An article (or articles) triggered this thread, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to explain the situation. So I’m just going to do my best, and it may or may not be a linear explanation.
First thing I do want to point out is that
Aeroflot is a Russian Government majority owned company.
From time to time, there have funds pulled from the liquid assets of the National Welfare fund to benefit the domestic airlines.
For example, buying the planes that were on lease and then stolen. Until that problem is fixed, the plane can’t fly internationally, or else it risks being repossessed.
And it makes relations really awkward when a country is forced to repossess a plane. 😬
Also remember that there are layers of sanctions and blocks related to Russian aircraft for a variety of reasons.
For example: Even if they bought the stolen leased plane, they still will not be able to fly it in certain areas for SAFETY REASONS. For example in Europe.
People do not feel confident in the airworthiness of Russian aircraft. And therefore feel it would be unwise to introduce a situation where a plane could crash onto European territory.
Side note: I feel like this is the same basis that should be used to block the shadow fleet tankers. If they are not adequately insured and maintained, then they are a risk to the waterways of the countries they are traveling through or near. Environmental hazard.
In terms of Russia’s current domestic fleet, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding spare parts.
This applies to not only the foreign aircraft such as Boeing, but also “domestic” aircraft like the CURRENT SJ100, because it is made with imported parts.
Overtime we have begun to see that Russia has made certain moves that have…eroded…confidence in Russian aviation.
Another Sidenote: Russian media has started a trend (maybe it originated on social media) of heavily objectifying male flight attendants.
It’s kind of creepy the way articles have been written. As if their job doesn’t suck enough.
These guys are very physically fit, and I can almost understand the need considering some of the reports you hear about this flights. They might also function inflight security. Flight attendant bouncers.
While we’re discussing costs, a lot of airports air disrepair. And a lot of the costs associated with maintaining these things will have to be passed on to the consumer.
Russia is not going to be happy about that because an airline ticket is in consumer basket and it will therefore increase “official” inflation. Unless they find some way to separate it.
But things are falling apart.
Like technicians getting run over (he lost his leg)
And they recently said they were going to give the MS-21 Flight tests before the end of the year. (Because they’ve been so great at deadlines thus far! 🙄)
Ok, if you’ve read ALL of that, we’re FINALLY READY for the new stuff!
I will warn you that my thoughts are that they went into this looking for an excuse to delay or reduce delivery further. But in a round about way they might be right. (It’s worse)
‼️ “The winging stage is passing
Plans for the delivery of new Russian aircraft are being cut”
“The comprehensive program for the development of the aviation industry, developed in 2022, may be adjusted, Kommersant has found out.”
“During an audit of the United Aircraft Corporation plants, consultants from Sberbank and Gazprom Neft came to the conclusion that there is no “economically justified demand” for 1,000 new domestic aircraft by 2030.”
🇷🇺: 😅 We just don’t NEED as many aircraft!
“The audit also revealed the risks of delays and an increase in the cost of aircraft, which may require an increase in subsidies.”
It’s getting more expensive and government can really afford a lot of subsidies anymore. Mortgage subsidies are also getting cut.
“According to Kommersant’s sources, the aviation industry may be asked to work out price controls and, together with the Ministry of Transport, assess the actual volume of aircraft deliveries needed.”
So as predicted they’re probably going to revise the numbers down AGAIN
“According to them, the talk may even be about creating a new strategy instead of adjusting the previous program.”
🇷🇺: We’re just going in a different direction 😅
Don’t you just love coming across corporate speak?
To me, it sounds like someone realized they couldn’t deliver, and then told someone else to find out if they really NEEDED that many.
But weirdly in the process they may have revealed some hard truths.
And because this article is a few days old, I guess they’ll be talking to the Russian Prime Minister THIS WEEK about the result.
Closed meeting, obviously
As I mentioned before, Sberbank and Gazprom Neft reportedly began an audit after all the planes delivery dates were pushed back. And the Audit was completed on 9 August 2024.
Some people discussed the results with Kommersant anonymously, but no one would officially.
You can see here how the initial aircraft expectations compare to the current ones.
You can also see how funds were already pulled from the NWF
“According to the Ministry of Transport's forecasts in the KPGA, the fleet of foreign aircraft of all types was expected to decrease from 738 airliners in 2022 to 319 aircraft by 2030, with the rate of retirement accelerating from 2026.”
That’s a lot.
It’s important to note that these are just their ESTIMATES of when they will need to be retired. With poor maintenance, parts and environmental conditions it could be worse.
Here is the chart they included for forecasting.
Keep in mind, this is probably the best case scenario (I’m basing this judgement on how bad they’ve been at previous forecasting)
The auditors decided that ACTUALLY, maybe they didn’t need as many planes.
“With planned production of 140 to 270 aircraft per year, the auditors estimate the real need at 50–60 aircraft.”
I’ve decided to pause here and just tell you up front how what’s coming next might be true, but that means things are actually worse. That way, as we read further you can see it see it more clearly.
1. Export potential - The costs of these planes are getting more expensive. That means they may actually cost as much OR MORE than their foreign competitors.
