here is what Tim Walz, Genocidal Zionist Queen Kamala Harris' VP pick, said at an AIPAC conference:
“Israel is our truest and closest ally in the region, with a commitment to values of personal freedoms and liberties, surrounded by a pretty tough neighborhood.”
Tim Walz joined Kamala Harris, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to condemn Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein for not vetoing a purely symbolic UN Security Council resolution on the illegal settlements in the West Bank. He's a deranged Zionist fanatic
in reality there is no difference between Genocidal Zionist Queen Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and Josh Shapiro. They're all the same. They're all Israel lobby AIPAC owned fanatical Zionists. But pseudo-radical memers online want to pretend like he's a Savior
Tim Walz is a regular speaker at the Minnesota Israel lobby where he said anyone who refuses to recognize the genocidal Israeli rape-torture entity is an "anti-Semite", just recently said he fully stands behind Israel's rape and genocide of Palestinians, and wants the Zionist lobby to write the curriculum on Israel and Palestine to erase Palestinians from existence.
He literally wants to indoctrinate and brainwash children in school into Zionism and anti-Palestinian genocidal racism. He said that explicitly. He wants to teach kids to hate Palestinians and support their genocide.
That is fucking insane. This guy is a fucking deranged freak. And they're memeing him into an epic based radical.
Tim Walz is a fanatical deranged fully owned Israel lobby plaything, exactly like Kamala Harris, and Shapiro, and all the other Democrats. There is no difference in policy that is going happen with these fucking freaks in charge. They're identical to Genocide Joe. Anyone who says otherwise with bullshit coconut memes is lying to you.
They are liars, intentionally lying to you, and pretending like there will be any difference. There will be no difference. Both will keep supporting the genocide of Palestinians because they're owned by the Israel lobby like John Mearsheimer just recently reiterated. As he says, without the US, Israel is nothing. It is beset with crises and on the verge of collapse, but the US keeps bailing it out with endless weapons, funding, and their own military moving in to protect this rape-torture death-cult masquerading as a society.
They will allow Israel to do whatever it wants, because it is Israel Uber Alles for these genocidal Zionist scum.
The only thing that has a possibility of changing it is when Palestinians, Arab and Muslim Americans and all those who oppose the genocide in states like Michigan say explicitly that they will not vote for Genocidal Zionist Queen Kamala Harris and Tim Walz unless they right now, at this very moment, make a policy change. Not bullshit abstract rhetoric and promises, right now. Now.
Don't buy the bullshit about "well she's just VP now, she has no power but she and Walz get in they will suddenly become epic and based and stop the genocide, just vote for them!" She is the head of the Democratic Party as the nominee she can force Genocide Joe to take a position if she wants to rescue her Presidential campaign and announce her own explicit policy of stopping funding, arms and diplomatic and military protection to the Israeli rape-cult. If she chooses not to, it means she is fine with losing and sticking with the Israel lobby.
I want you to reflect on just how unbelievably deranged the Tim Walz position of "we need to change the curriculum to brainwash our children into supporting Zionist genocide of evil Palestinian sub-human barbarians" is. His main selling point is "I was a high school teacher!", and he's endorsing pushing genocidal propaganda onto children to get them to support genocide. Holy shit.
This by itself is disqualifying.
Just change the context. Imagine he said: "All these people who oppose the Russian war on Ukraine, they're all brainwashed by TikTok and Twitter. We need to change the curriculum and you, the Russia lobby in the US, will have to change it for us, so we can brainwash our kids into supporting the war on Ukraine."
Or even more absurd because it's difficult to even imagine it: Say he said it about Israel. Reverse the order: "All these people supporting the genocide of Palestinians are doing it based on propaganda from the Israel lobby and Zionists. We need to change the curriculum in schools to ensure that our children will learn the true history of the Nakba and the genocide and rape and massacre of Palestinians by Zionists and oppose it."
He would not only not be VP, he would not be a dog-catcher in Minnesota, even though this is actually true. This curriculum would actually be based in actual history and not deranged Zionist propaganda.
But he said it about Palestinians.
