@MaxwellFrostFL * Edit: the third speaker was not from the coal industry. He’s a journalist @heyjohnrussell w a big TikTok following who’s from Appalachia who sometimes covers coal. Oops! (and sorry.) Worth a listen.
I’ve done a lot of genealogy for my family. We have military service members over the years on both sides, but it’s my mother’s side where I have ancestors who lost sons and grandsons in war, defending the US. Here are a few whom I am thinking about today. #MemorialDay2021 1/
In the Civil War an uncle and nephew, roughly the same age, left Iowa and went off to defend the Union. They died after battles at Miliken’s Bend and Vicksburg. 2/
Another distant uncle had come to the US as a child from Germany, when his family fled the draft and unrest in the Rhine valley. He served in the Civil War and died following the Siege of Corinth on his 19th birthday. #MemorialDay2021 3/