A strong, shrewd amicus brief was filed yesterday in the appeal of Judge Cannon’s dismissal of US v Trump (MaL) for the AG’s alleged improper appt of Jack Smith. It urges reassignment to a new judge if the court reverses. I’ll encapsulate. ...
1/18 bit.ly/3Xecred
The brief was filed by @CREWcrew , ret. USDJ Nancy Gertner, & ethics profs Stephen Gillers & James S. Sample. What’s shrewd about it is what it doesn’t do. E.g., it never mentions who appointed Cannon. (Legal nonstarter & nobody needs to be told.) ...
@CREWcrew ... For the most part, It doesn’t allege that Cannon’s in the tank for Trump. Instead, it quotes her expressed view that prosecuting an ex-president is an intolerable affront to his dignity & implies that her rulings are distorted by that firmly held belief. ...
@CREWcrew ... On the other hand, toward the end it goes a further, alleging that her conduct has “repeatedly appeared to cross the line from mere legal error into active judicial intervention & advocacy on behalf of the former president.” ...
@CREWcrew The brief groups Cannon’s anomalous conduct into groups of 3 (as in 3 strikes). An 11th Cir reversal would be Cannon’s 3d in this matter. The 1st two related to her 2022 ruling blocking prosecutors from examining the fruits of the M-a-L search by appting a special master. ...
@CREWcrew ... In Sep 2022 the 11th Cir unanimously rev’d her denial of a temporary stay in that matter & then, in Dec, unanimously reversed in toto, noting that affirmance would “violate bedrock separation-of-powers limitations” & require “a radical reordering of our caselaw” ...
@CREWcrew ... The 3d reversal would be of her appealed decision dismissing the case which “hinged on ignoring the plain text of four federal statutes & dismissing as ‘dicta’ a landmark SCOTUS opinion confirming the AG’s power to appoint a special counsel.” ...
@CREWcrew ... The brief also offers 3 examples of Cannon’s anomalous handling of the case before the dismissal: (1) her 2022 appt of the special master; (2) her demand for jury instructions on “a spurious legal defense that would have gutted the govt’s case”; ...
@CREWcrew ... and (3) her “failure ... to move the case forward in any significant way.” The jury instructions flap was when she proposed (below) that Trump, by taking classified docs from the WH, was silently & unreviewably declaring them “personal,” rendering them lawfully his.
@CREWcrew ... The amicus brief says that Cannon’s proposed jury instructions seemed to flout language in the 11th Cir’s Dec 2022 ruling that Trump “neither owns nor has a personal interest in” classified docs. (Refusal to follow appellate rulings is one basis for reassignment.) ...
@CREWcrew ... Refreshingly, when discussing why Cannon might have been slow-walking the case, the brief identifies the elephant in the room: that Trump, if elected, will likely make these cases go away through abusive exercise of presidential powers. ...
@CREWcrew Jack Smith has never spelled that out, and the SCOTUS majority, in its immunity ruling—while criticizing the lower courts for their expedited treatment of the case—pretended to have no clue what the rush might have been about. ...
@CREWcrew As evidence of Cannon’s “failure to move the case forward,” the brief relies in part—but heavily—on the litany of odd events described by former CIA atty @secretsandlaws in his NYT op-ed. ...
@CREWcrew @secretsandlaws ... Throughout, the brief also cites 11 other NYT articles, including 10 by @alanfeuer and/or @charlie_savage , which, in turn contain quotes from well-credentialed experts expressing astonished concern at various things Cannon had done. ...
@CREWcrew @secretsandlaws @alanfeuer @charlie_savage ... While Trump (or whoever else files a brief defending Cannon) will doubtless mock this brief’s heavy reliance on NYT articles, the legal test for reassignment hinges on “the appearance of justice” ...
@CREWcrew @secretsandlaws @alanfeuer @charlie_savage ... and cogent criticism of Cannon by well-credentialed experts should not be laughed off merely because it’s found in a great newspaper that isn’t owned by the Murdochs. ...
@CREWcrew @secretsandlaws @alanfeuer @charlie_savage ... The lead atty on the amicus brief is Steven A. Hirsch of Keker, Van Nest & Peters. I’m impressed. I’ve tried writing about Cannon’s anomalous conduct myself & have always gotten bogged down in the weeds. All of us who’ve followed the case closely ...
