill a woman than an abortion
-A national abortion ban-which both Trump & Vance would pass and Harris would obviously veto-would result in a 39% INCREASE in DEATHS for non-Hispanic Black women and a 24% INCREASE in DEATHS for ALL WOMEN
-Government-mandated pregnancy is A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
-How can it be legal to force pregnancy on children even in cases of rape or incest when they aren't even old enough to have consented to the activity that CAUSED THE PREGNANCY??
-Speaking of how pregnancies are caused, why are we punishing young girls/women for a process that literally requires a male to ejaculate inside of them without a condom? That seems backwards to me. Mandating vasectomies would make more sense if this was really about pregnancy
I'm going to start attaching some reference threads on abortion for you guys. Here's one that's basically a mock debate between me and some RWNJ about abortion:
So: -The "abortion debate" has nothing to do with the unborn
-There is no debate: women deserve autonomy over their own fucking bodies
-Roe (1973) was constitutional; Dobbs (2023) was NOT -My take on Alito's opinion for overturning Roe (it's total TRASH)
Lastly, as a man you really have absolutely no business even suggesting much less enacting legislation that regulates women’s bodies. Do you have a uterus or the ability to get pregnant? Because if you did, you sure as fuck would support your own right to get an abortion.
This is the part that baffles me and these right wing lunatics seem hopelessly lost on. Like I get that you guys hate women, but don’t you all have mothers? How about sisters? Daughters? Nieces? Grandchildren? Tell me you’d want FORCED PREGNANCY WITH NO EXCEPTIONS for ANY OF THEM
Last point is on a talking point Trump keeps making with NO PUSHBACK FROM ANYONE (because god forbid):

Trump keeps saying he “returned the matter to the states” (NO), which is “what all legal scholars support” (NO) and “everyone across the political spectrum always wanted” (NO)
.@realDonaldTrump: You did not “return abortion to the states,” you RIPPED IT FROM 180 MILLION WOMEN/GIRLS (who had been granted bodily autonomy by Roe in 1973) and GAVE IT TO STATE GOVERNMENTS, you fucking misogynistic psychopath. No one wanted this but RWNJs after circa 1980
@realDonaldTrump And no fucking legal scholars support this either, as if you would have any clue what any scholar thinks about anything. Here’s a good general rule: whatever you think, they think the opposite, because you’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t believe in science, data, facts, or truth.
Finally, “post-birth abortions” ARE NOT A THING. Stop letting them even mention something that literally does not happen and would not be an abortion if it did. @dpakman does a great job providing the numbers for late-term abortions in this clip:
Abortion. is. Healthcare.

And no matter how morally wrong or tantamount to “murdering children” (give me a break) you pretend to find it, you can clutch your pearls and refuse to get an abortion or pay for someone else’s. Beyond that, it’s none of your fucking business.
II. Divorce

Speaking to Pacifica Christian High School in 2021, Vance said divorce inflicts terrible harm on children and that it would be better for people in unhappy marriages to stay together, even if said marriages are “violent,” “for the children.”

As a psychologist, this is probably one of the most ubiquitous misconceptions about marriage that I ever hear from people outside the mental health field. DO NOT STAY IN UNHAPPY (much less physically or emotionally ABUSIVE) relationships/marriages UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
And certainly do not do it “for the sake of the children.” Children are traumatized by exposure to parental abuse. ‘Divorce’ has no negative impact on children by itself. In fact, if it gets one parent and the children AWAY from an abuser, divorce will be unequivocally beneficial
III. IVF (Invitro Fertilization)

Despite praising Hungary’s policies that incentivize families to have children, as a senator Vance voted against a Democratic bill that would have protected access to IVF, which makes clear that he would support infringements to it.
IV. LGBTQ+ Rights

a.) Vance supports total bans on gender-affirming care for minors and even introduced a bill last year that would make providing such care a felony punishable by up to 25 years in prison (insanity)
b.) In 2022, Vance stated he “strongly disagrees” with the notion of gender identity and/or sexual orientation being protected classes (e.g. in nondiscrimination laws). This is cartoon-villain-level-bigotry/extremism
c.) Vance flatly opposes gay marriage and said that if he were in office at the time, he would have opposed the Respect for Marriage Act, which enshrined the right of same-sex and interracial couples to marry (straight men who want to take away rights from gay people make me ill)
Here’s a great and relevant clip of @SecretaryPete sizing up @JDVance from last week:
As for my response to such people? I’m not as eloquent or as smart as Pete. But here’s a thread I wrote on it:
Here’s a viral tweet I wrote in response to @RepMTG’s latest (that week) dumb AF comments on gay marriage that I expanded into a thread on the subject:
@RepMTG V. Immigration

