if Hamas, Hezbollah, or any group or person exploded electronic devices in Israel and killed children, it would be described by the entire Western media class as a horrific act of wanton evil sadistic terrorism. Israel does it and it's seen as an epic based move to be celebrated
what is the difference between killing children and civilians by intentionally exploding devices meant to kill them, and doing it by shooting or bombing them?
There is no difference.
It's the same act of mass murder, of actual terrorism.
But because Israel does it with Western arms, funding, weapons and intel it's epic and based and we all have to celebrate it as such
change the people killed and wounded for Israelis and the exact same means was used to do it, and the entire Western media and political class would be crying endless hysterical crocodile tears, writing 6000 word profiles on each and every one of them as pure Saints, like they do with all the genocidal Israeli Zionist baby-killing rape-soldiers on October 7 when they mention the Holy 1200 (a fake made up purely propaganda number as I detailed here: ).
It is the same with the entire depraved genocidal "human shields" propaganda, which like every Zionist accusation is of course pure projection and actually applies to them:
The entire Western media and political class can't even comprehend this. They can't even comprehend that the same genocidal murderous principles they apply to others should also be applied to themselves. It's incomprehensible to these depraved scum
if planting explosives in electronic devices and blowing them up in civilian areas killing and wounding indiscriminately is fine and in fact great, what's wrong with putting explosives in cars in Tel Aviv? Oh right, only genocidal occupiers are allowed to do murderous terrorism
this is the point Chomsky made to a Zionist hack "reporter" who couldn't comprehend why the entire Western media and political class who hysterically cry about car bombs from those who are occupied and genocided, gleefully support state terror by Israel
"It's a great analytical error to describe terrorism as the weapon of the weak. Like most weapons it is primarily a weapon of the strong, and always has been."
today is the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, and also of the entire media class losing their minds over Chomsky telling some uncomfortable truths about it
today is also the 50th anniversary of the first 9/11, a much worse act of state terror conveniently memory-holed by the Western media and political class because the US sponsored it: the fascist military coup against Chile's socialist government
as the media class began the "War on Terror" propaganda, in November 2001 Chomsky was pointing out that the US is the world's leading terrorist state and that "it's a great error to describe terrorism as the weapon of the weak: it's a weapon of the strong, and always has been."
Kamala Harris looks and sounds like a pathetic fifth-rate Obama tribute act. The hand gestures, the light head-bobbing, the inflections of her voice, so desperately trying to mimic Obama, and so obviously failing miserably at it. She oozes fakeness, inauthenticity, emptiness. Her entire being is vacant. Nothingness
just watching her for more than a few seconds makes me physically ill. She is disgusting, vile, sickening. Even Hillary Clinton has more natural charisma than her. The fact that the media class and pseudo-radical Twitch streamers and Youtubers are pretending she is some epic based charismatic natural leader, desperately trying to erect a personality cult around her and pretend she isn't what everyone can plainly see with their own eyes she is by just looking at her speak for more than a few seconds, is a testament to the power of propaganda, and it's limitations
btw Obama knows this. Obama and establishment Dems know she is an empty void, zero charisma, oozes fake from every pore of her being. That's why they hesitated so much to get rid of Genocide Joe. They know exactly what Kamala is. Everyone knows it. She is pure nothingness
oh my god. Kamala Harris actively covered up pedophilic mass rape when she became district attorney, ignoring victims as she shielded the serial pedophile rapists who were still working with children at the time. They were free to groom and rape even more children because of her
this is insane. Kamala Harris actively protected pedophile mass rapists to advance her political career, and Republicans aren't even mentioning it because they also don't want to offend the Catholic Church. So her shielding of pedophile mass rapists is being swept under the rug
meanwhile Kamala Harris with liberal media class support is branding herself as a brave heroic defender of child victims of sexual abuse. She literally enabled their mass rape and shielded their pedophile rapists, and this is how she's being branded by the media class. Holy shit
before AOC being a Nancy Pelosi clone singularly obsessed with becoming Senator and then running for President (which she will lose so badly it will make Kamala's 2020 run look like the best campaign in history), her argument was that it was the responsibility of the Democratic Party to not move so far to the right as to push left progressive voters either into abstaining from elections or voting Green.
That's literally what she said in response to why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. She didn't blame Jill Stein. She didn't blame "the Greens who only come around during general elections and are predatory."
But she has now fully adopted the talking points of Hillary Clinton/Nancy Pelosi because that's what she is. That's her main goal in life, to become "brat", to become the next Latinx version of Queen Kamala after her run is over.
