Oct7factcheck.com Profile picture
Committed to thorough research and data collection to ensure an accurate representation of the events of Oct 7 and its aftermath. (Nick Burbank is a pseudonym.)
🐾Александра Опалић 🇷🇸❤️‍🔥🇷🇺 Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 25 10 tweets 4 min read
On the last day of the DNC, Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination for president by repeating the FALSE claim that Ham*s perpetrated “unspeakable se*ual violence” on on Oct 7. A 🧵: We don’t know how else to say this - there is no evidence that H*mas* used systematic sexual violence as a weapon of war on Oct 7. Israel has provided no such evidence to the UN or anyone else. theintercept.com/2023/12/24/fem…
Aug 11 13 tweets 5 min read
In the IDF’s four minute statement on their bombing of Al-Tabeen school this week we have identified five false claims and three misleading items. Thread: Image The @guardian reports that the Israeli military has bombed 21 schools since July. Each time, they have claimed that the school was being used as a Hamas HQ. theguardian.com/world/article/…
Jul 31 15 tweets 7 min read
Sde Teiman is the latest horrific installment in Israeli forces' well-known, decades long history of s*xual violence against Palestinians. We have compiled documentation of these abuses from the founding of the state in 1948 through today’s egregious human rights abuses. 🧵👇 Image First: we want to acknowledge that these are not only incredibly difficult stories, they have been unjustly ignored for decades. Our investigation indicates that the worst incidents - gang-rape, bestiality, child abuse - are corroborated and confirmed.
Jul 21 16 tweets 6 min read
On 6/22, Palestinian civilian Mujahed Abadi was shot, beaten, and used as a human shield by the IDF. They said he “agreed” to be strapped to their jeep. This is a LIE that the IDF has since retracted. Here are TWELVE times the IDF used Palestinians as human shields since 10/7👇 Image 1: Nov 2023: IDF soldiers invaded West Bank's al-Fawwar refugee camp, captured & blindfolded a Palestinian man, then hid behind him. The soldier using him as a human shield prepared to shoot over his shoulder, towards Palestinian resistance.
Jun 11 8 tweets 4 min read
In its initial article regarding the newly rescued hostages, the @TimesofIsrael reported that their captives "cared about their wellbeing" and even "baked a cake" for his birthday. Today, they falsely claim they were "beaten almost daily". Let's review how we know it's false...Image The initial article describes the positive statements by the hostages as possible "Stockholm syndrome", a phenomenon where captives sometimes have positive feelings towards their captors. (Note: we have yet to see Palestinians released by the IDF exhibiting this behavior) Image
May 24 6 tweets 2 min read
We’re proud of the work we’ve done to challenge mainstream media narratives about Oct 7th - thank you for the shoutout @APnews. A 🧵on our ongoing investigation into claims of systematic se*ual violence: Image Though we continue to research this issue, our extensive gender-based violence investigation has led us to conclude thus far that there is insufficient evidence to support a claim that H*mas militants engaged in “systematic sexual violence” on October 7th. oct7factcheck.com/sexual-violence
May 14 9 tweets 5 min read
Why is @GoogleAds allowing Israel to promote misinformation on its network? Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs is running ads for a document titled “The UNRWA-Hamas Linkage” on Google, under the site name “terror-links”Image
This is not the first time Israel has attempted to use Google ads to obscure news coverage and drive its narrative. In Jan, @julesaroscoe at @vice reported that Israel was running Google ads to defend itself against allegations of genocide. vice.com/en/article/m7b…
Apr 25 5 tweets 2 min read
“They deny that infants were placed into ovens and burnt alive”

