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Looking for the Uncommon Sense within America, and amplifying it whenever found.
May 28 10 tweets 7 min read
Why the moon landing was fake… 🌖

Longer thread 🧵 looking at all the evidence.

First off, you have the general reality that our government lies to us about almost everything. Does it make sense to you that the US went 500k miles with tech 60 years ago, but we can’t go 1/10th that distance today?

Second, we were in the middle of a Cold War. A Cold War is a propaganda machine to increase spending to the military industrial complex. It’s literally a war of propaganda and money. Which makes more sense, that we actually went half a million miles, or that we laundered a bunch of money to military contractors and pretended we went?

Guys, there is no easy way to say this, but the government is not here to “serve us” Maybe they did at one time, but not any longer. The US government has been lying and taking advantage of us for decades on end.

Third. Gus Grissom who was supposed to be the first man on the moon was killed in an “accident” shortly after hanging a lemon on the Apollo space ship. He hung the lemon to signal that the ship would never make it to the moon. His widow maintained the CIA killed him since he was describing them messing with the equipment the day before his ship was set on fire (accidentally) The official story On Gus Grissoms death along with the rest of the Apollo 1 astronauts never made sense. They filled the cabin of Apollo 1 with a ton of oxygen and then Suddenly a “fire erupted.” The official story is faulty wiring caused it.

What really happened is they knew these astronauts were not going to lie to the American public on a broad scale and they needed to be replaced. So that’s exactly what they did.

Shortly after the accident, Mike Wallace and Dan Rather gave the MK ultra approved message that they would still be on schedule to make it to the moon within the next year.

Does this make sense? We are lighting our own astronauts on fire doing a basic test, but that same high tech is gonna get us half a million miles?

Also, coincidentally, there was a meeting scheduled up in DC about the NASA program with some of the key people the same day the death of these astronauts occurred. Funny timing. What were they discussing in this meeting?Image
Apr 25 5 tweets 2 min read
Quick thread 🧵 on Harry Truman talking about the creation of Israel. 1/5 🇮🇱🇵🇸

This isn’t a post about who is right and wrong, but a historical information post. Make your own judgments.

“It is difficult to move 6 million people out of a country and 6 million people into a country, and have both groups be happy.”

-Harry Truman “The Jews wanted to chase the Arabs into the rivers, and the Arabs wanted to chase the Jews into the Mediterranean. I was trying to find a homeland for the Jews but still be just for the Arabs.”

-Harry Truman 2/5 🧵
Apr 22 5 tweets 5 min read
Tucker and Joe Rogan discussing UFOs is very interesting. 🛸 🧵 1/5

Tucker makes valid points. He believes they are not aliens but spiritual phenomena as proclaimed by most societies up until the last century. He cites the Bible and the book Ezekiel as describing “wheels in the sky” a few thousand years ago. He also seems to think it’s not aliens since a. There’s no evidence of that, and b. The government is covering it up in some way. Maybe the alien narrative is the psyop?

Joe counter balances it with the standard extraterrestrial point of view. Maybe we can’t tell, or maybe the government doesn’t know? Or maybe they do know and they think it would be damaging to tell everyone….

They both cite Stanford professor Garry Nolan as an expert on the subject, and he certainly admits there is something going on beyond our understanding…

👇 Below is the Bible verse describing what most would describe as a mix of UFOs and spiritual phenomena.

Ezekiel 1:15-28

15-16 As I watched the four creatures, I saw something that looked like a wheel on the ground beside each of the four-faced creatures. This is what the wheels looked like: They were identical wheels, sparkling like diamonds in the sun. It looked like they were wheels within wheels, like a gyroscope.
17-21 They went in any one of the four directions they faced, but straight, not veering off. The rims were immense, circled with eyes. When the living creatures went, the wheels went; when the living creatures lifted off, the wheels lifted off. Wherever the spirit went, they went, the wheels sticking right with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures went, the wheels went; when the creatures stopped, the wheels stopped; when the creatures lifted off, the wheels lifted off, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
22-24 Over the heads of the living creatures was something like a dome, shimmering like a sky full of cut glass, vaulted over their heads. Under the dome one set of wings was extended toward the others, with another set of wings covering their bodies. When they moved I heard their wings—it was like the roar of a great waterfall, like the voice of The Strong God, like the noise of a battlefield. When they stopped, they folded their wings.
25-28 And then, as they stood with folded wings, there was a voice from above the dome over their heads. Above the dome there was something that looked like a throne, sky-blue like a sapphire, with a humanlike figure towering above the throne. From what I could see, from the waist up he looked like burnished bronze and from the waist down like a blazing fire. Brightness everywhere! The way a rainbow springs out of the sky on a rainy day—that’s what it was like. It turned out to be the Glory of God!

Apr 15 7 tweets 4 min read
In 2009 former Ohio Representative James Traficant claimed that Israel through its lobbying power entraps the United States into Wars it should not be in.

He had just been released from prison for tax and campaign finance violations.

He always maintained that the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS were weaponized against him.

Was Traficant a criminal or was Traficant leaned on for telling the truth???

🧵 👇 1/7 Traficant said and did many things that irritated a lot of powerful people and entities. Most of the clips that follow are audio clips from a radio interview he did before his prison sentence in 2002. They are enlightening….