And again it's the neoliberal rhetoric of "we are really serious about power, but not these dirty hippie vile leftists that aren't Democrats like us who bow to our anointed Dear Leaders. They're unserious and predatory."
Do you know what's predatory and rapey from @AOC, since we're going to use language like that?
When she lies to her teenage early twenties ignorant audience by saying "Queen Kamala is working tirelessly to end the genocide" that she actively funds and arms and has pledged to forever support, as she is totally beholden to the Zionist Israeli rape-cult, and since AOC is giving cover to her by lying, that means she is also beholden to it. Hence the rapey part. AOC loves to continue the rape of Palestinian children, girls, boys, women and men. That's why she poses with the relatives of Israeli genocidal baby-killing rape-soldiers:
And as I have said before just recently, this neoliberal rhetoric of "we are the serious ones about power" (see ) is even more deranged and absurd when you consider that AOC's own political project, per her own stated terms, has been an abysmal failure.
The AOC theory of change was we will build more and more members of "the squad", and take over the Democratic Party, and I will devote all my energy to that such that even if I lose after one term it will have been worth it (see ).
Instead of "growing" that "power", let alone utilizing it in the one moment when she and they could have for example to prevent Nancy Pelosi from becoming speaker again or blocking crucial votes to get their own policies passed or at least voted on which she refused to do for "epic based million dimensional chess power" reasons, what has happened to her precious "squad"?
It just lost two of its key members, Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman. The only thing AOC did to try to avert that was do last-minute epic rallies that only disgusted everyone even more.
What happened to your epic based TikToks and Instagrams lives there? Why weren't you able to save them? Why weren't you able to "build power" per your own theory of change, but instead lost it?
No, she's not interested in "building power", she is interested in becoming the first based epic Latinx President. That's her life's mission now. She became intoxicated by those invites to the Met Gala and Stephen Colbert and those Vogue and Time Magazine covers. She's a celebrity now. She's our celebrity epic based Nancy Pelosi queen.
Everyone in the US despises these people, and there will be no greater actual joy than watching brat Kamala lose the election, and then AOC YAAAAS KWEEN lose her primary. Those are two of the events I greatly look forward to in the coming years.
btw, just to show how much of a disgusting liar @AOC really is: The point of a left of Dem candidate running in the general is to act as a pressure point to prevent predator rapey Democrats like AOC from going even further to the right:
It would of course be great if the Green Party or any party for that matter was more effective, but @AOC and other rapey neoliberal Dem establishment predators like her only bring this up as an excuse to launder the genocidal rapey Zionists she demands unending fealty to.
AOC wants her followers to vote for rape of Palestinian children, that's who AOC is. That's the kind of rapey disgusting depraved scumbag she is, she is laundering rape right now. That's her sole purpose in life, to launder pedophilic child rape, and she does it by lying about what the purpose of a left of Dem run in the general is.
Let's imagine rapey predator AOC got her way, and Jill Stein and Cornel West and the PSL weren't running in the general. It was just the Democrats, and everyone to the left of them pledged total fealty to Democrats. All those Michigan voters, the anti-genocide voters, they all made no demands, they pledged total obedience to rapey predators like AOC and Kamala.
Do you know Kamala's DNC speech that was already a genocide-laundering pro-pedophilic child rape mess? It would have been even worse than that. They would have invited AIPAC speakers at the DNC every night. They would have laundered the rape hoax every minute of the convention to launder the actual mass pedophilic rape of Palestinian children.
And AOC would have still come one to participate in all that, and lie even more brazenly about how great momala is and how she's the best most radical epic based queen alive. Every single day momala would come out with even more deranged Republican policies than she is currently, and even more insane Zionist genocide-laundering. Because there's zero pressure from the left. There is no Jill Stein, there is no West, there is no PSL, exactly like rapey predator AOC wants.
So the ideal scenario for AOC is an even more disgusting genocidal pedophilic rapist Zionist death cult candidate and Party running in the general than is already the case.
She calls this "building power" and "being serious".
also, anyone who chooses this moment to call Jill Stein a "crank" and smear the Green Party, isn't expressing an actual criticism based on reason and facts, they're electioneering for the genocidal Zionist yaas kween pedophile-rape lover Kamala/Walz campaign. So all those Twitch streamers and Youtubers doing the "LOL BUT JILL STEIN IS WEIRD THOUGH LOL LOL" are doing free advertisement for the pedophile-rape Zionist campaign of Kamala Harris. And they're doing it consciously, intentionally, for that very purpose.
