Liesl McConchie Profile picture
Math with the Brain in Mind. Author. Teacher. Consultant. Mom. Co-author of Brain-Based Learning with @ericjensenbrain. Advocate for Clean Air in Schools.
ARP Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 13 14 tweets 3 min read
One of education's leading magazines is running a special issue on chronic absenteeism this summer. I got an advance copy.

Here is a list of titles (& summary lines) for each article they published. None focus on illness or the need for clean air.
🧵 Image Disclaimers:
- Chronic absenteeism is complex. I support many of the suggestions they published.
- I'm not here to name/slander the publisher.
- Intentionally omitting the topic of illness & clean air (I submitted an article with @drseanmullen & Dr. Sarah Layton) is unacceptable.
Jun 25 5 tweets 2 min read
Last week I attended a conference for educators in New Orleans.

I was one of the few masking at this large indoor gathering. It can feel isolating and like my mask is a barrier.

Here is what I did to make my mask be more inviting without compromising protection:
🧵 Image I bedazzled my 3M Auras to match my outfits. Instead of my mask being the elephant in the room, it became a topic of conversation and compliments. Image
May 22 10 tweets 3 min read
I imagine many people who see me wearing a mask indoors assume I'm a person consumed with fear, unwilling to task a risk.

That couldn't be further from my personality. You might be surprised to know I enjoy an adrenaline rush.

I love bungee jumping.
🧵 Image My (now) husband and I went skydiving on our first date.

The last time I went skydiving the plane was duct taped together and they had to jumpstart the airplane with a pickup truck.

(sorry, can't find a photo!)
May 17 13 tweets 5 min read
Today @CDC issued new guidance for preventing spread of infections in schools.

Another assignment turned in 4+ years too late.

Here are my 🔟 highlights (👍) and lowlights (👎) from this new guidance.
(In no particular order)
🧵 1⃣
👍 The guidance is framed with the attendance crisis in mind. They are acknowledging that illness is a leading factor in absences.

👎 It could have been more explicit in naming that a lot of this spread is happening IN school buildings. Image
Apr 11 9 tweets 2 min read
✨School Leaders & Clean Air Advocates✨

US Sec of Ed, @SecCardona, issued a letter recently (3/22/24) to all school leaders to address the chronic absenteeism crisis.

YES!! He addresses the need to improve indoor air quality to improve attendance.

🧵… The letter says, "I'm writing today to ask each State to commit to three key actions that can help more students attend and engage in school each day."
Mar 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Finally!! Journalism that is highlighting the role of illness in the chronic absenteeism crisis.

Here are two articles (1 published yesterday; 1 published fall of 2021 that discuss how classrooms are too-often the source of illness spreading to classmates & teachers.
🧵 First, from yesterday!

This article shares the perspective of teachers & parents ... the folks with the closest view of what is happening with illness in classrooms.
The closing quote from my dear friend @mslisa2u sums it up so well.…
Jan 20 12 tweets 5 min read

I figured it out!!

@CAPublicHealth's new guidance allowing Covid+ students in school (fever-free, 😷recommended) can NOT be adopted by California schools.

Here's why: stick with me (& please share)
🧵 Here's the original guidance, first posted by @CAPublicHealth on Jan 9, 2024.

We've all been up in arms by #1 that says Covid+ folks only need to stay home for 24 hrs post fever.

We all know this will lead to ⬆️ infection & ⬆️ long covid.

#3 is our 🛟…
Jan 19 6 tweets 1 min read
I know I've been fairly quiet on @CAPublicHealth's new policy allowing Covid+ students and staff be at school (without a fever, requesting they mask).

It's knocked the wind out my sails. I don't know what it means for my family but, for now, I'm still fighting.

An email:
🧵 (I feel like I've gone back in time to where all my focus was on my own kids' school. I'm begging them to not adopt this new guidance. We haven't received word yet. 🙏
This is the email I sent to my kids' principal this morning ...)
Jan 13 14 tweets 4 min read
This week @PressSec rolled their eyes at public health leadership & @CDCDirector is nowhere to be found. #WhereIsMandy

In the absence of leadership we are left to stand up, speak up, and act as citizen advocates for ourselves and others. Here are 🔟 things I did this week:
🧵 I'm sharing because it can feel lonely to be one of the few still paying attention and taking precautions.

I'm sharing because I want us to see there are many ways to help.

I'm sharing because I want you to know change is happening.

(In chronological order) ...
Dec 21, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
👋 Hi, to all my new followers. Let me introduce myself.
I am Liesl (rhymes with diesel).

My most important job is parenting my 3 children.

I started teaching in the 90s. Although I had dreamed of being a teacher since I was a child, it was a rough awakening. Image Out of survival I thrust myself into learning about learning - how does it work, when does it work, why does it work, under what conditions does it work, etc.

My fascination with how the brain learns led to me co-authoring this best-seller: Brain-Based Learning. Image
Dec 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday my 8yo had a meeting with his teacher to discuss the teacher’s unjust & inappropriate classroom management tools.

