The Bible says Christians should Support Jews no matter what, and definitely help murder the Palestinians right? 🧐
Wrong. Let’s see what it actually says. 👀
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First on some specific things Jesus said about Jews that believed in him and Jews that didn’t. There is a documented conversation about it in the book of John.
John:8:31 “if you hold to my teaching, you really are my disciples.”
Jews who did not believe in Jesus responded “we are not illegitimate children.” They responded this way because the Jewish belief at the time (and today) is they are children of god based on their bloodline, and the things Jesus was saying were quite blasphemous to them.
Jesus responded back.
John 8:44 “you belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.”
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Ultimately the teachings of Jesus Christ were so radical to the Jewish Leaders at the time, that they had him killed.
The Roman Governor Pilate, who was in charge of the trial over Jesus Christ, left it up to the crowd to have Jesus Christ killed or Barbaras the common thief killed. 1 could be freed according to their custom.
Matthew 27:20
“But the chief priest and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed.”
Once the Jewish Priest whipped the crowd into a frenzy, Governor Pilate relented and had Jesus crucified. Remarking: “I am innocent of this man’s blood, it is your responsibility.”
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From here most of the general public is aware of the Christian story. Jesus is raised from the dead, he represents a new covenant, and gives us all a new life if we turn our lives over to him.
The lesser known side of the story, is what happened to the Jewish faith, and their general interpretation of Jesus. Remember that Judaism ✡️ is a rejection of Christianity ✝️. The Jews did not believe Jesus was a messiah and was correctly put to death. In one of their holy books the Talmud the specifically cite
-the Virgin Mary is a whore
-that Jesus is rotting in excrement for his sins
-that Jesus was an idolator and that Jewish People were the apple of Gods Eye,
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If you are getting a sense that these are very opposing religions, you are right.
Judaism ✡️ is essentially an ethnocentric religion of laws that Jews must follow. The Talmud (a main holy book) is essentially Rabbis discussing how to interpret those laws and how they apply to Jews. To this day the Law is Paramount to Jews and Jewish culture. This is why Israel has the highest per capita lawyer rate, and why you see so many Jewish Lawyers in the US.
Christianity ✝️ was radical in that it did have Jewish roots, but Jesus rejected the incessant laws and stated it is not simply about following the law, but also what is in your heart. I.e. you could follow the law by not cheating on your wife, but it is still a sin to lust after another woman.
So we know they are mostly opposing religions, but doesn’t it say for Christians to still support Jews in the Bible? 🧐
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Answer: not really.
The apostle Paul writes in Romans 9 “not all of Israel are Israel, nor because they are his decadents are they all Abraham’s children.” The implication here of course is that Israel is now Christians by faith, and no longer Jews by bloodline and law.
Paul also clarifies that Jews are a race of people he wishes he could save but is in anguish over their unbelief.
In Galatians 3:28, Paul reminds us that whether or not you are a Jew or a non Jew no longer matters. We are all one in Christ Jesus by belief.
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So then why do Christians blindly support Israel and Jews even though Jews believe Jesus is in excrement for his ministry?
Answer: the Schofield Bible.
This was a Bible funded by 2 rich Zionist who also funded the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. 🧐 the Bible provided commentary, and ultimately led Christians to support Jews who practice Judaism, and to support the creation of the state of Israel.
This changed the previous Christian view of 1800 years that Christianity was the only way to Christ, as Jesus had fulfilled the law. It also changed the view that Israel and the Church were one and the same. Now Christians began seeing Israel as a physical place where ethnically Jewish people should live, rather than Israel being representative of gods new covenant of Christianity.
Now remember, this is diametrically opposing to what Paul wrote in the New Testament. “Not all of Israel are Israel.”
But further, it is simply insane for Christ loving people to support people based on ethnicity and Christ rejection.
“I wish the Jews did kill Christ, I’d do it again.” ✡️ Jewish Woman Sarah Silverman
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This discussion about Christians supporting Jews is even more clouded by the verse Revelation 3:9.
It discusses “self proclaimed Jews”who are in fact not real Jews but liars. There are multiple theories to what this could mean, here are a few.