If you were free to chose, would you choose the higher quality cheaper plane or would you get the plane from Russia and all the headaches that come along with Russia.
Remember, one of the reasons India cancelled new military contracts with Russia was because of their concerns about even being able to get spare parts.
So I think the exports of these planes will be limited to people who can’t get anything else. (Assuming Russia ever actually makes it real production levels)
2. The Cost of Flights are getting more expensive and less people may be able to AFFORD to fly.
Everyone keeps trying to say the economy is great in Russia. Well, I disagree. With inflation and the increased tariffs that are likely, demand may drop.
That’s bad.
3. Airlines may not be able AFFORD planes
As the prices increase, the government runs out of money for subsidies, people fly less, and more economical airline woes occur, the demand for plane from airlines may drop. Because they can’t afford it
All of this would point towards worsening economic conditions in Russia reducing demand NOT just: WHOOPSIE we overestimated!
But that’s my interpretation overall.
Even getting this things produced AT ALL is still the biggest problem. And like I said, I figured that coming up with an excuse to reduce necessary production even more was probably the driving factor to start with.
Back to the article
Here is where they mention that Aeroflot changed their order
Now we start in with the excuses
One person suggests that “airlines have enough reserves to maintain transportation on existing foreign aircraft by extending the flight time.”
Haven’t we heard this cr*p before for other equipment?
“The current fleet of approximately 880 aircraft, according to UAC estimates, is sufficient to transport at least 113 million passengers per year.”
How did they estimate it? Remember, they were probably sent in to find an excuse.
And they might even not understand the industry
The original numbers came from asking the airlines what they needed. But these auditors are declaring that they’re wrong and that they’re over estimating.
I tend to believe the airlines over the auditors especially considering the circumstances surrounding this audit.
I have pointed out in my thoughts at the beginning that the airlines demand may have (due to unfortunate circumstances) reduced since 2022.
And I must point out that there are cases where the truth is somewhere in the middle.
A good example of this is with the Railroads. Russian Railways capacity absolutely is shrinking, but in the fighting for getting railway availability they were inflating their requests for shipments in hopes of increasing the share they were allowed to ship.
It was hilariously obvious because, for example, the requests for shipment of coal significantly surpassed Russia’s yearly coal production. Obviously so.
But I get why they did it.
“According to Kommersant’s sources in the aviation industry, following the audit, the Ministry of Transport, with the participation of UAC and airlines, was asked to develop a new target transportation model with an optimal route network and aircraft types.”
“It is necessary to take into account both new, realistic transportation indicators and economically justified orders for Russian aircraft, taking into account the realities that have changed over the past two years, says Kommersant’s source.”
Like I mentioned earlier, there are actual setbacks. And Russia’s economic realities are significantly different than they were 2 years ago. They need to take that into account, and they may need to tighten their belt and make adjustments to keep ANY airlines running.
None of this solves the giant hurdle of actually MAKING IT TO PRODUCTION. But it is a problem that needs to be considered
Here is a chart. I’m not sure how accurately they can assess these things considering the economic volatility that exists right now, but hey they made a chart.
We talked about some of this.
But…why would UAE buy these Russian aircraft when they could have, well, anything else? 🧐
They mention the very low demand for the SJ100. I gotta say, seats that break you in half make it a no for me.
Oleg Panteleev points out that if Aeroflot completely abandons the SJ100 they might need to reconsider their project.
There are 160 of the OLD SJ100 aircraft that are working on regional routes.
Could be a real problem for more remote areas.
“Most of Kommersant’s sources in the aviation industry do not expect any type of aircraft to be abandoned in the coming years.”
😬 Maybe they should
“Some of Kommersant’s sources allow for increased competition for funding between various projects – not only for funding development, but also for subsequent subsidies for purchase and operation”
Another chart. Again, these charts may be optimistic.
Intermission (thread isn’t over yet) 🥵
I’m back! Where were we?
The price:
“According to Kommersant, the cost of the first SJ 100 by 2027 is estimated at 5.4 billion rubles, or $63 million at the current Central Bank exchange rate, and the MS-21 at almost 9 billion rubles ($103 million).”
“The indicators are defined by the producers as break-even in 2023.”
Well it’s 2024 and things have gotten worse, so…
You can see here the competitor prices
🇷🇺 SJ100 estimated price: $63 million
Embraer 190-200 price: $40 million
🇷🇺 MS-21 estimated price: $103 million
Airbus A320/Boeing 737: $45-50 million
Russia can not compete
You can see that they atttibute part of the price increase of the MS-22 to the switch from
🇺🇸 American P&W engines
🇷🇺 PD-14 engines
I’m very curious how much HEAVIER the Russian engines are, and if that is the source much of the additional weight on the plane.
I bring it up, because Russia is have a similar problem with Tugboat motors. The domestic motors are heavier and larger and it’s causing problems.
“Almost 6 billion rubles out of 8.9 billion rubles in the cost of the MS-21, says a Kommersant source, are the costs of purchased components (PCI).”