I accompanied him to this meeting to support him.

I’m so proud of him for speaking up & advocating for a more just learning space.

Here’s how it went:🧵 Background:
I can be an intimidating presence with my kids’ teachers because of my profession. I work hard to keep my mom hat on and be the most supportive parent I can be.

So when my son came home and shared about the reward jar and fuzzy pom poms that get added/removed…
Dec 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Schools were a disaster this past week. Sick kids and teachers across the US (and beyond).

STOP accepting this as inevitable this time of year. Here are things schools, teachers, and parents can do to make next week (and next month) much different.

Cuz it's gonna get worse.
🧵 🏫SCHOOLS🏫: Improve your ventilation NOW.

- Turn HVAC systems to ON (instead of AUTO) so air is constantly moving.
- Adjust your system to bring in more fresh air.
- Crack windows/doors to the outside

Put #corsirosenthalbox es in classrooms.
Nov 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

It just keeps getter better, folks.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPD) & the County of San Diego were looking for a school to host a training for ALL San Diego school leaders & facilities staff on #IAQ in schools.
🧵 Image The invitation came across my district leader's desk around the time we were having another meeting about how we can improve indoor air quality in our schools.

They jumped at the opportunity and will be hosting the event next week.

Why is this so exciting?
Oct 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
#NCTMDC23 I’m on my way!
I’ll be live tweeting throughout the weekend about the air quality in our shared spaces.


Cuz I care about your health and educating people about respiratory virus transmission. Here is your tutorial:

This is a CO2 monitor. We exhale CO2.
🧵 Image CO2 levels indicate how much of everyone’s exhaled breath is trapped in our shared spaces.

The higher the levels, the more backwash breath you are sucking in from other people.

I’m waiting to take off right now. This is not good. Image
Oct 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Next-Gen #corsirosenthalbox is here!

💨 Quieter!!
💨 Faster to build
💨 Simpler to build
💨 Still low-cost
💨 Small floor space
💨 Longer cord
💨 Only one simple connection
💨 Still highly effective & efficient

Here's how I built a new version with modular PC fans: Image Here's everything I started with.
- Four 16x20 Merv-13 filters
- Two AC-Infinity Airplate S-9 Mount Fan/Wall Fan System (dimensions 17.2x6.1x1.3 in) Image
Oct 18, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
⛪️Clean Air is Coming to Church!!⛪️

I had the most hopeful meeting today with folks at Church HQ about getting cleaner air for the 17 million folks who are members of our global church.

They have3⃣recommendations they are moving forward on. All are beyond my wildest dreams.

🧵 How did we get here?

For the past 3 years we have been gathering data (CO2 readings) in our church buildings across the world. We collected hundreds of samples and gathered all the data in a massive spreadsheet.

@citlanx has been the brains and muscle behind this project.
Oct 13, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
🔥INCREDIBLE meeting with the superintendent 🔥
re: clean air in schools!

- My week-before email campaign to prepare them
- What we discussed in the meeting
- Their suggestions for next steps (they had great ideas!)

🧵 Before I share a new resource ...

I have under-appreciated (& under-shared) the value of working with compassionate leaders with high levels of moral integrity.

My kids' principal & superintendent are exceptional human beings. They are caring leaders. I respect them deeply.
Oct 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Guess who has a meeting scheduled with the superintendent to discuss the importance of clean indoor air in schools?

How did I finally capture their attention to where THEY asked ME for a meeting? The turning point was this board meeting:

I was the first to speak during public comment. I had a #corsirosenthalbox with me that I placed right in front of the board members. I had a 3 min speech prepared. At the last minute, I tossed it out.

Sep 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
2 yrs ago today, I tried to send a CO2 monitor to school with my son for the first time. It didn't go well.

Here's what happened, how I responded, and how things are going now.

Persistence + Education = Successful advocacy
🧵 What happened?

My first attempt at getting CO2 levels from our #Aranet4 was a failure.

(Looking back, I should have done more educating first.)…
Aug 13, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
My elderly mother just tested + for Cov!d. With 3 organ transplants (1 that's failing) she is highly immunocompromised.
Her only defense was her mask, which she stopped wearing a few months ago.
I'd like to take this moment to thank several people for their contributions:
🧵 1. Family members who feed her a steady stream of misinformation. My favorite was an article claiming masks cause Long Covid (no Covid infection necessary), that ultimately convinced her to stop masking.
Jul 1, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
Team #CovidIsAirborne:

I've calculated the air changes per hour (ACH) for my kid's classroom.

Here's a lengthy 🧵on what I did and the results.

It's horrible (<2ACH) if nothing is done.
It can easily be amazing (>11ACH) for <$150. DISCLAIMER: I'm not an HVAC engineer, aerosol scientist, virologist, or anything of the sort.

Professionally, I study how the brain learns & help schools align their practices to match that.

I'm a mom of 3 kids who go to an amazing school. I want them safe.

Experts - chime in!