Carli B. Frueh - EOTM Media Profile picture
Sep 21 3 tweets 6 min read Read on X
Holy Bible 📖 talk:

Humanity, Rebellion, Fallen Angels and Earth 🌎

The book of Genesis refers to the rebellion against God by the angels, who were then cast down to Earth. Throughout the scriptures Christ talks about the stars of angels falling from heaven. The book of revelations also expounds on the serpents tail sweeping the 3rd part of the stars.

So, we have Genesis and Revelations discussing angels waring in heaven, intertwined with man, woman, and the serpent. Is this why the Holy Bible states that everyone who is born on Earth is automatically a sinner, destined for the final judgment? The consequences of this angelic rebellion were severe, they were removed from God's presence and condemned to eternal judgment. There is no redemption plan for them according to the Bible, which is a stark contrast to God's mercy extended to humanity.

Why would God cast the fallen angels to earth? Was there no suitable place?

Interestingly, some churches teach that the fallen angels were so angry with our Father for kicking them out of heaven that they were hellbent on destroying all of humanity. So, would this be the purported catalyst against humanity? Why humanity is worthy of saving?

Why would God decide not to offer fallen angels a path to redemption? The cornerstone of Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross as a sacrificial atonement for the sins of humanity. Some believe that this very action established a covenant between God and humanity, a bridge that fallen angels could not cross since Christ's sacrifice was solely intended for human salvation.

Bible scholars also believe that fallen angels, unlike humans, experienced God's presence and glory directly. Their rebellion was not a mistake of ignorance but a willful rejection of absolute truth. The Bible offers no indication that these beings would ever repent, even given the opportunity. Their hearts appear irrevocably hardened against God, which seems implausible.

God is both merciful and just, extending salvation to all beings. Anything else is profoundly evil, and a mockery of his righteousness.
(Gen 1:26,27)  And God [“God is a Spirit” John 4:24] said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness [Heb: resemblance; model, shape: like]: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him [i.e., “man” is a spirit dwelling in a physical body – like a space-suit in space, but an “earth-suit” in earth]; male and female created he them.

(Psa 82:6,7)  I have said, Ye are gods [Heb: angels] [i.e., spirits; some are good angels and some are “unclean spirits” fallen angels] ; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

(Isa 41:22,23)  Let them [(the gods)] bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come. Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

(John 10:34)  Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (John 10:35)  If he called them [all mankind] gods, unto whom the word of God came, an

d the scripture cannot be broken; (John 10:36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

(John 10:35 Amplified Bible)  So men are called gods – by the Law – men to whom God’s message came, and the Scripture cannot be set aside or cancelled or broken or annulled.


(Heb 13:2) [Cautionary advice:] Be not forgetful [Gk: lose out of mind] to entertain strangers [Gk: (give) hospitality]: for thereby some have entertained angels [Gk: messengers] unawares [Gk: be ignorant of].

Commentary: How so? Indeed, those “strangers” must have certainly looked like and acted like men or women, else why would we give them hospitality (syn: welcome, warmth, kindness, generosity)?

(Rev 19:9,10)  And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

(Rev 22:8,9)  And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
(Gen 6:1-5)  And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God [fallen angels] saw the daughters of men that they were fair [Heb: beautiful: well-favored]; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants [Heb: fellers, a bully or tyrant] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown [great fame]. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts [i.e., the spirits of fallen angels, devils, unclean spirits, demons] of his heart was only evil continually.

(2 Pet 2:4)  For if God spared not the angels that sinned [what other angels sinned?], but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

Commentary: “giants” = i.e., mutations. For example, the copulation (sexual intercourse) between a horse and a donkey (an ass) produces a mule, an “in-between.”

(2 Cor 10:4,5)  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.Image

• • •

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Sep 15
A Picture Book 📚for Taylor Swift’s “Swifties” 🎵🎼🎵

Be careful in who you allow to lead….and who you follow. 👿🎤🎵🎼

Swifties in Gematria =

Possessed by Lucifer
Lick the world
Protect divine child
Nine one one
Grim reaper

Fans in Gematria =


Read 9 tweets
Sep 15
Psychological Operations: Psyop within a Psyop, to what end?

In 2024, there are still plenty of psychological operations
being conducted on an unsuspecting public, especially in TV, film, and politics. It has occurred since the inception, and or the reimagining of the cube, you call television.

The satanic elitist that currently rule this world, have been living the dream the past 100 years or so, they know the end is near, which is why we see everything ramping up.