Tonite, Speaker Mike Johnson repeated the “babies in ovens” lie on @CNN (unchallenged by @ErinBurnett) and ignorantly castigates protestors for denying it. @haaretz reported that story as false all the way back in Dec. The story originated from Eli Beer at United Hatzalah who said they found a dead baby in an oven. The @DailyMail then took the lie further by reporting it as "babies". Victim data proved the entire event false and United Hatzalah admitted their mistake.
Apr 7 5 tweets 2 min read
What are the implications for @NYTimes coverage of Israel and Palestine when editors of the NYT Jerusalem Bureau live at the stolen home of displaced Palestinian doctor, activist and writer Ghada Karni? [1/5] Image The @NYTimes invited Karmi over in 2015, not to compensate the family but to grant temporary access & a photo op. The editor was taken aback when asked to consider the @NYTimes occupation of this space alongside Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
Apr 5 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨BREAKING: Israeli outlet @Ynet is reporting that the @NYTimes is cutting ties with previously unpublished freelance journalist Anat Schwartz behind the 'Screams without words' story for liking a genocidal tweet that violated newspaper policy. Image Schwartz’ public approval of the post put her work under the microscope, but it was issues with the integrity of her reporting that caused the NYT to pull a planned podcast on the subject and eventually acknowledge that key pieces of evidence were false.
Apr 2 9 tweets 4 min read
The bombing of World Food Kitchen volunteers was not an accident. The Israeli military intentionally deployed a drone to attack this well-marked, deconflicted convoy. The drone operator stared at the World Central Kitchen logo on the roof before firing a missile through it. Deliberate, targeted attacks on humanitarian aid have become a hallmark of Israeli military operations in Gaza. (🧵) The WFK aid workers had time to call their team several times in between strikes. The drone hit three different cars with precision strikes spanning 2.43 km. Each had to be planned, ordered, and executed. The deliberate targeting of food aid - and the murder of civilians - is a war crime. Image
Mar 25 7 tweets 3 min read
Yet another collapse in the @nytimes “Screams without words” story. Video footage from Kibbutz Be’eri conclusively shows that “Witness G’s” story of exposed teenagers found at Be’eri was completely false.Image This new information comes after @theintercept reported that the Be’eri spokesperson Michal Paikin categorically denied that r*pe occurred at the kibbutz on Oct 7.
Mar 19 10 tweets 4 min read
Gross statistical errors committed by @Wharton Prof. Abraham Wyner in his @tabletmag article led a London School of Economics professor to call it “One of the worst abuses of statistics I've ever seen”.

Our analysis below: 🧵 Image His flimsy argument is based on a statistical “analysis” where Wyner cherrypicks a limited dataset to prove his point. He examines only 15 days of casualty data (between the red lines in the graph below) from more than 165 days of conflict. Image
Mar 19 6 tweets 3 min read
False statements about Gaza continue to find their way into the halls of power. @rollingstone has just published a clear-eyed assessment of AIPAC’s recent press tour: they are lying about starving Palestinians and expect American politicians to follow suit. 🧵Image The facts are indisputable: people in Gaza are starving because Israeli restrictions on aid prevent food and medicine from reaching them. Compounding this war crime, Israel fires on aid convoys, kills civilians gathering for aid, & destroys food supplies
Feb 27 7 tweets 3 min read
Anat Schwartz, the previously unpublished journalist assigned to investigate sexual violence on Oct7 by the @NYTimes is just one problem with the paper’s coverage. There are other holes in the story. We dissect their “Screams without Words” article source-by-source (link in 🧵)
There are many, many pieces to this story, and it is not an easy one to tell. Misleading mistranslations, uncorroborated narratives, and sources which have not been heard from before or since the NYT spoke with them all complicate the picture. oct7factcheck.com/research-hamas…
Feb 25 6 tweets 2 min read
Disturbing @NYTimes stories alleging systematic rape of Israelis by Hamas militants were reported by previously unpublished journalist @anatschwartz, who liked posts so aggressively celebratory of Palestinian death they were used as evidence of genocidal intent

Ask why: nytnews@nytimes.com.Image In contrast, when Israel bombed Gaza in 2021, @sorayashock was told by @nytimes she shouldn’t work on the story because she was Palestinian.
Feb 22 5 tweets 2 min read
On Feb 17, 2024 at the Munich Security Conference Nancy Pelosi told @dwnews that “There’s nothing we have sent since October 7th that has contributed to this brutality.” This statement is false. 🧵 Image Josh Paul, a former Biden arms transfer official who resigned in protest of “short-sighted, unjust” & “rushed” arms transfers to Israel after Oct 7, stated today that the US government “has actual knowledge” those arms would be used to commit humans rights violations. Video 👇
Feb 3 6 tweets 2 min read
Confirmed TRUE: the IDF fired upon Israeli citizens during Oct 7. With a tank. During an active hostage negotiation. A 🧵on #friendlyfire:Image One of multiple #friendlyfire incidents on October 7th - @ynetnews reports that @ noon, IDF was instructed to prioritize prevention of hostage-taking over life of hostages using the repealed “Hannibal directive” oct7factcheck.com/Friendly-Fire-…