He said he wants the genocidal Zionist Israel lobby in his state and every other state and country on earth to determine the curriculum of what children are forced to learn. Because his policy is not state-limited, he's expressing a universal view there about what he believes is best to teach all children everywhere.
Tim Walz wants every US state and country on earth to let genocidal Zionists write their high school curriculum such that the rape and genocide of Palestinians is made justifiable by Israeli propaganda about how pristine Saintly white European Zionist Jews came to an empty desert land and made it bloom and then those fake Arabs made up their Palestinian identity to kill them because they're by their nature evil sub-human monsters.
That's the Israeli Zionist narrative that Tim Walz wants every child on earth to be brainwashed into so that TikTok and Twitter posts of Israel beheading, maiming, massacring and raping Palestinian babies, children, boys, girls, women and men will be acceptable to them. They'll see it and go: "They deserve it, my high school teacher taught me they're evil barbarian terrorists."
Tim Walz wants to dehumanize Palestinians through mass universal brainwashing of children so that their rape and genocide is made justifiable to them.
This is utter madness. This guy is a fucking deranged and depraved monstrous freak. Holy shit.
more on Tim Walz being a depraved genocidal Zionist. He refused to meet with Palestinians whose relatives have been killed in the Gaza genocide with US bombs that Walz fully supports giving to them endlessly. He refused to even meet them. Holy shit
it's amazing how Israel intentionally killed people everyone knows are civilians and have nothing to do with the armed resistance like Refaat Alareer and his relatives, including his sister's young children, his daughter and grandchild, a baby boy, and no one in the Western media or political class cares.
They didn't even ask them: Why did you kill these people we all know are civilians? What is your reasoning for killing them? Why did hunt them down and murder them?
They didn't even ask them the question. They haven't been asked why they killed them. It's just accepted as normal. Of course Bari Weiss can put a kill target on Refaat Alareer and then have Israel carry it out and murder him and his family after hunting them down.
That's normal. We won't even bother asking about it. That's totally fine.
But if you dare harm a head on Bari Weiss' head, there will be endless wall to wall coverage about the heinous evil monstrous acts that these barbarians have dared commit against one of the leading genocidal Zionist Western media propagandists.
No that's not allowed. They can kill you, but you can't touch a hair on their head. Bari Weiss' children are off limits. You can't touch them. They're untouchables.
Kill Refaat and his daughter and baby grandson and sister and her young children, and they won't even ask Israel and Bari Weiss why they put a kill target on them and hunted them down and murdered them.
This is why every genocidal Western regime and its Zionist propagandist media class deserve the worst that is coming to them. They are the most sick, depraved, pathological scum alive. Nothing even comes to their depravity.
They do all this, and then present themselves as paragons of moral virtue who love human rights, who are Civilized, represent Reason and Justice on the world stage. The New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, AP, Reuter, Zionist Genocide Queen Kamala Harris and her soon to be VP Josh Shapiro, Genocide Joe, all these scum drape themselves in the rhetoric of lofty virtues.
As Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein have said, if the Nuremberg principles were applied they would all be hanged like Julius Streicher was.
why did they hunt down and kill Ismail Haniyeh's children and grandchildren, including babies? They're women and children, young girls, a boy, and a toddler. They also killed his baby granddaughter.
No one in the Western media class even asked them why they killed these children.
Touch Yair Netanyahu and the babies and children of Israeli leaders and journalists and they will end your life. They will turn it into a story that will forever be memorialized on the front page of the New York Times and BBC, proof of the evil barbaric nature of Palestinians: "They pursue blood-revenge and go after our pristine innocent white babies and children! Look at those evil dirty brown barbaric human animals!"
A projection of what they themselves are actually doing systematically, with the entire Western media and political class laundering it for them with glee.
They are the untouchables. You're not allowed to touch them.