J.D. Vance propagates almost identical lies (verbatim) to Donald Trump when it comes to immigration. Such as the “hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens invading via the southern border” (humans are not “aliens” nor “invaders” nor “illegal” and the rest is false)
@RepMTG In a recent fundraiser, Vance claimed “hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are entering our country and being sent to our neighborhoods, our cities, our schools, and our communities,” and declared: “We need to deport every single person who invaded our country illegally” (no)
Trump has been nonchalantly tossing around the term “mass deportations” since 2017 in his endless bid to be the most racist xenophobic unAmerican POS to ever seek the Presidency. This would:




VI. Climate Change

Like Trump and the rest of the modern-day @GOP, their descent into a mindless personality cult led by one of the most insane and moronic anti-science grifters to ever exist has rendered Vance to at least claim to believe climate change is “a hoax” (it isn’t).
@GOP Vance espouses what I generally view as the dumbest set of talking points about this, which is that he pretends not to grasp the distinction between climate and weather and says things like “Sure it’s been changing. It’s been changing for millennia.” These people are useless.
As a researcher, people like this not only offend me on a fundamental level, but are also dangerous in that their denial makes them a clear and present danger to our survival as a species beyond the next few generations. We can’t stop climate change until we save democracy.
If Trump wins in November, he will once again wreak havoc on the environment, undoing all the historic progress of the Biden/Harris administration, taking us back out of the Paris Climate Accords, & according to Project 2025, dispensing with the EPA altogether (UTTERLY SUICIDAL)
VII. Gun control

Vance has come out against gun control or safety reforms of any kind and blasted a Democratic effort to ban bump stocks. The NRA has unwaveringly praised Trump’s decision to make Vance his running mate (vomit).
VIII. The 2020 election & Jan 6th

Vance has repeated Trump’s Big lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump and even gone so far as to say he would have done Trump’s bidding on January 6th and refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election (unfit)
The 2020 election was not stolen nor rigged against Trump. He lost to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by 7+ million votes. The fact that he still refuses to concede is a testament to what a sore loser he really is as well as how much he truly despises American democracy.
Here’s a thread that summarizes the testimony and findings laid out by the Jan 6th Committee to the American people, which proved beyond any doubt that:
—Trump lost the election and KNEW he had lost
—Spread the big lie anyway, culminating in 1/6
Despite Trump’s corrupt and illegitimate SCOTUS majority declaring that he has “Presidential immunity” that shields him from accountability for 1/6, this is false. And they know it.

Mark my words: Trump will face justice for January 6th (and all his other crimes)
I wrote a Substack article last December explaining how Trump is not immune from prosecution for J6 or any other crimes committed in office that you can read for free here. I stand by it even after his puppet SCOTUS ruling (which will be undone/reversed) open.substack.com/pub/amoneyresi…

IX. Ukraine

In a podcast w/ Steve Bannon in 2022, JD said, “I think it’s ridiculous that we’re focused on Ukraine. I’ve got to be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”

Then you don’t belong anywhere near the Oval Office @JDVance
This explains why Putin loves J.D. Vance for Trump’s VP, and why Russian state media has been praising Trump choosing him incessantly (follow @JuliaDavisNews for updates on what Kremlin state TV is reporting). As for why Ukraine matters, here’s a thread J.D. should read:
@JuliaDavisNews For proof that the GOP parrots the exact same pro-Kremlin talking points and takes Putin’s side over President Biden’s, see this thread:
Other threads of mine you might like to be able to reference include…

▪️Trump’s neverending list of impeachable offenses (basically all the crimes he committed while he was in the White House the first time, which no, he is not immune from):
▪️All the ways Trump actively sabotaged our pandemic response, unilaterally killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans in his months of denial, lies, and disregard for public health/safety (this is hands down the most disqualifying thing any human has done since Hitler):
Any other topics you need, just ask! I write threads on almost everything because my goal is to summarize and document information that matters and be a beacon of truth and democracy to help fight Trump and the GOP (including Vance)’s fascism
Also it would be simply negligent of me not to recommend what is in my opinion still the best thread ever written by anyone on abortion, by @designmom. This will blow your mind if you haven’t read it:
@designmom Here’s a link to my original thread on abortion that I sourced the numbers I provided earlier in my efforts to demonstrate that there is nothing pro-life about Republicans’ forced birth movement:
Link to a thread I wrote on “late-term abortions”
Here’s how you answer the “late-term abortion” question with a MIC DROP. Thank you @SecretaryPete. Your intellect is so apparent in every statement you make.
@SecretaryPete Omg someone just DMed me asking me if I have any threads on WTF happened to the Supreme Court so people can understand how bad it is right now and how it got that way.

