Explanations of Beijing & other capitals for their officially neutral positions on the Russo-Ukrainian War continue to refer to the vagaries of NATO's enlargement since 1999. Supposedly, Russia merely reacted to this process, with its ever more aggressive assault on Ukraine.
Yet, the Chinese & similar understanding or/and presentations of the issue ignore the actual course of NATO's eastward move and Russia's material reaction to - rather than rhetorical acrobatics on - it. Counterintuitively, Moscow was & is relaxed about NATO's enlargement.
With NATO's expansions of 1999 and 2004, for instance, Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast became fully surrounded by NATO countries. Yet, at the time, there were no major material (rather than merely rhetorical) responses to this new situation - either before or after these events.
With the NATO's most recent northern enlargement of 2023-24, the NATO-Russia border approximately doubled.
Moreover, Putin's, Medvedev's & Patrushev's hometown of St. Petersburg became half-"encircled" by NATO states, i. e. by Estonia in the west & Finland in the north.
Yet, during Finland's and Sweden's NATO accession in 2022-24, Moscow was relaxed and not increasing but removing its troops in the Western and Northern Military Districts close to the Russo-Finnish border - an area now covered by the revised Leningrad Military District.
Even in its official rhetoric, Moscow did not react that negatively to NATO's 2023-24 northern enlargement. Instead, Putin himself explicitly & publicly characterized NATO & its enlargement as constituting, by themselves, no security threat to Russia.
Since completion of NATO's northern enlargement, Russia has continued moving troops away from the Kaliningrad Oblast and Russo-Finnish border. If NATO wanted to snap Russia's formerly German or Finnish lands, this would be a good moment to do so.
But NATO never wanted to, does not want to & will not want to do so. And Moscow knows that well. That is why moving Russia's troops from the borders to NATO to those of Ukraine does not decrease Russian security. Instead, Ukraine's democracy threatens Russia's autocracy.
Ukraine has neither a NATO Membership Action Plan nor any other road map to accession to NATO.
All colonialist wars of expansion were justified with good reasons by the imperial center - self-defence, historical justice, international solidarity, foreign mission...
We Germans, for instance, were just "returning fire" against the irresponsible Poles when we started - in close collaboration, secret agreement, and official friendship with Stalin's USSR (see below) - the Second World War in September 1939.
Today, Moscow, Beijing, Wagenknecht, Mearsheimer & many others around the world say that NATO enlargement is responsible for the war. But Ukraine has only its nebulous 2008 membership perspective. There was & is no chance that Ukraine actually accedes to NATO any time soon.
Other countries bordering with Russia instead had a much clearer chance to actually enter NATO. They applied thus successfully for membership, went subsequently through a more or less prolonged ratification process, and eventually acceded to the Alliance as full members.
Ukraine has been attacked by Russia although none of the above has ever applied to the Ukrainian NATO aspirations. If the popular NATO enlargement explanation for the Russo-Ukrainian War were true: Why was there no Russo-Polish War before Poland's accession to NATO in 1999?
Why was there no Russo-Estonian War before Estonia acceded in 2004? Estonia hosts the most Russian city outside Russia. The Estonian town of Narva is more Russian than Sevastopol whose Russianness is another popular explanation for the Russo-Ukrainian War's start in 2014.
Why did a Russo-Finnish War not break out when Helsinki applied successfully for NATO membership in 2022? Finland's accession is geostrategically especially consequential as Russia has a long border with this militarily formidable country close to the second Russian capital.
Instead, Putin announced that Finland's and Sweden's NATO accessions are unproblematic for Russia.
How does all that not mean that NATO enlargement is in general not seen as a national security threat in Moscow?
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Kurze Antworten zu Fragen einer Journalistin betreffs Wechselwirkungen zwischen Russisch-Ukrainischem Krieg & Eskalation im Nahen Osten:
a) Sollte die Lage zwischen der Islamischen Republik und Israel weiter eskalieren, wie könnte sich das auf den Ukraine-Krieg auswirken?
Über konkrete Auswirkungen lässt sich nur spekulieren, da die genaue Positionierung von Drittländern zu solch einer Eskalation noch offen ist. Was sich heute abzeichnet, ist ein neuer Kalter Krieg mit heißen Regionalkonflikten zwischen Demokratien & Autokratien im 21. Jhd.
b) Zudem stellt sich die Frage, ob und wie Russland seinem Freund zur Hilfe eilen würde, sollte die Lage zwischen Iran und Israel weiter eskalieren?
