🧵*Content of below #LaborDayWeekend thread is my opinion.
1/ In the late 1980s, I was a college student working part-time as a supermarket cashier. We had a regular customer who paid for her groceries with food stamps.
2/ This lady, I'm guessing she was about 30, had two young boys that were often with her when shopping. The boys had holes in their clothing and her hands had calluses. Anyway, this mom and her boys always seemed happy, fun-loving and appreciative. She had an infectious laugh.
3/ I never knew her complete story. But as a cashier, I recognized the regulars and she was often far more pleasant than many customers.
When it wasn't too busy we chatted and over a few weeks, I learned she worked multiple jobs as a waitress, office cleaning lady and caretaker.
4/ Our store manager, a Republican often debated politics with me. Somehow, even as he was my boss, we developed this rapport where he would pick issue fights with me but still let me have my say. He would joke, "You're a stupid college liberal but at least your a good cashier."
5/ He often hovered and scowled when I rang this woman up on my cashier line. One day I asked him why. His response, "She's too damn happy. A lady like that on food stamps with kids should have the decency to show misery and shame. My taxes are paying for that bitch's laugh."
6/ The cold cruelty of his response shook me. At 19, I was still very green.
I'm guessing he was in his 40s. I remember he was married. Although we argued politics, we also often had pleasant exchanges talking sports or he shared experiences from rock concerts he attended.
7/ Soon after my mom called me at my dorm on the phone. I told my mom what happened. Mom who taught special education in the Bronx for 30 years said, "Honey, I've seen that so much. People resent others who get help. Especially if its women. They think they should be punished."
8/ Much of my political education came from my dad. But that sagacious observation my mom shared made me aware and observant of this peculiar sadism among a cross section of Americans.
That memory has me thinking today about labor, democracy, happiness and freedom.
9/ So what does freedom mean to you?
Ultimately, how any society defines freedom also defines its cultural ethos and civic character.
America's labor movement that we honor #LaborDayWeekend, is really part of a larger struggle to redefine terms of debate over freedom itself.
10/ Simply put, only broad based prosperity can truly facilitate liberty and justice for all.
Without broad based prosperity, freedom is reduced to a commodity to be rationed as the capital owning class sees fit to preserve its wealth, privilege, and dominance.
11/ Franklin Roosevelt attempted to reframe the terms of debate with his Four Freedoms Speech to congress on 1/6/41 (see below).
Freedom from Want and Fear are what I often refer to as kaleidoscope freedoms as we all have our unique perspectives on FDR Freedom numbers 3 and 4.
12/ FDR was a protagonist in the fight against authoritarianism abroad as well as the struggle to overcome greedy "sunshine patriot" plutocrats at home. Plutocrats screamed that FDR's ambitions to enact a "New Deal" to provide a social safety net for workers was evil communism.
13/ Dixiecrats within the Democratic Party during FDR's presidency ensured that only whites initially benefitted from New Deal programs to facilitate Freedom from Want and Fear.
Nonetheless, FDR's New Deal established a seminal marker on defining freedom's terms of debate.
14/ FDR's coalition consolidated a center of political gravity that from the bottom up true freedom meant opportunity to earn a good living and retire with dignity and security. Within those defined terms, liberals pushed to expand boundaries for people of color and women.
15/ President Dwight Eisenhower essentially conceded those terms of debate. However, since FDR, kleptocracy con artists have exploited racism and misogny to redefine the freedom debate to favor wealthy elites living off passive income over everyone else.
16/ Ronald Reagan with his racist lies about "welfare Cadillac queens" pushed the center of debate over freedom in a punitive direction. Freedom as defined by Reagan was liberty from giving a damn about anyone other than yourself.
17/ So if you were born into big agricultural industry wealth you could benefit from government subsidies, dominate the grocery market, bleed consumers dry and be celebrated as a "job creator" while paying less in taxes than wage earners. If anyone complained, play the race card.
18/ If you did manage to cross over from humble beginnings, you were told it was all your doing and contributions others made from paying taxes for education or highway construction had no impact on your success. You had a permission structure to scapegoat others for struggling.
19/ When Newt Gingrich's party prevailed in the 1994, I distinctly remember him saying, "The Constitution guarantees life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Not the Department of Happiness. Not the government happiness program."
He said this in a condescending triumphant tone.
20/ Translation, if you're not happy, living pay check to pay check, and afraid, that's your problem. If you're a person of color living in a neighborhood in which police shoot people because of their skin color without actually giving a damn about your safety it's your fault.
21/ Protection from institutional racism and misogny that doesn't allow women to earn equal pay for equal work is not actually in the Constitution. Only the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is guaranteed.
