"The public will have to go in, & the public will have to sort this out themselves, & it'll be very, very brutal. I don't want them here. I don't want them to live here. They came under false pretences" - Douglas Murray widespread violence
"Probably hundreds of thousands... We have a couple of choices. One of them is - and I say this metaphorically *for the time being*, BUT its NOT that metaphorical. One is to stand up and the other is to beg on your knees ... the British soul is awakening and stirring with rage"
Full transcript. Murray foresees public violence at scale & says he would support, metaphorically for now + actually soon if govt doesn't remove. His targets for state/vigilante removal both asylum seekers who cross Channel+ those Muslims who are pro Hamas
I don't recall Murray speaking so openly in favour of public vigilante violence to remove hundreds of thousands of people before. It is his second preference, with the threat of violence (these sound like pogroms) to be used to push govt, such as the scenes in Rotherham on Sunday
Murray's most extreme speech to date was his 2006 call for conditions for Muslims (in general) to be made harder across the board; deporting British-born citizens whose parents + grandparents came as migrants if convicted of serious crimes. Withdrawn 2011
This is the radicalised @elonmusk
sharing the deputy leader of the far right extreme Britain First group who has doctored a false headline.
The owner does not seem to attempt even cursory checks on what/who he is posting to share far right content including misinformation on X
I would propose @nickpickles now be called to go to No 10 or by the SoS to give specific assurances about what has been done to curb the plafform owner not CONTINUING to inflame racial tension in Britain by sharing extreme misinformation SEVERAL TIMES now
@nickpickles Of course X has broader responsibilities as all platforms do. That Mr @elonmusk is PERSONALLY a specific danger illuminates broader problem of X's platform policy. X chose to REPLATFORM dangerous racist groups + people that platform had excluded after the Christchurch massacre
Jacob Rees-Mogg pushes back very strongly against Steven Edgington's effort to relegitimise Enoch Powell. Even Edgington eventually concedes the language is incendiary and racist.
His father William Rees-Mogg wrote the Times editorial in April 1968: "an evil speech".
Powel is much more successful on immigration policy than Rees-Mogg says here: the 1971 immigration act ending Commonwealth free movement (and the 1981 act) reflect that. He loses the argument in 1968 about repatriation and the future of race relations. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
One in six people were born abroad: 10 million people in this society.
Almost one in three people in Britain are migrants, and/or the children and grandchildren of migrants. It is a very large minority of the whole population
The suspect/perpetrator was "the son of immigrants from Rwanda" as Professor Goodwin notes. One of the three victims in Southport was the daughter of an immigrant. Two of the six Tory leadership candidates are the son/daughter of migrants from Africa, a third of Indian immigrants
Child murder is shocking. Professor Goodwin is reinforcing an intuitive response that "the Cardiff-born son of immigrants from Rwanda" merits a different kind of response to "the school caretaker in Soham" or to shocking cases of child murder by other people born in Britain.
Bernie Spofforth @Artemisfornow has unprotected tweets
Much more defiant than apologetic about being crucial early disseminator of dangerous misinfo
She is obvs a unreliable witness: has already now given 3 or 4 mutually contradictory accounts of where she sourced the misinfo
She first claimed she believed the information to be "from a reputable news source" - but she posted it before any non-reputable feed masquerading as a news source had posted it. (No reputable news source ever reported the false information, which was legally restricted)
On July 30th, Spofforth named this poster Sean as her source of the fake name. He is not somebody who could be mistaken for a reputable news source. He posted this at 5pm, editing it at 5.01pm. This was clearly another false attribution of where she got the misinformation.
Good Channel 4 news report unpacking the role of online misinformation in the Southport riot
Identifies Bernie Spofforth @Artemisfornow as the first account to give a false Arabic name online, tweeting "if this is true, then all hell is going to break loose"
Spofforth did not return Channel 4 calls about her role in spreading the misinformation
@Artemisfornow The most influential vector was the @channel3nownews account.
"It is not a real news site. It is a fake news site, masquerading as a real one" says Professor Marc Jones
The site have, following the riot, run an apology.
A scam/fake news channel (which now has 3000 followers, having had almost none) seems to have invented a fake Arab name and run a false story about Southport, generating 1.4 m impressions. Widely shared by users (some naively, others perhaps knowingly). X doing nothing about it
This 5.51pm post (1.4 million views) appears to be the original source of viral misinformation about Southport murders.
- 17 year old not named
- "Ali Al-Shakati" an invention.
- MI6 watch list & false claim that asylum seeker seem to originate here too
NB: no X intervention?
Merseyside police statement about the tragic murders of two children in Southport here