"I wore a topi on the day of Eid and Promised Messiah AS looked at me and said, 'You are wearing a topi even on the day of Eid!'. At that moment I went and took off the topi and tied a turban. After some time I-
-hindrance in preaching, becomes a motivator for it. By not changing the outward appearance [to western clothes], the heart also gains strength, which prevents it from changing as well."
[Zareen Hidayaat Barai Mubaligheen v.1. p. 121-122]
Promised Messiah AS's turban was comprised of ten yards of Muslin Fabric under which he would wear a Rumi [Turkish] Cap.
The Imamah [Turban] that Muslims wear differs from Sikhs in that Muslims wear a topi underneath the turban.
Musleh Maud RA states:
"Some of the descendants of the Promised Messiah AS, have started wearing topis. Some have begun wearing neckties, and some shave their beards. They don't even realize what they are doing. At this time, it-
-was a matter of honoring their forefathers. They should have maintained family traditions and upheld the good example set by their ancestors, but they have paid no attention to this"
[Farmoodat Musleh Maud p. 397-398]
In a historic 'Pagri Wali Bai'at' (Turban Pledge) in Jehlum, 1200+ joined Ahmadiyyat. Followers used turbans to form a chain, reaching the Promised Messiah's hand. This powerful act symbolized unity and devotion, transforming lives like Haji Muhammad Din RA.
The wearing of the Turban is a beautiful Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
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"Among the names of Allah, the Most High, is الرافع (The Exalter). He is the One who raises the believers by granting them happiness, and elevates His close servants by drawing them near."
This attribute is NOT used in terms of physical ascension
It is the height of hypocrisy that when anti-Ahmadis come against Ahmadi Muslims, they claim it is ludicrous to claim that Nanak was a Muslim but when they preach against Sikhs, they assert that Nanak was a Muslim.
Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkoti RA was a great sahabi of the Promised Messiah AS, coming from an Ahle Hadith background, both the Qadian and Lahori groups revere him as an elder. He predates the Lahori-Qadiani Split since he passed away-
-in 1905. He RA is whom Bashrat Ahmad, a prominent Lahori Ahmadi elder, was very impressed by and said "such light illuminates his face".
If it is proven, that he had the beliefs of the Qadian group, this settles the issue of Nabuwaah.
In a 1902 khutba delivered by Maulvi Abdul Karim RA, commenting on verse 9:127, “surely a Messenger has come unto you from among yourselves’, he stated:
“in 1300 years (i.e since death of Holy Prophet ﷺ), no one has had the opportunity to recite (this verse 9:127) before-
🌠 Neither the Quburi Sufis nor the Salafis are Ahl al-Sunnah
Masīh Mau’ud AS states:
"Why do they consider me outside of their conventional label of 'Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat'? This does not cause me any grief at all when I see that a Ghayr Muqallid-
-who calls himself 'Ahl-e-Hadith', considers the followers of the four Imams as (bidati) innovators and deviants, and regards them as being outside the way of the noble Companions and opposed to the community of Salaf. Similarly, for example, a Hanafi might consider all-
-non-conformists who are Muwahhideen as outside the fold of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah and ‘badmazhab’. So then why should I feel regret that they have taken me out of “Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah”? In reality, the label 'Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat' is not the exclusive right of any-
@MrAdnanRashid is the Chief of the Munafiqeen. When Promised Messiah AS does an accusatory Answer, it's haram, when Mohammed Hijab and Adnan do it's Halal.
-have as many miracles as Musa (as) not even greater than his disciples. The greatest of Christ's miracles was bringing the dead back to life. Many other Prophets like Elijah (as) and others shared this miracle with him"
1) Allah no longer communicates with his creation 2) The Qur'an is abrogated and many verses are useless 3) Isa As will kill all nonbelievers 4) Women should not be able to get education -
5) Giving ISA AS Godly Attributes 6) Sex with Minors is allowed 7) Hanafi Fatwa: The Qur'an can be written in urine 8) Prophets can be on Shirk before Nabuwaah 9) Qur'an with translation is haram