Looking for the Uncommon Sense within America, and amplifying it whenever found.
61 subscribers
Mar 8 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
There are only 2 possibilities, either Epstein is alive or Epstein was murdered.
We all know Epstein didn’t kill himself.
We also know Epstein was working for Israeli intelligence and alongside Jews within our own government to blackmail western politicians.
Given that background, let’s dig deeper into who helped him escape alive, Or who helped to take him out. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.
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Let’s start with the Body. Who viewed the body?
New York Chief medical examiner Barbara Sampson is the one that ruled it a “suicide.”
While her ancestry does not say directly that she is Jewish, one would say it is likely since she is now a VP at the Jewish founded and led Mount Sinai Health system. She also updated NY burial policies for a specific subset of Jews in 2014.
Assuming you think Epstein was murdered and Sampson is lying, you have to assume she is covering either Epsteins death or escape for some reason. Assuming she is not Jewish, one would think she is doing it for her career, (like the VP job at Mount Sinai), or she is Jewish and is protecting a Jewish spy.
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Feb 14 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Knowing what we know now about the Jewish Neocon influence leading us into endless wars in the Middle East, these old propaganda speeches from George W. Bush hit so different.
“These Muslim terrorist want to drive Israel out of the Middle East.”
“They want to drive Christian’s and Jews out of Africa.”
Then proceeds to compare Al Qaeda to Facism and Nazi germany. 😆
No. They 1940’s Facism and radical Islam are obviously not the same in any way, other than they were both opposed by Jews.
Let’s decipher the propaganda and dig deeper and see what led us into these never ending wars…
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✡️- Michael Gerson
✡️- David Frum
These are the Jewish speech writers who wrote most of George W. Bushes speeches.
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Feb 12 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Ayo Kimathi- “Everybody gotta go look this up. An immunologist by the name of J Bart Classen, who worked at NAID/NIH accross the hall from Anthony Fauci for 30 years, wrote a peer reviewed paper about how Mossad had created Covid-19 as a bioweapon of genocide….. 🤯
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Yes it is a real article written by a legit immunologist that has multiple patents etc.
“The Author believes Mossad intends to kill billions of people.”
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Feb 9 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
A lot of people are missing the point with USAID. Yes it’s great we are exposing that our money has been funneled to corrupt institutions, but USAID is not the boogeyman, it is just a tool.
There is a reason Mike Benz ✡️ (Jewish) is running point on this, and it’s to mislead you from the Jewish influence that has actually been running these NGO’s, the Media, and the like.
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This is why ✡️ Jew Bret Weinstein is on here discussing how USAID is the reason our order was wide open under Biden. He is framing the discussion.
No. It was ✡️ Alejandro Mayorkas that left the border wide open, and ✡️ Jewish funded/ Led NGO’s that facilitated it.
The fact that they got money from USAID was just a bonus.
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Jan 30 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
When examined objectively, the amount of Jewish propaganda and influence used to goad the American public into World war 2 is astounding.
Let’s examine some of the films around that time.
Confessions of a Nazi Spy, 1939.
Directed by ✡️ Anatole Litvak
Produced by ✡️ Warner brothers. Real last Name Wonsal or Wonskolaser
Keep in mind the American public was very isolationist, and many Americans were German immigrants.
This movie is about a secret Nazi spy ring working to subvert the citizenry of America, which is ironic since this film is doing exactly that but subverting America for Jewish interest.
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Beast Of Berlin- 1939
Director- ✡️ Sam Newfield
This movie is about a man and his wife leading an anti Nazi literature movement in Germany. In other words, it’s normalizing treason for “moral reasons.”
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Jan 12 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Can White Nationalists be Christians and can Christians be White nationalists?
Great debate by @EMichaelJones1 and @CoreyJMahler . You can watch the full debate at @lporiginalg page. Here are some highlights.
“Jared Taylor’s job is to police the right wing movement, similar to William F Buckley years ago, and his job specifically is to make sure White guys don’t criticize Jews.”
-E. Michael Jones
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“The Jews who accepted Christ or rejected Christ were not different in terms of DNA. It was theological. The Jew is a theological entity and his identity is based on the rejection of Jesus Christ, and when you reject Jesus Christ you become a revolutionary, which is what they have been for 2000 years.”
E. Michael Jones
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Jan 5 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
The NAACP, was never about the advancement of Black People for black interest…. It was a Jewish led movement for Jewish interest.
Let’s explain.
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When you actually dig into the founding and funding of the NAACP, you find tons of Jewish/Communist influence.
The NAACP was founded in 1909.
Do you think blacks had enough financial backing and political influence to create this on their own? Not during that time.
Enter in the Jewish funding and leadership.
✡️ Financier- Jacob Schiff
✡️ Co-founder- Henry Moskowitz
✡️ Co-founder- Emil J. Hirsch
✡️ Co-founder- Lillian Wald
✡️ Co-Founder- Julius Rosenwald
Outside of the Jewish backers and financiers there were other Communist backers and founders. While not all were Jewish, they communist/ Marxist ideology still serves Jewish interests.
Dec 30, 2024 • 20 tweets • 11 min read
If there really was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the White race, Jews would talk about it openly and try to claim it is “inevitable.”
