This isn't a major paper, but it's an interesting jumping-off point for three different topics:
- Accuracy of RATs—in practice
- Understanding what descriptive (incl. Bayesian) statistics mean
- HOW rapid tests work
Here's a thread written for a general audience!
This study was conducted from January 2020 to June 2021 using admission screening swabs from 556 oncology patients at a single hospital in Jerusalem.
The patients in this study were swabbed for both PCR and RAT, allowing for comparison of the detection ability.
The takeaway is simple: The Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) used here had a sensitivity of 69.6%.
Sensitivity is the *true positive* rate. This means that, out of the patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using qRT-PCR testing, only 69.6% were *also* positive on the RAT.
Additionally, specificity (true negative rate) of the RAT is 100%, which means that 100% of the patients who were negative on the qRT-PCR were also negative on the RAT.
However, we can also consider these values from a totally different (probabalistic) perspective...
Positive and negative predictive values (PPV & NPV) reflect how well a test predicts a condition.
PPV is, essentially, the probability a positive TEST result predicts an actual positive COVID case.
Here, positive RATs had a 100% chance of accurately predicting a COVID case.
NPV is, conversely, the probability a negative TEST result predicts an actual negative COVID status.
In this study, negative RAT only had a 92.9% chance of accurately predicting a negative final diagnosis for COVID.
So why four different numbers? What the hell do they mean?
It'll actually be easier to explain the statistics if we derive them from scratch! These stats are calculated with simple arithmetic!
So, I started by loading the data into a set of descriptively-named variables we can use for the calculation:
Another way to think of sensitivity is that it's the TRUE POSITIVES detected by RATs, as a fraction of the TOTAL PCR POSITIVES, which is the "gold standard" test, in this case.
(Specificity is more relevant than here if/when there is higher risk of false positives.)
PPV and NPV differ from the above in that they're derived from Bayes' theorem, and they factor the baseline positivity rate of the tested sample into the calculation.
In this study, the prevalence of COVID among the tested sample was 20.1%.
We can use the sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence values we calculated above to derive the PPV and NPV.
THIS is why the accuracy of diagnostic tests decreases as the population-level positivity rate increases: Significant interaction between prevalence and accuracy!
False Omission Rate is the inverse of Negative Predictive Value. This means the probability of a COVID case being missed by a RAT—at the population level—is 7.1% *when you factor in prevalence*!
The probability of tests on different days both missing a COVID case is 0.5%.
Why is prevalence part of the calculation? Let's see how it impacts the outcome.
Here are the PPV and NPV calculations for tests for hypothetical conditions which affect:
1. 100% of the population 2. 80% of the population 3. 50% of the population 4. 0% of the population
And now you can see why you need to have two negatives, two days in a row on rapid antigen tests to consider it a true negative: variable likelihood of *what* is causing your symptoms, *when* you were infected relative to today, etc., means false negatives vary!
Anyway, back to the paper! In qRT-PCR testing, the Ct value is a "relative measure of the concentration of target in the PCR reaction."
That is, it's an arbitrary value that is *consistently meaningful* for all machines running this specific test.
This study found that if the qRT-PCR threshold was set to a value of 20—indicating the positivity threshold was crossed after 20 or fewer amplification cycles—the sensitivity of RATs was 91.8%.
RAT sensitivity dropped to 77.5% for those with PCR positivity between 20-30 Ct!
What does it mean? Well, a lower qRT-PCR Ct value corresponds to *higher* viral load, so in an immunocompromised group (oncology patients), RATs are *somewhat* reliable at detecting COVID cases.
In this patient group, viral load skewed higher (indicated by lower Ct values).
The biggest caveat to this study is that they didn't have symptom info for all cases. This can had an impact on the effectiveness of RATs: "Most studies agree on the fact that RAT can be mostly reliable in patients with respiratory symptoms and not asymptomatic individuals"
What's the takeaway? If we're following the precautionary principle:
- RATs shouldn't be relied upon for *ruling out* infections.
- RATs still CAN be used to quickly and effective *rule in* an infection.
Note that the data in the paper is pre-Omicron. On top of that, the RAT used here requires a nasopharyngeal swab to be taken by a professional.
All that is to say that the numbers here should probably be taken as the UPPER BOUNDARY for RAT reliability in the Omicron era.
IMO, the reliability of RATs is probably much lower today, because:
- self-tests already have a lower reliability, and
- other studies have shown that Omicron seems to produce lower levels of antigen presentation.
Both of those could increase the false negative rate.