For one, he helped pass a law that allowed the citizens to sue the IRS for abusing its own people!

He also was constantly calling out foreign countries for destroying the US steel industry and advocated for tariffs strongly. (He was ahead of the curve here clearly and he was a democrat!)

👇 2/7
Apr 1 8 tweets 5 min read
There are 2 prominent figures that were ahead of the 9/11 attacks.

Bill Cooper and Alex Jones.

This 🧵 thread isn’t about who copied who, or who might have been behind 9-11, it’s more a look back at their predictions and what lead them to their conclusions ahead of time.

It is worth reviewing so we can know how to get in front of similar type attacks. (Looks like cyber is going to be the next wave.) 🌊

Let’s Start with Bill Coopers call.

He stated on his Radio station a few months prior to 9/11, Something was coming and they would use Bin Laden as the boogeyman. He specifically called out the fact that even though our intelligence agencies were looking for Osama Bin Laden, somehow a CNN reporter and camera crew were able to find his “secret hideout.”

We either have to believe our intelligence agencies are super incompetent or they are lying. There is no in between.

Bill Cooper is not as well known today as Alex Jones, but many believe he is the original Alex Jones or some say even more authentic version.

He was killed a few months after 9/11.
Mar 26 9 tweets 6 min read
Is Ben Shapiro Mossad or Mk Ultra? This sounds like a crazy question, but let’s dive a little deeper into it.

To be fair, I have appreciated Ben’s content over the years, but Ben has been on the wrong side of some very major issues among the America first movement. Also, I don’t trust anyone since covid, so there’s that. 😂

Read through this thread 🧵 to learn more! As we explore a wild but intriguing theory.Image First off, the Daily wire fired @RealCandaceO. Business wise, this is an insane move. She is extremely popular, and it seems like they fired her for her being more America first than Israel first. In terms of pure dollars, this makes no sense. Most of conservative America is America first….. which makes me think they fired her because they are spreading a specific message.Image
Mar 24 22 tweets 7 min read
Happy Sunday everyone! This took a while, but wanted to compile some of Trumps best video clips of all time.

There will be at least 20 or so in this long thread 🧵, hope you enjoy!

Some are funny, some are powerful, some are prophetic, but basically all of them are based!

TRUMP 2024!

Clip 1/20

Trump debating Marco Rubio in 2016.

Marco- “you’re the only one who’s ever paid a fine for hiring illegal immigrants.”

Trump- “correction, I’m the only one up here that’s ever hired people.” 😂 Clip 2/20

Trump being asked about E Jean Carroll.

“You said in your deposition, she wouldn’t be your type, what did you mean by that.”

Trump- “ I look at her and I just think she wouldn’t be my type. To be honest You wouldn’t be my type either.” 😂 😂
Mar 23 4 tweets 2 min read
This is still some of @TuckerCarlson best work towards the end of his time at fox.

Every American should know Nixon was the most popular president of all time. But more importantly, they should ask why they don’t know that… Benny Johnson does a good breakdown here of why we still don’t understand all the CIA connections to watergate. Answer, because the CIA hasn’t explained it ever….
Mar 13 4 tweets 4 min read
August 22, 1798

George Washington received a letter from a man named G.W. Snyder. You’ve probably never heard of this man but his goal was to issue a warning to then former president George Washington.

He was a German born liberally educated man according to his writings, and he had a love and admiration for American god centered liberty.

His warning was about a society known as the Illumanti whose plan is to overturn all government and all religion. It sounds made up but it’s true. Here is a direct paragraph from the letter.

“It was some Time since that a Book fell into my Hands entituled “Proofs of a Conspiracy &c. by John Robison,”1 which gives a full Account of a Society of Freemasons, that distinguishes itself by the Name “of Illuminati,” whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural; and who endeavour to eradicate every Idea of a Supreme Being, and distinguish Man from Beast by his Shape only. A Thought suggested itself to me, that some of the Lodges in the United States might have caught the Infection, and might cooperate with the Illuminati or the Jacobine Club in France. Fauchet is mentioned by Robison as a zealous Member: and who can doubt of Genet and Adet? Have not these their Confidants in this Country? They use the same Expressions and are generally Men of no Religion. Upon serious Reflection I was led to think that it might be within your Power to prevent the horrid Plan from corrupting the Brethren of the English Lodge over which you preside.2”

He gave George Washington a copy of that book “Proofs of a Conspiracy.” You can still buy this book today.

How did George Washington respond? Frankly he kinda brushed it off. He did say he had heard of the Illuminati but did not believe they had infiltrated American society, and he didn’t have enough time to read the book.

“I have heard much of the nefarious, & dangerous plan, & doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter, have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely—the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, & the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstandings, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am Sir Your Obedt Hble Servt Go: Washington” (ALS, PWacD; letterpress copy, DLC:GW; LB DLC:GW).

This all sounds made up. But it’s true. We know this because we have George Washington’s letters. They can be found on the library of Congress website. We also know that he had a copy of that book in his house when he died.

If you ever want to read the total correspondence between Washington and Snyder, below is the link. founders.archives.gov/documents/Wash…