Vagrant of Rhodes 🗡️🕯️ Profile picture
Anon wandering the wastes of modernity. Glory to God.
Glenda Martin Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 17 6 tweets 2 min read
The whole "she's brainwashed it isn't their fault" thing is the same argument justifying criminal behavior. "It isn't their fault it's society's". Same victimhood glorification that got us here in the first place. They're brainwashed? So what. How does that make a shred of difference if they want me dead? I understand having mercy for these people, I do. I know many of them. But punishment being one sided is why our society is so broken. They need to understand that this isn't ok, and that only happens by enforcing rational punishment. They've been enforcing irrational punishment for years, which has broken our society and our ability to level fair reprisals to keep things in balance.
Jul 16 14 tweets 6 min read
Quick 🧵: The Regime acts purely out of a hunger for power and spite. Trump's divine survival of assassination will throw them into a deeper panic than even his original victory in 2016. Fraud will be blatant and rampant. I'd be more wary of invented black swans too. I expect; 1/ Fraud will be extreme, much more than 2020. Without COVID this will break the thin suspension of disbelief that remains in the system. This changes how people interpret fraud, leading more to widely accept its use as a "normal" part of "democracy". 2/ Image
Jul 15 17 tweets 7 min read
Quick 🧵: In case anyone is under the delusion that libs want "unity", I present to you an innocuous post from a DC photographer Instagram account about the Trump assassination, and the absolute vitriol from libs for this person daring to post something even neutral about it: 1/

These people don't want unity. They don't want to apologize. They don't sympathize with you. They're out here dancing on the grave of Corey Comperatore, harassing his family, wishing the shooter hadn't missed, hitting the accelerator even harder in the wake of this. 2/ Image
Jul 12 22 tweets 7 min read
Quick thread 🧵: America is a nation in denial of its own decline. Both sides exhibit denial, but in very different ways. Libs as the ruling clique exhibit the most extreme delusions of all, because they're still stuck in their minds in 2016 when the clocks stopped with Trump. 1/ All of the invented Trump "controversies" were fresh back then, and people would believe anything they said. They could even live-coup a sitting President. He was still "orange man bad" and people would believe them when they used CNN or NYT to launder their narrative ops. 2/
Jul 3 19 tweets 6 min read
Thread🧵: The Vibe Shift is more palpable every day. I see more little dark age schizo edits on the TL than ever. Trump mogging Biden is the most memorable debate image. By generation, the vibe shift marches on (disclaimer: this analysis is from the POV of a millennial) 1/
Gen Alpha are realizing that their future has been sold, and are growing up with an insurgent mindset. They've known nothing but decline, and have had to watch their parents stress and wither under it in real time. They see the stupidity and lies all around them, first hand. 2/
Jun 19 11 tweets 4 min read
Quick 🧵: Bioleninism is an absurdist philosophy, a psychic parasite which digs deeper and deeper into its host (whether it be man or nation) seeding poisonous ideas and suicidal ideation. Its zombie-like nature spurs on a perpetual need to venture out in search of new hosts. 1/ Bioleninism creates a thirst for destruction of all things good, healthy and normal, spreading itself continuously like a germ to achieve this goal. No nation or tribe as of yet has been capable of inoculating itself from the deleterious schemes of bioleninist infiltration. 2/
Jun 14 12 tweets 4 min read
Quick thread 🧵: Notice the phrasing, "I'm confident in the way the court handled this matter". He has no sense of ownership or responsibility. This is symptomatic of the massification of society, and the destruction of human communities by managerial parasitism. 1/ Managerialism transforms societies into mass factories, things to be merely managed and maintained by midwits like Hagan, who are beholden only to their own desire to maintain or grow their position within the system. To mere managers, people become mere stats to exploit. 2/
Jun 7 13 tweets 5 min read
Quick 🧵: Auron is spot on. Society is in a footrace between
The Regime: in its efforts to, deconstruct, manipulate, recreate society in their unholy "image"
Dissidents: in their efforts to expose the destruction and amass enough true support to dethrone the Regime 1/ Trump is, in this case, the ultimate accelerant. The CURRENT gambit is not yet in dethroning the Regime, but in exposing its mechanisms and camouflage, helping dissidents pull the wool off the eyes of the people before it's too late, before the Regime cauterizes. 2/ Image
May 28 11 tweets 4 min read
Quick 🧵: It's easy to forget just how totally insane the COVID years were. Hallucinogenic brainworms like floydism and safteyism infected society and changed its very DNA. Cultural rot was magnified x100 fold. Unbridled Regime acceleration. Extremely radicalizing. 1/ There is an irony in the use of a virus and an RNA shifting pseudo-vaccine as a sort of Freudian slip. The left wanted to infect and forcibly change society at its core structure, by subjugating the human spirit itself. In many ways they succeeded...but they also failed. 2/
May 22 9 tweets 3 min read
Quick 🧵: Open borders is a policy of genocide against Americans, presented as some complex, unsolvable Gordian Knot to prevent its repeal. Many policies are presented this way; as unknowable, mysterious problems requiring herculean efforts to reverse or repair. This is a lie. 1/ Libs and their sycophants will say "Oh we can't do that because of Congress, can't do that because of the funding process, can't do that because of the courts, can't do that because we need to preserve the institutional norms", and then celebrate when another one of us dies. 2/
May 20 12 tweets 5 min read
Quick 🧵: No one alive today has lived under a constitutional "founders" government. These systems have become albatrosses, hung by the Regime and its sycophantic enforcers around the necks of their enemies, traping you with talk of "principles" while stabbing you in the back. 1/ The Regime violates these "principles" repeatedly, every hour of every day, and some "principled" people think that you should just let it happen in order to service their own sense of moral superiority and pride. This behavior is exactly what the Founders warned us against. 2/

