Did you ever take a photo & wish you'd zoomed in more or framed better? When this happens, we just crop.
Now there's a better way: Zoom Enhance -a new feature my team just shipped on Pixel. Available in Google Photos under Tools, it enhances both zoomed & un-zoomed images
Zoom Enhance is our first im-to-im diffusion model designed & optimized to run fully on-device. It allows you to crop or frame the shot you wanted, and enhance it -after capture. The input can be from any device, Pixel or not, old or new. Below are some examples & use cases
Let's say you've zoomed to the max on your Pixel 8/9 Pro and got your shot; but you wish you could get a little closer. Now you can zoom in more, and enhance.
A bridge too far to see the details? A simple crop may not give the quality you want. Zoom Enhance can come in handy.
If you've been to the Louvre you know how hard it is to get close to the most famous painting of all time.
Next time you could shoot with the best optical quality you have (5x in this case), then zoom in after the fact.
Maybe you're too far away to read a sign and can use a little help from Zoom Enhance
Like most people, I have lots of nice shots that can be even nicer if I'd framed them better. Rather than just cropping, you can now frame the shot you wanted, after the fact, and without losing out on quality.
Is the subject small and the field of view large? Zoom Enhance can help to isolate and enhance the region of interest.
Sometimes there's one or more better shots hiding within the just-average shot you took. Compose your best shot and enhance.
There's a lot of gems hidden in older, lower quality photos that you can now isolate and enhance. Like this one from some 20 years ago.
Pictures you get on social media or on the web (or even your own older photos) may not always be high quality/resolution. If they're small enough (~1MP), you can enhance them with or without cropping.
So Zoom Enhance gives you the freedom to capture the details within your photos, allowing you to highlight specific elements and focus on what matters to you.
It's a 1st step in powerful editing tools for consumer images, harnessing on-device diffusion models.
Bonus use case worth mentioning:
Using your favorite text-2-image generator you typically get a result ~1 MP resolution (left image is 1280 × 720). If you want higher resolution, you can directly upscale on-device (right, 2048 × 1152) with Zoom Enhance.
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Random matrices are very important in modern statistics and machine learning, not to mention physics
A model about which much less is known is uniformly sampled matrices from the set of doubly stochastic matrices: Uniformly Distributed Stochastic Matrices
A thread -
First, what are doubly stochastic matrices?
Non-negative matrices whose row & column sums=1.
The set of doubly stochastic matrices is also known as the Birkhoff polytope: an (n−1)² dimensional convex polytope in ℝⁿˣⁿ with extreme points being permutation matrices.
The extreme points of the Birkhoff polytope (permutations) are sparse matrices, but a typical matrix sampled from inside the polytope is by contrast, very dense
Since rows and columns are exchangeable, the entries of a sampled matrix have the same marginal distribution.
can teach a lot about some complex ideas in modern machine learning including overfitting & double-descent.
Let's assume A is n-by-p. So we have n data points and p parameters
If n ≥ p (“under-fitting” or “over-determined" case) the solution is
x̃ = (AᵀA)⁻¹ Aᵀ y
But if n < p (“over-fitting” or “under-determined” case), there are infinitely many solutions that give *zero* training error. We pick min‖x‖² norm solution:
x̃ = Aᵀ(AAᵀ)⁻¹ y
In either case, the solution can be compactly written in terms of the SVD of A:
A = USVᵀ
where U & V are orthogonal matrices of size nxn & pxp, and S is nxp & contains i = 1 to k nonzero diag elements
Image-to-image models have been called 'filters' since the early days of comp vision/imaging. But what does it mean to filter an image?
If we choose some set of weights and apply them to the input image, what loss/objective function does this process optimize (if any)?
Such filters can often be written as matrix-vector operations. Think of z, y, and the corresponding weights as vectors and you have a tidy expression relating (all) output pixels to (all) input pixels. If the filter is local (has a small footprint), most weight will be zero.
We can think of the filter z = Wy as one step in an iterative process (a diffusion if you like) involving repeated applications of W. A steepest descent step with unit step size, on some yet to be determined loss f(z). We can identify the gradient of the implicit loss easily
Images aren’t arbitrary collections of pixels -they have complicated structure, even small ones. That’s why it’s hard to generate images well. Let me give you an idea:
3×3 gray images represented as points in ℝ⁹ lie approximately on a 2-D manifold: the Klein bottle!
Images can be thought of as vectors in high-dim. It’s been long hypothesized that images live on low-dim manifolds (hence manifold learning). It’s a reasonable assumption: images of the world are not arbitrary. The low-dim structure arises due to physical constraints & laws
But this doesn’t mean the “low-dimensional” manifold has a simple or intuitive structure -even for tiny images. This classic paper by Gunnar Carlsson gives a lovely overview of the structure of data generally (and images in particular). Worthwhile reading.
We often assume bigger generative models are better. But when practical image generation is limited by compute budget is this still true? Answer is no
By looking at latent diffusion models across different scales our paper sheds light on the quality vs model size tradeoffs
We trained a range of txt-2-image LDMs & observed a notable trend: when constrained by compute budget smaller models frequently outperform their larger siblings in image quality. For example the sampling result of a 223M model can be better than results of a model 4x larger
Smaller models may never reach quality levels that large models can. Yet when operating under an inference budget, points reachable by both models may be reached more efficiently w/ smaller ones. We study the tradeoff between model size, compute, quality, & downstream tasks