In the process, and to their detriment they are attempting to change the way we perceive the world around us, specifically biological boys, girls, men and women who are playing a part, or parts on the world stage. In their eyes they are created in their own gods image. Men are women and women are men.Image
Young adolescent males, no Adam’s apple, triangular jawline, eye sockets closer together.
Matthew McConaughey very feminine physic. Where is his protruding Adam’s apple?
In turn, the observers of the deceptive narrative, the mind of the people become overtime; entrained, not entertained, however they can only do so much.

Regardless of their tactics, the human skeletal system is a unique specimen and cannot be tossed aside. It cannot be altered, in any way other than removing a rib from the biological male to create a more curvy disposition. Years ago, Beyonce had a rib removed, this is how she has been able to stay relevant, and personify Sasha Fierce.

During the process of Elite Gender Inversion, also known as EGI,Hollywood’s child stars undergo hormone replacement therapy, hormone blockers, puberty blockers, human growth hormones, surgeries, training, etc. A lifetime of required treatments that often start from conception itself.Men are women and women are men
Next time you are watching a show on television or the movies, pay attention to the little things. The child’s head size, neck width, shoulders, arm length, the natural curve in woman, the Adam’s apple, gait, mannerism and the eyes. Once you begin to notice, it gets easier.

The inconsistencies with any given skeletal frame become easier to spot in adolescents, and as the biological male ages. Look at some of your favorite 40 something female celebrities in 2024, and from 20 years ago. Large square head, adonis belts, the works. It’s bad, some are boo boo ugly. This is why at a certain point in time, the actresses, and or actors disappear from the world stage, never to be seen again, until their next round of roles. This is due to the hormone dumps needed to feminize or masculinize the subject in their adolescent years.

Seriously, has it ever crossed your mind as to why on television or film a young actress has broad shoulders, a long neck and a protruding Adam’s apple, with unusually long arms, and a straight up and down physic? Or why young male stars have more of a feminine outline, soft round jaws, eyes closer together, and a bit more junk in the trunk compared to their counterpart?Image
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Sep 7
🪄I am happy to report that my spidey senses are coming back full force! I am still in the midst of rewatching the 📺 series, Lost. Every time I see Josh Holloway, his face and mannerisms reminds me of a female actress. Her face kept slipping from my mind, but the name ‘Genevieve’, was floating around. I couldn’t find actresses that had a resemblance to Josh, then in another search query it brought up the TV series, Sweet Magnolias — and there she was —- Nikki Estridge, playing the role of Genevieve. 😏

So here we have it folks, I present Josh Holloway as Nikki Estridge and Nikki Estridge as Josh Holloway, or not.. 🤷🏾‍♀️

We live in a world where anything is possible.Image
🎥In Hollywood's twilight zone, where movies and fallen angels collide, actors don't just play roles; they're juggling more characters than a fallen angel has excuses. It's like watching a one-man circus where the clown, the 🎬ringmaster, and the lion are all the same guy, just hoping the makeup department doesn't run out of ideas! 😬🤡Image
🤡In Tinseltown, where the line between movies and mayhem is thinner than a scriptwriter's patience, actors aren't just playing roles; they're living out a real-life game of 'Who's Who in the Zoo.' Here, every actor is a method actor, methodically trying to remember which character they're supposed to be when the camera rolls! 🎬Image
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Aug 23
The Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music & Destroyed A Generation. {Anonymous letter released in the spring of 2012}

🎵🎤🎶Tracing the interconnected rise of gangster rap and hip hop.

Music, like many forms of art, is how we identify with our culture and our place in the world. Some define it as a universal language. Music transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, connecting people across the globe through shared emotional experiences. Music evolves, with artists continually pushing boundaries through new genres, techniques, and technologies. This innovation is a hallmark of art, where the medium is constantly redefined.

It serves as a historical and cultural artifact, documenting the times, traditions, and transformations of societies.

To awake and discover that rap music was created by the CIA as a psychological operation, and the agency itself directed and funded rappers like Tupac, NWA, Dr. Dre, Diddy, and Kanye West is incalculable, but it’s not the worst thing that happened.

The objective was designed to corrupt generations, glamorize criminal behavior suggesting a concerted effort to influence and destroy America’s most impressionable for profit and social control. The allegations according to John Homeston, a retired CIA agent purports the Central Intelligence Agency scripted lyrics for groups like NWA, aiming to promote anti-establishment sentiments, depravity and violent behavior among young people, creating dissonance, thereby funneling them into the private prison system, which was financially beneficial for those who owned both the media and the prisons.