May 14 16 tweets 6 min read
Quick 🧵: The "migration benefits the economy" myth is unraveling before our eyes. As the Regime importats endless foreign mercenaries, the migration farce will accelerate, revealing it as nothing more than a vindictive policy of ethnic cleansing buoyed by parasitism. 1/ The Regime has admitted to importing at least tens of millions, and that's simply what we know of. The real number is likely much, MUCH higher, and at least half that force does nothing but mill around feeding off the system. This is an incalculable burden on citizens... 2/ Image
May 3 4 tweets 4 min read
DOOMERS: "The campus is taken. It is over."

ANONS: "You said this campus would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have been doxxed defending it!"

[Shrieks from blue haired leftists echo through the doors. The normies and boomers on college campuses cower in fear.]

ANONS: "Is there no other way for the normies and boomers to get out of the universities?"

DOOMERS: "..."

ANONS: "Is there no other way???"

CAMPUS PD: "There is one passage. It leads into the sports complex, and out to Greek Row. But they will not get far. The obese protesters are too many."

ANONS: "Send word for the normies and boomers to make for the pass through the sports complex to safety in Greek Row. And barricade the entrance!"

DOOMERS: "So much Soros funding. What can men do against such reckless hate?"

[The protestors keep trying to pick the doors to the university library with their nose rings, unsuccessfully. They wail in frustration at the cold pizza delivered by their NGO enablers because it isn't vegan.]

ANONS: "Ride out with me."

DOOMERS: "..."

ANONS: "Ride out and meet them!"

DOOMERS: "...for death and glory?"

ANONS: "For white boy summer. For your people."

WHITEPILLERS: "The sun is rising."

[ANONS scroll on X as the feed refreshes.]

FRAT BOYS: "Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East."

DOOMERS: "Yes.... Yes! The call of the white boy shall sound in the deep... one last time!"


[Chants of "USA USA" fill the air. Fat Marxist protesters begin crying uncontrollably.]

DOOMERS: "Let this be the hour when we draw swords together."

[The party brandishes their cell phone cameras.]

DOOMERS: "Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath. Now for ruin. And the red white and blue dawn!!"

[The doors to the school library break open.]

DOOMERS: "Forð Eorlingas!!!"


TRUMP: "It's like in the great stories, let me tell you America. The best ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, bigly. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end, no you didn't. Because how could the end be, happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened, so much bad I tell you."

[The blue-hairs flee Ole Miss. The frat boys shout in victory about SEC titles. Slogan signs and cheap keffiyehs slide down the streets, washed away by spring rains.]

TRUMP: "But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow, a little passing shadow. Teeny tiny. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer, the clearest let me tell you. And in that sun we will make America Great Again."

[Public opinion begins to turn against the Regime.]

TRUMP: "Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, maybe not as much as me, I know, but still something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, America, I do understand. I know now. Folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't, no sir, they didn't, they could have, but they didn't. Because they were holding on to something."

