I live in CA, so #TamponTim's inspiration is our public school system. Last year my child's high school put pads and tampons in the boys bathrooms, for all those "people who menstruate." You won't be surprised to hear what happened next...1/
The maxi pads were the first casualties. Boys have an idea what they do/where they go, but when they're actually holding one in their hands they realize something amazing-these things stick 2/
In short order maxi pads were everywhere - stuck to lockers, chairs, the floor. Boys were sticking them to each other's backs or phones. Some even used them to spell out messages. The janitors - who already rightly hate public school teens - were furious 3/
If you're working as a janitor, you're probably a pretty practical person already. Clearly the janitorial team sensed putting maxi pads in a high school boys bathroom was a bad idea. Clearly they understood the reality of that bad idea was literally theirs to clean up. 4/
They spent days unsticking maxi pads from every corner of the school 5/
Tampons were a bit different, seemed more of a curiosity. They even have some practical applications for athletes. Mostly dumb boys just tried to gross each other out with them, bc teenage boys are dumb and the mere notion of girl anatomy makes them dumber 6/
I have heard the school eventually removed the products. It is a sad testament to our modern culture that an institution tasked with educating our children had to learn the hard way that teenage boys are stupid and you have to mitigate their opportunities for stupidity 7/
In typical Marxist fashion a group of powerful Karens made up a problem that didn't exist, "solved" the problem and created a bunch of new ones to which the only solution is to return to the original design. #TamponTim is funny, but its the result of a lot of dangerous thinking
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BOMBSHELL: Up to 3% (possibly more) of LAFD first responders don't even live in California.
@MayorOfLA and the City of Los Angeles were warned of the issue of commuter state employees years ago, and the city has known of the issue for almost 25 years. Here's what I found🧵
A source living in a bordering state sent me a tip about a neighbor who is a frontline worker with LAFD and commutes to CA while living there. The source said this is so common, they didn't even consider it could be an issue until the all-hands call to battle the fires last week
“It’s so common to meet people who work for the state of California here that I’ve never even thought about how dangerous that could be. Not until last week. Now I’m wondering how many fire fighters live here, and how many weren’t even anywhere near LA to help.”
A lot of people ask why it takes California so long to count ballots. I ran for office in 2022 and I learned a lot about how this happens. Let me explain: 🧵
California is a No Voter ID state. In fact, our legislature just made it illegal for any municipality to require id for voting. However, ballot verification is the law, so there has to be some process in place for verifying
With no id, the only way to "verify" a vote is signature verification. With mass mail-in voting, that means the vote counters must compare the signature on the mail ballot to the signature on the voter registration. As you can imagine, it is a highly subjective process.
1/ My school district has a secret gender transition plan for students. It helps them transition at school while keeping it hidden from parents and others. It's called an "Identity Support Document" and it is creepy...🧵
2/Page 1 let's students and staff know our district is dedicated to being intimately involved with the sexual expression of the children in their care:
The following document is provided to assist District Employees in supporting students who have approved staff members regarding their gender identity and expression and the need for support in the school setting
Share with student: The purpose of this document is to ensure that every student feels supported. This document will create a shared understanding about the ways your gender identity will be supported by the Capistrano Unified School District.
3/A little further down are boxes for a student to provide their "chosen" name, their "sex assigned at birth" and their "gender identity." They've helpfully named just a few identities to get the kids started. Just because gender is unlimited doesn't mean paper is.
It's been a while since I've mothered a little boy, but recently we hosted our 9-year-old nephew for a week. I had forgotten how insane little boys are. Here are some things I was forced to remember about the feral creatures that are little boys:
1. Pants are not the default. A boy looks at pants and sees a barrier between his hand and the parts of his body he will need to scratch or adjust or simply remind himself are there. It is not a given that said boy will think to don said pants when preparing to leave the home.
2. Like pants, shoes are merely a societal inconvenience. It may seem obvious to you that when you get in the car to go somewhere in public, you should be wearing shoes. That is not as obvious to little boys. Refuse to check for shoes before leaving home at your own peril.
Some things we learned in our journey of getting to know #HarrietTubman for this unique take on her personality, some of which you may know yourself/ (#minty is available on Youtube and Vimeo )
1)She was always considered a very independent girl/slave
2)she had incredibly adult responsibilities as a child bc she was trusted and a self-starter, two qualities that would eventually lead her and many others to freedom
3)She was hit in the head w a brick thrown by a slave owner when she tried to intervene in a punishment
4)she developed narcolepsy but swore to her dying day it wasn't narcolepsy but a gift from God. She claimed God showed her visions in her "fugues", some that helped her out of some very risky close calls. She credits those visions with her successes.
THREAD: A white lady approached my husband at the store the other day & stared at him until he felt moved to ask her if they knew each other. She said, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry" & then gave a little speech about him feeling welcome in our community.
I appreciate the sentiment behind it (she just doesn't know what else to do, I suppose) and he did too but please, white people, don't do this. We've never even thought twice about belonging here. It's unnerving to now suddenly be singled out. Also...
Life these days is exhausting enough. We don't want to be your emotional paper towels. Don't wipe your regret and guilt all over us and then walk away. It isn't our job to appease whatever unease you are feeling but it's starting to feel like a job.