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Aim: ➊ Wage the Jihād bil-Qalam started by the Masīḥ & Mahdī AS ➋ Train Ahmadis on various Ulūm al-Dīn, Aqāʾid & Tablīgh https://t.co/f7ITlrTZeP https://t.co/eRwCMGXjdV
Aug 24 7 tweets 3 min read

@MrAdnanRashid is the Chief of the Munafiqeen. When Promised Messiah AS does an accusatory Answer, it's haram, when Mohammed Hijab and Adnan do it's Halal.

Ibn Taymiyyah RH:

"It is also known that Christ himself did not-
Image -have as many miracles as Musa (as) not even greater than his disciples. The greatest of Christ's miracles was bringing the dead back to life. Many other Prophets like Elijah (as) and others shared this miracle with him"
Aug 3 9 tweets 5 min read
👳‍♂️ Superiority of the Turban over Topi

Musleh Maud RA states:

"I wore a topi on the day of Eid and Promised Messiah AS looked at me and said, 'You are wearing a topi even on the day of Eid!'. At that moment I went and took off the topi and tied a turban. After some time I-
Image -gave up wearing the topi completely."

[Tadhkiratul Mahdi p.536-537 ]

This incident is titled by Musleh Maud RA with the heading "Exhortation for Children to Wear Turbans". Image
Jul 19 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Sign of Messiah: Sheikh Najafi loses the challenge of Divine Sign

Najafi challenged Ahmad AS that he could show a sign in 40 minutes

Ahmad AS told him to show one in 40 DAYS instead, and he would do the same

35 days later, Allah manifested the sign of the death of Lekh Ram
Image 1) CHALLENGE (1 Feb 1897)

Najafi writes to Ahmad AS and boasts about showing a sign within 40 minutes.

"Well then let him announce a prophecy and we shall give him, not forty minutes, but forty hours. Thereafter if no Sign appears on our side within forty days and he shows-
Jul 17 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Sign of Messiah: Challenge of Ahmad AS after Lekh Ram's death

Lekh Ram was killed as per the prophecy. Arya Samaj & other enemies of Islam labeled this as a murder attempt

Police cleared Ahmad AS of these charges

They still did not stop. Ahmad AS provided an easy solution 👇 1) CHALLENGE OF AHMAD AS

Take this oath in front of me that either I killed Lekh Ram or I was an accomplice in it.

Within 1 year, the oath-taker will receive a terrible, divine punishment.

Otherwise, I will be eligible to face the punishment of the murderer of Lekh Ram.
Jul 12 14 tweets 7 min read
🧵Sign of Messiah: Death of Pundit Lekh Ram

A blasphemer of the Prophet ﷺ, Lekh Ram repeatedly challenged Ahmad AS to make a death prophecy concerning him

After prayers, he prophesized that Lekh Ram would be killed within 6 years

On March 6th, 1897, the prophecy was fulfilled
Image @AlHakamWeekly @Ahmadianswers @MrAdnanRashid @smile2jannah @mohammed_hijab 1) BACKGROUND

Pundit Lekh Ram was a leader of the Arya Samaj sect of Hinduism and known for his profane remarks about the Prophet ﷺ.

His Hindu biographers mention:
"...would say the harshest words in response, regardless of the stature of his addressee." Image
Jul 4 6 tweets 3 min read
🇵🇰 Quaid-e-Azam: Ahmadis are Muslims

Charlatan Revisionists like @qaiseraraja try to paint Jinnah as a "Sunni" Islamist mullah however this cannot be further from the truth.

He called Sir Zafarullah Khan his son and a Muslim, prayed behind Ahmadis, and sought advice from them.

Jinnah was interviewed by Pir Akbar Ali where he clarified that Ahmadis have full rights to join the All India Muslim League in complete accordance with the League's constitutional Muslim-only requirement. Image
Jun 29 27 tweets 9 min read
🧵 Tawaffa in the Holy Quran

Tawaffa is an Arabic verb that means to take something. When Allah does Tawaffi of a human, it ONLY means the taking of the soul.