AMERICANS: "What are we holding on to?"

[Trump starts doing his rally dance.]

TRUMP: "That there's some good in this world, that we will make America Great again. And it's worth fighting for."Image
@MiddleearthMixr I humbly offer you this post my brother, my captain, my king
Apr 29 11 tweets 4 min read
Quick 🧵: The institutions typically entrusted with the care of citizens at various stages of life have become openly hostile, incompetent, and dangerous. At its core, this represents resource competition between the Regime and oppositional elements within society. 1/ Our lives are built entirely around accumulating enough resources to escape the consequential carnage of the Regime's revolution, to insulate your family/self from it. Dumb doctors, tr00ns in school, criminal streets, racialized judges, faulty airplanes, lost knowledge, etc. 2/
Apr 28 20 tweets 6 min read
Quick 🧵: Replacing the entire population of a civilization with third world schizos who hate that civilization doesn't "save" it from ruin. It kills it faster. This is fundamentally a problem of the economic brainwashing of "numbers only go up". This is wrong. 1/ Low birth rates are indeed a crisis of epic proportions, and Elon is right to notice it. But he misdiagnoses the solution. We need to be figuring out the spiritual, cultural, environmental and economic conditions that are causing low birth rates and fix them from the inside. 2/ Image
Apr 24 16 tweets 6 min read
Quick🧵: When normies, moderates, GOPers, etc. notice things like the Columbia protests, it often feels like they never get the urgency. Dissidents sigh and go "we told you so". But remember that every time moderates are forced to see this stuff, they're further radicalized. 1/ They may not take the strongest action, or respond in the precise way we want them to, but they DO get further radicalized towards our cause. As a result, they're willing to dip their toes into right wing power and try new things, albeit often very timidly about doing so. 2/
Apr 22 13 tweets 4 min read
Quick 🧵: Libs have this religious need to live out their fantasy of being "Le oppressed resistance fighter taking on the man" (despite the fact they actually control all of our major societal institutions) so they conjure up insane scenarios to justify this fantasy. 1/ This is a pretty common dynamic in modern politics. As leftists have infiltrated and taken over major corporations, government agencies, schools, entertainment, the legal system, media and other institutions, they've naturally become more and more obsessed with power. 2/
Apr 19 11 tweets 5 min read
Quick 🧵: Kingdom of Heaven is such a fantastic example of how aesthetics, when done right, will win out every time in hearts and minds, and how artistic mediums such as film (like any art) will have its greatest impact in ways its creators often aren't able to predict. 1/ The aesthetics of Kingdom of Heaven are so well conceived and executed that they completely overpower the film's modernist subplot. As a result, it is remembered for these qualities, which undermine the tepid modernist messaging shoehorned into an otherwise compelling story. 2/

Apr 17 15 tweets 5 min read
Quick 🧵: This Speaker has been a classic GOP bait-and-switch. Comes in, talks a big game, immediately does a complete 180, starts funding Regime pet projects, warmongering with the Intel agencies, etc. Blackmailed maybe? Who knows. But let's talk about controlled opposition. 1/ First we shouldn't pretend Speaker Johnson was going to be some based populist. He's essentially Mike Pence in the House. These are not people from "our" movement. Rather, these are people who walk the same halls of power as libs and have been corrupted by their influence. 2/
Apr 16 12 tweets 4 min read
Quick 🧵: In many ways we already live in a 3rd world country, it's just isolated to certain pockets. Our entire lives are ordered around it. We spend most of our time working to accumulate enough wealth to escape it. This is the Regime's raison d'eter: "power and punishment". 1/ People choose en masse to endure the misery of long commutes for this reason. They spend all their money, and incur massive debts on overpriced homes in the suburbs, building castles far in the distance for fear of the insidious and infectious spread of Regime-enacted chaos. 2/
Apr 12 16 tweets 5 min read
THREAD🧵: It's not so shocking when you realize Democrats view student loan forgiveness as simple patronage. This essentially serves as a bailout and an excuse for universities to continue price gouging at the expense of tax payers and students through two avenues: 1/
Image 1) Price Inflation. This guarantees a steady price increase to help match the profit goals of the institutions. As people worry about attendance in schools, the schools make up the difference by increasing the price of their products. 2/ Image