๐งต Top 20 Most Shocking Moral Teachings of the Talmud with PROOF
(that help us better understand Israel's treatment of Palestinians, etc.)
(Citations from Sefaria, the authoritative online source for Jewish scriptures)
(1) All non-Jews should be killed, including women and children
But surely, this teaching is not applied in real life? Right?
Top Rabbis in Israel teach that it is moral to kill babies.
Note: These are not fringe Rabbis. They are teaching at the "top military academies in Israel."
Top Israeli officials consider it moral to starve 2 million Palestinians, including countless women and children.
Again, not fringe nobodies. Top officials who are very popular in Israel.
The UN reports that women and children are disproportionately killed by Israel.
This is the Talmud in practice.
(2) When fighting a war, Jews are entitled to rape non-Jewish women and children on the battlefield
The chief Rabbi of the IDF is on record saying that battlefield rape is permissible.
Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian children is a rampant problem in Israel.
(3) There is no legal penalty for killing non-Jews, even outside of warfare.
Israeli settlers murdered 3600 Palestinians between 2010 and 2019.
According to rights groups, only 6% led to charges, not even convictions!
They say this is deliberate state policy to let Jewish terrorists go free.
Jewish terrorist Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians praying in a mosque.
He is considered by many Israelis to be a hero, including the Israeli official Ben Gvir, who has a portrait of Goldstein in his home.
Pictured: Jewish man kissing Goldstein's tomb, a national monument in Israel.
(4) Non-Jews are subhuman animals
Israeli officials and media openly describe Palestinians and Arabs as animals, to be exterminated.
At the top military academics, Rabbis teach that Jews are genetically superior to non-Jews. This is why non-Jews should be enslaved.
Mainstream government officials in Israel often go on record making Jewish supremacist statements.
These officials are not punished for blatant racism. They are rewarded with even more popularity.
(5) Blacks (Kushi) are an inferior race, and have been cursed by God with dark skin and ugliness
Rampant anti-black racism at the highest levels.
(6) Because blacks (Kushi) are racially inferior, even if they convert they are not to be treated like other Jews
This was a Black man who was also Jewish. But that didn't matter. He was Black, so a Jewish man murdered him.
The Guardian reports on the forced mass sterilization program against Black immigrants in Israel.
(7) It is permissible to have sex with 3-year-old girls
This is a rampant issue in Israel.
Child molesters flee to Israel.
Israel's government is not interested in stopping child trafficking.
Only one indictment, not even conviction, in a whole year.
(8) If a Jew rapes a non-Jewish child (e.g., 3-year-old), the child is to be executed.
Note: This is not from the Talmud. This is from the Mishneh Torah, one of the most authoritative books of Jewish law, by Maimonides.
Over 20 Jewish soldiers abducted a non-Jewish girl, gangraped her over three days, then killed her.
"It was decided and carried out: they washed her, cut her hair, raped her and killed her," he wrote.
"she was taken from the hut and forced to shower naked in full view of the soldiers. Three of the men then raped her."
"After the Sabbath meal the platoon commander [...] proposed a vote on what should be done with her.
"Most of the 20 or so soldiers present voted for the alternative by chanting: "We want to fuck". The commander organised a rota for groups of his men to gang rape the girl over the next three days. Moshe and one of his sergeants went first, leaving the girl unconscious. Next morning, she complicated matters by protesting about her treatment. Moshe told one of his sergeants to kill her."
(9) There is no legal penalty for sodomizing young boys (some rabbis have different views)
"The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years.
"In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant.
"The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, unclesโfigures of male authority. The victims, like those of Catholic priests, are mostly boys."
Once again, Israel is at the forefront of upholding the Talmudic rules.
(10) The penalty for homosexuality between two adults is to kill the perpetrators by throwing them off a high place (e.g., a roof).
Go to Sanhedrin 45a to read the full context, since it can't fit in one screenshot.
Religious Jews in Israel take matters into their own hands.
