Today, we are thrilled to see the introduction of The Long COVID Research Moonshot Act by Senator Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders), co-sponsored by Senators @SenTimKaine, @SenDuckworth, @SenMarkey, @SenPeterWelch, and @SenTinaSmith!
9 months ago, our co-founder Lisa McCorkell (@LisaAMcCorkell) & Long COVID researcher Michael Peluso (@MichaelPelusoMD) called for a Moonshot for Long Covid - an investment of at least $1 billion yearly for 10 years into Long Covid research. 2/
The Act is a historic piece of legislation. It includes $1 billion/yr for 10 years to NIH to establish & run a #LongCovid Research Program, led by a Director with expertise in Long COVID. Clinical trials & the development of new interventions would be prioritized & expedited. 3/
In addition, the bill includes:
$32 million/year for 10 years for surveillance on #LongCovid and other IACCs
$45 million/year for 10 years for grants to state, local, & tribal health departments
$21.5 million/year for 5 years for a national public education campaign... 4/
$3 million/year for 10 years to HHS for medical provider education
$10 million/year for the next 5 years to the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, & Rehabilitation Research for applied research on #LongCovid and other IACCs... 5/
$9 million/year for 10 years to FDA to develop & validate clinical outcome assessments for #LongCovid
$16.6 million/year for 10 years to FDA to identify current treatments and treatments under development for Long COVID, like @id_cure... 6/
$10 million/year for 10 years to AHRQ to continue the Long COVID Care Network
and $10 million/year for 10 years to AHRQ to develop and disseminate clinical care best practices of LC and IACCs. 7/
We are so grateful for Senators Sanders, Kaine, Markey, Welch, Duckworth, & Smith’s leadership on #LongCovid, and for responding to the patient community’s call with this incredible bill. @SenSanders @SenTimKaine, @SenDuckworth, @SenMarkey, @SenPeterWelch, @SenTinaSmith 8/
This took a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes. PLRC is so honored to have been part of this process and so appreciative of everyone involved!
This is a rare opportunity that most illnesses will never have & a chance that may not come again. In the coming months we will need the full support of the community & all allies to rally around this bill, and to call your representatives to support and co-sponsor this bill. 10/
If it hasn’t already, #LongCovid will impact most families, and this is the moment for every single person to take action. 11/
"Congress must act now to ensure treatments are developed and made available for Americans struggling with long COVID.... It is time for a #LongCovid Moonshot."
"Long COVID is an IACC that occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection & is present for at least 3 months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems"
Full report & thoughts👇🧵/1
This #LongCovid definition was developed by @theNASEM — commissioned by @HHSGov through @ASPRgov & OASH — to promote consistency in diagnoses, aid awareness efforts, help patients access care & benefits, harmonize LC research, & public health monitoring/regulations /2
1 pager👇
The definition can be used in clinical care, public health policy, & gives researchers/healthcare workers both consistency & flexibility in studying #LongCovid. Importantly, it also emphasizes how health equity is impacted by & impacts LC. /3
@polybioRF Dr. Amy Proal @polybioRF kicking things off with the history of the foundation, its Long Covid Research Consortium, and its focus on the viral persistence hypothesis. This culminated in this position paper published last year. 1/…
@polybioRF Now, the focus is on Phase 2, exploring mechanisms/locations of persistence, connections to other conditions, and clinical trials. 2/
@SenSanders begins the hearing: "Today we will be talking about an issue that has not gotten the attention it deserves...Long COVID." "By the way, we have a full house here. An overflow room is over there."
@SenSanders @SenSanders: "Long COVID is a serious illness that can have devastating consequences."
Today a coalition of clinicians, researchers, RECOVER PIs, patient & disability orgs, and more sent an open letter to President Biden, urging him to address the crisis of #LongCovid & other infection-associated chronic conditions in his FY25 budget
The current steps the Administration is taking are insufficient to mitigate the devastating impact of Long COVID & other IACCs. NIH budgets have been silent on future funding for LC research & there hasn't been enough focus on providing care & a comprehensive social safety net 2/
Budgets are statements of values, and we need the President to demonstrate that he values the lives of the tens of millions of people with Long COVID and IACCs, as well as those at higher risk of developing these conditions 3/
Viral persistence is one of the leading hypotheses on what causes #LongCovid. Over the years we've done a lot of work to highlight, support, & grow this line of research. Some of this work:
We are funding one of the only clinical trials designed to address viral persistence as the main cause of #LongCovid, with a monoclonal antibody called AER002:
2/ There has been a huge need for this work and we're excited to say it is already the most viewed article published by @FrontRehSci so far in 2023! #LongCovid
3/ Studies show that people with #LongCovid and associated illnesses including ME/CFS, POTS, and CTDs like EDS report multiple menstrual health issues including disabling periods & severe period pain. #pwME#NEISvoid