Ice Cube in a conversation with Bill Maher, referenced this narrative, suggesting that the same entities owning record labels also owned private prisons, directly supporting the consorted effort.

Despite the controversial nature of these claims, they only reflect a broad cultural dialogue which is paramount in discussing the influence of music on society, the prison-industrial complex, and an entire industry that sold it's people out for money and fame. The time for turning a blind eye for the bottom line is no longer acceptable. We, the people will not continue supporting an industry that believes in selling the soul for the spotlight. We know where the bodies are buried, and when it all began.

Now you do too! 👇🏽

* The Spring of 2012: Tracing the rise of gangster rap and mass incarceration in America *

If you are a hip hop head like me, you remember the day…it was Tuesday, April 24, 2012. Someone that wished to remain anonymous composed a message with the subject, “The secret meeting that changed rap music and destroyed a generation”. 

📩Within this letter links two of America’s most powerful forces, the ‘music industry’ and the ‘private prison system.’ It alleges that a closed-door meeting took place back in the 1990s, whereas these two entities colluded to market music that promoted criminal behavior in order to assist the private prison industrial complex to fill their prisons cells.

(See the letter below)

TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012Image
(This anonymous letter landed in my inbox about a minute ago:) 📩

“ Hello, After more than 20 years, I've finally decided to tell the world what I witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in popular music, and ultimately American society. I have struggled for a long time weighing the pros and cons of making this story public as I was reluctant to implicate the individuals who were present that day. So I've simply decided to leave out names and all the details that may risk my personal well being and that of those who were, like me, dragged into something they weren't ready for.

Between the late 80's and early 90’s, I was what you may call a “decision maker” with one of the more established company in the music industry. I came from Europe in the early 80’s and quickly established myself in the business.

The industry was different back then. Since technology and media weren’t accessible to people like they are today, the industry had more control over the public and had the means to influence them anyway it wanted. This may explain why in early 1991, I was invited to attend a closed door meeting with a small group of music business insiders to discuss rap music’s new direction. Little did I know that we would be asked to participate in one of the most unethical and destructive business practice I’ve ever seen.

The meeting was held at a private residence on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I remember about 25 to 30 people being there, most of them familiar faces. Speaking to those I knew, we joked about the theme of the meeting as many of us did not care for rap music and failed to see the purpose of being invited to a private gathering to discuss its future.

Among the attendees was a small group of unfamiliar faces who stayed to themselves and made no attempt to socialize beyond their circle. Based on their behavior and formal appearances, they didn't seem to be in our industry. Our casual chatter was interrupted when we were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement preventing us from publicly discussing the information presented during the meeting. Needless to say, this intrigued and in some cases disturbed many of us. The agreement was only a page long but very clear on the matter and consequences which stated that violating the terms would result in job termination. We asked several people what this meeting was about and the reason for such secrecy but couldn't find anyone who had answers for us. A few people refused to sign and walked out. No one stopped them. I was tempted to follow but curiosity got the best of me. A man who was part of the “unfamiliar” group collected the agreements from us.

Quickly after the meeting began, one of my industry colleagues (who shall remain nameless like everyone else) thanked us for attending. He then gave the floor to a man who only introduced himself by first name and gave no further details about his personal background. I think he was the owner of the residence but it was never confirmed. He briefly praised all of us for the success we had achieved in our industry and congratulated us for being selected as part of this small group of “decision makers”. At this point I begin to feel slightly uncomfortable at the strangeness of this gathering. The subject quickly changed as the speaker went on to tell us that the respective companies we represented had invested in a very profitable industry which could become even more rewarding with our active involvement. He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of ‘privately owned prisons’ and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments. I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn't the only one.Image
Sure enough, someone asked what these prisons were and what any of this had to do with us. We were told that these prisons were built by privately owned companies who received funding from the government based on the number of inmates. The more inmates, the more money the government would pay these prisons. It was also made clear to us that since these prisons are privately owned, as they become publicly traded, we’d be able to buy shares.

Most of us were taken back by this. Again, a couple of people asked what this had to do with us. At this point, my industry colleague who had first opened the meeting took the floor again and answered our questions. He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons. Immediately, silence came over the room. You could have heard a pin drop.