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There would be a Plan written down in a book like The Kalergi Plan, which is written in the book practical Idealism. It would describe the way to break down the White race so they could be ruled over by Jews.
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Dec 28, 2024 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
Pay attention to who is actually pushing this legal white replacement agenda in the US.
David Sacks. ✡️ Jewish Silicon Valley multi-millionaire.
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David Marcus- French Iranian immigrant and Tech millionaire.
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Dec 24, 2024 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
“I now understood the language of the Jewish people. I now knew they used language for disguising their thoughts, so that their real goals cannot be discovered by what they say, but only by reading between the lines.”
-Adolf Hitler
As uncomfortable as it may seem, Hitler is correct here. There are plenty of examples of this over recent American history. Let’s review some.
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An obvious one is immigration. The Jewish controlled press constantly told us that they were concerned about the lives of the “migrants” but really they were working on destroying the white American majority.
Even ✡️ Jew Alejandro Mayorkas used his “experience” as an immigrant as an excuse for why he did such a poor job.
Jews do this because they historically get expelled from strong homogeneous societies, so they work on creating melting pots that they can exploit.
You have to read between the lines.
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Dec 21, 2024 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Behind every rapper, there is a Jewish producer, promoter, distributor or manager….
Jay Z and Lyor Cohen
Clive Davis and P Diddy
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Dec 17, 2024 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
This is Meyer Levin… the almost certainly true author of the “Diary of Anne Frank.” 📕
Here’s how we know.
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Levin sued Otto Frank (Anne Frank’s father) in 1955 for “breach of contract” for his supposed arrangement to produce a play adaptation of the book. He was awarded 50k by a jury.
This fact in it of itself does not prove directly that Levin is the author, but other contextual evidence leads us to this conclusion.
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Dec 15, 2024 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
If there really was a ✡️ Jewish Plan to break down and eliminate the white race, Jewish intellectuals would convince intelligent whites not to procreate.
They would write books like Jew ✡️ Paul Ehrlichs “The Population Bomb” and warn of Overpopulation…
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They would use Whites to die in meaningless wars that were good for Israel, but bad for whites.
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Dec 8, 2024 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
If Syria 🇸🇾 falls, just know it is for one reason, and one reason alone. It is because international Jewry views him as a threat to their globalist world order.
It has always been this way for the last 100 years.
Any strong nationalist, is made out to be a monster by the media, then this excuse is used to attack and remove them from power.
Look at all the American involved wars….
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Libya 🇱🇾. Gaddafi was another strong ethnically minded nationalist…..
Had to be removed.
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Dec 1, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
It’s the CIA, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Military Industrial Complex, the Illuminati, the Globalist, the 1%, the International banking cabal….
It really is just the Jews. ✡️. Everything else is a distraction. Here’s how you know.
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It’s often claimed Hollywood is controlled by satanist, but when you check the early life’s and trace the history, you can clearly see it is simply run by Jews.
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Nov 27, 2024 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
If there really was a Jewish ✡️ conspiracy to destroy White People and white culture…
They would need to write ✍️ books 📚 like Jared Diamonds ✡️, Guns Germs and Steel which tell Europeans they are not special, they were only at the right place at the right time.
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Jews would shower 🚿 these works with praise with Jewish ✡️ created awards like the Pulitzer Prize 🏆, even though it is a pseudoscience work of opinion, not objective fact.
It doesn’t matter as long as the ✡️ Jewish media tells the masses otherwise.
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Nov 26, 2024 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Common misconceptions about the Third Reich.
Myth-“Hitler Stole Power”
Fact- Hitler won power through a democratic election. 🗳️ His political career began at least 10 years before he became chancellor in 1933, and the people were buying what he was selling.
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Myth- National Socialism is just like Marxist Communism.
Fact- they are completely different systems. National socialism does nationalize parts of the economy, and abolish Usury, but it does not completely eliminate individual earning power, or property.
The results speak for themselves. National socialist Germany 🇩🇪 restored order, made Germany a super power within a few short years, and lifted millions from unemployment, while communist Russia languished.
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Nov 24, 2024 • 22 tweets • 10 min read
If the “Holocaust” was really a propaganda campaign instead of a historical reality, it would need to be illegal to question in western countries…
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Jewish groups would need to terrorize people that questioned it, like Ernst Zundel.
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Nov 24, 2024 • 20 tweets • 10 min read
They would send provocative letters mocking the suicide of your daughter just before your libel Trial, like they did David Irving….
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They would need to give professionals large Jail sentences to quell more people from speaking out.
Historian David Irving- 3 years
Publisher Ernst Zundel- 5 years
Chemist German Rudolf- 2.5 years
Professor Faurrison- Fined 10k euros in 1990.
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Nov 21, 2024 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
All the reasons the official Holocaust Story is a lie…. 🤥
1. It was physically impossible to gas and cremate 6 million people in the time frame it occurred.
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If you go through the British Historical archives, you can see the “gas chamber” story was war propaganda.
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Nov 20, 2024 • 23 tweets • 9 min read
Many folks think they are “red pilled” 💊 but in reality they are likely believing a lie.
There are a lot of fake “red pills” 💊 out there, to distract you from what’s really going on.
Are you, or someone you know a victim of a fake red pill? Read on to find out!
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1a- Fake red pill 💊 - 9/11 was an inside job.