1/ As the UK experiences its most significant riots since 2011, the Kremlin is happy to exploit the situation to its benefit by:
🔥 adding fuel to the fire of the #UKriots
🔥 inciting similar tensions in France¹⁶
🔥 weakening support for Ukraine¹⁷
🧵 Thread:
2/ Since Aug 7, Matryoshka, a pro-Kremlin network, uses bots to flood X/Twitter with fake visuals (videos, street art, and doctored covers) related to the Southport events.
The goal is to overload fact checkers with illegitimate reports and to boost virality of false narratives.
3/ Matryoshka uses fake visuals to better serve its goal. Compared to genuine news, they:
🎯have a greater disinfo impact if they go viral
🎯keep fact-checkers busy longer
That's why a visual promoted by Matryoshka is, by itself, a strong marker of its intentional false nature.
4/ According to our records, the Southport-triggered riots have become the second-largest event targeted by Matryoshka network, right after the Paris 2024 Olympics.
The following thread exposes the wide range of narratives used by the Kremlin to sow discord and undermine trust.
5/ Fake cover of @DailyMirror / lead paragraph:
"The UK is losing the demographic race to immigrants.
"By 2035, 9 out of 10 people will be practicing Islam"
6/ Fake UK Secret Intelligence Service video:
"Muslim immigrants living in the UK are advised to not let their children go out unaccompanied.
"A child traveling alone becomes an easy target for attacks.
"Far-right activists have been spreading calls to attack muslim children."
7/ Fake @BBCNews video with chief rabbi of the UK:
"The only way to defeat violence committed by Muslim immigrants is to reduce number of mosques in the UK.
"Mosques are springing up replacing Anglican churches; serve as permission for any violence against the Britons."
8/ Fake Aljazeera (@AJEnglish) video with the principal leader of the Church of England:
"More mosques have to be built in the UK: better access to mosques could pre-empt violence in Southport."
9/ Fake "Instagram stories" from DailyMail (@MailOnline), @BBCnews, @TheSun alleging:
@Darren_Cullen's street art with princess Diana:
"Great that I'm dead now and can't see all the shit that's going on in the UK"
10/ Fake @BBCnews video:
"@RishiSunak (former British PM) liked several radical-Islamist posts on Instagram calling for violence against Britons"
11/ Fake UK Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) / @Radisson video:
"Avoid visiting bars due to high terrorism threat.
"Provocations could be committed by both the right-wing extremists and radicalized migrant groups.
"Acting irresponsibly jeopardizes the safety of the entire UK"
12/ Fake @BBCnews video:
"British art declares war on Islam. 5 British artists will depict an online caricature of Prophet Muhammad.
"All funds raised will be used to cover lawyers fees for Britons detained by police during far-right riots."
13/ Fake Mirror (@DailyMirror) video:
"According to a neural network, Britain in 2035 will be full of mosques, Muslim-origin citizens and shops."
14/ Fake @BBCnews video with head of the synagogal body in London:
"Stop sponsoring Muslim immigrants.
"Every pound left as a tip to a Muslim serves as a payment for future chaos.
"Migration allowances for Muslims should be abolished; that money should go to the police"
15/ Fake UK Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) video:
"Avoid visiting restaurants where Muslim migrants work
"Your appearance can provoke an employee who is a Muslim immigrant."
16/ Fake @BFMTV video with a former Interior Minister of France:
"When a migrant killed 3 young children in the UK, the English showed their anger.
"When migrants killed 6 French citizens, the French stayed silent: we only see the Olympics in the news"
17/ Fake cover of The @Independent:
"While we were following Ukraine, we lost our country"
(Kremlin likely implying: the UK authorities should focus on domestic agenda, stop being involved in Russia-Ukraine war)
18/ Fake cover of @Daily_Express with Ukraine ambassador in the UK:
"Ukrainian authorities with their decisive actions would have never let such organized violent banditry happen.
"Ukraine can serve as an example for the whole of Europe on how to nip unrest and neutralize it."
(Kremlin's likely intent in 18/: drive a wedge between the UK and Ukraine; imply that Ukraine should deal with its problems first before advising to the UK)
20/ Most of the credits for this thread should be given to:
👏 my team that meticulously collects every piece of Matryoshka public content posted on X/Twitter;
👏 @SourcesOuvertes who has invested a huge amount of time and effort into editing this thread.
If you are a fact checker, disinfo researcher or a media celebrity, most likely Matryoshka bots were trying to reach you via mentions, direct messages or email.
Please send us the content they are promoting: that will help us ensure we have not missed something important.
For background of how Matryoshka operates, refer to:
🧵 In 3 days, pro-Kremlin fake-video operation received 3 debunking statements from FBI, totaling 1.5M views and counting.
This operation is active since at least Sept 2023. My team was first to report this operation back in Jan 2024, we codenamed it Matryoshka 🪆 (Russian Doll)
Never before has Matryoshka gained that much attention from a govt agency, in the US or overseas, at the low cost of a dozen fake videos, which is literally half of its daily(!) capacity.
These statements alone gave so much airtime that it could not possibly dream of.
3/ This is what will possibly happen next:
💡 Matryoshka will be more often impersonating govt agencies than it was doing before, for as long as that keep resulting in public statements from those agencies.
🧵 To influence US elections with FAKE videos, Kremlin reused half a dozen ideas from its earlier campaigns targeting Macron, Paris Olympics and, of course, Ukrainian refugees and aid to Ukraine.
Some of them ⏬, based on our 10 months of tracking Matryoshka influence operation:
2/ (Keep in mind:
• all of those videos were fabricated, they were never published by a respective media outlet or govt agency
• most of these videos never got any traction. I am only showing them to expose disinfo methods of the Russian state, not to debunk those videos)
3/ Harris ⬆️ (Macron ⬇️) are showing signs of early Alzheimer:
♻️ the issues only appeared recently
♻️ their public communication demonstrates multiple symptoms
♻️ soon we will see further decline of cognitive abilities
@FBI 1. Both of the videos referred to by @FBI appeared on X/Twitter first posted by Matryoshka, a Russian state influence operation, which is ongoing since Sept 2023.
@FBI 2. The operation was later corroborated by @Viginum_Gouv, French agency monitoring and protecting against foreign digital interference (part of General Secretariat of Defense and National Security): sgdsn.gouv.fr/files/files/20…
@FBI @Viginum_Gouv 3. @CheckFirstHQ / @ResetDotTech codenamed effentially the same operation as Operation Overload:
Building a sophisticated troll network at scale had never been cheaper and easier—thanks to AI capabilities.
Even if you are not Russia, China or Iran, now you can influence Western countries towards far-right, populist parties (AfD, RN, PiS…) and isolating from each other.
This is exactly what UAE* did: with AI-powered operation targeting 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇵🇱🇪🇸🇮🇹 and the Gulf states, it weaponized COP29, a UN climate change conference in Azerbaijan.
2300+ accounts in 8 languages pushing country-specific narratives with highly-realistic fake personas.
With broad variety of pro- and anti- "opinions" in politics, economy, social, emerging markets, climate, all Western-targeting narratives agree on:
• desire to change of elected officials, established institutions and status quo
• UAE being the most successful alternative