It is used 25 times in Quran and never means the taking of body AND soul.
Image 1) SURAH AAL IMRAN (3:55)

إِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يَا عِيسَىٰ إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ
"Remember when Allah said, 'O Jesus, I will cause you to die...'" Image
Jun 11 5 tweets 3 min read
🥇 Ahmadis: First Muslims of Speaker's Corner

Speaker's Corner has Muslims of all sects and nationalities, serving as a valuable place for dialogue between different sects & religions.

However, this rich tradition was initiated by Ahmadi Muslims!

The first Muslim at Speakers Corner was Khawaja Kamaluddin who was sent at the the time of the First Khalifa, Maulana Nuruddin RA (1912)

Khawaja Sahib spent a short time at Speakers Corner and later went on to found the Woking Mission and be the Imam of the 1st mosque in UK

2/5 Image
Jun 9 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵The meaning of Khalā (خلا)

Anti-Ahmadis falsely claim that Khala doesn't mean to die.

Khala means to pass; and when applied to a human, it means to pass:

- from this worldly life (i.e. death)
- from a location, IF a location is mentioned 1) PRE-ISLAMIC POETRY

إذا سيد منا خلا قام سيد
"When a leader among us passes; another one stands [in his place]"

i.e. when a leader among us dies... Image
Jun 4 15 tweets 11 min read
🧵Was Promised Messiah AS a Muqallid of the Hanafi Madhab?

Anti-Ahmadis allege that how can the Promised Messiah AS be a prophet/messiah if he was a Muqallid of the Hanafi Madhab?

The answer is that Promised Messiah AS was not a Muqallid, rather he AS was a Mujtahid Mutlaq.
First of all, Promised Messiah AS himself found strange the idea that a Prophet would be Hanafi Muqallid akin to the idea of Prophet following a Pir of one of the four Sufi Tariqat; Chisti, Qadri, Suhawardi, Naqshabandi

May 27 10 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Sign of Messiah: Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya

The Prophet ﷺ prophesied
- An everlasting Khilafat after the Messiah
- Heavenly sect will have Khilafat (72 vs 1)

The establishment of the ongoing Khilafat after Ahmad AS is one of his greatest proofs of his truthfulness!
Image 1) QURAN

The Holy Quran 24:56 promises the gift of Khilafat to the group that truly follows Islam and performs good deeds.

The only group to receive this gift before Ahmadis was the Sahaba RA. Image
May 14 22 tweets 9 min read
📖 al-Muhaddith Nūruddīn al-Bhairawī RA

@MrAdnanRashid and @DWI_MImtiaz try to diminish the credentials of
Khalifat-ul-Masih-il-Awwal Hakīm-ul-Ummah al-‘Allāmah al-Muhaddith al-Hafidh al-Haaj al-Mufassir Maulānā Nūruddīn al-Bhairawī RA.

This vile attack will be refuted.


“The ‘Muhaddith’ is the one who specializes in the science of hadith in Riwayah and Dirayah, and he examines many narrations and the circumstances of their narrators” Image
May 11 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Tawaffa in Hadith Literature

Tawaffa is an Arabic verb that means to take something. When Allah does Tawaffi of a human, it ONLY means the taking of the soul.

It never means the taking of the body & soul. No such Hadith exists.

1.1) "I will say just as the pious slave said: 'And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them;

فلما توفيتني كنت أنت الرقيب عليهم
but when You caused me to die, You were the Watcher over them (5:117) Image
Nov 19, 2023 30 tweets 12 min read
🧵Mahdi will come in 13th Century - Classical/Modern Ulema

While the Ummah is desperately awaiting the coming of a mythical Mahdi, the real Messiah & Mahdi has already come

The Ulema have prophecized the Mahdi would be born in the 13th Century & manifest in the 14th Century AH 1) SHEIKH ʿABDUL QĀDIR JĪLĀNĪ (d. 561H)

The book on the biography of another Saint - Imam Ahmad al-Sabri has a letter by Sheikh Jilani in which it's prophecized the Mahdi will manifest between 1300H-1400H and the Muqallideen won't accept him.