Why is there such a big difference between RAT and PCR sensitivity? They work in fundamentally different ways!
qRT-PCR detects the presence of genes which encode: 1) the enzyme the virus uses to replicate, 2) the nucleocapsid gene, 3) the envelope gene.
For this rapid antigen test, in contrast, the test line is coated with an anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody, which reacts with a SARS-CoV-2 antigen.
The control line is coated with an anti-chicken IgY antibody, and the buffer solution contains a chicken IgY protein to react with.
So while RNA from SARS-CoV-2 genes is *amplified* in qRT-PCR testing to allow even small amounts of RNA to be detected, rapid antigen tests just have to work with whatever is on the swab. If the right antigen isn't at the swab location, the test will be negative!
If we were still in a world that practiced basic infection control, this study would have confirmed that rapid antigen tests are an effective measuring for rapidly detecting infections, to minimize exposure as much as possible.
This thread ended up being more of a statistics lesson than anything, which I'll definitely be linking to a whole bunch.
The paper was published on August 2, 2024 in PLOS ONE, and is available open access:
That's not to say that it's impossible to use solid-state media for long-term storage. It's just that anything with durability guarantees gets prohibitively expensive quickly. Spinning hard drives—as well as DVDs and Blu-ray discs!—are your friend.
- The way data is stored in solid-state media makes it much more susceptible to bit rot than other media.
- In a spinning hard drive, the moving parts are the most common point of failure.
- When you burn a DVD, that shit is fairly permanent.
I wish people would understand that insurance underwriters have armies of actuaries calculating risks, and if an insurance company drops you, it's because things have changed in such a way that insuring you will take more out of the financial pool than you're putting in
It sucks, but it's a direct result of the fact that humans are widely inhabiting locations that are rapidly becoming impossible to inhabit safely. If you can't find insurance for your home, it means there's a high likelihood you'll need to move soon anyway.
You get insurance so that you can replace all of your stuff in the event of a disaster. When the insurance company effectively says "the risk of disaster is so high that insuring you would almost certainly cause us to lose a lot of money," it ALSO means your life is in danger
So here’s the thing about some of the subtle neuro damage related to SARS-CoV-2 infection that I think a lot of people miss: some of the known deficits are correlated with things like impulsiveness and poor emotional control, so we might expect to see deficits there are well
Consider how impatient people seem to be on the road in the last couple years relative to the 2010s, and I think we have a perfect example of where this is LIKELY already manifesting.
This impact is particularly insidious for the person experiencing it, because poor impulse control, by definition, doesn’t really come on gradually. My biggest concern is how interactions under these circumstances will play out if this impact continues to become more common
Let's review some major points in the Nukit controversy, since some people are unclear:
- Someone criticized someone's use of Nukit lanterns.
- Nukit attacked the critic because, as noted, this is how they market
- Nukit now demands "mediation" with the community (how??)
So let's look at this a bit more critically. Here is the "evidence" Nukit provided that the didn't say anything racist. First of all, these aren't the comments in question, but it's worth a look anyway.
Let's be clear about what happened here: Someone lamented the unequal access to protective measures and criticized someone who seems to be using a certain device to *maintain the status quo*, and the manufacturer of the device found it unacceptable.
NEW STUDY! This exploratory study identifies a SPECIFIC PHENOTYPE OF LONG COVID that appears related to NEUROMUSCULAR DISTURBANCE rather than lung damage—and they've termed it Complex Ventilatory Dysfunction!
Breakdown of the paper (thread written for a general audience!)...
Broadly speaking, there are two groups of acute covid outcomes involving dyspnea (shortness of breath) as a long-term symptom:
- Severe cases that may have physical lung damage
- "Mild" cases that now have ME/CFS-like features, but who have no evidence of lung damage!
In this study, they explored this distinction further and identified a distinct subset of patients with a pattern of breathing abnormality that they have termed complex ventilatory dysfunction (CVD).
So how did they arrive at this conclusion? Let's dig in!
NEW STUDY! It VERY thoroughly supports the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a zoonotic spillover event in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market—using multiple methods!
Breakdown of the paper (written for a general audience!)...
1/many (but it's worth it, I promise!)
This paper reanalyzes the same data from the April 2023 paper in Nature that cast doubt on the Huanan Market hypothesis (pictured).
In the new paper published in Cell this week, another group conducted far more detailed (and statistically sound) analyses!
This new paper starts by reviewing the evidence supporting the Huanan Market hypothesis, and some of the details are FASCINATING!
To begin with, of the 174 COVID cases identified with an onset of December 2019, 32% had a link to the Huanan Market.