If there really was a Jewish Conspiracy to control the United States and make it less white and Christian, we would see Jewish People running or funding the most important aspects of America.
They would need to run Facebook and Instagram like ✡️ Jewish Man Mark Zuckerberg does.
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They would need to control our information with search engines like google.
Founded by 2 ✡️Jewish men Sergey Brin/ Larry Page.
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They would need to fund politicians with foreign lobby’s like AIPAC, which puts Israeli interests above American interests.
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They would need to blackmail politicians who don’t get in line, using agents like Jewish man ✡️ Jefferey Epstein.
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They would work with specific instructions designed to limit speech about Jewish Power like the ADL.
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They would need billionaires to fund causes that broke down borders, and destroyed the fabric of a nation.
Like Jewish man ✡️ George Soros.
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They would need someone in charge of the Border to let in more immigrants like Jewish man ✡️ Alejandro Mayorkas.
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They would need someone to use tons of financial power to push for DEI in all Fortune 500 companies like Jewish man ✡️ Larry Fink of Blackrock.
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They would create a political movement to get the US involved in wars that benefit Israel, like the Neocon movement founded by 2 Jewish men Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan. ✡️
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They would need to control a majority of the Hedgefunds in the US to control where the money goes.
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They would need to control our movies, television, and newspapers,
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They would need to control our Ivy League universities and set the standards on education….
Right now currently half our Ivy League presidents are Jewish. ✡️, but it’s been as high as 7/8 before. Plus even if they use a gentile, they can just get them booted using the press, and the news to force them to resign…. Like 3 did earlier this year for not being sympathetic enough to Jewish causes.
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They would use Jewish publishers and a Jewish Media to be hostile to the predominant white racial group in the US.
Then they would double down on this in corporate boardrooms, and classrooms.
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They would work with other Jewish leaders accross the globe to further Jewish interest and not American interest.
Like when Jewish woman ✡️ Victoria Nuland helped start and find the Ukraine war with Jewish man ✡️ Volodymyr Zelensky.
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They would need Jewish people in charge of important up and coming companies and technologies. Open AAu and Palantir.
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They would need to use the federal reserve system to continue putting us in perpetual debt slavery, while enriching themselves…
Have you ever tuned into mainstream news and seen someone make an impassioned case against the federal reserve system? They are not allowed. All the displayed discourse on Zionist television is whether we will add 1 trillion in debt or 2 trillion in debt.
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They would need to make sure the historically hostile Christian population was subdued and convinced Jews were still gods Chosen people even though they rejected Christ. Just like the Schofield Bible. ✡️
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They would need to make sure the youth always views Jews as a protected class, and that White people are historically oppressors.
Like making everyone in the country read Night and the Diary of Anne Frank. ✡️
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They would need to spend extra time demonizing Hitler, and make sure none of the Kids in school actually heard what he said. They would have to make sure White identity was decimated and stigmatized.
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In other words, if the Jews wanted to conspire together to takeover and run the US, while breaking it down from its original white Christian republic, they would need to just do exactly what they have been doing.
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“I now understood the language of the Jewish people. I now knew they used language for disguising their thoughts, so that their real goals cannot be discovered by what they say, but only by reading between the lines.”
-Adolf Hitler
As uncomfortable as it may seem, Hitler is correct here. There are plenty of examples of this over recent American history. Let’s review some.
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An obvious one is immigration. The Jewish controlled press constantly told us that they were concerned about the lives of the “migrants” but really they were working on destroying the white American majority.
Even ✡️ Jew Alejandro Mayorkas used his “experience” as an immigrant as an excuse for why he did such a poor job.
Jews do this because they historically get expelled from strong homogeneous societies, so they work on creating melting pots that they can exploit.
You have to read between the lines.
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Jews like it when blacks are racist against whites, but as soon as a black person speaks up about Jewish power, they find out who really runs America.
The point is, Jews will promote anti white racism when it supports their interest. They are not against racism at all.
This is Meyer Levin… the almost certainly true author of the “Diary of Anne Frank.” 📕
Here’s how we know.
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Levin sued Otto Frank (Anne Frank’s father) in 1955 for “breach of contract” for his supposed arrangement to produce a play adaptation of the book. He was awarded 50k by a jury.
This fact in it of itself does not prove directly that Levin is the author, but other contextual evidence leads us to this conclusion.
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Some facts about Meyer Levin.
-he was appointed by Otto Frank as his copywriter agent in the US in March 1952
-he was an accomplished writer ✍️, and an ardent Zionist.
- during world war 2, he worked in the psychological warfare division and produced propaganda
- he wrote very similar works to Anne Frank, that worked on boosting morale for the Zionist cause. Books like Kibbutz Buchenwald, and The Illegals.
If there really was a ✡️ Jewish Plan to break down and eliminate the white race, Jewish intellectuals would convince intelligent whites not to procreate.
They would write books like Jew ✡️ Paul Ehrlichs “The Population Bomb” and warn of Overpopulation…
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They would use Whites to die in meaningless wars that were good for Israel, but bad for whites.
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They would need to breakdown their Ethnic pride, by teaching them that Race is a “social construct”, as championed by ✡️ Jewish intellectual Franz Boas.
If Syria 🇸🇾 falls, just know it is for one reason, and one reason alone. It is because international Jewry views him as a threat to their globalist world order.
It has always been this way for the last 100 years.
Any strong nationalist, is made out to be a monster by the media, then this excuse is used to attack and remove them from power.
Look at all the American involved wars….
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Libya 🇱🇾. Gaddafi was another strong ethnically minded nationalist…..
Had to be removed.
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Sadam Hussein, same thing. Most importantly he was a threat to Israel 🇮🇱, so the Jews used their vassal state the US to get rid of him…
It’s the CIA, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Military Industrial Complex, the Illuminati, the Globalist, the 1%, the International banking cabal….
It really is just the Jews. ✡️. Everything else is a distraction. Here’s how you know.
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It’s often claimed Hollywood is controlled by satanist, but when you check the early life’s and trace the history, you can clearly see it is simply run by Jews.
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The Media is run by the “elite!” When you dig into it, you see the media is clearly run by Jews.