Thread 🧵: The most important aspect of the Haitian scandal is how it reveals the whole "they work/help the economy" stuff to be an absurd farce and a lie. The reason Haitians "work" is because they get mountains of free stuff paid for by the taxpayers in exchange. 1/
A company can employ Haitians at the absolute minimum wage because the Haitians get free healthcare, free food, free housing, and even cash stipends which they refer to as "magic money cards": because the cash never runs dry. This is all subsidized by taxpayers. 2/
So most companies, "small" and "local" businesses included, would rather pay slave wages to foreigners who are more than happy to show up to work because they know in exchange for doing so they will receive mountains of rewards from NGOs, charities, and the government. 3/
Meanwhile the American citizens are turned into wealth extraction machines. They pay all the taxes, don't get these same benefits, and are still forced to work for cheap wages. They can barely make ends meet. Inflation is killing them at the pump, at the grocery store and... 4/
...everywhere else in their lives because they have no reprieve from its effects and no political recourse to stop it. But the foreigner gets shielded from this. They don't care about their wage or the cost of food, or rent prices, because it is all paid for by other people. 5/
So the American becomes unduly burdened by stress and fatigue, run down, abused, demoralized. Living check to check. They become indebted to large financial organizations. They are always trying to bridge the gap for their families, but can't quite seem to get ahead of it. 6/
Americans are forced to rent expensive homes from slumlords who also rake in millions in government subsidies for jacking up the prices of those same homes to dole out to foreigners at a discount. The slumlords, like the foreigners, are also made whole by OUR tax dollars. 7/
Similarly, corporations can all raise the prices of their goods in this rising tide of parasitism. Who cares if Americans can't afford food when you know a horde of foreigners are going to come to your store with endless money to spend on whatever they want? 5$ bread? Why not! 8/
All of this rightly frustrates the American, which fuels liberal resentment against him. In this suppressed state of constant abuse, the American is prone to acting out, susceptible to materialist distractions, procrastination, and other toxic forms of consumer stress relief. 9/
This behavior in turn is encouraged from all major seats of societal power: government, culture, entertainment, media, financial sectors, etc. "You're so stressed, buy something to take the edge off. Don't start a family or buy a home, it will always be out of reach anyway!" 10/
The American becomes spiritually demoralized, a shell of himself, because he has lost his hope. We are told to "love our neighbor" when a foreigner comes to leech off our fellow countrymen, but we are told to ignore our own American neighbors when we see them in distress. 11/
Endless support materializes for the foreigner, who is fetishized and placed on a pedestal. But the American is rebuked, criticized, and held responsible for all sin in the history of mankind. He is ostracized. He has become the "other", downtrodden in his own homeland. 12/
The process of life support that the foreigner receives from pathologically tolerant liberals - both of the Democrat and GOP variety - doesn't kick in for the American. When he complains, or says he has had enough, or that he needs help, he is not given a free house. 13/
He is not given a job. He is not given a "magic money card". No, instead those same charity mongers do the opposite. He is rebuked, called racist, insulted and spat upon by those who despise his existence. He is tortured even more for the mere crime of noticing his condition. 14/
Meanwhile the Regime and its loyalists are thrilled at the prospect of replacing and punishing all of those "right wingers" whom they so viciously resent. That leftist hatred comes from a place of vitriolic judgement and disgust for the normal. This dark sentiment runs deep. 15/
Their pathological tolerance is only ever applied to foreigners, not because they like them, but because they see foreigners as a weapon with which to punish their enemies. They're happy to bankrupt the country because it hurts us. The politics of spite drive their behavior. 16/
Theis spite is fluffed up with modernist morality and given a pseudo-Christian skinsuit to guilt the masses into accepting it as gospel. It makes no sense upon careful inspection, but they only need basic camouflage to get it past a population in such constant distress. 17/
The people who enabled this system - from bloodsucking charities to exploitative business owners, from politicians to government officials, from journalists to foreign actors - all must be punished for this monstrous betrayal and permanently cast out of our society. 18/
Tribunals are just the start. We must set in motion a great wave of justice to sweep these wicked imposters from power to save our nation.
America is not an idea: it is a people. America is not an economic zone: it is a home. We must fight for her and secure our future. 19/END
Good stuff here from @SaysSimulation (as usual!). This is a deliberate betrayal of our people, not some accident of policy or circumstance.
This is happening all over the nation, not just in Springfield, Sycalauga, Charleroi, etc. The Regime is at war with the country already, you just didn't notice because it wasn't formally declared. They know they don't need to do that anymore.
Is this not civil war? It's happening without your permission across the entire country. Every corner in every village and city. From sea to shining sea.