(11) It is permissible to steal from non-Jews
(some rabbis have different views)
Here is one example of this teaching in practice. But there is a lot more...
Stealing Palestinian land systematically.
They believe God has given them permission to steal.
Religious Jewish man went viral for walking into Palestinian woman's home and saying "If I don't steal your home, someone else will steal it."
(12) It is permissible to cheat non-Jews by refusing to pay back their loans
(some rabbis have different views)
Were Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried following this teaching of the Talmud?
(13) It is permissible to cheat non-Jewish employees by refusing to pay them their wages
(some rabbis have different views)
Palestinian workers in Israel are constantly cheated by their employers.
(14) It is permitted to cheat people in non-Jewish societies by engaging in tax evasion
(some rabbis have different views)
Trump pardoning the Kushners was a massive scandal during his presidency.
Most American Jews follow the law, of course, but a minority seem to be following the Talmudic permissions.
(15) It is generally permitted to lie to non-Jews when it is in the interests of Jews
(some rabbis have different views)
The Oct 7 claims of mass rape were revealed by mainstream journalists and an official UN report to be a complete lie.
The "40 beheaded babies" lie will never be forgotten.
(16) When a Jew commits a crime against a non-Jew, other Jews must work to conceal it. Any Jew who reports the crime is to be assassinated.
This is the Law Against Mesira (Whistleblowing)
It is found in the Talmud Bava Kamma 117a. Screenshot is from Mishneh Torah.
Some Jewish news sites have recently reported on Jewish mafias and their criminal activities.
Note: All religious groups have criminals. However, the Talmud is unique in permitting certain criminal behaviors and prohibiting whisteblowers (snitching).
The popular site "My Jewish Learning" reports on Jewish organized crime.
Concealing crimes is a big part of Israeli media operations, as reported by @trtworld
The ADL works with Big Tech to censor discussion of Israeli criminality.
The ADL was founded to defend convicted child rapist Leo Frank and whitewash his crimes.
The "community note" pointed out Leo Frank's crimes, but these facts were deemed "antisemitic" and censored.
(17) Although the Talmud forbids certain evil acts, it also gives advice on how to commit them.
If a person has a strong desire to do a forbidden act, he must do it secretly โ ideally in a faraway place.
They committed their child trafficking in a "faraway place," just as the Talmud suggests.
(18) Jews have an obligation to kill all โidolatersโ in the world and destroy all non-Jewish religions. This includes an obligation to kill all Christians, whose religion is considered idolatry.
Christians in Israel are constantly attacked.
Systematic killing of Christians by the IDF.
They deliberately bombed one of the oldest churches in the world.
(19) In the future, when the promised Jewish messiah comes, all non-Jews will be made into slaves under Jewish masters
Each master will have 2800 slaves.
The New Republic quotes the "moral wisdom" of chief Rabbi Israel, Ovadia Yosef:
โGoyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world โ only to serve the People of Israel,โ he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon...
โIn Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person โ they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that oneโs donkey would die, theyโd lose their money."
(20) Non-Jews are not allowed to know about Judaism, and should be killed for studying it.
So if anything happens to me suddenly, you'll know...
FINAL NOTE: Many Jews reject the Talmud and actively criticize it. Do not demonize all Jews!!
This thread is only to bring awareness to the teachings of a religious text that has had real implications for oppressed victims around the world, mostly Palestinians, who are currently being genocided by the Israeli state, with US funding. Pray for them!
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Since I am nonstop posting about this deviant sect, let me define who they are for those who are unfamiliar.
"Wahhabi" refers to Muslims who follow the deviant teachings of 18th century figure Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
What makes Ibn Abd al-Wahhab deviant is he follows in the footsteps of the kharijites, who were the first deviant group of Islam.
The kharijites were deviant because they declared the majority of Muslims to be disbelievers and waged jihad against them, murdering them and stealing their property.
Ibn Abd-Wahhab revived this murderous ideology in the 18th century.