Do you know what makes a person a "crank"? When they give speeches at AIPAC as a black woman saying they have loved Israel since their earliest childhood, when they went around homes raising money for it:
Now I know Kamala is lying when she says that. She did not go around homes raising money for Israel. That's fucking insane. But imagine just how much of a deranged pathological crank you have to be to say that in public at a speech to advance your personal political career.
How about when someone goes on the DNC stage and lies about how Kamala is "working tirelessly to get a ceasefire", which is a lie because Kamala has vowed to never stop arming and funding the Israeli death and pedophilic rape-cult, which is the only means by which the genocide can be stopped, as Ilhan Omar pointed out:
That's a crank. A person who does that is a deranged pathological crank. A predatory rapey crank I should add, and her name @AOC.
Claiming you care about rape and sexual violence as you pledge endless funding and arming of a regime that has been confirmed to systematically engage in pedophilic mass child rape, makes you a rapey predatory crank.
Claiming you care about averting the existential threat posed by climate change as you support endless fracking makes you a deranged crank. Celebrating your history of a "tough law and order prosecutor" as you claim to care about the systematically racist legal and prison system, makes you a crank.
Kamala Harris and AOC are among the most grotesque depraved predatory rapey cranks in US politics right now, and they're deflecting it onto Jill Stein and the Greens. It's a copy of the Zionist strategy of every accusation being a confession, unsurprising coming from genocidal predatory rapey Zionists.
hey @joseffederman, I am giving you a final warning you scumbag motherfucker. Every prestige Western media outlet, from Reuters to BBC, have stopped using the genocide-laundering AIPAC script line that you singlehandedly launched back in early June: "It does not distinguish between civilians and militants", after every mention of the official MoH death toll in the ongoing Gaza genocide.
I check every single AP piece for that script since you launched it, and some have not included it. But you always bring it back. You always demand it is inserted into every article and I know you reprimand anyone who dares not obey your AIPAC-handed orders.
I also know the role WINEP played in getting you to launch that script, Josef, you vile scumbag propagandist.
Per Israel's own random arbitrary made up inflated figures of how many "Hamas militants" they have killed, the majority of the over 40K MoH figures, which are as experts have said a vast undercount, are civilians (the IDF now claims 17K, without any evidence).
So you know the majority are civilians, you motherfucker. You fucking piece of shit motherfucker.
If you keep lying and adding that genocidal laundering script so that readers go "well I guess they're all Hamas so it's cool, there's zero mention of how many of them are civilians and Josef Federman just told me they're all Hamas so it's cool", I will inundate all your emails, from all your "reporters" to yourself personally whenever that script it used. Exactly like your buddies at CAMERA do, you fucking cunt.
So either you stop inserting that genocidal line immediately, or I will launch a campaign against the AP and you in particular exposing how you personally crafted the genocide laundering line and I will expose all those who keep using that line whenever you order them to do it in your articles.
I know you think you're being clever Josef. I know what you are. I know that post your liked on LinkedIn from the Israeli Consul-General in Canada joking about the death toll being obviously fake. And don't bother closing your account or making it private, I have it saved and will post it for everyone to see. You vile whore cunt.
for more on how @joseffederman singlehandedly got the entire Western media class to start laundering the Gaza genocide by making it seem as if all those killed in Gaza by his precious Israeli rape-cult are "Hamas militants", see these threads:
After Josef Federman, who is a fanatical genocidal Zionist motherfucker wrote an AP piece in early June using the Israel lobby WINEP front to spread the propaganda that all those killed in Gaza are actually Hamas, and not children or women or civilian men, every prestige media outlet began to copy him and his script after citing the death toll: "It does not distinguish between civilians and militants".
Before Josef Federman's genocidal campaign, they all added that the majority were civilians, women and children.
But Federman couldn't allow that anymore. His precious death and rape cult in Israel that he lives in and gets his money from and built his career off of was being threatened by it, so he used his position as the news editor at the AP for all Israel-Palestine coverage to insert that genocidal script, and wipe away "majority of those killed are civilians".
Josef Federman singlehandedly did that, and he thought he got away with it. That no one noticed the origins of it.
You motherfucker, I saw it. I saw you do it. I saw your posts on LinkedIn. You motherfucker, I have been tracking you you motherfucker.
If I see that line one more time without adding that the majority are civilians per Israel's own stated bullshit figures of how many "Hamas militants" they have killed, I will keep posting about it over and over and over again and direct all my followers to inundate all your email accounts with messages about it over and over again, every single time you use that line.
I'm looking at the articles every day at Reuters, BBC, CNN, NYT, and they all stopped using the script Josef Federman launched. But not him. No, not him. He keeps doing it every day, for months now. Every single day, in almost every AP piece. You motherfucker. Do it again. Bitch. Do it again.