Instead of ammunition, the Regime uses an endless supply of foreigners as weapons against us.
Quick thread 🧵: These lone judges are likely the only remaining effective lever of power that the old Regime still fully commands from inside the house of the government at this point. They've blown through the credibility of all their other institutional tools already... 1/
...over the last few years since Covid: government, law enforcement, media, entertainment, academia, science, economics, etc. Everyone is wise to those tactics, and they will wise up to this one as well, but it buys the old Regime time to prepare more kinetic options. 2/
As the credibility of these other institutions have been drained to keep leftist power afloat, judges are the "emergency" fire axe that they've been saving for a rainy day to buy them time. The fact that they have to do this so early means they are truly in a desperate state. 3/
Quick 🧵: Doxxing our guys is bad. There is no point in analyzing or debating doxxing as a tactic or whatever. That kind of stuff is for peace time. We are at war. The only question to ask here is this: is it hurting frens? If yes, then it's bad. That's it. 1/
The litmus test of fren has been the only way to distinguish truth in a modern world that is flooded with overwhelming amounts of information via Regime controlled sieves. The medium is indeed the message, and anons have created an alternate medium in this chaotic time. 2/
The anon network's pattern recognition ability is really what threatens Regime power more than anything . Trump is the physical manifestation of that new weapon in this spiritual war. "Noticers" in the ruling class and normies can only do so by virtue of that network of...3/
Boomers did in fact vote for these very policies actually, so no it isn't a "crazy take" lmao what even is this line of thinking? "Oh well Janet Yellen isn't related to you therefore boomers did nothing wrong". What? Even conservative boomers voted for Reagan who implemented the largest amnesty program for illegals in history and expanded government spending. From the very inception of boomer monoculture in the late 60s, it's been a non-stop ride of government expansion, destruction of social norms, increased spending, money printing, open borders, and the overall ignorance of serious structural problems in the economy to secure the stability of their life horizon.
Boomers wanted these policies because they held blind faith in the system which had been corrupted by leftism, kicking serious issues down the road to extend their own good feelings and easy times, inflating market goods like housing or devaluing currency to buy more time and expand their assets via money printing, always putting off the inevitable consequences because it would "mess up the economy" aka their promised retirement plans.
This isn't up for debate. This is what boomers wanted and voted for, across the board, regardless of political affiliation, and it's the main reason you see more opposition to Trump among boomers than other generations. They're terrified of ripping off the bandaids and having someone call BS on the whole rotten carcass of this fake economic model they've been running for half a century.
Quick 🧵: The left doesn't actually know anything, they just make up scary sounding, pseudo-academic terminologies to wish away normal behavior. Wanting a safe home is "xenophobic", wanting to maintain your town is "problematic", wanting a high-trust society is "fascism", etc. 1/
We shouldn't take people like Seder seriously: he is a buffoonish character imitating a liberal picture of intellect, which just means asking absurd reductive questions behind a smug facade of surface deep quizzical brow movements. They are totally empty. The NPC meme is real. 2/
All he does is criticize, "uh uh uh yikes idk about that", "um that's problematic" "don't you think that's racist?" "uh sheesh that sounds iffy" "um uh that's xenophobic?" These are deeply unserious and unworthy people, who somehow found themselves in total control of society. 3/
Thread 🧵: The western "service" economy is largely fake and intangible, to the benefit of the corrupt. We've known this for a while: but now that the Regime has been voted out, the megacorporations have no reason to continue covering as aggressively to keep up the charade. 1/
Much of the revenue made by these companies is exploitative, manufactured by complex wealth extraction techniques and numbers on spreadsheets, supported by and dependent upon infinite money printing, taking advantage of this shift in the government-driven financial paradigm. 2/
Corporations are highly adaptive. In this case, they've adapted far too well to the conditions of hive servitude and national decline encouraged by the Regime, and have thus gotten fat on the profits. The stock market never reflected the true state of the economy as a result. 3/
Quick 🧵: Swearing has now become very left-coded. Something in the lib psyche loves voyeuristic vulgarity: they dominated culture for so long but they also have an inferiority complex, perpetually imagining themselves to be "resistance" fighters (even when they're winning). 1/
This dominance has made them exceedingly weak, fat, lazy and hollow. The once rock solid mandate of heaven over Western culture has stagnated and they are in danger of losing it outright. You could argue they already have. Everything they put out now reeks of desperation. 2/
They are constantly trying to recreate the magic of the 60s, when their "revolution" reigned terror upon the world. Films could reorder social hierarchies. Music brought down foreign governments. TV shattered institutions. The left felt as if they had conquered God. 3/