COVID UPDATE: The Walgreens Covid index is indicating a NEW Summer 2023-2024 testing RECORD HIGH of 14.3k tests on August 28, with testing at the highest rate since Summer 2022!
The positivity rate is ~11x higher than the pandemic all time record low of June 18, 2021.
The positivity rate is has declined for the 4th week in a row, and is the lowest since June 20th. 🧵
Not shown: IDAHO 17.9% positivity rate
States in white not statistically significant OR no change.
Friday's CDC ILI and NREVSS report
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BREAKING: Walgeens Covid data is showing a NEW Summer season 2023-2024 testing RECORD high, the highest since 2022 Summer when tests were highly subsidized.
Colorado hit a 2024 RECORD positivity high on Aug 16.
Positivity data is showing a steady dropping pattern for the 2nd week in a row.
Positivity is the lowest since July 2, and has dropped 3.5% from the August 6 high.
Testing is the highest since March 4.
UPDATE: For the first time during this Summer Covid wave, ILI (influenza like illness) activity EXCEEDS 2022 year over year as reported in this week's CDC report.
ILI activity for the week ending Aug 3 in 2024 is 112% worse than 2019.
For the week ending Aug 10 it is 100% worse now than in 2019.
The CDC revised upward by ~5.7% LAST weeks ILI activity! This is the highest upward revision I have reported since began tracking ILI this year.
Last week I reported ages 25+ were more adversely affected more than ages 0-24.
This is hard evidence that the population as a whole are MUCH worse off now than the same period in 2019.
2/ The latest week is below
Last week, prior to this weeks upward revision, Age groups were compared here.
BREAKING: Walgreens Covid data is showing a new summer 2023-2024 testing record high on August 11 of over 12k tests, the highest during summer since 2022. Data is updated to Monday, August 12 showing a positive rate of 38.3% the lowest since July 5. NEW data shown below. 🧵
Walgreens updated data to Monday today.
Todays update includes Friday to Monday. Monday's update included Monday to Thursday of last week. Here's a link the yesterday's update.
BREAKING: Walgreens Covid data is reporting a NEW PANDEMIC ALL TIME RECORD POSITIVITY HIGH of 40.5% on August 6 when excluding weeks with under 9k tests.
A new summer testing high was reached with 11.2k tests done, and testing is still trending higher. This is the highest testing rate during summer since 2022! Data shows the latest positivity rate of 39.4% as of August 8.
UPDATE: As of August 4, Walgreens is reporting COVID testing positivity of 40.2% which is ONLY .3% lower than the 40.5% hit on July 18 *AND* TESTING HIT A NEW SUMMER HIGH OF OVER 10.5K! The peak may still be yet to come according to this report. 🧵