[Tadhkirah Anwar Sabri, p. 143-144] Image
Sep 25, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Is Apostasy punishable by death in Islam?

Sunnis/Shias, non-Muslims & Islamophobes argue that Islam allows killing those who leave Islam.

This is contrary to the Holy Quran, Sunnah (example of the Prophet ﷺ) & the Ahadith (sayings of the Prophet ﷺ).


Apostasy is mentioned throughout the Holy Quran but not a single verse mentions any worldly punishment for it.

- [4:137] No punishment of those who apostate multiple times
- [2:256] No compulsion in religion
- [88:21-25] Prophet is only a Warner
and many more


Jul 28, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
‼️ Failed Defense of Thanvi Confirms Deobandis are a cult

Deobandis have made multiple copes on Thanwi's plagiarism such as:

1. Show us the originals
2. Scholars plagiarize all the time

Now they are claiming that Thanwi plagiarized someone else. Let us refute that as well. Firstly, they claim that Thanwi did not plagiarize from Ahmad AS but took passages from Fazal Changwi's Asrar-e-Shariat (1910); a book written after Promised Messiah's death.

This is a fruitless defense as Changwi cites the Promised Messiah AS along with other Ahmadi scholars.

Jul 17, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Salb = Kill on the cross

Illiterate non-Ahmadis claim that Salb (crucify) means merely hanging on the cross 1) SALB IN LEXICONS

والصَّلْبُ هذه القِتْلة المعروفة
"Crucifixion = Death in a well-known manner"
[Lisan al-Arab] Image
Jun 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
📘Shibli Nomani: Ahmadis are Muslims

Numerous references indicate that Shibli Nomani regarded Ahmadis as Muslims.

Consequently, the purported consensus (ijma) asserted by non-Ahmadis, branding Ahmadis as disbelievers (kuffar), lacks any basis and is unequivocally unfounded. 1) Syed Sulaiman Nadvi writes:

“Maulana [Shibli Nomani] wanted that all sects should unitedly work for the propagation [of Islam]. For this reason, he did not even deny the participation of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Sahib – who is the current Khalifa of Qadian – and… Image
Mar 22, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
⭐️Pathetic & deceptive defense of Thanwi; Proof of Deobandi Cultism

Deobandi apologist claims we lied that Ashraf Thanwi verbatim copied multiple paragraphs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS. He rejected computerized scans wanting early editions.

Let us fulfill his demand! /1 [Original Edition, Example 1]
1) The 1897 edition was published in a report on ‘The Conference of Great Religions(Lahore)' by Non Ahmadis.

2) The mass-published 1905 edition by The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam /2

Mar 20, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
📖"Sunni" scholar's plagiarism of the Promised Messiah AS

"Hakīm al-Ummah" Ashraf Ali al-Tahānwī (Thanvi), a renowned "Sunni" scholar, copied the works of the Promised Messiah AS, word for word, pages upon pages, innumerable times without citation. 1/

List of Books/Texts of the Promised Messiah AS that Thanvi plagiarized from:
1. Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam - 1905
2. Barakatud Dua - 1903
3. Naseem e Dawat - 1903
4. Arya Dharam - 1895
5. Noah’s Ark - 1902
6. Al-Hakam January 23, 1899

Mar 11, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵Classical scholars explain "La Nabiyya Ba'di"

Detractors claim that Ahmadis have made up their own interpretation of the following hadith to mean that there will be no law-bearing prophet.

However, great scholars of the past have come to the same conclusion. IMAM HAZRAT IBN QUTAIBAH (d. 267H)

"The Holy Prophet ﷺ meant that there would be no Prophet after him who would abrogate his law."

[Ta’wilu Mukhtalifil-Ahadith, p. 236]