Wait to have your pants shocked off
‼️“According to him, due to the rise in the cost of PCI and the increase in labor costs, auditors have identified the risk of the cost of the first MS-21s growing by 30%, to 11.5 billion rubles.”
That $126.5 MILLION DOLLARS by today’s exchange rate
$126.5 million for heavy MC-21 that currently can’t get to cruising altunder weight when you could get an Airbus A320 for $40-50 million!
That ridiculous. I keep saying it. Russia can not compete on a level playing field
“In this case, the difference with the directive cost will grow from 5.3 billion to 8 billion rubles. According to auditors' calculations…this will require another 4 trillion rubles in compensation from the budget, necessary to cover the cost of this project alone”
Whose budget?!
There’s less that 5 billion Rubles left in the liquid assets of the national welfare fund, and they’re predicted a deficit in the Federal Budget of over 2 Trillion right now (it will probably be more)
Where does the money come from?
“Taking into account OPEX, according to the source, the cost of the entire program for the construction of 1.8 thousand aircraft by 2040 is estimated by auditors at 18 trillion rubles, of which about 10 trillion rubles is a subsidy from the budget.”
🇷🇺: 😅
“In addition, the auditors noted that the manufacturers have not defined the conditions and approximate cost of maintaining airworthiness, which is also important for understanding the necessary compensation for the costs of its operation.”
Cost of ownership is important!
“The auditors also saw the risk of cash gaps throughout the entire cooperation chain, Kommersant’s sources noted.”
One person decided to pull a random number out, without any other information.
Basically, in short
“A Kommersant source in the aviation industry says that work on reducing production costs is already being carried out by a working group within Rostec.”
The problem is, I don’t think “fixed prices” or their other plans are doable. But we’ll see.
Ok this next part…I…I don’t think they’re full understanding the reality of their situation.
A lot of these people are falling back on things they have done in the past and they simply do not live in that world any longer. They cannot expect the same results
Here Oleg Panteleev is talking about what they did from 2010-2015
“We successfully ‘pressed’ everyone on the cost of supplies, discussed long-term contracts and were able to come to a compromise,”
I don’t know if they can “press” people the way they used to.
🇷🇺: Hope etc…we’re going in a new direction…etc
‼️“According to the expert, if the arrival of new domestic aircraft and the withdrawal of foreign fleet are out of sync, a deficit of carrying capacity will arise in the Russian Federation, which will cause carriers to leave low-margin routes.”
There it is.
See the government even subsidizes flights to the more remote areas.
What if suddenly there are no more flights, and the airports fall into even further disrepair?
🇨🇳: What if we hold a referendum and they choose to join the Great China 😈
All of this is just basically “we should make a plan, a study, really investigate what is needed”
Meanwhile planes still aren’t being delivered
We’re almost done with this article, but we’re to a part I personally find hilarious.
“One of Kommersant’s sources knows that the range of the first series of MS-21, taken into account by auditors, will be limited to 2.3 thousand km due to the empty weight of the aircraft and increased fuel consumption”
👉 Because it’s almost 6 tons too heavy
“This will cover almost 70% of routes. After the restrictions are lifted as flight tests are conducted, the range will increase to 3.8-4.1 thousand km, which will cover up to 90% of routes, he adds.”
Seriously…do they not understand how big of a problem this is? It’s not like a bureaucratic limitation, IT’S PHYSICS!
You can’t just “lift restrictions” 🙄
“Kommersant’s source also points to the risks described by the auditors: a shift in certification deadlines - up to a year, according to various estimates, as well as the risk of reaching the production rate of 36 MS-21s only after 2029”
36 MS-21s only after 2029?!
Remember the huge drop off of foreign plane operation they mentioned in 2026?
“According to Kommersant’s source, several PKI suppliers for the SJ 100 and MS-21 can currently only provide six aircraft of each type per year.”
“Given that the entire aviation industry is 80% loaded with state defense orders, the task set for the UAC civil division is obviously unrealistic, one of Kommersant’s sources is categorical.”
Massive understatement
That was even worse than I expected, and that’s saying something. As always
~ The End ~
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‼️ “Russian Railways have faced a transport collapse in regions bordering Ukraine and Belarus following the Ukrainian Armed Forces' invasion” of Kursk”
It appears there is an indefinite suspension of traffic from Belarus to Russia
“Due to difficulties with train traffic, Russian Railways has stopped accepting trains from Belarus in the direction of the Kursk and Smolensk regions, the Belarusian Railway Workers' Community (BRC) reports”
“Russian Railways cited the overcrowding of stations with abandoned trains, as well as the lack of locomotives and drivers to remove them, as the reason for the decision.”
“fuel market participants are increasingly faced with extensions of shipment deadlines for gasoline and diesel fuel purchased on the exchange by refineries and even defaults on such transactions…”
“…The most critical situation is with AI-95 and AI-100 gasoline, the demand for which is rapidly increasing…
If you have no idea what is going on, I highly recommend you read this long thread, that has a somewhat misleading title, as it actually give you a long background on Russia’s economy since the 2022 invasion