People who were randomly assigned to molnupiravir during the acute phase of COVID-19 had better outcomes at 3 months and 6 months than those randomly assigned to usual care
⚡️better self-reported wellbeing
⚡️fewer and less severe COVID associated symptoms
⚡️less health care utilization
⚡️less absenteeism from work/study
⚡️improved quality of life
The use of antivirals to reduce the risk of long COVID is grounded in the hypothesis that viral persistence and possible ongoing replication of SARS-CoV-2 are major mechanistic pathways responsible for long COVID.…
The evidence for viral persistence (for months or years in key organs including the gut, brain, kidneys, and blood vessels) as a key mechanistic pathway for Long Covid is growing - thanks to visionary work by @MichaelPelusoMD and others
The paper is not without limitations; these are detailed by the authors. And concerns have been raised about the mutagenecity of molnupiravir.…
A lot of work lies ahead and we must keep making progress. Addressing the research and care needs of people with long COVID must remain a high priority for governments. The health and wellbeing of millions of people now and in the future depends on us making this progress.
We review the mechanisms of Long Covid including viral persistence, immune dysfunction, thrombo-inflammation, neuronal inflammation, and microbiome dysbiosis.…
We review the devastating impacts of Long Covid on individuals and communities, health systems, economies, and global health metrics.
🧵1/ A Significant surge in the number of people with a disability in the U.S.
The @stlouisfed just released an analysis using data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), revealing some concerning trends. Here’s what they found:
#Disability #DisabilityJustice #LongCovid
2/ Above Trend Increase in Disability
Since 2019, the number of disabled individuals has surged beyond the expected trend by nearly 2 million. This isn't just a statistical anomaly—it's a huge indicator of a deeper, underlying health crisis.
3/ Cognitive Disabilities Skyrocket
Most alarming is the rise in cognitive disabilities. The population reporting only a cognitive disability has grown by nearly 1 million—a 43% increase since 2019.
In this review, we provide (1) a synthesis of the state of science on Long COVID; (2) assess the impacts of Long COVID on individuals, health systems, the economy & global health metrics; and (3) provide a forward-looking research & policy roadmaps…
We begin with a timeline of the history of #LongCovid. We recognize the prescience of the #MECFS community that warned us about what’s to come, the op-ed by @fi_lowenstein in @NYTimes, the first mainstream media piece by @edyong209 in @TheAtlantic & more…
My Statement on the introduction of the Long COVID Research Moonshot Act #LongCovidMoonshot
I fully support this bill and urge the U.S. Congress and our community to support it.
Short thread:
Today U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders @SenSanders formally introduced the Long COVID Research Moonshot Act. This marks a historic moment, the culmination of relentless effort and dedication from countless individuals. #LongCovidMoonshot
The bill calls for the establishment of a Long Covid program at NIH with research funding of $1 billion per year for 10 years, and additional funding to other federal agencies for clinician education, public awareness, and more. #LongCovidMoonshot