Das ist eine knifflige Frage. Traditionell war das Verhältnis zwischen dem postsowjetischen Russland und Israel relativ gut.
Learning today, in a discussion on India and the Russo-Ukrainian War, that misunderstanding of current Russian colonialism/"anti-colonialism" has a lot to do with world-wide remembrance of Lenin's support for anti-colonial struggle. /1
Yet, Putin took an explicitly anti-Leninist position in February 2022, justifying the full-scale invasion: "As a result of Bolshevik policy, Soviet Ukraine arose, which even today can with good reason be called 'Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's Ukraine'. He is its author & architect." /2
"This is fully confirmed by archive documents ... And now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call decommunisation. Do you want decommunisation? Well, that suits us just fine." /3
Moscow is currently arming up on a large scale, and will use its new weapons outside Russia. If we do not get our act together, the post-1945 national state system and international legal order are over.
If Russia manages to lastingly extend its borders & eliminate the Ukrainian nation, other stronger states will try to repeat in their neighborhood Putin’s trick. The weaker states will do everything - including acquisition of WMDs - to avoid Ukraine's fate.
The world will again become a madhouse and jungle - yet with far more destructive potential than before 1945.
Problematische Dokumentation "Ukraine: Krieg den Verrätern" heute bei @ARTEde:
Eine komplizierte Story um adäquate Kriegsführung, Kollaboration, Kriegstraumata, Nachbarschaftsfehde, Rache & Verrat, Mord & Selbstmord, Schuld & Sühne, konfligierende Narrative usw.
Viele aufwühlende Bilder aus den befreiten Gebieten. Thema ist allerdings, was in Zeit der Zeit vor der Befreiung während russischer Okkupation passierte oder nicht passierte.
@UkraineKompakt @DUF_Forum @UA_Institute_DE @StimmeUkraine @DerDuod @Ukrainki_UA Nicht sicher, daß solche Filme derzeit aufklären können. Das Bild ist angesichts der Unvollständigkeit von Informationen und Abwesenheit authentischer Bilder aus den russisch besetzten Gebieten, um die es letztlich geht, schräg. Kann dies zum besseren Verständnis beitragen?
A letter to current & future authors of the @ibidem11 series "Ukrainian Voices" (UAV).
Picture: Some UAV volumes presented by @ibidem11 at the 75th Frankfurt @Book_Fair, Oct 2023 .../1…
@ibidem11 @Book_Fair @MarieluiseBeck @katiapylypchuk @sasha_weirdsley @OKhromeychuk @megan_buskey @AlinaNychyk @CUPPublicity @mykhed_o @UABookInstitute @AAUS_says SUMMARY: The aim of UAV is less to popularize Ukrainian matters among the general public than to support Ukrainian studies in adult education, public schools, study organizations, intellectual associations, cultural institutes, book clubs, think-tanks, universities, etc. .../2
@ibidem11 @Book_Fair @MarieluiseBeck @katiapylypchuk @sasha_weirdsley @OKhromeychuk @megan_buskey @AlinaNychyk @CUPPublicity @mykhed_o @UABookInstitute @AAUS_says A recurring question of UAV authors about the series' books concerns their circulation, marketing, and readership: Why are our volumes not on mass sale in bookshops at airports, shopping malls, train stations etc.? .../3
A thought experiment on #NordStream and Ukraine - Thread
After one year of inconclusive investigations, the are many speculations about the perpetrators & principals of the attack against the defunct Nord Stream pipeline, on 26 September 2022... /1
@Konflikt_Sicher @GSPSipo @TerekMedia @OstAusschuss @DerDuod @Ukrinform_News @DUF_Forum @KyivDialogue @boell_secpol @BVEG_de Many journalists in Germany and elsewhere have repeatedly and extensively argued that a Ukrainian group conducted the attack on Nord Stream. Supposedly, these Ukrainians did so although the pipeline was already an industrial ruin at the time of its destruction... /2
@Konflikt_Sicher @GSPSipo @TerekMedia @OstAusschuss @DerDuod @Ukrinform_News @DUF_Forum @KyivDialogue @boell_secpol @BVEG_de If indeed a Ukrainian and not Russian principal was behind the attack and if this Ukrainian principal was driven by pro-Ukrainian motives, it would have been one of the most ridiculous terror actions in recent history... /3