2/ There are many signals in the text indicating that the website and his operation were a psyop.
The goal right now will be to paint him as a supporter of Ukraine. However, I will demonstrate why we should be very suspicious of this narrative, which Rouch worked hard to seed.
3/ Here he is running a similar psyop for the CCP.
4/ Chinese state media photographed him at a demonstration in Ukraine to help establish he was pro-Ukraine. Taiwanese state media also ran a piece saying Routh had nothing to do with opposing China's position on Taiwan! lol.
They may have deleted the article, but here's a pic that is still live on their domain:
9/ He was mentioned in a March 2023 NYT piece about volunteers for Ukraine. Very odd commentary which shows no respect for the law or international convention.
13/ So, why do I believe Routh's pro-Ukraine operation () had malicious intent, and is actually a deceptive operation masquerading as pro-Ukrainian?
This website and associated content appear to be a sophisticated, multi-layered disinformation operation masquerading as a pro-Ukrainian initiative. The extreme rhetoric, unrealistic demands, and encouragement of reckless behavior seem designed to discredit legitimate Ukrainian support, potentially escalate the conflict, and create divisions among Ukraine's allies. By promoting dangerous actions and misrepresenting Ukrainian needs, it could be attempting to paint supporters as irrational and undermine faith in Ukrainian leadership. The operation may also serve intelligence-gathering purposes, exploiting well-intentioned individuals and tracking foreign national movements.
I analyzed the website and its three blog posts to help understand why.
1. Intelligence Gathering:
- Collecting data on potential foreign fighters through direct contact channels
-Creating opportunities for SIGINT by encouraging use of various messaging apps
-Mapping patterns of volunteer movement and entry points into Ukraine
By encouraging direct contact and providing multiple communication channels, they could be collecting data on potential foreign fighters, their backgrounds, and their motivations.
2. Recruitment and Infiltration:
- Potential honeypot operation to lure idealistic or vulnerable individuals
- Facilitating easier infiltration of Russian agents into Ukrainian volunteer forces
- Identifying candidates for recruitment as Russian assets or for future false flag operations
The promise of payment and adventure could be designed to lure idealistic or desperate individuals. Once in Ukraine, these people could be prime targets for recruitment by Russian intelligence services, either through coercion or false flag operations.
Encouraging the use of various messaging apps could be an attempt to channel communications through platforms that Russian intelligence services can more easily monitor or hack.
3. Compromise and Control:
- Setting up situations for blackmail by encouraging bypassing of official channels
- Creating opportunities for kompromat gathering
- Potentially activating sleeper agents through coded messages in seemingly innocent instructions
By encouraging people to bypass official channels, the operation sets up opportunities to compromise individuals. This could lead to blackmail scenarios, forcing volunteers to act as intelligence assets.
4. Disinfo and Psych Warfare:
- Employing classic dezinformatsiya tactics, mixing truth with lies
- Using maskirovka to mask the true intent behind a pro-Ukrainian facade
- Amplifying negative experiences to demoralize supporters and tarnish Ukraine's image
- Sowing discord between foreign volunteers and Ukrainian forces
The overtly pro-Ukrainian stance is a form of military deception, masking the op's true intent.
5. Sabotage of Legitimate Efforts:
- Undermining official volunteer channels by encouraging reckless, uncontrolled entry
- Potentially setting up financial scams to discredit legitimate aid efforts
- Data poisoning of Ukrainian volunteer databases to reduce effectiveness
6. Provocation and Propaganda:
- Encouraging behavior that could lead to incidents exploitable for Russian propaganda
- Setting the stage for false flag operations
- Creating unrealistic expectations to generate disappointment and resentment
Inflated claims, such as the need for "thousands if not millions" of volunteers, appears to be a form of pripriska, a tactic of exaggeration, designed to create unrealistic expectations and subsequent disappointment.
Encouraging reckless behavior could be aimed at creating incidents that Russia could exploit for propaganda purposes, such as foreign fighters causing civilian casualties.
7. Long-term Strategic Manipulation:
- Potentially part of a larger active measures campaign to influence the conflict's course
- Setting up a network of compromised individuals for future intelligence operations
- Undermining international support for Ukraine through carefully crafted narratives
In my opinion, this op demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of human psychology, modern conflict dynamics, and the complexities of info warfare.
It leverages the genuine desire of many to help Ukraine, twisting it into a tool that could ultimately harm the very cause it claims to support. By appearing overtly pro-Ukrainian while subtly undermining Ukraine's efforts, this operation aims to create confusion, gather intelligence, and set a stage for various forms of sabotage and manipulation.
Its multi-layered approach makes it particularly insidious, as it can serve multiple intelligence objectives simultaneously while maintaining plausible deniability.
Because the individual behind this website, who was also behind today's purported Trump assassination attempt, has also been observed engaging in influence and recruitment work for other foreign nations, this could significantly alter our understanding of the operation..
- This could be a sophisticated, multi-national intelligence gathering effort, possibly involving cooperation between Russian and Chinese services, or a freelance operator selling information to multiple bidders.
- The operation might be part of a larger strategy to destabilize not just Ukraine, but Western alliances more broadly, serving both Russian and Chinese interests.
- The entire operation could be a Chinese-led false flag, designed to appear Russian in origin, adding another layer of deniability and complexity.fightforukraine.com.ua
14/ Routh's repeated use of the same WhatsApp number across multiple operations, publicly advertised, initially suggests amateur tradecraft. This apparent lapse in OPSEC could indicate a freelance actor selling info to various bidders.
However, if an intelligence agency were linked to Routh's operations, then this seemingly careless detail could be more significant, perhaps indicating a deliberate plant designed to create a false narrative of a lone operator.
