Fidelis To Justice Profile picture
Liberal. Democrat. Yankees, Jets, Knicks, StarTrek & Classic Rock. Blocked by Rudy Giuliani. #BLM #ONEV1 #ResistanceUnited NO LISTS & NO DMs UNLESS I KNOW YOU!
Diana Roby Profile picture MK Griffith Profile picture SJSThompson 👩‍🦽🌈💚💙#LandBack #SlavaUkraine🚫DM Profile picture 🇺🇸 Digital Warrior 🇺🇸 Real Patriot Not MAGA Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 20 22 tweets 5 min read
🧵Below thread is my opinion.

1/ Dear Fellow Activists,

We're not uber wealthy mega donors. Rather, what we have invested in our democracy is sweat equity as well as our own "small donations."


2/ Hence, my angry letter posted on this platform yesterday to Senator Schumer and Speaker Emeritus Pelosi. Like many of you, I have devoted decades of free labor, precious spare time, and yes, $$$ I could have saved for retirement to Democratic candidates because I give a damn.
Jul 19 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content below is a letter I'm posting.


1/ Dear @SenSchumer & @SpeakerPelosi,

I'm not a mega party donor. Nor am I part of the beltway careerist crowd or corp media hacks sucking from your access tit for their milk $. 2/ I am merely one of those activists you think you know better than. I'm 55 and have registered voters and raised small donations for Dem candidates since my teens. Senator Schumer, as a New Yorker, I knocked on many doors to help you defeat Al D'Amato's corrupt machine in '98.
Jul 13 25 tweets 6 min read
🧵* Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ Are any of you familiar with the horseshoe theory? It's supposedly where extremes of the far right and left "rabble" intersect. There is credibility to this theory.
#VetsResist 2/ Antisemitism and destructive protectionist economic policies for example appeal to left/right extremes of the political spectrum.

But there's another equally awful horseshoe. It exists within the establishment elites of mainstream parties that embrace a "we know best" ethos.
Jul 6 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ If I did a good job on this thread, even the simplest of simpletons will get it.

Laws and people with authority to tell us no are vital because we all have an inner gangster.
#VetsResist 2/ Even as most of us are capable of empathy and generosity, most of us at the same time have darkness inside of us too.

Overall, most of us in our actions are not overtly courageous or villainous. Rather, most of us follow the wind's direction and look after our own.
Jul 4 23 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ All day I've been remembering our bicentennial in 1976. I was seven and grew up in a little hamlet in Rockland Country that had historical monuments to the Revolutionary War.
#VetsResist 2/ My memory is a little fuzzy but I recall attending a celebration near the '76 House with my mom where I grew up. Red, White & Blue ice cream sandwiches were served and dramatic reenactments with actors wearing powdered wigs took place. It was fun.
Jul 4 22 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ Remember when George W Bush's DOJ dismissed seven US Attorneys on December 7, 2006? Way back then, GOP launched an assault against democracy as we slept.
#VetsResist… 2/ @joshtpm and his team of investigative journalists essentially exposed that AG Alberto Gonzales fired seven US Attorneys who refused to prosecute allegations of voter fraud. The seven were either Republicans or conservative leaning independents.…
Jun 29 23 tweets 6 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ All national elections are about choosing which gang is in charge of the levers of public institutional power. Character of the titular leader defines that gang's ethos.
#VetsResist Image 2/ All elections in 2024 America are national. Republican Party has made even elections to local school boards a violent life and death struggle over what history children read, whether they should be vaccinated and what kid is allowed to use which bathroom.
Jun 23 26 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ In 1964, Associate SCOTUS Justice Potter Stewart when asked to describe his test for obscenity famously responded, "I know it when I see it."
#VetsResist… 2/ Beyond the debate of what is artistic or obscene expression, this quote reveals just how much impact flawed subjective human bias, prejudice and motivation of one Justice can have.

Indeed, a SCOTUS majority can exploit a case to categorize whatever it dislikes as offensive.
Jun 8 27 tweets 7 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ Decades of activist experience has convinced me only by branding Democrats as the freedom party can we move our center of political gravity toward an inclusive populism.
#VetsResist Image 2/ It is the singular message to engage and persuade small town rural America, independent conservative leaning voters, our core urban/suburban metro base and disillusioned progressives. Other strategies and messaging, well intentioned as they may be, is ineffectual noise.
Jun 7 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ If I had a child who's recovery from drug addiction was jeopardized by sanctimonious sadistic political adversaries, there is no way could I summon any grace.
#VetsResist 2/ We all know if Hunter's last name were "Smith" there would be no trials regarding his gun purchase or for tax offenses that had already been remediated via payment over $1 million of a tax liability that no longer needed to be collected.
Jun 2 25 tweets 6 min read
🧵Thread below is in the voice of Star Trek DS9 character, Garak to make a broader point.