-There is a satanic set of Jews not related to the larger set.
-Christian’s have replaced Jews, and Jews practicing Judaism are serving the “father of lies” as Jesus said in John 8.
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What’s it all mean?
1. The Bible does not say for Christians to help Ethnically Jewish people bomb Palestinians for their man made Zionist state of Israel. It’s just not in there.
2. It’s not even logically coherent for Christians to support a Jewish state. Jesus Christ himself rejected the Jewish Pharisees of his day, and if you spend any time glancing at some of the Talmud, you will see why.
3. Christianity is open to everyone. Jew, Non Jew, etc. etc. but it does have a natural opposing relationship to Judaism ✡️. Anyone telling you about “Judeo-Christian” values is being deceptive, similar to the Schofield Bible. Sadly it has mostly worked.
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The NAACP, was never about the advancement of Black People for black interest…. It was a Jewish led movement for Jewish interest.
Let’s explain.
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When you actually dig into the founding and funding of the NAACP, you find tons of Jewish/Communist influence.
The NAACP was founded in 1909.
Do you think blacks had enough financial backing and political influence to create this on their own? Not during that time.
Enter in the Jewish funding and leadership.
✡️ Financier- Jacob Schiff
✡️ Co-founder- Henry Moskowitz
✡️ Co-founder- Emil J. Hirsch
✡️ Co-founder- Lillian Wald
✡️ Co-Founder- Julius Rosenwald
Outside of the Jewish backers and financiers there were other Communist backers and founders. While not all were Jewish, they communist/ Marxist ideology still serves Jewish interests.
Now the main question is why? What benefit would Jews have to push a social movement of integration and controlling black rights?
The answer is that Jews have a history of expulsion and of being ostracized in countries that are strong and homogeneous. Thus you will find tons of Jewish leadership in the most Social and Liberal movements that have helped break down Americas white Christian majority. They viewed them (Whites) as a threat, and they viewed the blacks as a useful tool to decimate that majority.
This is why they choose to elevate MLK, vs someone like Malcom X.
If there really was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the White race, Jews would talk about it openly and try to claim it is “inevitable.”
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There would be a Plan written down in a book like The Kalergi Plan, which is written in the book practical Idealism. It would describe the way to break down the White race so they could be ruled over by Jews.
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The Term “melting Pot” would be made up by a Jew, to convince the masses it is a good thing to lose ethnic majorities of your own countries.
“I now understood the language of the Jewish people. I now knew they used language for disguising their thoughts, so that their real goals cannot be discovered by what they say, but only by reading between the lines.”
-Adolf Hitler
As uncomfortable as it may seem, Hitler is correct here. There are plenty of examples of this over recent American history. Let’s review some.
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An obvious one is immigration. The Jewish controlled press constantly told us that they were concerned about the lives of the “migrants” but really they were working on destroying the white American majority.
Even ✡️ Jew Alejandro Mayorkas used his “experience” as an immigrant as an excuse for why he did such a poor job.
Jews do this because they historically get expelled from strong homogeneous societies, so they work on creating melting pots that they can exploit.
You have to read between the lines.
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Jews like it when blacks are racist against whites, but as soon as a black person speaks up about Jewish power, they find out who really runs America.
The point is, Jews will promote anti white racism when it supports their interest. They are not against racism at all.
This is Meyer Levin… the almost certainly true author of the “Diary of Anne Frank.” 📕
Here’s how we know.
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Levin sued Otto Frank (Anne Frank’s father) in 1955 for “breach of contract” for his supposed arrangement to produce a play adaptation of the book. He was awarded 50k by a jury.
This fact in it of itself does not prove directly that Levin is the author, but other contextual evidence leads us to this conclusion.
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Some facts about Meyer Levin.
-he was appointed by Otto Frank as his copywriter agent in the US in March 1952
-he was an accomplished writer ✍️, and an ardent Zionist.
- during world war 2, he worked in the psychological warfare division and produced propaganda
- he wrote very similar works to Anne Frank, that worked on boosting morale for the Zionist cause. Books like Kibbutz Buchenwald, and The Illegals.