I remember looking around to make sure I wasn't dreaming and saw half of the people with dropped jaws. My daze was interrupted when someone shouted, “Is this a f****** joke?” At this point things became chaotic. Two of the men who were part of the “unfamiliar” group grabbed the man who shouted out and attempted to remove him from the house. A few of us, myself included, tried to intervene. One of them pulled out a gun and we all backed off. They separated us from the crowd and all four of us were escorted outside. My industry colleague who had opened the meeting earlier hurried out to meet us and reminded us that we had signed agreement and would suffer the consequences of speaking about this publicly or even with those who attended the meeting. I asked him why he was involved with something this corrupt and he replied that it was bigger than the music business and nothing we’d want to challenge without risking consequences. We all protested and as he walked back into the house I remember word for word the last thing he said, “It’s out of my hands now. Remember you signed an agreement.” He then closed the door behind him. The men rushed us to our cars and actually watched until we drove off.

A million things were going through my mind as I drove away and I eventually decided to pull over and park on a side street in order to collect my thoughts. I replayed everything in my mind repeatedly and it all seemed very surreal to me. I was angry with myself for not having taken a more active role in questioning what had been presented to us. I'd like to believe the shock of it all is what suspended my better nature. After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to calm myself enough to make it home. I didn't talk or call anyone that night. The next day back at the office, I was visibly out of it but blamed it on being under the weather. No one else in my department had been invited to the meeting and I felt a sense of guilt for not being able to share what I had witnessed. I thought about contacting the 3 others who wear kicked out of the house but I didn't remember their names and thought that tracking them down would probably bring unwanted attention. I considered speaking out publicly at the risk of losing my job but I realized I’d probably be jeopardizing more than my job and I wasn't willing to risk anything happening to my family. I thought about those men with guns and wondered who they were? I had been told that this was bigger than the music business and all I could do was let my imagination run free. There were no answers and no one to talk to. I tried to do a little bit of research on private prisons but didn’t uncover anything about the music business’ involvement.Image
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Aug 17
Follow me to Hoover Dam where the bodies are buried. 👀

They died to make the desert bloom 👇🏽

The Hoover Dam has been a site where human remains have been discovered before the completion of the project and after. The Hoover Dam Entombments are real. Don’t let Snopes fool ya.

What are those winged giants?

There are secrets yet to be discovered…Image
Ok, I am still on this one. The terrain has nuggets everywhere. Do you see something here? Something hidden?
I will get back to this point later.

Nestled on the western side of the Hoover Dam, there's a monument that few understand, commissioned by the US Bureau of Reclamation at the outset of the dam's construction in 1931. While the Monument Plaza is famous for its towering winged bronze sculptures of fallen angels and a central flagpole, often capturing the attention of photographers, a more profound feature lies beneath their feet.

Inlaid within the plaza's terrazzo floor is a celestial map, a subtle yet profound nod to the moment of the dam's inception, intricately linked to the earth's 25,772-year cycle of axial precession. This map not only serves as an artistic element but also as a timeless marker of when the Hoover Dam was built, aligning with the grand movements of the heavens.Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 15
Foundational Figures in Hip-Hop

Mainstream rappers in the late 1980s and 90s played a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for hip-hop to become a global cultural phenomenon. An entire culture was led to emulate and embrace violent gang behavior; explicit content, the sell of narcotics, guns, human trafficking, propaganda, and other aspects of causation.

To digress, the controversy surrounding gangster rap in the 1990s was multifaceted and involved issues of censorship, crime, cultural representation, political commentary, and the broader debate over art versus public morality. While some saw it as a necessary voice for marginalized communities, others viewed it as a corrupting influence on youth culture.

Remember the FBI's letter condemning N.W.A. for "Fuck tha Police"?

Well, it highlighted the tension between music of the 80s, 90s, as well as law enforcement. The actual text of the letter is here. 👇🏽

The FBI's letter regarding N.W.A.'s song "Fuck tha Police" was sent in 1989. Here's a bit of context:

Date: The letter was sent in August 1989.

Content: The letter was from Milt Ahlerich, the Assistant Director of the FBI's Office of Public Affairs, to the record company Priority Records. It expressed concern over the song's lyrics and the potential for them to incite violence against law enforcement officers. This incident is notable because of the tensions with crime, and certain expressions of hip-hop culture during that era.

By the end of the era, these elements had not only established hip-hop as a legitimate music genre but also as a cultural movement with its own language, fashion, and ethos. This groundwork made it possible for hip-hop to evolve and expand into the global phenomenon it is today, influencing everything from music, fashion, to social movements.