Even apparent mistakes can be strategic plays/misdirections. Attribution is difficult. Investigators probably have their work ahead of them.
But ask yourself, which actor(s) stand the most to gain from their use of Routh?
Which visible op of Routh's is most developed? Cui Bono
15/ Note the messaging alignment of the below video with his demonstration signs in tweets #10, 11, and 12 in this thread.
16/ After review, the above video is very clearly Russian propaganda not created by Ukrainians. Routh's presence in this video, which shows a staged demonstration, makes his status as a Putin payroll guy extremely clear.
So... did the Kremlin try to take a shot at Trump today?
17/ The original video source appears to be a Kremlin propaganda account.
WHY were Springfield elem. schools targeted with terror threats today? WHO created the lying, hateful propaganda about Haitians in Ohio BEFORE the debate?
A: TENET Media 🇷🇺 + @libsoftiktok
🚩 Trump/Vance are weaponizing Russian propaganda against Americans!
Details below 1/
2/ A big-picture overview of media reporting on this conspiracy theory and how it came to the forefront of American consciousness.
3/ Two city officials, including Mayor Rue, are interviewed on Fox News regarding a purportedly overwhelming "immigration crisis" re: Haitians in Springfield.
JD Vance is cited as a supporter of the speaker's goal to stop Haitian immigration to Springfield (and other cities).
🚨 BREAKING: Two "asylum-seekers" to the U.S., one Russian and one Kazakh, have just been arrested in Miami and charged with cybercrimes for running crime forum "WWH club" together.
I just found an INSANE detail in the criminal complaint that suggests Kremlin involvement 🤯
2/ This highlighted text is pretty suspicious!
Why? 👀
Copper isotopic atomic fractions refer to the relative abundances of different isotopes of copper in a sample. That this was specifically called out in the complaint is suggests natsec concerns abound for several reasons:
👀 Certain copper isotopes can be used in nuclear reactors or weapons research. Highly enriched copper isotopes can have specialized nuclear applications. Copper isotope ratios can also be used to trace the origin of materials, which is valuable for tracking illicit nuclear activities or materials.
👀 Precise control of copper isotopic fractions is important for certain high-tech applications in electronics, superconductors, and advanced materials.
A foreign agent's interest in such specialized materials could indicate attempts to acquire sensitive technical knowledge or capabilities...
Transactions involving isotopically enriched materials can also relate to efforts to circumvent non-proliferation controls and sanctions. The use of cryptocurrency, as in this case, sharply increases the likelihood of this risk.
👀 If the two men are actually Kremlim spies, them engaging in transactions related to copper isotopic atomic fractions on domestic soil can suggest attempts to:
- Acquire restricted materials or technology
- Gather intelligence on domestic nuclear or high-tech capabilities
- Establish procurement networks for sensitive materials
- Probe for vulnerabilities in export controls or material safeguards
Would love to know more about the exact nature of those transactions and the quantities involved...
Instead of hiding from it, I’d run downstairs or put my ear to the wall to get a better listen. My heart would still race, but in an anticipatory way, like it did when I was about to score in a basketball game. [...]
This thing that I hated had become a sort of drug.”
When Vance's mother told her family she intended to k*ll herself after intentionally crashing into a pole and landing in the hospital, his grandmother stated,
“Who tries to kill themselves by crashing a fucking car? If she wanted to kill herself, I’ve got plenty of guns.”
Match suspicious comments to suspicious IP addresses. Here we have "Clint" who asks,
"I am not sure who told you that 'Space-based interceptors present the best option for a boost-phase missile defense.' Can you point me to a technical study? This Air Force (ex-AF) officer says the opposite is true: that space based missile defense is not feasible [links]
So I am confused -- it seems space based missile defense is not the most sensible thing to do. If you have any other information to share on this issue that would be good. Thanks."
"Clint" 🤡 made this particular comment from an IP address originating from Kathmandu, Nepal.
"james.smith@diversey.com" commented in 2011 during the Obama presidency:
"No, grog help us! At this point, all sanity has been lost by the big O"
This appears to be a combined set of exports from a SQL database. Here are the first lines
Because this is a combined export (likely from the command line) of various tables, the file is not readable by a typical SQL editor, and needs to be split into pieces to make it so.
I'd rather just turn it into CSV chunks to start cleaning up the dataset for further analysis
China, Russia, and Iran are waging an information war against the United States, yet many Americans do not realize they are under attack.
Nor do they appreciate that developments on the battlefield of ideas and beliefs can have a decisive impact on the security and way of life Americans enjoy.
This lack of awareness is ideal for Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran — predators like nothing better than hunting slumbering prey.
Americans may not realize they are already in an information war because adversaries attempt to conceal their activities.
To make matters worse, Americans often think of international conflict consciously or subconsciously in the context of kinetic war — soldiers, ships, and aircraft battling one another on land, at sea, or in the air.
So, when there is no overt conflict, Americans can be lulled into a false sense of security.
This propensity works to the advantage of China, Russia, and Iran, which view conflict with the United States more like a dial than a two-way switch.
These adversaries turn the dial’s intensity up or down as needed, but hostile intentions toward the United States and attacks in the information domain remain constant regardless of whether a ‘shooting war’ is underway.
So, what exactly does this information warfare look like?
- Aims to become a "discourse superpower" by shaping global narratives.
- Uses state media, social media platforms, and influencers to spread propaganda.
- Spends billions annually on its discourse ecosystem.
Russia's approach:
- Employs "reflexive control" to manipulate enemy decision-making.
- Exploits social divisions and interferes in domestic politics of target countries.
- Adapts tactics as circumstances evolve, including using cyber capabilities.