A week ago, Russian 🇷🇺 armed forces launched a large counter-offensive to take back the territory they lost in #Kursk oblast.
At the same time, Ukrainian 🇺🇦 armed forces tried to trap these russian forces, launching their own offensive.
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This week has seen many fightings in the western part of ukrainian presence of Kursk oblast. Russian offensive had initial successes, and broke through the defenses of the 103rd territorial defense brigade south of Korenevo, taking some prisonners.
Two main units were engaged in the counter-offensive : VDV of the 51st Airborne Regiment and Marines of the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade.
In two days, they took back Snagost and small villages near the Seym river. Ukrainian 501st Marine batallion of 36th Marine had to withdraw.
The days after, VDV launched new attacks toward Liubimovka, while 155th Marines managed to enter Gordeevka, Veznapnoe, Apanasovka and Obukhovka.
Here is a video of the assault on Liubimovka and a BMD of the VDV getting hit by a FPV drone.
Ukrainian command was unable to keep its positions, which were in fact strategic. The Glushkovo district (on the west) was nearly encircled (only pontoon bridges on the Seym river were allowing supply).
Russian army amassed thousands of men there to avoid losing it.
Ukrainian command decided to mobilize 21st mecanized brigade, 225th Assault Batallion and 95th Air Assault brigade to launch an attack directly on Glushkovo.
Here is a good thread by @Danspiun including all the geolocated footages of this area.
Here is a map of the Ukrainian assault on Veseloe south of Glushkovo. They may be a little more in the north, but I don"t have proofs for now.
Today, we spotted this ground drone attacking the western flank of this attack. The use of unmanned systems like this one allows Ukraine to keep its men safe.
During this assault, we saw Swedish CV 9040 and STRV 122 (Leopard 2). Some CV 9040 and STRV 122 were lost during the assault.
Russia tried to counter-attack multiple times there but failed to take back territory lost. The Glushkovo pocket is now at a high risk of being encircled.
I said multiple times russia has to hold there, because if they loose the pocket, it will be very difficult to take it back.
On the other side of Kursk frontline, Russian forces took back Borki. Sudja is still far from Russian forces.
The ukrainian presence in Kursk has decreased recently, however, russian army is still on a difficult position on the western part.
L'armée ukrainienne 🇺🇦 a largement renforcé ses lignes de défense
Dans l'est de l'Ukraine, d'immenses lignes de défenses sont creusées chaque jour à une vitesse jamais atteinte, couplée à une nouvelle stratégie pour stopper l'armée russe 🇷🇺
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C'est une nouvelle stratégie de défense que l'armée ukrainienne met au point depuis plusieurs mois, à l'oeuvre partout dans le pays.
Une réorganisation générale de l'armée, une nouvelle stratégie défensive et une construction plus rapide de fortifications.
This is more and more common in Donbass. Three anti-tank ditches next to each other to stop any russian assault.
We shoulkd thus remember Russia has less and less tanks and armour vehicles, and no vehicle can go though this.
The Sudanese armed forces launched the final offensive to liberate Sudan's 🇸🇩 capital city from the Rapid Support Forces, Khartoum.
Army bases, public administration, trapped civilians in populated neighbourhoods are being liberated.
Two Sudanese army soldiers raise the Sudanese flag on the tarmac of Khartoum International Airport, nearly two years after it was captured by the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary militia.
Since they liberated the presidential palace in central Khartoum, the Sudanese Army is advancing into long occupied neighbourhoods where hundred of thousands of civilians may still be trapped.
They help the public administration to take back controll of the institutions.
En #Somalie 🇸🇴, le groupe terroriste Al Shabab a lancé une vaste offensive sur la capitale Mogadiscio et levé l'encerclement d'une partie de son territoire.
Le président Hassan Cheikh Mohamed a échappé à une tentative d'assassinat il y a quelques jours.
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Ces dernières années, l'armée Somalienne, soutenu par un important contingent de casques bleus de l'ONU, des forces américaines et de forces de l'Union Africaine avait réussi à repousser Al Shabab de la capitale et des principales villes du pays.
Mais le groupe n'a pas disparu.
Celui-ci a poursuivi ses attentats meurtrier face à une vaste coalition, capitalisant sur les tensions ethniques, la pauvreté et le rejet de la présence de troupes étrangères (Kenyanes, Ethiopiennes, Ougandaises...).
Le président a tout fait pour renforcer ses forces.
After months of counter-offensive, the Sudanese Armed Forces 🇸🇩 liberated the presidential palace in central Khartoum.
This victory will soon be followed by the liberation of Khartoum city.
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Chronology :
-April/July 2023 : RSF take controll of most of Khartoum
-A few encircled bases remain (Engineer Corps, Armour Corps, General Command, Signal Corps, Kadroo base)
-January 2024 : siege of Engineer corps is lifted
-September 2024 : siege of Kadroo base is lifted
-January 2025 : siege of Signal Corps and General command is lifted
-March 2025 : siege of armour corps lifted (junction between forces from Khartoum (armour corps), Omdourman and Bahri (Kadroo + signal corps).
Despite the Emirati supported Rapid Support Forces claiming they will keep controll of the preisdential palace, the Sudanese Armed forces managed to liberate it this morning, while they continue their progress to Khartoum business neighbourhood.
Sur le front sud, l'armée russe 🇷🇺 réactive son offensive à Kamianske et Velika Novosilka, aux 2 extrémités des lignes de défenses
En poussant sur le front de Zaporizhia, l'armée russe a pour objectif d'atteindre les lignes de défenses ukrainiennes🇺🇦
En 2022, les forces armées ukrainiennes ont stoppé l'offensive russe dans l'oblast de Zaporijia sur une ligne composée de 4 petites villes, Kamiansk'e, Orikhiv, Houlialpole et Velika Novosilka.
Depuis, le front n'a presque pas bougé dans le secteur.
Les forces russes tenteront d'abord d'atteindre la première ligne défensive, avant de progresser vers la seconde, où elles pourront bombarder Zaporijia au MLRS, un objectif important.
En général, la direction ouest de Zaporijia n'est pas très risquée.
While the Sudanese Army in Sudan🇸🇩 is about to liberate the capital Khartoum, the South Sudanese Army is fighting against former rebel near the border.
Ugandan 🇺🇬 armed forces are entering South Sudan to help government forces.
The information is important, in central Khartoum, Sudanese Armed Forces resumed offensive on 2 axes, one to join the armoured corps with the general command and one to cut the Jebel Aulia bridge, last one under RSF controll, suggesting a possible large victory.
Based on @VistaMaps the SAF managed to lift the encirclement of the armoured corps, thus encircling RSF in the presidential palace and Tuti Island today.