He declared that the vast majority of Muslims and scholars of his time were kafir apostates. This is because only he understands tawhid in the whole world. So only he and his followers are actually Muslim.
After declaring the Muslim world to be kafir, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab proceeded to declare jihad against the Ottoman Empire. Him and his murderous band of followers proceeded to commit massacres in many Muslim cities, not only in central Arabia, but also Mecca, Madina, Iraq, and Syria.
THREAD: Are Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taymyyia kafir mushriks who deserve to be killed according to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (MIAW)?
Supporters of MIAW claim that he followed Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taymiyya in aqida. But this is demonstrably false.
According to MIAW's aqida, both Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taymiyya are kafir mushriks who deserved to be killed for apostasy.
In this thread, I will justify this with citations inshaAllah.
At the end of the thread, I will test the supporters of MIAW to check if they have sound aqida or not.
In MIAW's book Kashf al-Shubuhat, MIAW says that the pagan mushriks called out to the righteous, prophets, trees, and also ANGELS AND JINN.
โ[And] just as they (the Mushriks) used to also call upon [Allah] day and night, then amongst them were those who would call upon the angels for intercession on account of their righteousness and nearness to Allah. They also called upon the righteous people, such as al-Lat or to a prophet such as Isa. [...]
โAnd when you have come to know that their [mere] affirmation of Tawhid al-Rububiyya did not enter them into Islam, and that their seeking the Angels, or the Prophets, or the Righteous, seeking their intercession and seeking nearness to Allah through all of that was the reason that made their blood and wealth lawful.
โ[When you have come to know all of these affairs], then you will have come to know [the true nature] of the Tawhid which the Messengers invited to and which the Mushriks refused to affirm and accept. And this Tawhid is the meaning of โLa ilaha illa Allahโ. For a deity in the view of the mushriks is the one who is sought for the sake of these affairs, whether it be an angel, a prophet, a tree, a grave or a jinn.โ
While MIAW considered it an act of shirk, Imam Ahmad believed it was permissible to call out to angels, seeking their aid, and he did this himself on at least one occasion.
There is a famous hadith which legitimates calling out for help to angels as โslaves of Allah.โ Although the authenticity of this hadith is questioned, it is clear that some major early scholars like Imam Ahmad accepted it. This is reported by his son.
โโAbdullah the son of Imam Ahmad said: โI heard my father say: โI performed Hajj five times, twice riding and three times walking [...]. I lost my way during one Hajj and I was walking, so I began to call out: O slaves of Allah show me the way! I kept doing that until I found the road.โโ
[Abdullah ibn Ahmad Imam Ahmad, Masaโil al-Imam Ahmad]
MEGA THREAD: The Kharijism of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (MIAW) and How Some of His Follower Do Taqiyya to Hide His Views from the Public, While Avoiding Debate
MIAW is on record as saying he discovered the meaning of Tawhid, and that no one understood it before him.
He considered all the Muslims around him to be kafir mushriks.
MIAW and his followers then began to spread his new ideas about tawhid by teaching books on tawhid and aqida written by MIAW (this process continues to this day).
Based on his new ideas about Tawhid, MIAW made mass takfir of Muslims, declared them to be kafir mushriks, and claimed he had an obligation to fight them, kill them, take their wealth, and take their women in jihad.
He also denied these Muslims any type of al-udhr bi-l-jahl (excuse of ignorance).
In holding these views, MIAW promoted a type of doctrine similar to kharijism.
This is why virtually all the scholars of his time called him a khariji deviant at war with Ahl al-Sunna.
Nevertheless, MIAW and his followers developed a practice of intentionally concealing their beliefs with a type of taqiyya.
They would sometimes tell outsiders that they did not takfir Muslims and gave them al-udhr bi-l-jahl. This continues on to this day.
Owing to their lies and taqiyya, some scholars (like al-San`ani) initially praised them, but then later denounced them once they discovered their reality.
In order to avoid being discovered, MIAW's followers also developed a practice of avoiding public debates (which continues on to this day).
Here is exhaustive evidence for these points.