That being said, many talented individuals have played important roles in the development of hip-hop, including pioneers, female rappers, and other influential artists such as:

The "Holy Trinity" of hip-hop ; Afrika Bambaataa, Sugarhill Gang, and Grandmaster Flash. All three are credited with laying the groundwork for what would become a global cultural phenomenon.

Female Rappers:
•MC Lyte broke barriers as the first solo female rapper to drop a full album in 1988.
•Queen Latifah, Monie Love, Salt-N-Pepa, Bahamadia, Foxy Brown, Lauryn Hill, Lil' Kim were pivotal in the '80s and '90s, bringing diversity and depth to the genre.
*Nicki Minaj with her album ‘Pink Friday’ in 2010.

Male Rappers:

•Public Enemy: With albums like "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back," Public Enemy brought political and social issues to the forefront of hip-hop. Their music was not just entertainment but a call to action, which resonated with youth worldwide, turning hip-hop into a voice for the marginalized.

•Jay-Z has not only dominated the music scene but also expanded into fashion and luxury goods, becoming hip-hop's first billionaire.

* Kendrick Lamar is celebrated for his lyricism, tackling intricate social issues with his music.

* Tupac was more than a rapper; he was an actor and a civil rights advocate, redefining the role of a hip-hop artist.

* Eminem brought hip-hop to a global audience with hits like "My Name Is" and has been dubbed the "King of Hip Hop" by Rolling Stone.

* Ice Cube known for his role in N.W.A., became a cornerstone of gangsta rap with his impactful and provocative lyrics.Image
Gangster rap became controversial in the 1990s for several reasons: ( I will add to this list periodically).

1.Explicit Content: The lyrics of gangster rap often contained explicit language, graphic violence, and themes of drug use, misogyny, and crime. This content was seen as promoting a negative lifestyle, which was at odds with mainstream values. The use of profanity and explicit sexual references was particularly shocking to many listeners and parents, leading to calls for censorship.

2.Political and Social Commentary: Artists like N.W.A., with songs like "Fuck tha Police," directly challenged authority, particularly law enforcement, which was seen as inflammatory. This led to significant backlash from politicians, law enforcement, and conservative groups who felt the music incited violence against police and glorified criminal behavior.

3.Cultural Impact and Media Coverage: The media's portrayal of gangster rap often focused on its most controversial aspects, amplifying its image as a dangerous cultural phenomenon. This coverage sometimes misrepresented the genre's broader messages about social issues, focusing instead on its most sensational elements.

4. Public Perception: The public debate often framed gangster rap as a cause of societal decay rather than a reflection of existing urban conditions, leading to widespread criticism and fear over its influence on youth.

5.Economic and Racial Inequality: The music often reflected the harsh realities of inner-city life, including poverty, racial profiling, and systemic inequality. While some saw this as an authentic voice of the oppressed, others viewed it as an endorsement of violence and crime, ignoring the socio-economic context that produced such expressions.

6.Misunderstanding of Context: Critics often failed to understand or acknowledge that gangster rap was not just about glorifying crime but also about critiquing the conditions that led to such lifestyles.

7.Cultural Shift and Commercialization: The shift from the East Coast's more socially conscious rap to the West Coast's gangster rap marked a change in hip-hop's direction, which was both embraced for its raw honesty and condemned for its perceived glorification of violence.
8.Storytelling in Rap: Artists like Slick Rick with "The Adventures of Slick Rick" brought narrative storytelling to rap, which was a significant departure from the braggadocio and party anthems. This storytelling aspect made rap more relatable and engaging, influencing a wave of lyricists worldwide.Image
•Celebrity Influence and Victimhood: Figures like Michael Jackson and Mel Gibson have been cited in discussions about the darker side of Hollywood, suggesting that celebrities might be victims of mind control or exploitation by these secret societies. This narrative not only shapes public opinion about these figures but also fuels the mythos around Hollywood's dark underbelly.

•Cultural Critique: The notion of Hollywood as a place where "demons prowl" or where there's a hidden agenda behind the glitz, fits nicely in this narrative. It reflects a broader cultural critique. It suggests that the entertainment industry might be a tool for social manipulation or indoctrination, aligning with conspiracy theories about the Illuminati's control over culture.

•Mind Control Theories: Discussions around figures like Michael Jackson and the broader concept of MONARCH programming and MK Ultra indicates a belief that Hollywood uses techniques for mind control, which ties into the broader Illuminati narrative of psychological manipulation.Image
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