@CREWcrew @secretsandlaws @alanfeuer @charlie_savage ... know that there’s still more weirdness out there. But most of it is too minor to warrant reassignment in itself, and only becomes suspicious cumulatively. Hirsch has taken the right tack, IMHO. This brief had to be written & he & the amici did a good job with it.
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There’s a hearing before Judge AB Jackson right now regarding the dismantling of CFPB. I can’t monitor it because of phone line problems, but wanted to describe the extraordinary exchange of declarations that’s occurred in that case in the last 2 days. A short thread. ... 1/6
... Yesterday, the day before the hearing, CFPB’s COO filed an affidavit admitting that, early on, he referred to the impending “closure of the agency” & its being in “wind-down mode.” But he claimed everything later changed on 2/7, when Vought was appointed acting chief... /2
... The COO claimed in his declaration that Vought was now merely “right sizing” the agency. But plaintiffs then submitted 5 affidavits from current CFPB employees asserting that Vought ordered all work to stop on 2/10, with no exception statutorily req’d functions. ... /3
Judge Alsup has issued his written TRO, directing that OPM’s terminations of probationary employees across govt be stopped & rescinded. “No statute—anywhere, ever—has granted OPM the authority to direct termination of employees in other agencies.” ... 1/3 storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
Though acting OPM director Ezell claimed agencies made independent decisions, Judge Alsup found a "mountain of evidence" to the contrary, from DOD, the VA, USDA, IRS, NSF, & others. ...
Yesterday, in declining to enter a temporary restraining order (TRO) barring DOGE from accessing data systems at the Dept of Labor, CFPB, & HHS, Judge Bates actually delivered a blow to DOGE—though it may only be felt in other cases. A thread. ...
Different suits challenge DOGE on different grounds. The suits challenging its access to data systems in Treasury, Labor, CFPB, & HHS focus on the Privacy Act. The claim is that DOGE is rooting around in our ultra-sensitive data without our permission. ...
... The hurdle for plaintiffs is that DOGE is structured so that DOGE cadres are “detailed” from US DOGE Service to the agencies and then become “agency employees.” (I’m simplifying.) It’s set up that way so that DOGE cadres appear to fit into ...
Trump Adm brings emergency motion to dissolve NY judge's TRO re DOGE; claims it bars TreasSec from access [based on comma ambituity]; threatens mandamus to appeals court arguing no executive action can be insulated from political appointees. ...
/1 storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
... Judge Vargas (the judge now assigned to the case, not the emergency motions judge who entered TRO) has ordered parties to confer to see if they can narrow issues. If not, plaintiff state AGs respond by tonight at 5pm, with govt reply by 11pm tonight. ...
... Trump Adm eager to tee up key "unitary executive" claims—that no executive function can be insulated from political appointees of President—for appellate courts. ...
The challenge that all the DOGE-related lawsuits face is that DOGE has a formalistic structure that’s designed to look benign, but which appears to be a charade. Proving it’s a charade in court in a compressed time-frame will be hard. A thread: ...
As originally described in Nov. in the WSJ, DOGE was about saving trillions of dollars through vast “regulatory recissions, administrative reductions, & cost savings.” ...
... Yet when unveiled in Trump’s executive order, DOGE’s purported purpose mentioned none of those goals. Instead, the EO claimed that DOGE was about “modernizing federal technology and software to maximize governmental efficiency.” ...
Here is Judge Paul Engelmayer’s remarkable TRO barring (in effect) DOGE from accessing Treasury’s payment system & ordering (in effect) any DOGE person who has had access to destroy anything already copied. A short thread ...
This is broader than the “consent order” entered Thurs. by Judge Kollar-Kotelly in DC. Latter allowed 2 DOGE “special govt employees” (SGEs) to keep working but not send data out of Treas. This one bars access to SGEs & orders them to destroy anything already copied ...
The new TRO is supposed to be served on DOJ by noon today. Unless challenged or altered, it would last till 2/14, when a different judge, Jeannette Vargas (a federal judge in Manhattan) would hold a hearing on whether to issue a preliminary injunction. ...