Dearest Humans,

1/ I know a thing or two about lying. As a legendary operative for Cardassia's Obsidian Order, lying was my trade.
#VetsResist 2/ My father, Enabran Tain was the head of the Obsidian Order. All I ever wanted was his approval and acceptance. So I told lies that toppled planetary governments opposed to Cardassia's empire and preserve our orderly state.

Lying you see becomes a kind of drug after awhile.
Jun 1 27 tweets 6 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ This thread represents observations, challenges encountered and lessons learned from my recent engagement with an independent right leaning voter after Trump's conviction.
#VetsResist 2/ This voter resides in a NY district that put control of the House in GOP hands in 2022. As a Blue State activist, one way I try to be a strategic Democracy Multiplier is to engage my network of friends, family & acquaintances in such districts that are fickle yet persuadable. Image
May 29 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ If Joe Biden is still POTUS in 2025, those who opposed him and their families will not be murdered, incarcerated or deported. The same cannot be said of those who opposed Trump.
#VetsResist 2/ Nikki Haley understands this. So does Bill Barr, Tim Scott, Mitch McConnell etc. Their flip flopping on Trump is not just about their own ambitions or unscrupulous positioning for access, power, relevance and money. It's literally life and death for them and their families.
May 26 27 tweets 7 min read
🧵* Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ Remember the 1987 movie Wall Street starring Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko? Most recall his iconic "greed is good" line. But this is THE scene.
2/ Gekko asks Charlie Sheen's character Bud Fox, "Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you Buddy?" Then Gekko boasts how he creates and builds nothing yet is still part of an elite 1% that controls most of America's wealth and makes the rules.
May 18 25 tweets 6 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ Purpose of this thread is to share recent intel about my offline activism successes and struggles to engage & persuade voters with my fellow resisters.

2/ As my followers know (I love you all👊!), I maintain engagement with a circle of friends, colleagues and family across the political spectrum, demographics and regions. I don't believe in polls. But reoccurring trends however from these engagements do get my attention.
May 12 25 tweets 6 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ This may be my most controversial thread yet. My favorite Star Trek movie was "The Undiscovered Country," not "The Wrath of Kahn."

2/ To some of my fellow trekkies this is a blasphemous statement! But I stand by it. As my fellow trekkies know this was to be the original Star Trek cast's final bow. The title was taken from Shakespeare's Hamlet who referred to the "undiscovered country" and his fear of death.
May 12 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ This picture is of my grandmother and myself taken on March 20, 1982. The occasion was my Bar Mitvah. Recently, I've been looking at photos from that day and reflecting.

#VetsResist Image 2/ One moment from that day is especially poignant to me. After I chanted my Torah portion from the Book of Exodus, my great grandmother, grandmother whom you see in that picture and mother were summoned by the rabbi to join me at the podium.
May 5 25 tweets 6 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is my opinion.

1/ I've never backed away from calling myself liberal. I've stayed true, even as the right wing racists waged a culture war for decades to make "liberal" a pejorative or epithet.
#VetsResist 2/ On the left today, it seems there are more folks saying, "I'm not a liberal. I'm a progressive." I get it. Understandably, many reacted to the far right's success at turning liberal into a dirty word by rebranding pursuit of economic and social justice as "progressive."
May 2 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Its's not about "Making America Great Again. It's about continuing our aspirational journey to be a more perfect union. @MamaGforSC is passionate about the journey. GOP only cares about power & privilege.

Image Image
Apr 28 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Content of below thread are mock satirical personal ads of just a few of America's most toxic, depraved and corrupt scumbags. Partly, I do this as a cathartic exercise. Hopefully it entertains and inspires activism.
#VetsResist 2/ Married Male, Born in Canada, Cuban ancestry, Age 53. I fantasize about tickling Donald Trump's ballsac with my beard on a Cancun beach as he insults my wife and accuses my daddy of assassinating JFK. If Trump seizes power in 2025, he will put me on SCOTUS. Please love me.
Apr 24 26 tweets 5 min read
🧵*Content of below thread is a fictional scenario to highlight the urgency of our current moment in history.

Its's June 2025 as Jane Smith stands in her backyard in Syosset, NY on a serenely beautiful Saturday morning.
#VetsResist 2/ Jane's thoughts however are anything but serene as her husband John steps out to join her. John's face has a pinched expression reflecting stress, fear, shock and guilt. John has been a lending officer at a local bank for fifteen years. Jane's been a stay at home mom and wife.