🔟 Reasons Why '24-'25 School Year is THE Most Important Year to Advocate for Better Indoor Air Quality in Schools.
(Seriously, we're in big trouble if we don't make significant progress in this area.)
1⃣ Covid wastewater levels are at record highs for this time of year, as tens of millions of kids head into poorly ventilated, over-crowded classrooms.
2⃣ We have the weakest isolation guidance - kids can return to school Cov!d+ after 24 hours of being fever-free. They don't even have to mask when Cov!d +.
We've never started a school year (or gone into winter) with such weak public health guidance on isolation.
I tested several DIY portable air cleaners to see how they performed in an active classroom environment.
My focus was on PM2.5 measurements.
Here's what I found, and how it's influencing my advocacy for my own kids and beyond ...
- classrooms produce a TON of PM2.5
- classrooms desperately need better ventilation/filtration
- the original CR box performed the best (of those I tested)
Keep in mind this was a dynamic environment. Lots of variables that couldn't be controlled for. Kids coming and going, doors opening/closing, etc. Kids going to recess/lunch. This was a real classroom behaving normally. Real citizen science stuff.
One of education's leading magazines is running a special issue on chronic absenteeism this summer. I got an advance copy.
Here is a list of titles (& summary lines) for each article they published. None focus on illness or the need for clean air.
- Chronic absenteeism is complex. I support many of the suggestions they published.
- I'm not here to name/slander the publisher.
- Intentionally omitting the topic of illness & clean air (I submitted an article with @drseanmullen & Dr. Sarah Layton) is unacceptable.
Cover article:
"Good Attendance Starts in the Classroom
(Teachers have tremendous power to influence student attendance.)"
Nothing like a little teacher blaming to start off strong!
Last week I attended a conference for educators in New Orleans.
I was one of the few masking at this large indoor gathering. It can feel isolating and like my mask is a barrier.
Here is what I did to make my mask be more inviting without compromising protection:
I bedazzled my 3M Auras to match my outfits. Instead of my mask being the elephant in the room, it became a topic of conversation and compliments.
The white Aura is a lot. I wish we had black Auras.
So I attached tulle to the 3 panels of the mask with a very thin line of hot glue along the edges (outside the seal seam). The tulle doesn’t impact breathability but made them look less imposing.