NOTE: I am not saying all the current supporters of MIAW are deliberately hiding MIAW's true beliefs. Most of them are just unaware of all of MIAW's writing and his life story because there has been a massive propaganda effort to conceal the true history and beliefs of MIAW by the Saudi state over many decades.
But some of MIAW's followers do know his true beliefs and they secretly do takfir the vast majority of the Ummah for not having "correct" aqida. These followers are the ones doing taqiyya.
Here are four clear examples but there are many others:
Declaring that the those who live in the Ottoman lands are kafir mushrikin, MIAW says:
"Do not neglect seeking and learning about Tawhid, using the Book of Allah, and reflecting deeply upon it. You have heard in the Book of Allah what provides lessons, such as their saying: "We are monotheists; we know that Allah is the One who gives benefit and harm, and that the prophets and others have no power to bring benefit or harm. But we only seek intercession." And you have heard how Allah has clarified the response to this in His Book, as well as what the scholars of tafsir and knowledge have said.
"You have also heard the polytheists say: "Shirk is the worship of idols, but not the worship of the righteous." And you have heard their claim: "We seek only from Allah, but we use their status [as intermediaries]." You have also heard what Allah has mentioned in response to all of this.
"Allah has blessed you with the acknowledgment of the scholars of the polytheists [i.e., scholars of the apparent Muslims] regarding all of this. You have heard their admission that the practices taking place in the Two Holy Sanctuaries [Makka and Madina], Basra, Iraq, and Yemen are acts of shirk [i.e., associating] with [Allah]. They have admitted to you that the religion whose people they support -- and who they claim are the great majority โ they have admitted to you that their religion [i.e., that of apparent Muslims] is [in fact] shirk.
"They have also admitted to you that the Tawhid they strive to extinguish, and strive to kill and imprison its adherents, is the religion of Allah and His Messenger. This admission from them against themselves is one of the greatest signs of Allah and one of His greatest blessings upon you. No doubt remains with this, except for a dead heart upon which Allah has placed a seal. And for such a heart, there is no way out."
Declaring that Ottoman empire and Makka are kafir muskriks, MIAW says:
"The second matter is disbelief in what they worship other than Allah. And the meaning of that is takfir of the musrikin. So whoever does not make takfir upon the mushrikin of the turkish state [i.e. the Ottoman Muslims] and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and [upon] others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawhid of Allah for shirk and exchanged the Sunna of his Messenger with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion und hates them and loves Islam and its people.'
"This is so because the one who does not takfir the mushrikin does not accept the Quran as true. The Quran has made takfir of the musrikin, and commanded [us] to make takfir of them, and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
Declaring that the vast majority of Syrian Muslims are kafir mushriks who worship Ibn Arabi, MIAW says:
"And their leader is Ibn Arabi. Do they think that [the Syrians] do not say โThere is no god but Allah?โ But he came from Syria, [where] they worship Ibn Arabi, placing an idol on his grave that they worship. I do not mean all the people of Syria -far be it from me to claim that! Rather, there will always remain a group upon the truth, even if they are few and become strangers."
MIAW claims that the majority of the Najd and Hijaz do not know Islam and deny the resurrection, implying they are kafirs. MIAW says:
"It is known regarding the people of our land [i.e. Najd] and the land of al-Hijaz, that those who reject the resurrection are more than those who believe in it, and those who do not know the religion are more than those who know it, and those who do not pray are more than those who pray, and those who refuse to pay zakat are more than those who pay it."
The mass takfir mentioned in the quotes above is strong proof of this. But here are two additional quotes;
MIAW says:
[Doubt Regarding the Takfir of a Specific Person for Whom the Proof Has Been Established]
"To proceed: What you mentioned regarding the statement of the Shaykh, "Whoever denies such-and-such, and the proof has been established for him," and your doubt concerning whether the proof has been established for these taghuts and their followers, this is indeed surprising. How can you doubt this when I have clarified it to you repeatedly?!
