Well, this article, combined with the renewed climb of cases of JCV in England, was a real kick in the balls.
"UFTM research on COVID-19 describes the possible role of the virus in stimulating a disease that affects neurons"
That disease...? uftm.edu.br/ultimas-notici…
I hope other countries are tracking this and keeping a close eye on it.
The rise in cases of JCV in England, and the content of that article have left me gravely concerned.
Here are those lab confirmations of JCV, but with a rolling 12 month total.
So any point on the graph indicates how many cases there have been in the 12 months up to that point.
We know that JCV is an 'aids defining illness' (look up a list of them and see).
But in the case of HIV, it takes years of infection before JCV becomes a problem.
Or, it normally takes years of HIV infection before JCV becomes a problem.
Actually, it does appear earlier in some people's journey with AIDS.
It would be pretty awful if these JCV cases were the early ones caused by something that started spreading *widely* in 2021.
And if these were just the *early* ones.
I genuinely sincerely hope that my concerns about this are misplaced.
Thank you to @PatriciaHachey for flagging up the article. ❤️
For those that don't know:
People catch covid by inhaling covid particles that someone has exhaled.
The particles don't all fall to the floor like droplets of rain, some of them float on the air like droplets of fog or particles of smoke.
If someone has covid and they're breathing it out into an unventilated room, it's as if they're smoking and the room fills up with smoke.
You can't see a cloud of covid particles like this, but they're there.
Those particles can also be spread outdoors, but the risk is lower.
More Olympic level gaslighting from the telegraph as it tries to pretend that it was the *hospital treatment* for Covid that caused a 10 point IQ drop, rather than the brain damaging virus itself.
However, there are some really important nuggets in there.
"They found that even two or three years after Covid-19, participants scored significantly lower on tests measuring attention and memory compared with the expected level for their age and socio-demographic group."
John Cunningham Virus is one of those viruses that is an absolute nothing most of the time, many people carry it unnoticed, but then suddenly for some people.... *wham*: total shitstorm.
When it goes from innocuous background virus to terrifying emergency, it triggers a kind of brain multiple sclerosis, where the myelin sheath of the nerves of the brain is stripped away.
Myelin is sometimes like the insulation on the outside of electric cables, and sometimes like the insulation that divides two wires in the same cable.
You've heard the expression 'salt of the earth', right?
A religious teacher seems to be the first to use that expression to refer to people a couple of thousand years ago, and I thought it seemed relevant to the whole 'salting the vibes' thing.
A quick thread... 🧵
The story of the teacher using that phrase gets recorded in three different accounts of his life, and the context and details are very subtly different, so it's actually really hard to know exactly who the teacher is talking to and what exactly they're trying to mean.
But the way I read it is that he's speaking not just to his close followers, but to all of the crowds who gathered to listen to him.
That's implied by two of the accounts.
And he says to them:
"you are the salt of the earth"
So the mutation that is the backbone of the latest peak of the current wave (the s31 deletion) is basically a new one to Covid.
This is all four years of available sequences, and a new mutation causing a *massive* wave, that isn't even close to peaking yet...
... and that may be followed by a wave from variants with *another* deletion.
I said it's 'basically' new.
But there were a few sequences that popped up in the very early days missing that amino acid.