Kamala's campaign manager has enthusiastically welcomed the endorsement of Dick Cheney, stating she "deeply respects his courage to put country over party.” So the Kamala 2024 deeply respects one of the most devious war criminals alive, and considers him courageous.
Dick Cheney disseminated fake intelligence linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda, pushed the WMD hoax, and ordered the unmasking of Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA officer as retaliation for her husband, Amb. Joe Wilson, exposing the Bush administration's lie about Saddam obtaining enriched uranium from Niger. Cheney's machinations were aimed at guaranteeing a US invasion and occupation that wound up leaving one million Iraqis dead, brought ISIS to the region, and maimed or killed tens of thousands of Americans. The former VP simultaneously presided over a no-bid $7.5 billion contract in Iraq to Halliburton, where he served as CEO, and established a secret torture program that yielded worthless intel. To this day, he is not only unrepentant about his torture chambers, he's proud of them.
The Kamala campaign wants us to forget Cheney's record. We are supposed to see him as a hawkish but wise elder crossing the aisle for the good of "the Republic." The reality is Cheney did far more damage to the country and the world than Donald Trump has. It is such a colossal insult that Cheney is able to enjoy his twilight years in a mansion on Maryland's Eastern Shore, counting his money without ever having faced a trial for any of his titanic crimes, while Trump becomes the first former US president convicted of a felony – for concealing a measly payoff to a porn actor.
Cheney is supporting Kamala for the same reason as Bill Kristol, the McCain family, and an array of Bush era neocons: because she is an empty vessel for the post-9/11 security state, and will joyfully consolidate the Democrats as the party of endless war. The 1,160,000 shares of Halliburton stock Cheney received when he retired are also a likely part of his calculus.
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The suspects behind attacks that helped trigger a national antisemitism freakout in Australia turn out to be apolitical scofflaws who've "never mentioned Israel or Palestine" and "wouldn't have the brains" to plan the attacks on their own web.archive.org/web/2025022020…
Aussie politicians painted the discovery of explosives in a caravan as a massive planned antisemitic terror attack
Then there was the embarrassingly failed manufacturing of antisemitism by Ofir Birenbaum, a Zionist operative who was escorted by Murdoch media as he attempted to provoke staff at Cairo Cafe in Sydney
Tony Blinken has already sustained two long interruptions during his closing Atlantic Council speech touting his own Middle East accomplishments: “Your legacy is genocide!” one protester shouted, causing Blinken to pause for over a minute.
This is the scene outside.
Blinken’s speech is a narcissistic Zionist rant, blaming Hamas for “hiding behind civilians” and refusing to “put down its arms” and end its struggle. It is a call for total Palestinian subjugation and ultimately an effort to polish his own bloodstained record. He urges empathy for Israelis, while painting Palestinians as a historic roadblock to US regional ambitions. Painting himself as a moderate caught between extremes, he openly wonders if he applied too much pressure on Israel to show restraint. A disgraceful curtain call evidencing a lack of self awareness capped with an empty call for peace.
Protester to Blinken: “Your policy for the Middle East - kill, kill, kill, and kill, just like the Israelis say!”
This is an obviously staged and fake scene by one of the biggest regime change frauds in corporate media. This prison had already been cleared out by HTS goon squads days earlier, then civilians scoured its cells for relatives. But somehow Clarissa Ward, the news actress who once faked being under direct fire by Hamas, and who has spent over a decade shamelessly propagandizing for the jihadists now executing minorities in Latakia, just happened upon the last prisoner slumbering under a blanket. This scam scenario reminds me of the time Ward's colleague, Arwa Damon, determined that Assad used chemical weapons by sniffing a child's backpack, and of the countless blatant deceptions deployed by the Syrian opposition on its way toward become the new gangster government. Journalist flim-flam like not only exposes the absence of editorial standards at CNN, it raises questions about the credibility of Ward's past pieces trumping up regime change in other countries targeted by US and UK intelligence.
CNN’s @clarissaward testified at the UN in 2017 as a guest of the US govt to clamor for regime change in Syria
There, she described “Islamist factions” like Jolani’s Al-Nusra as “heroes on the ground”
Great 🧵on CNN's shamelessly staged atrocity propaganda scene
Here are the Israeli Nazis chanting for the slaughter of Arab children after tearing down Palestinian flags and refusing to honor the moment of silence for Valencia
Sounds like some locals got fed up with these demons and decided to take out the trash
Many videos going around of Israeli soccer goons vandalizing property in Amsterdam, attacking cops and bystanders, and ripping down Palestinian flags. Now this fascist infestation is playing the victim and waiting for airlifts back to the colonies.
Absolute trash. It sickens me that propagandists are conflating these colonial demons with the entire Jewish world.
Would-be Trump shooter Ryan Routh has published a 291 page book, “Unwinnable War,” about his time in Ukraine’s Int’l Legion
Routh says he’d like to see Putin assassinated, seems to hope for Trump’s assassination as well, and calls for the US to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia
Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway hardliners. He offers gushing admiration for Juan Guaido, the Free Syrian Army, Myanmar rebels, and other CIA backed forces, while hinting at a friendship with MSNBC natsec hack and fellow International Brigade member Malcolm Nance.
Ryan Routh calls for the assassination of Putin and Lukashenko of Belarus, arguing that their killing would bring on the demise of the Russian’s state’s viability as an independent power, as no one can succeed Putin
Routh urges the West to “instigate” a nuclear conflict with Russia and “strike first.” He wants a “quick and decisive and powerful blow to end it once and for all,” as the US did at the end of WWII.
Today, Pramila Patten will launder the “Hamas mass rape” hoax through the UN
Patten was hosted and coached by Israel’s Foreign Ministry and Yossi Landau, the infamous ZAKA liar who fabricated tales of a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, beheaded babies and more
According to ZAKA, Patten’s visit was the result of Israel lobby pressure on the UN
Her tour was overseen by ZAKA and Landau, notorious fabulists who gifted her with a “Never Again” plaque which she wore around her neck
In 2022, Patten falsely claimed Russia was giving Viagra to its soldiers to rape Ukrainian women
She later fell for a prank call during which she admitted she had no evidence for the claim, and was a dupe for Ukrainian propaganda