here is Netanyahu saying that two babies in an attic were killed by Hamas on October 7. These babies do not exist, as confirmed by Haaretz and Israeli police records. This entire story is fabricated. And the Congress applauded him for it
here is Netanyahu spreading genocidal propaganda hoaxes, including that Hamas "burned babies alive" on October 7. No babies were burned on October 7, as confirmed by Haaretz citing Israeli police records. Pure genocidal blood libel
here's the problem for Zionists: Netanyahu provably fabricated claims of non-existent burned and killed babies which official Israeli records prove are false. So all the other hoax claims like the "mass rapes" fall with it. He's a proven liar. They all are
if you're a journalist, do you think it's maybe worth a story that Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, came to Congress and fabricated stories of burned and killed babies? He literally just fabricated a story of babies in an attic that were killed. Is that worth a story you think?
this isn't a question of opinion or interpretation. This is a purely factual question: Netanyahu provably lied, literally fabricated a story of two babies put into an attic and then killed by Hamas, and also babies burned alive. Just made it up out of whole cloth, as proven by Israeli official records cited by Haaretz.
If you do not write a story on this, which I know you won't, it only proves what you are: Genocidal propagandist scum
it really is astonishing that 10 months on, long after it was already debunked definitely, there are still countless Zionists and just normal people who believe many babies were killed and burned on October 7. They're linking to articles from the days after as evidence even though it has been confirmed that only one baby died on October 7. The Washington Post, Le Monde, Haaretz, the UN CoI report and others have confirmed this, citing Israeli government sources, including the police, the national insurance and kibbutz leaders.
It's an established indisputable fact that only one baby was killed on October 7, the 10 month old Mila Cohen. The official story is that it was due to Hamas crossfire, where they shot through a safe room door and she was hit from the back in the arms of her mother, obviously without being seen. Though even that is likely false as Israeli soldiers were firing as well, and it is highly likely they killed her as part of the now admitted Hannibal Directive of intentionally killing their own civilians (see…). But even the official story doesn't say Hamas intentionally shot and killed her.
So zero babies were intentionally killed by Hamas on October 7. Zero. Literally zero. None. Not one. Zero. That's an established fact per their own official records and accounts.
But because the Western media ran with the 40 beheaded and burned babies in ovens genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax and then never bothered to correct any of it, just like they ran with the "mass rape" hoax and never corrected any of it, people still believe many babies were intentionally killed by Hamas on October 7. They're still linking to the fake photos and articles from the days after October 7 as their evidence.
FAIR wrote a great piece on how the media and all those epic based "fact checkers" intentionally refused to correct this hoax after Haaretz and others confirmed that only one baby died on October 7, both out of fear of the Zionist Israel lobby as well as their own shared genocidal beliefs:…
That is why Netanyahu can come to Congress and confidently and brazenly, without any worry, spout fabricated stories of burned and killed babies that never existed.
Because he knows the Western media class will let him get away with it, like they let all Zionists get away with their genocidal atrocity propaganda.
what makes this genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax about beheaded, burned, stabbed babies in attics and ovens all the more depraved is that it's yet another case of a Zionist accusation being a confession. They actually do that to Palestinian babies:
this is actually a level of deranged insanity that even I did not expect, but of course I underestimated the genocidal depravity of the New York Times. They actually republished Netanyahu's proven lie about "burned babies" and presented it as fact:
a Zionist "reporter" asks Chomsky why he cares about Palestinians so much and why he is so hostile to Israel, and repeats all the classic hasbara propaganda lies about Palestinians being evil terrorists who reject peace and are to blame for everything. Here is his response:
Chomsky's response when a Zionist asked him if he is horrified by the statement that Israel should not exist:
Chuck Schumer is doing the media rounds with his new deranged Zionist book masquerading as being about anti-Semitism, and he is repeating the genocidal atrocity propaganda 40 beheaded babies and rape hoaxes to launder the ongoing actual mass rape and beheading of Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, women and men, about which he has not said a single word because he fully and gleefully supports the actual systematic mass rape and beheading of Palestinians
Chuck Schumer is the leader of Senate Democrats, and he is repeating the long ago debunked genocidal Zionist hoax claim about 40 beheaded babies, and the entire media and political class just praises him as a brave heroic truth-teller. It's utterly insane
there are no beheaded or burned babies. They don't exist. They never existed. If they did, you would all know their names. They would build statues of them and make movies about them. Chuck Schumer would be leading that effort. And yet still he repeats the hoax, along with the rape hoax, on live television, because he knows no one will hold him accountable for his lies. The liberal media class, the New York Times, AP, Reuters, BBC, Washington Post, Guardian, they all launder it for Genocide Joe and Netanyahu, so Schumer is in good company:
Bernie Sanders just supported a resolution introduced by fanatical Zionist neo-con Lindsay Graham and co-sponsored by fellow fanatical neo-con Zionists Tom Cotton and John Fetterman opposing a permanent ceasefire and to ensure the Gaza genocide will continue by vowing that "Hamas is not allowed to have control of Gaza".