But despite their self-delusions they aren't Gods, and they can be touched.
the entire Western media and political class can't even comprehend this. They can't even comprehend that the same genocidal murderous principles they apply to others should also be applied to themselves. It's incomprehensible to these depraved scum
on October 12 the Jerusalem Post published that their "reporters" had personally seen and verified photos of the 40 beheaded and burnt babies. The link to the report on twitter has nearly 16 million views. Zero babies were burnt or beheaded on October 7, yet both the post and article are still up. Western media regularly cites the Jerusalem Post as a credible source
"progressive" Zionist Lisa Goldman, co-founder of +972 Magazine, posted on October 10 that she also personally saw photos of beheaded babies. These photos never existed. Goldman has never suffered any career consequences for fabricating this genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax
another "progressive", Matthew Gertz at Media Matters, repeatedly spread the 40 beheaded babies hoax, in posts that garnered millions of views. He has never apologized, and has suffered no career consequences as he keeps spouting Zionist propaganda
BREAKING: Two Israeli troops at the Sde Teiman rape-torture-death camp have come forward with testimonies that they are systematically mass raping and torturing Palestinians they know are innocent to death. Here are those parts of their testimonies:
in the rest of their testimonies given to fanatical genocidal Zionist Shaiel Ben-Ephraim they desperately try to justify their rape-torturing to death of Palestinians by adding "yeah but some of them are Hamas and they raped our girlfriends!", just regurgitating the debunked genocidal mass rape atrocity propaganda hoax the Israeli regime and Western media and political class, including Kamala Harris, gleefully fabricated and spread (see ).
So they're using a debunked hoax to justify their actual systematic mass rape of Palestinians they know are innocent. And they're raping them to death.
Also Shaiel Ben-Ephraim, who is now feigning outrage about the rape-torture-death camps his precious Israel is running with full support of the population, himself enabled all this by demanding and celebrating the mass arrest and torture of Palestinians, and fabricating and laundering the 40 beheaded babies and "mass rape" hoaxes that the actual baby beheaders and mass rapists are all using as their justification.
And it gets even worse: Shaiel Ben-Ephraim is himself an actual pedophile rapist, who was expelled from UCLA for being a child predator.
Literally every Zionist accusation is a confession.
the pedophile child predator Zionist propagandist Shaiel Ben-Ephraim admitted he knew for months they were rape-torturing to death innocent Palestinians, but he didn't say a word until it became public. Then he started the liberal Zionist laundering of it:
just fyi this report extensively documents systematic Israeli sexual violence and rape of Palestinian children, women and men, and the AP only has one vague reference buried deep in the piece to abstract "alleged sexual violence". But they laundered the "mass rape" hoax with glee
I'll do a thread on this latest UN report detailing the actual Israeli systematic rape of Palestinian children, girls, boys, women and men. It affirms what the UN already said and entire Western media and political class ignored as they push the rape hoax:
they're all following the same script given to them by the Israel lobby and regime. All of them. BBC, NYT, AP, Reuters, Haaretz, CNN, Washington Post. They loved saying RAPE RAPE RAPE in their hoax pieces, but for actual systematic rape it's just "abuse":
you didn't hear about it because the entire Western media and political class immediately memory-holed it, but Ismail Haniyeh proposed Hamas laying down arms and accepting a two-state solution months ago. Israel assassinated him because they want genocide
Western media propaganda about Hezbollah, Iran and Hamas is the exact opposite of the truth: They are actually the moderate ones, and always have been. It is the genocidal Israeli death and rape-cult that is extreme. Zionist propaganda reverses it
it's yet another inversion of reality by the Western media and political class in their genocidal propaganda: Hamas is actually the moderate side that has been offering long term peace deals for decades, with Israel's extremism always rejecting it. Then they cry hysterically about October 7.
Here's scholarly expert Colter Louwerse who has done extensive research on this very topic detailing this history of Hamas diplomatic offers, and Israeli rejectionism in favor of maintaining the genocidal occupation:
the genocidal Israeli death-cult assassinated Hamas leader al-Rantisi in 2004. Here is how he responded when he was asked if he was afraid of being killed:
this is what the genocidal Israeli rape and death-cult can't comprehend: The Palestinian resistance prefers death to subjugation and enslavement. They will fight you to the end. Another assassinated Palestinian resistance leader, Ghassan Kanafani, worded it perfectly:
Israel has assassinated many Palestinian leaders, thinking it weakens the resistance. Instead Operation Al Aqsa Flood happened, and their northern border is permanently reduced by the resistance. That is why it's going insane now. It knows the end is near