Why yes, it just so happens that I do, and I actually can’t believe I forgot to attach these to begin with
@SecretaryPete How the rich captured the Supreme Court via dark money, the Republican Party, the Federalist Society, and exploitation of every possible way to cheat for long-term gains.
@SecretaryPete How ‘Chief Justice’ John Roberts waged a crusade against voting rights and democracy his entire career and, along with people like Mitch McConnell and Leonard Leo, is one of a handful of people who are almost unilaterally responsible for the illegitimacy of the current court.
How Virginia (“Ginny”) Thomas was at the CENTER of the right’s illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election results via organizations like the CNP and how both her and her Nazi-billionaire-owned husband belong in prison (and will get there if I have anything to say about it)

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More from @AmoneyResists

Mar 7
List of peace/ceasefire agreements broken by Russia:

❌1949: Geneva Convention I
❌1949: Geneva Convention II
❌1949: Geneva Convention III
❌1949: Geneva Convention IV
❌1966: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
❌1977: Geneva Protocols I
❌1977: Geneva Protocols II
List of peace/ceasefire agreements broken by Russia (cont’d: Part I):

❌1984: The United Nations Convention against Torture
❌1987: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
❌1990: Conventional forces in Europe Treaty
❌1992: Open Skies Treaty
❌1994: Budapest Memorandum
List of peace/ceasefire agreements broken by Russia (cont’d: Part 2):

❌1997: Chemical Weapons Convention
❌2005: Geneva Protocol III
❌2008: Ceasefire agreement (Georgia)
❌2008: UN Charter - Article II, Section 4
Read 5 tweets
Feb 20
Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor who ensures we are effectively cut off from any intelligence being shared with us from our allies. This means if an allied nation gets word about the next 9/11-level terrorist attack being planned against America, we will remain in the dark about it.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is also a traitor who doesn’t believe in science or vaccines. He will ensure that tens or hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans die preventable deaths from outbreaks of eradicated diseases like Measles and Polio and new ones like Bird Flu.
Sean Duffy is a traitor who has helped Trump and Musk gut the FAA, fire thousands of ATCs, and freeze hiring and funding for the TSA which ensures our safety during travel, resulting in plane crash after plane crash after plane crash; all of which he’s blamed on President Biden.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 30, 2024
Professors William Baude & Michael Stokes Paulson (conservatives):

“Despite its long slumber, Section III of the 14th Amendment is alive and in force. It remains fully legally operative. It is constitutionally self-executing—that is, its command is automatically effective and…”
…directly enacted by the Constitution itself—and it is sweeping: It sweeps over earlier and inconsistent constitutional provisions. It sweeps in a broad range of conduct attacking the authority of the United States.”
“And it sweeps in a broad category of former oath-swearing officeholders turned insurrectionists or aiders and comforters of insurrection or rebellion. It is enforceable by anybody whose duties provide occasion for judging legal eligibility for office.”
Read 28 tweets
Nov 21, 2024
Trump can’t tell the truth

He can’t care about other humans

He can’t admit a mistake

He can’t accept responsibility

He can’t feel empathy, compassion, or remorse

He can’t laugh or joke

He can’t follow the law

He can’t uphold the Constitution

He can’t be loyal to America
He cannot properly assess risk or navigate reality

He cannot make informed decisions

He cannot consider or consult the opinion of experts

He cannot refrain from abusing his power

He cannot show humility

He cannot be decent

He cannot approach decisions rationally
77 million of you voted for a man who is unfit for public office in every imaginable way

77 million of you voted for a man who has been convicted of 34 felonies

77 million of you voted for a man who has been deemed liable for rape and sexual abuse
Read 6 tweets
Nov 16, 2024
I’ll explain this again just to get ahead of the MAGA outrage at my “lack of civility/tolerance for people with different political beliefs.” If you voted for Trump, you and I do not have “different political beliefs.” We are at opposite ends of the cosmos in terms of character.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for the nullification of my marriage by your corrupt court of illegitimate religious extremists who we all know isn’t done taking a sledgehammer to our fundamental freedoms and most cherished victories for equality and civil rights.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for mass deportations, which will destroy the nation; crater the economy; tear apart MILLIONS of families. I cannot be friends with someone who supports something so needless, racist, inhumane, unconstitutional, and un-American.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 12, 2024
Fuck. All. The. Way. Off. You. Spineless. Five. Time. Draft. Dodging. Traitorous. Dipshit. Image
Here’s a Substack piece I wrote last September about how much the Republican Party DESPISES our nation’s military. And no one in the party has more contempt for the members of our armed forces than Donald Trump himself

Pages 1-4: Image
Pages 5-8: Image
Read 8 tweets

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