"The one for whom the proof has not been established is the one who is new to Islam, or the one who was raised in a distant desert, or if it is concerning a subtle matter, such as issues related to sarf [a form of sorcery] and โatf [another form of sorcery], then such a person is not declared a disbeliever until they are made aware of it.
"As for the fundamentals of the religion (usul al-din), which Allah has clarified and made firm in His Book, Allahโs proof is the Qur'an. Whoever the Qur'an reaches, the proof has reached him. However, the root of the confusion lies in your failure to distinguish between the establishment of the proof (qiyam al-hujjah) and the understanding of the proof (fahm al-hujjah).
"Most disbelievers and hypocrites among the Muslims have not understood Allahโs proof, even though it has been established for them, as Allah, the Most High, said:
"Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are like cattle; rather, they are even more astray in their way." [Quran 25:44].
"The establishment of the proof is one matter, and its reaching someone is another matter. It has been established for them, but their understanding of it is a separate matter. Their disbelief occurs due to the proof reaching them, even if they do not understand it.
"If this remains unclear to you, consider the Prophetโs ๏ทบ statement about the Khawarij: โWherever you meet them, kill them,โ and his saying: โThey are the worst of those killed under the heavens.โ This was despite them existing during the era of the Companions. One would belittle the actions of the Companions in comparison to theirs, and it was agreed that what expelled them from the religion was their extremism and interpretation (ijtihad), even though they thought they were obeying Allah. The proof had reached them, but they did not understand it.
"Similarly, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) killed those who believed in his divinity and burned them with fire, even though they were students of the Companions. Despite their acts of worship, prayer, and fasting, they thought they were upon the truth.
"The same applies to the consensus of the Salaf regarding the takfir of the extreme Qadariyyah and others, despite their knowledge, intense worship, and belief that they were doing good. None of the Salaf hesitated to declare them disbelievers just because they did not understand, for indeed, none of these individuals understood.
"If you know this, then what you are dealing with is disbelief: people worshipping taghuts, opposing the religion of Islam, and claiming that it is not apostasy because they might not have understood the proof. All of this is clear.
"Even more evident than the aforementioned is the example of those whom Ali burned, for it is similar to this. As for sending the statements of the Shafi'is and others, it is not to be imagined that anything more [definitive] will come to you than what has already reached you. If some confusion still remains with you, then turn to Allah, the Most High, and ask Him to remove it from you."
"And it also teaches you great fear; for if you understand that a person can commit disbelief (yakfur) with a single word that comes from his tongue โ and he may say it while being ignorant, and he is not excused for his ignorance - or he may say it while thinking it brings him closer to Allah, just as the disbelievers thought.
"Especially if Allah inspires you to reflect on what He narrated about the people of Moses, despite their righteousness and knowledge, when they came to him and said: "Make for us a god just as they have gods" [Quran 7:138]. At that point, your fear will intensify, as will your desire for that which saves you from this and its like."
THREAD: The Deviant Takfiri Ideology of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab
The modern Salafi movement is heterogeneous. It is shaped by three key figures: Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyya, and Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab (1703โ1792) .
Most Salafis actually focus on Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya but know little about the teachings of Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab. Indeed, constant efforts are made to conceal these teachings because they are so deviant and so shocking.
In reality, people like Jake, Proving Islam, Wajdi, and Rabbi Faris are either heavily influenced by Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab or allied with others who are heavily influenced by Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab.
When these individuals talk about teaching Tawhid and Aqida, what they really mean is teaching the deviant takfiri views of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, which are contained in texts like Kitab al-Tawhid and Kashf al-Shubuhat.
Consider the following basic facts about Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's life.
(1) He declared that he discovered the meaning of Tawhid and that no one else in his era understood its meaning.
(2) He declared that the people of the entire Muslim world - including Makka, Madina, Egypt, and Syria - had become kafir mushriks because they did not understand his ideas about Tawhid.
