In the IDF’s four minute statement on their bombing of Al-Tabeen school this week we have identified five false claims and three misleading items. Thread:
The @guardian reports that the Israeli military has bombed 21 schools since July. Each time, they have claimed that the school was being used as a Hamas HQ.…
@guardian Hagari begins by claiming that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists abuse civilian populations to execute terror activities. This statement, whether true or false, does not justify the bombing of so-called “human shields.”
@guardian Israel does not dispute that all casualties beyond the alleged H*mas leaders identified are civilians. Per the @ICRC, civilians are “entitled to protection against direct attack.” This attack constitutes a violation of international law.…
@guardian @ICRC Israeli military spox Hagari then claims Gaza hospitals are infiltrated & weaponized by Ham*s, incl. “terrorist tunnel shafts”. Israel has repeatedly been unable to prove this claim, even when escorting journalists into these tunnels early in the war.…
@guardian @ICRC Sometimes the Israeli military mistakes water wells at hospitals for “H*mas terrorist tunnels.”
@guardian @ICRC Similarly unsubstantiated claims in Hagari’s statement include Ham*s’ exploitation of school buildings, “intelligence” of militants operating out of Al-Tabeen school, and the presence of Ashraf Judah. A @EuromedHR report shows no such activity.
@guardian @ICRC @EuroMedHR Hagari’s third false claim is the list of “terrorists” released by the Israeli military. This list includes at least already deceased people already deceased, as well as people who actively oppose Hamas and elderly people unable to execute military roles.
Hagari claims that the “precision strike” targeted the alleged terrorists, some of whom were already deceased, in an area where “according to our intelligence, no women and children were present.” Based on video of the aftermath of the strike, this is patently false.
@guardian @ICRC @EuroMedHR A misleading statement follows, suggesting casualty numbers from Gaza are unverified & unreliable. Historically, there has been no evidence of fabrication or inflation of these numbers.…
Notably, Hagari’s speech is nearly identical to Israeli govt talking points issued 9 months earlier by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs: “Israel’s strike was legitimate, we minimize harm to civilians in Gaza, we have to do this to return the hostages.”…
The claim that strikes like this will facilitate an end to the war and the return of the hostages is also false. Since the beginning of the war, Israel has repeatedly refused peace deals which would bring home every hostage.
Sde Teiman is the latest horrific installment in Israeli forces' well-known, decades long history of s*xual violence against Palestinians. We have compiled documentation of these abuses from the founding of the state in 1948 through today’s egregious human rights abuses. 🧵👇
First: we want to acknowledge that these are not only incredibly difficult stories, they have been unjustly ignored for decades. Our investigation indicates that the worst incidents - gang-rape, bestiality, child abuse - are corroborated and confirmed.…
The willingness of Israeli forces to engage in s*xual violence, and the willingness of the state to protect them begins in 1948, when Ben-Gurion buries a "horrific atrocity", the gang-r*pe & murder of a young Bedouin girl by the IDF.…
On 6/22, Palestinian civilian Mujahed Abadi was shot, beaten, and used as a human shield by the IDF. They said he “agreed” to be strapped to their jeep. This is a LIE that the IDF has since retracted. Here are TWELVE times the IDF used Palestinians as human shields since 10/7👇
1: Nov 2023: IDF soldiers invaded West Bank's al-Fawwar refugee camp, captured & blindfolded a Palestinian man, then hid behind him. The soldier using him as a human shield prepared to shoot over his shoulder, towards Palestinian resistance.
2: Nov 2023: Al-Shifa Hospital head of surgery dept Abu Saada described the Israeli military’s treatment of medical workers: “When they stormed the ground stores, they [IDF] used us [doctors] as human shields" to enter, search, find & detain tech mx staff…
In its initial article regarding the newly rescued hostages, the @TimesofIsrael reported that their captives "cared about their wellbeing" and even "baked a cake" for his birthday. Today, they falsely claim they were "beaten almost daily". Let's review how we know it's false...
The initial article describes the positive statements by the hostages as possible "Stockholm syndrome", a phenomenon where captives sometimes have positive feelings towards their captors. (Note: we have yet to see Palestinians released by the IDF exhibiting this behavior)
The new article contradicts the initial by claiming the captives were "beaten almost every day". But the article appears to be misquoting the source it relies on which cited daily "abuse" and included "mental" and "other types" (such as harsh conditions) in that classification.
We’re proud of the work we’ve done to challenge mainstream media narratives about Oct 7th - thank you for the shoutout @APnews. A 🧵on our ongoing investigation into claims of systematic se*ual violence:
Though we continue to research this issue, our extensive gender-based violence investigation has led us to conclude thus far that there is insufficient evidence to support a claim that H*mas militants engaged in “systematic sexual violence” on October 7th.
The claim of “systematic sexual violence” is unsupported by either evidence or eyewitness accounts. The initial lack of physical or digital evidence has not been remedied in the months since as can be seen in the UN report except below:
Why is @GoogleAds allowing Israel to promote misinformation on its network? Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs is running ads for a document titled “The UNRWA-Hamas Linkage” on Google, under the site name “terror-links”
This is not the first time Israel has attempted to use Google ads to obscure news coverage and drive its narrative. In Jan, @julesaroscoe at @vice reported that Israel was running Google ads to defend itself against allegations of genocide.…
@julesaroscoe @VICE In the days and weeks after October 7th, @businessinsider reported that Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also advertised debunked atrocity propaganda via X, Youtube, and even in games like Angry Birds.
“They deny that infants were placed into ovens and burnt alive”
Tonite, Speaker Mike Johnson repeated the “babies in ovens” lie on @CNN (unchallenged by @ErinBurnett) and ignorantly castigates protestors for denying it. @haaretz reported that story as false all the way back in Dec.
The story originated from Eli Beer at United Hatzalah who said they found a dead baby in an oven. The @DailyMail then took the lie further by reporting it as "babies". Victim data proved the entire event false and United Hatzalah admitted their mistake.…
You can contact @SpeakerJohnson's office to request a correction here: