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Sep 3, 2024 41 tweets 30 min read Read on X
Studies on racial preferences in online dating are interesting, not just for their results, but because they often reveal why the woke are so obsessed with representation.

The most recent study, "Racial Preferences in dating apps" from 2024 is a perfect example. 🧵 Image
From 'Racial preferences in dating apps: an experimental approach' by Aldana et al:

"Thousands of people saw these profiles and preferring White profiles over Black ones became an extended pattern.

White profiles had more likes in every situation." Image
You can begin to see how the researcher's assumptions about human attraction shape their expectations:

"Homogamous preferences, and rooted problems like sexual racism, can lead users to maintain a racialized sexual hierarchy that privileges Whiteness."

A "rooted problem." Image
This experiment follows a 2 gender, 2 race (Black, White), and sexual orientation design.

They were designed to keep variables, like attractiveness and age, equal except one (race, gender, orientation) in each case.

Afterward, four accounts were created on Tinder. Image
The likes, matches, and messages the profiles received were registered daily. The identity of the respondents was anonymized.

2,513 people evaluated their attractiveness.

"Thousands of people saw these profiles and preferring White over Black ones was an extended pattern." Image
4 women out of the 2,513 participants preferred the Black male--all were trans.

"Another remarkable finding is that all of the female participants who initiated a conversation in the heterosexual condition with the Black male profile were trans women, according to their bios."
"Nonetheless, these seemingly individual choices are socially constructed and embedded in a broader racially-based hierarchy prioritizing Whiteness."

As I said, this narrative is the standard conclusion of academe, and the driving force behind the promotion of "inclusion" in media.

"These attraction preferences are interconnected with the gendered discriminations that Black people face. This situation can even have lasting consequences on their well-being and health, and leading them to experience a wide range of negative emotions."Image
For the woke, "racialized" dating preferences are a form of injustice.

"Race is a socio-historically constructed categorization framework, and this concept is increasingly under debate.

Homogamy [can help us estimate] how accepted racial minorities are and indicate the social distance among groups within a society (Bogardus, 1968)."

In other words, the existence of racial preference indicates some form of racial discrimination, whether it be "beliefs in racial stereotypes," "racialized beauty standards," or some other social ill.

"This can perpetuate inequality, and potentially impact long-run population change (Schwartz, 2013). On the other hand, more exogamous couples can break social boundaries and increase openness, social mobility, and equality."Image
r/Asian Masculinity is a window into how this academic narrative inflames racial resentment online.

Notice two common themes:

1. Once Asians are represented enough in movies, White girls will want to date them

2. Whites are only desired because of this unjust sexual hierarchy
The belief that Hollywood enforces White Supremacist sexual hierarchies is ubiquitous.

"It's because western culture and Hollywood brainwash Asian women into believing all Asian men are disgusting"

"Everything is about sex. Sex is power. The hierarchy of power is fundamental to sexual dynamics."

This isn't from Foucault, this is just a random Asian guy on the subreddit r/asianmasculinity.

But where does this obsession with sexual hierarchy originate?
As I have in previous threads, I draw upon Kristen Fink's essay, "The Black penis and the demoralization of the Western World," where she describes White women as a "contact zone" for two oppressed groups.

This term comes from Michel Foucault, who describes such relationships as "a transfer point for relations of power."

In his book, "The History of Sexuality," Foucault suggests that, to understand and define sexuality, you must first unmask the systems of power which construct and enforce sexual taboos.

All sex is power. There are no biological effects at play, and all desire must therefor be socially constructed. This is why representation is paramount.Image
In order to fit this radical view of sexuality into a modern context, Fink goes on to argue that Southerners lynched so many blacks because of "an exaggerated fear of black men raping White Women," as they "had a stake in protecting their human chattel."

So, they weren't protecting their women from the real threat of r*pe, but simply trying to keep their chattel from being liberated by black men, so as to protect their identity's dominance in the social-sexual hierarchy. This is what they actually believe...or say they believe.

Pathologically guilt-ridden White people accept these uncharitable narratives of history without question.

Even though more Whites were lynched than blacks prior to integration.

The point of this historical narrative is to explain why White women in the present tend to prefer their own race, and to guilt White people out of enforcing racial boundaries.Image
"For Himes, writing about interracial sex necessitated a defense, an explanation, of a black male's supposed desire to rape a white woman."

"Rather than attack directly white systems of power...this offers a model by which writers, including white women, might attack the sexual discourses and stereotypes which subjugate them."

In other words, IR stories and imagery are a weapon against these White systems of power.Image
Anthropologist Edward Dutton points out, the "woke" do not particularly care about economic equality, so much as the equality of identity groups.

In this case, sexual-racial equality.
As I stated previously, Foucault offers both an explanation for White sexual selection, and a justification for acting against it. It's both a cope and a hope for those who feel undesired by those they desire.

The rejection of evolutionary biology in favor of blank slate theory in the social sciences is, in part, a reflection of this cope.

From "Gendered racial boundary maintenance: Social penalties for White women in interracial relationships

"Whites, who are the most resistant to interracial marriage of any racial group, have used their dominant position in American society to enforce norms against interracial relationships. Despite the importance of racial homogamy to White identity and status, we argue that gender roles make violating norms against intimate intergroup contact more costly for women than men, leading to Whites' greater resistance to interracial relationships involving White women."

Note the wording. "Most resistant."Image
This belief generates a lot of resentment, and may be one of the reasons behind the constant PSYOPS carried out by Blacks, Indians, and Asians.

An Asian member of the /r/Incels subreddit describes this tactic as a coping mechanism:

"When I was in my Asian supremacy phase, I was in contact with the main guys who spam forums promoting AMWF* couples and discouraging WMAF couples.

The other tactic is posting links to AMWWF porn where possible on reddit, 4chan, and Tumblr."Image
This coping mechanism has lead to a sort of demoralization war between disaffected minority groups and White incels.

Ruggarell, the black incel leader of an IR Discord group, has stated that he believes the use of IR porn as a weapon will "condition them to fetishize us."

To those who believe in blank slate theory, the idea of conditioning other people's sexuality offers a sense of power to those who feel powerless.Image
It seems knowledge is spreading quickly.

Black men spamming IR porn, and pretending to be White women on Twitter and elsewhere, has become a recent topic of discussion on /pol/.
The reason they Psyop isn't just simply to demoralize for its own sake. They believe they can rewire people's brains.

"Damn white boy zoomers losing. Tiktok is so easy to spread agendas it's almost sad."
"Conditioning of the human mind and psyche requires repetition"
"Human psychology is so easy to manipulate"
"It's honestly hilarious how easy it is to brainwash"
"4chan is simplly the best for subversion"
"Men just need to control their hunger. That's why younger men are easier to groom."
"It's that easy to train zoomers"

The belief that they can rewire the brains of racists to demoralize them, thus granting them better access to White women, is a common theme. They feel powerless, so they position themselves as masters of manipulation.Image
Some explicitly state that their goal is to limit the desirability of White women in the eyes of White men.

They believe this will somehow make it easier for non-Whites to access them.

Some White incels admit that IR porn has caused them to hate White women. Some even admit that their addiction to IR porn is because it justifies their hatred of White women.Image
They implicitly understand the importance of female racial loyalty, and they all instinctively know to use IR porn as a weapon.

It's as instinctual for them as if they found a sharp stone and fashioned it into a spear. A weapon readily made for them.

Female loyalty in general has historically been a bellwether for ethnic or racial dominance.

This is why White female racial loyalty is the primary attack vector of both the elite and the sexually frustrated minority male.

This is why they use IR porn as a weapon.

The use of Blacks to demoralize White populations isn't new.

The National Socialists identified the use of Senegalese soldiers to occupy German soil as a weapon.

Post-war narratives about the loyalty of German women were essential for breaking the spirit of the German people. I'll be discussing the details of this soon.Image
Greg Lansky stated that his website Blacked was designed to be a weapon against racism.

“As a child, he was an outcast, and routinely suffered from Antisemitism by skinheads. As a kid I always wanted to be loved, to be accepted, to feel I belonged. So now, when I look at [those] who are not accepted by society — I’ve taken on this effort because I feel like I belong in this fight for acceptance.”

He uses these phrases of "inclusion" and "acceptance" often when convincing his performers to do IR porn.

Acceptance, representation, fighting stigma.Image
Despite this pressure, Belle Elise Rose refused to do IR scenes because she believed that the humiliation of her race was at the heart of the genre:

"I probably shouldn't even speak up about this cause I will only get bullied in and out of the industry. I get death threats and emails daily for the last 3 years from men calling me racist.

The whole thing around it is racist against your own race."Image
There's a supply and demand problem. There's a lot of money to be made in anti-White porn.

The women who engage in this "Black male superiority" fetish often admit this.

But what's most driving the demand?
And this demand is growing exponentially.

India gives Blacked(dot)com over 4 times the traffic as that of the United States.
Pakistan has nearly 3 times the traffic, despite being half the size in population.

In fact, if you look at the countries with the highest search volumes, they're almost all in India, South-East Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Porn is symbolic. As Professor Nathan Abrams pointed out in the Jewish Quarterly, the symbol of wish fulfillment for the outcast male went from the "the Jewish fantasy for schtupping the Catholic Shicksa," to the Black man getting the blonde.

Perhaps Indians live vicariously through this symbol?Image
It's motivation and status signalling:

You may have noticed that memes that go viral on Black twitter are often driven by this fantasy of being desired by White women.

An aspiring rapper edited a photo of himself with 2 White women kissing him using AI.

Another aspiring rapper hired 5 Onlyfans models (cocostarrr_, itscocostar, zoeytush, Lovejadeteen, and PureOceanEyes) to line up to kiss him for a "skit."

Yet another rapper pays 3 White women to turn their heads as he walks by. This is a running theme, and often used by rappers to show their status to other Black men.

An image of White women at a concert went viral many times, garnering 10s of millions of views. The entire point of the photo is to suggest these White women are idolizing a Black rapper. It's actually from a One Direction concert.

These are only a few examples, but you've likely seen countless examples of this. Like the street interviews where a Black guy asks "random" White women what their preferred race is.Image
There is no greater symbol of status or wealth for the Black, Indian, East Asian, or Latino man than to be desired by White women.

But to be desired by gold digging women isn't always enough...
Another aspect of this fetish involves wanting to be desired by those that desire them the least.

They don't just want to be desired by White women, but specifically racist or conservative White women. The women most likely to reject them.

This fantasy is cathartic

Even some Black women live vicariously through their men.

Odd, given the fact that the Black men often mock their undesirability compared to White women.

Much of the revenge fantasy of "taking the slave master's wife" revolves around worshiping White women as a symbol of their ascendancy over not just the race of men they feel inferior to, but also their own women.Image
Though this may be a reflection of the fact that black women watch porn at disproportionately high rates.

(This may be because 1/3 of eligible Black men are incarcerated, though I'm only speculating.)

Though the social sciences may look bleak, there are some Sociologists and Anthropologists pushing back against the pseudoscience.

I must give credit to Mark Horowitz. The following is one of the best academic papers I've seen describing modern discourse on racial sexual selection:

"In his paper, 'The Dating Dupe: The Limits of Biosocially Unfriendly Sociology,' published in the "Journal of Controversial Ideas (2023)" he lays into the fact that almost every sociology paper rejects evolution in favor of blank-slatism."

Here he rips into sociologists Curington, Lundquist, and Lin (CLL), the authors of most well-known book on the matter, "The Dating Divide."

The following are excerpts from this paper, which I highly recommend you read:

"Reference to white privilege," he says, "isn't incidental. It is a central finding in their study. Narratives of personal choice have long obscured 'prejudice, fear, and desires for segregation. Our intimate preferences amount to "complicity" in a system of "digital-sexual racism marked by White privilege."

This paper is one of the best I've seen, because it highlights the origin of this modern obsession with "White privilege" as it relates to racial preferences.

"When shifting from description to explanation, CLL founder on the limits of a sociological approach allergic to serious engagement with biology. In attempting to account for why daters have the preferences they do, they repeatedly turn to cultural determinist or “blank slate” explanations, what evolutionary­ minded thinkers dub the “standard social science model.”

"For CLL, daters’ racially exclusive choices fundamentally reflect learned social “scripts,” “stereotypes,” “controlling images,” and the like, all reproduced within the wider historical drama of race­-gender­-power relations in the United States."

Though he doesn't talk about the ideological origins of this framework, he perfectly describes their insistence on blank-slatism that dominates the field of Sociology (the vast majority of sociology studies are fraudulent*).

"This is not to suggest that historical explanations or power analyses are wrong.
They’re just one­-sided (more on this below)."

Here he states what I stated earlier in the thread, that narratives surrounding White women as chattel and black men as "framed for raping White women because of sexual oppression" are based on the pre-supposed assumptions of blank-slatism.

"Here are the arguments succinctly put for ease of discussion:

• Argument A: People’s discriminatory dating choices help reproduce race­gender
hierarchies in society.

• Argument B: People’s romantic desires, which underpin their discriminatory dating
choices, spring from ideologically reinforced race­-gender hierarchies.

CLL vacillate in the book between each claim, sometimes in the very same sentence."

He goes on to describe their assumptions:

"The picture of the online dater that emerges in CLL’s analyses is of the dating dupe. The dating dupe has no instinctual preferences of their own, certainly none that are rooted in a tribal human nature."

Horowitz goes on to quote from CLL's book:

"For minority daters, romantic gate-keeping is at best a way to distance themselves from Blackness. At worst, it is simply an excuse to mask bigotry.

White women invoke familial explanations when they are avoiding facing their own personal biases."

The author inverts terms when describing the preference for White men in the dating market. Here daters have "internalized "White male hegemony" and strive to gain "proximity to Whiteness."

CLL are quick to dismiss Asian or Latina daters who cite progressive cultural norms among White men. Such statements are "stereotypes."

CLL goes onto say,

"White men reject average weight Black women in favor of fuller­figured White women." For the authors, this is another example of the unique “anti­Blackness” of the dating market.

CLL do not couch their discussion in evolutionary terms, however, as they
view physical preferences as culturally determined (more on this below).

CLL make the same charge of racism regarding height. Asserting that height “takes a
backseat to race,” they note that “White women are more willing to date shorter White men than taller minority men.”

Notwithstanding this concern, CLL do not hesitate to link White
women’s height preferences to entrenched “race and desirability hierarchies.”

While their data reveal that White women prefer Black and Asian men about equally, they note other research showing a slight preference for Black men over Asian men.

These findings run counter to the anti­-Blackness theme of the book, as well as the authors’ emphasis on the racial hierarchy of desire."Image
The entire concept of "internalized racism" was invented to pin down why Asian women preferred White men over their own race from a social constructionist framework.

Asian women preferring White men perpetuates White supremacy, according to Thomas Phong Le. But Black men preferring White men fights White supremacy...because power or something. It's complicated.Image
The belief that sexual attraction is completely socially constructed has another side effect--it creates resentment where there would otherwise be acceptance.

Because it sets up the expectation that White women would naturally desire other races as much as their own, were it not for racist sexual hierarchies created by White men.

The belief that White men are conspiring to exclude them from access to White women is a common belief among Black incels.Image
"Racial dating practices are morally problematic."

-From an essay written by Mohammad Khawaja, "Are Racial Preferences Morally Defensible?"

Once you understand "representation" is simply the desire of resentful minorities to "reprogram" racial preferences in White people, it all makes sense.Image
One final note on r/AsianMasculinity and r/AsianIdentity

I've been told that both of these boards are run and moderated by Indians. I don't know if this is true, but it would be funny if it was. Image
And another final note:

Mark Horowitz' study cites one of my favorite anthropologists Edward Dutton (@jollyheretic).

I highly recommend you read his book, "Making Sense of Race."

He refutes many of the misconceptions about race I've covered in previous threads.

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Dec 20, 2024
A 2024 study funded by the U.S. Census Bureau "for research purposes" wanted to test whether lack of "diversity" or "inherent racial preferences" is driving the lack of interracial marriage.

The justification for which is that race-mixing "reduces inequality between racial groups."

It found that increasing exposure to opposite-sex members of different class groups generates a substantial increase in interclass marriage, but increased exposure to other racial groups has "no detectable effect on interracial marriage.

"Residential segregation accounts for nearly half of marital homophily by class, but less than 10% of marital homophily by race."

The disappointment is clear by the final paragraph: "Understanding how these preferences are formed is an important next step for future research."Image
"Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views of the U.S. Census Bureau."

Why would they distance themselves from the study that they funded? 🤔

Why is the primary concern is with increasing White-Black intermarriage. Image
You wouldn't expect the U.S. Government to be funding research on how to increase Black-White intermarriage in the most effective way.

Have we not already achieved integration?

So the next step appears to be to directly push race mixing by focusing on preferences themselves. Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 19, 2024
It's fascinating when something you've been observing for ages ends up being a formal movement.

The worship of White women as a trophy of revenge against White men.

White men/Black women as the source of their humiliation and low status.

The desire to be fetishized by racists. Image
Eldridge Cleaver exemplifies this. He admitted to stalking White women, and raping them out of a sense of revenge.

They've been doing this since the earliest days, but when White men lynched them for it, history was rewritten by Marxist intellectuals. (Thread bellow.)

As Jewish author, Kristen Fink, put it in "The Black Penis and the Demoralization of the Western World,":

White men in the South were just "protecting their human chatel." Not from rape, but from the sexual liberation the Black man provides.

Eldridge Cleaver went from raping White women, to being embraced as a success story of Black Conservatism in the 1980s:

"Every time I'm embracing a Black woman, I'm embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a White woman, well I'm hugging freedom"
-Civil Rights Activist, Eldridge Cleaver

White women aren't just the ultimate prize of revenge, they're also a symbol of "freedom" for these Black men. I wonder who put this idea in their heads.Image

The rape of White women by Black men is actually liberating and wholesome. Stop being so racist.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 18, 2024
White women are seen as a status and wealth symbol for Black men.

Aspiring rappers have a tendency to hire prostitutes to perform various skits on social media, to signal their status to other Black men. Image
In case you're wondering, this is the prostitute this Black guy hired to pretend to be in love with him.

This is the "evidence" Joey Mannarino is using to double down on his claim that Polish women prefer Black men. Image
And this is Joey Mannarino's wife.

They're both interracial cuck fetishists.

"Saving Western Civilization is the only option." Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 16, 2024
Fellow White man, Joey Mannarino says that Black men seeking a European wife should "just go to Poland."

Let's look at the actual data:

From the DYP (2016):
"Mixed marriages in Poland constituted approx 1.7% of all marriages."

Of that 1.7%, let's just look at the women... 🧵 Image
Of mixed marriages:

89% of the 1.2% of Polish women in mixed marriages, married other Euros.

"Polish women preferred partners from United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France while Polish men tended to be married to women from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus." Image
Of Polish White women in mixed marriages:

Top 5 countries: Rarest:

UK: 608 Iran: 5
Germany: 368 Algeria: 16
Italy: 169 Tunisia: 19
Ireland: 133 Nigeria: 27
France: 108 Pakistan: 38 Image
Read 9 tweets
Dec 7, 2024
Why do so many non-White men associate blonde women with whores:

How sexual narratives about European women were historically used to exploit them, and how the porn industry, and open border policies, are facilitating the revival of the Islamic slave trade. 🧵 Image
It's no secret that many Muslim men associate blonde White women with whores.

You see this disdain for Blonde White women facilitated by the western porn industry. The most avid consumers of Blacked pornography are men from the third world. Image
From the Telegraph:

"Male Muslims confirmed that their peers consider White women 'whores,' but associate this most strongly with blonde women.

They associate us with performers they see in pornographic films, and assume this is an accurate portrayal of who we are." Image
Read 23 tweets
Dec 5, 2024
The latest studies and statistics on interracial relationships, focusing on:

○ Online dating and hookups
○ Marriage
○ Cohabitation
○ Birth data and trends
○ Relationship outcomes

From 2014 to 2024

🧵🧵🧵 Image
The earliest data from OkCupid:

White women are the most racially exclusive.

Despite liberals outnumbering cons over 2 to 1, and their preference taboo.

Exclusivity increased in 2014, despite an altered matching algorithm.

Asian women desired Black men more than White women. Image
"'QuickMatch score' predicts compatibility based on profile information, rather than visual attraction. Answers to match questions, etc.

'Let's Meet score' predicts the willingness to engage in real-world meeting based on visual attraction (rating)."
Read 40 tweets

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