(3) He declared that the Muslims of his era were farther from Islam, and worse mushriks than the pre-Islamic pagans who had explicitly rejected Islam made war against the Prophet Muhammad ๏ทบ.
(4) He claimed that he an an Islamic duty to fight all the mushriks in Muslims lands, kill them, and take their wealth in a jihad.
(5) He denied that mushriks claiming to be Muslim had any kind of excuse for their ignorance of Tawhid (al-'Udhr bi-l-Jahl). (Although this fact is commonly concealed by apologists using incomplete and misleading quotations from Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's writings).
Let us look at some key quotes from Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab.
Only He Understands Tawhid
Ibn โAbd al-Wahhab says:
I will tell you about myself โ I swear by Allah, the One besides whom there is no deity worthy of worship - I sought knowledge, and those who knew me thought that I had understanding. But at that time, I did not know the meaning of โLa ilaha illa Allahโ, nor did I know the religion of Islam before this blessing that Allah bestowed on me. Likewise, none of my teachers knew it.
Whoever among the scholars of Al-'Arid claims that they knew the meaning of โLa ilaha illa Allahโ or understood the meaning of Islam before this time, or whoever claims that one of their teachers knew it, has lied, fabricated, deceived the people, and praised themselves for something they do not possess.
Do not neglect seeking and learning about Tawhid, using the Book of Allah, and reflecting deeply upon it. You have heard in the Book of Allah what provides lessons, such as their saying: "We are monotheists; we know that Allah is the One who gives benefit and harm, and that the prophets and others have no power to bring benefit or harm. But we only seek intercession." And you have heard how Allah has clarified the response to this in His Book, as well as what the scholars of tafsir and knowledge have said.
You have also heard the polytheists say: "Shirk is the worship of idols, but not the worship of the righteous." And you have heard their claim: "We seek only from Allah, but we use their status [as intermediaries]." You have also heard what Allah has mentioned in response to all of this.
Allah has blessed you with the acknowledgment of the scholars of the polytheists regarding all of this. You have heard their admission that the practices taking place in the Two Holy Sanctuaries [Makka and Madina], Basra, Iraq, and Yemen are acts of shirk [i.e., associating] with [Allah]. They have admitted to you that the religion whose people they support -- and who they claim are the great majority โ they have admitted to you that their religion is [in fact] shirk.
They have also admitted to you that the Tawhid they strive to extinguish, and strive to kill and imprison its adherents, is the religion of Allah and His Messenger. This admission from them against themselves is one of the greatest signs of Allah and one of His greatest blessings upon you. No doubt remains with this, except for a dead heart upon which Allah has placed a seal. And for such a heart, there is no way out.
๐งต How to Acquire Child Slaves by Sodomizing Them According to the Talmud
This photo of a Jewish soldier menacing a Palestinian child has gone viral.
But what's the story here?
The Talmud says it is permissible for Jews to kidnap non-Jewish children and make them slaves.
The Talmud views non-Jewish children as akin to animals.
So just as a Jew may acquire an animal roaming about, he may do the same to acquire a non-Jewish child as a slave. (Kiddushin 22b)
So how does sodomy come into play?
First, we have to understand the full context.
In this passage, the Rabbis explain how to acquire slaves through possession. The point here is, if a slave does some kind of work for you, you acquire him or her as a slave.
๐งต Judaism's Hebrew Bible promises that Jews will rule over non-Jews.
It says Jews are entitled to conquer and enslave all other peoples and permits them to slaughter women and children.
It also says they will rule by spreading fear and terror among all other peoples.
Although the Quran does endorse a type of religious imperialism (jihad), the ideas of the Hebrew Bible go far beyond anything found in the Quran.
Nevertheless, the Western media propagates the notion that the Quran is "dangerous," whereas the Hebrew Bible is simply a source of "ancient wisdom" (despite what we actually see in places like Gaza).
Deuteronomy 15:6-
Jews are entitled to rule over non-Jewish nations.
Deuteronomy 2:25-
Jews will rule over non-Jews through terror and inflicting anguish.