Life experience however tells us that's not true freedom.
22/ If you have to fear both racist cops and criminals as people of color often do, you're not truly free. If you're forced to make massive financial and career sacrifices to look after elderly parents, you're not truly free. Kids scared of getting shot at school are not free.
23/ Doctors fearing incarceration for giving pregnant women life saving treatment are not free. Trans kids beaten up for using the bathroom are not free. Librarians terrorized for safeguarding books such as "The Diary of Anne Frank" or "Fahrenheit 451" are not free.
24/ All of us bled from price gouging corp monopolies are not truly free. Moms like the one I encountered in the late 1980s who provoke resentment for daring not to be ashamed are not free if they're punished for it.
Joe Biden's legacy is enabling a new pro-worker paradigm.
25/ Now #HarrisWalz offer America an opportunity to live, love and learn without fear and move forward with the following:
1/ Moses led ancient Israelites from bondage to the promised land's doorstep.
An aging Moses then handed the baton to Joshua, who crossed Israelites over to the land of milk and honey.
2/ Someday, @JoeBiden's passing the baton to @KamalaHarris will be looked upon as we view the biblical reference to Moses and Joshua.
Joe Biden inherited a catastrophe. Our country's physical health, economy, institutions, and global alliances had to be stitched back together.
3/ A lizard brained sex predator and Russian intel asset seized power in 2016 and nearly crippled our country.
Under the depraved leadership of Trump's high LQ (Lizard Quotient), low IQ and EQ (Emotional Quotient) administration, America was sucking wind.
🧵Content of #LaborDayWeekend thread below is my opinion.
1/ Who were we? Who are we now? What shall we become?
Answer is most of us were and remain wage earners put at risk by our own prejudices. There is a better way.
2/ Whether it was plantation overseers beating slaves to earn crumbs, factory workers, service industry wage earners or modern office drones getting their souls sucked dry in cubicles, our lives have always been rigged by elites rationing our freedom.
3/ Abolitionists, labor organizers, and civic minded patriots have often found themselves in a defensive crouch against those who exploit cultural and racial differences among America's diverse mosiac.
Why? To prevent an inclusive populist coalition from coming together.
1/ It was the fall of 1982. NFL players were in the midst of a seven week strike and my dad was watching one of those evangelical preacher scam artists on cable TV. It was a teaching moment.
2/ Today, August 24th would have been my dad's 90th birthday and random memories are popping up like this one.
NFL player's strike had disrupted our Sunday routine. Nonetheless, dad was an observant yet liberal Jew, so I was confused as to why he was watching this preacher.
3/ Dad like many Jewish Americans felt threatened by the assault on separation of church and state waged by the so called "moral majority."
At 13, thanks largely to him, I was already a political current news events junkie thinking about larger issues.
1/ I've struggled to finish this🧵 numerous times since JD Vance's 2021 comments about "childless cat ladies" resurfaced. What he said is also hurtful to us childless lonely men.
2/ People waging their finger at you about being alone or not having kids is inexcusably cruel, condescending and insulting.
We all have unique back stories, traumas and circumstances that shape our lives. And there are moments when being single and alone cut to the bone.
3/ One such moment happened to me just prior to Covid sheltering NY in place. I was in Astoria Queens scheduling a colonoscopy for February 2020 at a GI doctor's office. A young woman passed on info I needed. She then tells me it's required I be accompanied to the procedure.
1/ Lizard Brain. It's the most primitive part of our mind regulating survival urges and instincts warning of danger. It's our inner lizard that controls our desires and responses to threats.
2/ We all have a lizard brain. Indeed, we all need it to live. Our impulses to mate, feed, fight or flee, stem from the always alert inner lizard in our minds. Our inner lizard also helps us survive winner take all hostile social environments such as middle school or an office.
3/ Example, as a financial crimes compliance professional, I depend on my inner lizard. Investigating transactional activity that facilitates crimes such as human trafficking while surviving backstabbing corporate politics is a job for my inner lizard.
Roaring whiney white men has defined the GOP since 1964. It's now been 60 years of the GOP offering nothing of value to most Americans. That's all they got.
2/ Their decades long misogynistic and xenophobic primal scream has been a cultural weapon of mass destruction. The real purpose of their white men hear us roar paradigm was to dupe working people into accepting a grotesquely unfair risk/reward life ratio.
3/ It's a formula Republicans adopted from racist Dixiecrats within the Democratic Party. Remarkably, whiney roaring white men racism facilitated acceptance of cultural misogny from white women. Meanwhile, their misogynistic patriarchy was embraced by too many non-white men.