This is the propaganda the Israeli death-cult and Zionists use to launder the genocide, as "eliminating Hamas" means continuing the genocide until completion as Hamas is a mass social movement with deep and firm roots in Gazan society and the de facto government that can never be destroyed militarily except through genocide.
The resolution backed by Bernie Sanders also legitimizes the genocide by calling for blocking any "funding to Hamas", which means all governmental agencies that operate in Gaza as they are the de facto government. Bernie Sanders just endorsed the genocidal starvation and mass murder of all Palestinians in Gaza.
The resolution also vows unconditional and endless support to the genocidal Israeli death-cult, and condemns "Iran and its proxies". So Bernie Sanders also gave his endorsement to the neo-con war effort that is being pushed against Iran alongside vowing steadfast and unconditional support to Israel as it is committing genocide.
This directly contradicts his fake pseudo-radical PR attempt at laundering his own and the Democrats' reputation by pretending to oppose the genocide with purely symbolic and deliberately designed to be meaningless amendments. With these he pretends that he wants to block arms sales to "the extremist Netanyahu government", but in reality they are only aimed at a tiny irrelevant percentage of future arms, hidden by the phrase "offensive arms", that have zero impact on Israel's ability to wage the genocide. So even knowing his amendments are doomed to fail he won't even bother making them real sanctions as he fully supports against Russia (see…).
Bernie Sanders has consistently opposed a permanent ceasefire as it "keeps KHAMAS in power". He just affirmed this genocidal position again through that Senate resolution, as he continues to oppose sanctions against Israel that he supports against Russia:
Bernie Sanders and his handlers like Matt Duss hoped you would miss him backing the Graham/Cotton/Fetterman resolution giving a green light to the genocide, as they hope you will miss his refusal to recognize the genocide and smearing those who do:
today marks the 22 year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's murder by Israel. They intentionally crushed her to death with a bulldozer for trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes. After they killed her they made it a ritual to make pancakes with her face on it to celebrate
the ritualistic gleeful celebrations of murdering, maiming, torturing, burning alive, beheading, crushing to death babies, children, girls, boys, men and women is a core part of the Israeli death-cult. They do it as part of their wedding rituals:
a favorite Israeli activity is to organize lynching parties where they go out on the hills overseeing Gaza and have picnic as they watch and cheer the mass burning alive, beheading, maiming, rape and killing of babies, children, women and men:
the Western media class is now laundering Trump's massacre of Yemenis with the same propaganda laundering phrases they perfected for Gaza: "Iran-backed Houthis", "according to the Houthi-run health ministry", "according to the Houthi-run media". They're all genocidal Zionist scum
this is the same Western media class that pretends to be so outraged and offended by Trump. The good liberals at AP, Reuters, Guardian, CNN, NYT, BBC. But the moment he begins massacring children and babies, they all love it, they cheer with utter glee. They can't get enough
the US-NATO-Israeli Zionist empire is a cancer on the world, and the most important faction that is keeping it alive, the ones with the most resources and propaganda skills, are the liberals. It's not Fox News. No one gives a shit about Fox News. It's the New York Times and BBC
never forget that AOCIA viciously smeared anti-genocide protesters in New York, saying "anti-Semitism has no place in our city", and voted for the IHRA equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. She helped normalize the fascist Zionist censorship industrial complex that is now kidnapping people off the street
alone among members of the squad AOCIA also "affirmed Israel's right to self defense", and vowed to support "strengthening Iron Dome", which is the key mechanism enabling Israel's genocidal mass torture, maiming, killing and rape of Palestinians with full impunity
AOCIA also met with genocidal Zionist relatives of an Israeli rape-soldier and laundered him as some poor helpless victim of evil KHAMAS terrorists. This was at the DNC, where she disgustingly lied about Kamala "working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire"