Carli B. Frueh - EOTM Media Profile picture
Everything is Connected. We are One. I AM Master of my Destiny. A Seeker of Truth. Cognizant XRP believer 🚀. I 💜Humanity. Light wins. Let’s Change the 🌎!
Sep 15 9 tweets 8 min read
A Picture Book 📚for Taylor Swift’s “Swifties” 🎵🎼🎵

Be careful in who you allow to lead….and who you follow. 👿🎤🎵🎼

Swifties in Gematria =

Possessed by Lucifer
Lick the world
Protect divine child
Nine one one
Grim reaper

Sep 15 8 tweets 9 min read
Psychological Operations: Psyop within a Psyop, to what end?

In 2024, there are still plenty of psychological operations
being conducted on an unsuspecting public, especially in TV, film, and politics. It has occurred since the inception, and or the reimagining of the cube, you call television.

The satanic elitist that currently rule this world, have been living the dream the past 100 years or so, they know the end is near, which is why we see everything ramping up.

In the process, and to their detriment they are attempting to change the way we perceive the world around us, specifically biological boys, girls, men and women who are playing a part, or parts on the world stage. In their eyes they are created in their own gods image. Men are women and women are men.Image
Young adolescent males, no Adam’s apple, triangular jawline, eye sockets closer together.
Matthew McConaughey very feminine physic. Where is his protruding Adam’s apple?
In turn, the observers of the deceptive narrative, the mind of the people become overtime; entrained, not entertained, however they can only do so much.

Regardless of their tactics, the human skeletal system is a unique specimen and cannot be tossed aside. It cannot be altered, in any way other than removing a rib from the biological male to create a more curvy disposition. Years ago, Beyonce had a rib removed, this is how she has been able to stay relevant, and personify Sasha Fierce.

During the process of Elite Gender Inversion, also known as EGI,Hollywood’s child stars undergo hormone replacement therapy, hormone blockers, puberty blockers, human growth hormones, surgeries, training, etc. A lifetime of required treatments that often start from conception itself.Men are women and women are men
Sep 7 5 tweets 3 min read
🪄I am happy to report that my spidey senses are coming back full force! I am still in the midst of rewatching the 📺 series, Lost. Every time I see Josh Holloway, his face and mannerisms reminds me of a female actress. Her face kept slipping from my mind, but the name ‘Genevieve’, was floating around. I couldn’t find actresses that had a resemblance to Josh, then in another search query it brought up the TV series, Sweet Magnolias — and there she was —- Nikki Estridge, playing the role of Genevieve. 😏

So here we have it folks, I present Josh Holloway as Nikki Estridge and Nikki Estridge as Josh Holloway, or not.. 🤷🏾‍♀️

We live in a world where anything is possible.Image 🎥In Hollywood's twilight zone, where movies and fallen angels collide, actors don't just play roles; they're juggling more characters than a fallen angel has excuses. It's like watching a one-man circus where the clown, the 🎬ringmaster, and the lion are all the same guy, just hoping the makeup department doesn't run out of ideas! 😬🤡Image
Aug 23 4 tweets 13 min read
The Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music & Destroyed A Generation. {Anonymous letter released in the spring of 2012}

🎵🎤🎶Tracing the interconnected rise of gangster rap and hip hop.

Music, like many forms of art, is how we identify with our culture and our place in the world. Some define it as a universal language. Music transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, connecting people across the globe through shared emotional experiences. Music evolves, with artists continually pushing boundaries through new genres, techniques, and technologies. This innovation is a hallmark of art, where the medium is constantly redefined.

It serves as a historical and cultural artifact, documenting the times, traditions, and transformations of societies.

To awake and discover that rap music was created by the CIA as a psychological operation, and the agency itself directed and funded rappers like Tupac, NWA, Dr. Dre, Diddy, and Kanye West is incalculable, but it’s not the worst thing that happened.

The objective was designed to corrupt generations, glamorize criminal behavior suggesting a concerted effort to influence and destroy America’s most impressionable for profit and social control. The allegations according to John Homeston, a retired CIA agent purports the Central Intelligence Agency scripted lyrics for groups like NWA, aiming to promote anti-establishment sentiments, depravity and violent behavior among young people, creating dissonance, thereby funneling them into the private prison system, which was financially beneficial for those who owned both the media and the prisons.

Ice Cube in a conversation with Bill Maher, referenced this narrative, suggesting that the same entities owning record labels also owned private prisons, directly supporting the consorted effort.

Despite the controversial nature of these claims, they only reflect a broad cultural dialogue which is paramount in discussing the influence of music on society, the prison-industrial complex, and an entire industry that sold it's people out for money and fame. The time for turning a blind eye for the bottom line is no longer acceptable. We, the people will not continue supporting an industry that believes in selling the soul for the spotlight. We know where the bodies are buried, and when it all began.

Now you do too! 👇🏽

* The Spring of 2012: Tracing the rise of gangster rap and mass incarceration in America *

If you are a hip hop head like me, you remember the day…it was Tuesday, April 24, 2012. Someone that wished to remain anonymous composed a message with the subject, “The secret meeting that changed rap music and destroyed a generation”. 

📩Within this letter links two of America’s most powerful forces, the ‘music industry’ and the ‘private prison system.’ It alleges that a closed-door meeting took place back in the 1990s, whereas these two entities colluded to market music that promoted criminal behavior in order to assist the private prison industrial complex to fill their prisons cells.

(See the letter below)

TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012Image
(This anonymous letter landed in my inbox about a minute ago:) 📩

“ Hello, After more than 20 years, I've finally decided to tell the world what I witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in popular music, and ultimately American society. I have struggled for a long time weighing the pros and cons of making this story public as I was reluctant to implicate the individuals who were present that day. So I've simply decided to leave out names and all the details that may risk my personal well being and that of those who were, like me, dragged into something they weren't ready for.

Between the late 80's and early 90’s, I was what you may call a “decision maker” with one of the more established company in the music industry. I came from Europe in the early 80’s and quickly established myself in the business.

The industry was different back then. Since technology and media weren’t accessible to people like they are today, the industry had more control over the public and had the means to influence them anyway it wanted. This may explain why in early 1991, I was invited to attend a closed door meeting with a small group of music business insiders to discuss rap music’s new direction. Little did I know that we would be asked to participate in one of the most unethical and destructive business practice I’ve ever seen.

The meeting was held at a private residence on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I remember about 25 to 30 people being there, most of them familiar faces. Speaking to those I knew, we joked about the theme of the meeting as many of us did not care for rap music and failed to see the purpose of being invited to a private gathering to discuss its future.

Among the attendees was a small group of unfamiliar faces who stayed to themselves and made no attempt to socialize beyond their circle. Based on their behavior and formal appearances, they didn't seem to be in our industry. Our casual chatter was interrupted when we were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement preventing us from publicly discussing the information presented during the meeting. Needless to say, this intrigued and in some cases disturbed many of us. The agreement was only a page long but very clear on the matter and consequences which stated that violating the terms would result in job termination. We asked several people what this meeting was about and the reason for such secrecy but couldn't find anyone who had answers for us. A few people refused to sign and walked out. No one stopped them. I was tempted to follow but curiosity got the best of me. A man who was part of the “unfamiliar” group collected the agreements from us.

Quickly after the meeting began, one of my industry colleagues (who shall remain nameless like everyone else) thanked us for attending. He then gave the floor to a man who only introduced himself by first name and gave no further details about his personal background. I think he was the owner of the residence but it was never confirmed. He briefly praised all of us for the success we had achieved in our industry and congratulated us for being selected as part of this small group of “decision makers”. At this point I begin to feel slightly uncomfortable at the strangeness of this gathering. The subject quickly changed as the speaker went on to tell us that the respective companies we represented had invested in a very profitable industry which could become even more rewarding with our active involvement. He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of ‘privately owned prisons’ and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments. I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn't the only one.Image
Aug 17 13 tweets 8 min read
Follow me to Hoover Dam where the bodies are buried. 👀

They died to make the desert bloom 👇🏽

The Hoover Dam has been a site where human remains have been discovered before the completion of the project and after. The Hoover Dam Entombments are real. Don’t let Snopes fool ya.

What are those winged giants?

There are secrets yet to be discovered…Image Ok, I am still on this one. The terrain has nuggets everywhere. Do you see something here? Something hidden?
Aug 15 4 tweets 8 min read
Foundational Figures in Hip-Hop

Mainstream rappers in the late 1980s and 90s played a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for hip-hop to become a global cultural phenomenon. An entire culture was led to emulate and embrace violent gang behavior; explicit content, the sell of narcotics, guns, human trafficking, propaganda, and other aspects of causation.

To digress, the controversy surrounding gangster rap in the 1990s was multifaceted and involved issues of censorship, crime, cultural representation, political commentary, and the broader debate over art versus public morality. While some saw it as a necessary voice for marginalized communities, others viewed it as a corrupting influence on youth culture.

Remember the FBI's letter condemning N.W.A. for "Fuck tha Police"?

Well, it highlighted the tension between music of the 80s, 90s, as well as law enforcement. The actual text of the letter is here. 👇🏽

The FBI's letter regarding N.W.A.'s song "Fuck tha Police" was sent in 1989. Here's a bit of context:

Date: The letter was sent in August 1989.

Content: The letter was from Milt Ahlerich, the Assistant Director of the FBI's Office of Public Affairs, to the record company Priority Records. It expressed concern over the song's lyrics and the potential for them to incite violence against law enforcement officers. This incident is notable because of the tensions with crime, and certain expressions of hip-hop culture during that era.

By the end of the era, these elements had not only established hip-hop as a legitimate music genre but also as a cultural movement with its own language, fashion, and ethos. This groundwork made it possible for hip-hop to evolve and expand into the global phenomenon it is today, influencing everything from music, fashion, to social movements.

That being said, many talented individuals have played important roles in the development of hip-hop, including pioneers, female rappers, and other influential artists such as:

The "Holy Trinity" of hip-hop ; Afrika Bambaataa, Sugarhill Gang, and Grandmaster Flash. All three are credited with laying the groundwork for what would become a global cultural phenomenon.

Female Rappers:
•MC Lyte broke barriers as the first solo female rapper to drop a full album in 1988.
•Queen Latifah, Monie Love, Salt-N-Pepa, Bahamadia, Foxy Brown, Lauryn Hill, Lil' Kim were pivotal in the '80s and '90s, bringing diversity and depth to the genre.
*Nicki Minaj with her album ‘Pink Friday’ in 2010.

Male Rappers:

•Public Enemy: With albums like "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back," Public Enemy brought political and social issues to the forefront of hip-hop. Their music was not just entertainment but a call to action, which resonated with youth worldwide, turning hip-hop into a voice for the marginalized.

•Jay-Z has not only dominated the music scene but also expanded into fashion and luxury goods, becoming hip-hop's first billionaire.

* Kendrick Lamar is celebrated for his lyricism, tackling intricate social issues with his music.

* Tupac was more than a rapper; he was an actor and a civil rights advocate, redefining the role of a hip-hop artist.

* Eminem brought hip-hop to a global audience with hits like "My Name Is" and has been dubbed the "King of Hip Hop" by Rolling Stone.

* Ice Cube known for his role in N.W.A., became a cornerstone of gangsta rap with his impactful and provocative lyrics.Image
Gangster rap became controversial in the 1990s for several reasons: ( I will add to this list periodically).

1.Explicit Content: The lyrics of gangster rap often contained explicit language, graphic violence, and themes of drug use, misogyny, and crime. This content was seen as promoting a negative lifestyle, which was at odds with mainstream values. The use of profanity and explicit sexual references was particularly shocking to many listeners and parents, leading to calls for censorship.

2.Political and Social Commentary: Artists like N.W.A., with songs like "Fuck tha Police," directly challenged authority, particularly law enforcement, which was seen as inflammatory. This led to significant backlash from politicians, law enforcement, and conservative groups who felt the music incited violence against police and glorified criminal behavior.

3.Cultural Impact and Media Coverage: The media's portrayal of gangster rap often focused on its most controversial aspects, amplifying its image as a dangerous cultural phenomenon. This coverage sometimes misrepresented the genre's broader messages about social issues, focusing instead on its most sensational elements.

4. Public Perception: The public debate often framed gangster rap as a cause of societal decay rather than a reflection of existing urban conditions, leading to widespread criticism and fear over its influence on youth.

5.Economic and Racial Inequality: The music often reflected the harsh realities of inner-city life, including poverty, racial profiling, and systemic inequality. While some saw this as an authentic voice of the oppressed, others viewed it as an endorsement of violence and crime, ignoring the socio-economic context that produced such expressions.

6.Misunderstanding of Context: Critics often failed to understand or acknowledge that gangster rap was not just about glorifying crime but also about critiquing the conditions that led to such lifestyles.

7.Cultural Shift and Commercialization: The shift from the East Coast's more socially conscious rap to the West Coast's gangster rap marked a change in hip-hop's direction, which was both embraced for its raw honesty and condemned for its perceived glorification of violence.
8.Storytelling in Rap: Artists like Slick Rick with "The Adventures of Slick Rick" brought narrative storytelling to rap, which was a significant departure from the braggadocio and party anthems. This storytelling aspect made rap more relatable and engaging, influencing a wave of lyricists worldwide.Image
Aug 12 4 tweets 6 min read
Political Conspiracy Theory: Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington

(Not all stars are bad. Some have flipped to the light…) #EGI

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were both renowned musicians and close friends. They shared a deep bond and had a significant impact on the music industry. Chris Cornell, known for his work with Soundgarden, Audioslave, and Temple of the Dog, was a talented singer and songwriter. Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist of Linkin Park, was also a gifted musician and best friends with of Chris.

Chris Cornell died on May 18, 2017, and Chester Bennington died on July 20, 2017. Both deaths were suicide by a hanged scarf on a door knob. There are exactly 63 days between Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington’s death.

There are other theories focusing on the details of their deaths, pointing out inconsistencies or unanswered questions in the official investigations. For example, some question the circumstances surrounding Cornell's death, such as the presence of a head wound and an unverified recording of radio traffic.

According to some, Chris Cornell was murdered to cover up a massive child sex trafficking ring linked to elitist and other high-profile individuals, and Bennington was killed to prevent him from continuing his friend’s work. The massive project of compiling all they had discovered was to be highlighted in the movie, ‘The Silent Children,’ a film documenting child sex trafficking. Years later the world is presented with the child trafficking film, ‘Sounds of Freedom’ which coopted the story-line, released in the aftermath of their purported suicides. The film highlighted some of the travesties of human trafficking, and purported rescue missions of activist, Tim Ballard, but only skimmed the surface.

In-turn Cornell and Bennington’s research was stolen, Hollywood took full credit and took center stage, in the ‘fight’ to end child and human trafficking. Interestingly, Sound of Freedom was released in theaters on July 4, 2023, after producers Eduardo Verástegui and Patricio Slim Domit and director Alejandro Monteverde supposedly spent eight years working on the film. The time-line of the musicians suicides fits nicely, and coincides with the Sounds of Freedom release date.

It gets better.Image
Unbeknownst to many there is also a direct link between Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and the Podesta brothers, John and Tony. These theories suggest John, who at the time was a White House Chief of Staff and Counselor to Barack Obama, was connected to pedophile rings across the planet, as well as being top dog in pizzagate.

Fast forward to November 2016, Wikileaks published emails leading up to the run-up to the U.S. presidential elections. Soon after the emails went viral revealing coded messages of alleged human trafficking and child sex rings involving top Democratic Party officials and U.S. restaurants. Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C, was accused as being one of the involved establishments.

All of the above has led to other claims about Podesta. Specifically, that Podesta is the son of the late American businessman Laurance Rockefeller and the father of Chester Bennington.

Unanswered questions…

Both deaths are still deeply felt by their fans and the music community. Their legacies will continue to live on through their music, and the memories they left behind. I pray their families get the closure needed to move past the mystery surrounding their deaths.

A little bit of Gematria on both names; Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington.

Marty Mcfly
Financial reset
Same mission
Bring back Trump
To the stars
I humiliate a satan
Leave the world behind
e pluribus unum

(E pluribus unum is a Latin phrase that translates to "one from many" or "out of many, one". It is the official motto of the United States of America and appears on the Great Seal of the United States and many coins.)

Do you have a theory?Image
Aug 11 4 tweets 9 min read
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth: Tablet IX (9)The Key of Freedom of Space 📚

This is by far one of my most favorite tablets, The Key of Freedom of Space. Tablet 9 is a fascinating piece of ancient wisdom that offers profound insights into the nature of the universe and the journey of the soul. It speaks of the interconnectedness of all things and the power of the mind to shape our reality. The tablet emphasizes the importance of seeking enlightenment and aligning ourselves with the universal principles that govern existence. It encourages us to free our souls from the limitations of the material world and to embrace the infinite possibilities of the cosmos. This ancient text is a treasure trove of wisdom that can inspire and guide us on our path to spiritual growth and self-realization in these most challenging times.

Please feel free to read as you listen. There is a link below to read the book in its entirety, at no cost. Sharing is caring.

9 =
IX List ye, O man, hear ye my voice, teaching of Wisdom and Light in this cycle; teaching ye how to banish the darkness, teaching ye how to bring Light in thy life. Seek ye, O man, to find the great pathway that leads to eternal LIFE as a SUN. Draw ye away from the veil of the darkness. Seek to become a Light in the world. Make of thyself a vessel for Light, a focus for the Sun of this space.

Lift thou thine eyes to the Cosmos. Lift thou thine eyes to the Light. Speak in the words of the Dweller, the chant that calls down the Light. Sing thou the song of freedom. Sing thou the song of the Soul. Create the high vibration
that will make thee One with the Whole. Blend all thyself with the Cosmos. Grow into ONE with the Light. Be thou a channel of order, a pathway of LAW to the world. Thy LIGHT, O man, is the great LIGHT, shining through the shadow of flesh. Free must thou rise from the darkness before thou art One with the LIGHT. Shadows of darkness surround thee. Life fills thee with its flow. But know, O man, thou must arise and forth thy body go far to the planes that surround thee and yet are One with thee, too.

Look all around thee, O man. See thine own light reflected.
Aye, even in the darkness around thee, thine own Light pours forth through the veil. Seek thou for wisdom always. Let not thine body betray. Keep in the path of the Light wave. Shun thou the darkened way. Know thee that wisdom is lasting. Existing since the ALL-SOUL began, creating harmony from by the Law that exists in the WAY. List ye, o man, to the teachings of wisdom. List to the voice that speaks of the past-time. Aye, I shall tell thee knowledge forgotten, tell ye of wisdom hidden in past-time, lost in the midst of darkness around me.

Know ye, man,ye are the ultimate of all things. Only the knowledge of this is forgotten, lost when man was cast into bondage, bound and fettered by the chains of the darkness.

Long, long ago, I cast off my body. Wandered I free through the vastness of ether, circled the angles that hold man in bondage. Know ye, O man, ye are only a spirit. The body is nothing. The Soul is ALL. Let not your body be a fetter. Cast off the darkness and travel in Light. Cast off your body, O man, and be free, truly a Light that is ONE with the Light. When ye are free from the fetters of darkness and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT, then ye shall know that space in not boundless but truly bounded by angles and curves. Know ye, O man, that all that exists is only an aspect of greater things yet to come. Matter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to another. All through the ages has knowledge existed; never been changed, though buried in darkness; never been lost, though forgotten by man. Know ye that throughout the space that ye dwell in are others as great as your own, interlaced through the heart of your matter yet separate in space of their own.

Once in a time long forgotten, I THOTH, opened the doorway, penetrated into other spaces and learned of the secrets concealed. Deep in the essence of matter
are many mysteries concealed.

Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and Nine are the cycles of space. Nine are the diffusions of consciousness,
and Nine are the worlds within worlds. Aye, Nine are the Lords of the cycles that come from above and below.

Space is filled with concealed ones, for space is divided by time. Seek ye the key to the time-space, and ye shall unlock the gate. Know ye that throughout the time-space consciousness surely exist. Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet still forever exists. The key to worlds within thee are found only within. For man is the gateway of mystery and the key that is One with the One. Seek ye within the circle. Use the WORD I shall give. Open the gateway within thee, and surely thou, too, shall live. Man, ye think that ye liveth, but know it is life within death.Image
Aug 9 6 tweets 7 min read
Before there was American Idol and The Voice giving us ‘stars of the century’, America had Star Search.

Did you know that Aaliyah got her start on the talent show, Star Search? Yup.

Although Aaliyah did not win, she competed in 1989 at the age of 10 and lost to her challenger, Katrina Abrams.

Ever wonder what happened with Katrina Abrams singing career after winning on Star Search? Ironically nothing, and there is limited information available about Abrams' career after her appearance on "Star Search." On the other hand, after Aaliyah lost on the talent show her career took off. She signed with Jive and Blackground Records. Her debut album, "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number," was released in 1994 when she was 15 and sold over three million copies in the United States.Image 22 years later Katrina Abrams’ would interview with ABC for its special, “Superstar Aaliyah” and went on record to say, “I had the joy of meeting and sharing the stage with Aaliyah when we were kids on Star Search, and I’m honored to have been interviewed for this new special, “Superstar: Aaliyah. It premieres Wednesday night, June 14th at 10/9c on ABC and then streams on Hulu. Please tune in.”

Aaliyah would later say in an interview, how the experience on Star Search helped to shape her career. That it did, Aaliyah went on to release two more successful albums and also pursued an acting career, appearing in films such as "Romeo Must Die" and "Queen of the Damned."Image
Aug 8 4 tweets 5 min read
What constitutes a gangster rapper? Is it street credits or lyrical content? A persona that reflects the violent and criminal aspects of inner-city life? What about authenticity and the street smart, tough persona ? Does that matter much? How about throwing in a bit of controversy by glorifying violence and crime? You are praised for your raw and unfiltered depiction of inner-city life, and in-turn you will significantly influence hip hop and pop culture, shaping the sound and style of many artists for decades, maybe even centuries. You will change the world.Image
But what if it is all a lie? All of it? Made up and contrived by men sitting in a board room mapping out the next 25 years of music to push a secret agenda to destroy not just your little boy or girl but all the children in the world. To dehumanize humanity. What would you do if you awoke one morning and began seeing the world for what it truly is? Would you go back to sleep and pretend you didn’t see the strings or would you fight, fight, fight?Image
Aug 5 12 tweets 3 min read
11 noteworthy people who have been described at any time as androgynous in their persona or presentation, either by self-identification or in reliable sources.

(Androgyny is the presence of both masculine and feminine characteristics in a person, and can be expressed in terms of gender identity, biological sex, or gender expression. The term comes from the Greek words andros meaning "man" and gyne meaning "woman".  It is attested from earliest history and across world cultures. In ancient Sumer, androgynous and intersex men were heavily involved in the cult of Inanna. In ancient Rome, this term can also refer to an adult male who plays the role of a woman, or to a woman who has the appearance of a man, both physically and morally.)

1. David BowieImage 2. Boy George Image
Aug 5 10 tweets 19 min read
Had issues with uploading this earlier and had to delete…my apologies to anyone that was in process of reading.

What Egypt has to teach us ~ My Journey to Egypt and the Pyramids…

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

After 4 years I have found a blog I wrote back in 2018, documenting my Journey to Egypt via an internet archive site called , The Way back machine. If you have a link to an article or post or picture added to the internet --- you too may be able to locate missing articles in the archives. Google luck! ()

There’s a lot to be said about life. Tell your story. What you experienced. Why not? If it can really help someone out there, well….maybe it’s worth it.

Updated: 3/14/18

Each step on our journey is one step closer toward finding the truth about reality and why we are here….

I will depart Friday, March 9, 2018 from Las Vegas, Nevada to Cairo, Egypt to Luxor, back to Cairo then back to the States! There will be no time to sleep. I can sleep when I’m dead, lol… and I won’t be doing much sleeping then either. I’m going all in… everyday and every night I am there.

It’s one thing to read about the sites and to experience them during meditations, and it’s quite another to actually stand where millions have basked and guarded the mysteries of ancient Egypt for thousands of years.

The profound transformation I will experience will rock my soul….in love and light! This I know for sure.

I’m still amazed that I will actually be in Cairo, Egypt in less than 4 days. Please be sure to stay connected to my blog as I share this magical adventure! In all my journeys, I’m pretty sure nothing will compare to the beauty and tranquility of looking down the Nile, a big jewel in its own right.

Just in case you did not know, this historic city is surrounded by many wonders. On one side we have the Nile River, south of the delta. Southwest, we find the city of Giza and the Memphis’ ancient necropolis, with the plateau of Giza and their monumental pyramids, like the Great Pyramid of Cheops. To the south is the place where they built the ancient city of Memphis. Visual beauty, architectural and history exists in abundance there.

The Cairo Museum is a must visit also but it’s not fame that makes it so interesting. I can’t quite put these feelings into words…. to know I’ll be seeing, experiencing and understanding these great secrets is exhilarating. The famous treasure of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (I was recently given a book on all the ancient artifacts that were unearthed there).

Words cannot describe what Egypt means to me. Experience it. Go and feel the bliss! Come back and share your experience with the world. A great story goes a long way in the grand scheme of things.

Throughout it all, I’m enjoying the transformation taking place in me and my life. Stay connected to my blog as I share this ever so moving experience that I’m delighted to partake. Thank you and blessings to you…on your own spiritual journey! #Namaste

Updated 3/6/18

Touring the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx with South Sinai Travel on Sunday, March 11th.

Happy to finally have all the details sealed for my journey into Egypt. The 2nd leg of my trip I will be touring with Mahmoud Hussein of
- he will be my guide to Luxor!

Updated 3/7/18

Stay connected!

Updated 3/14/18

I’m a little late with my updates. Hmmm, well ….I’m actually very late considering I am now home, back in the States. The thing is I had major connectivity issues. The internet at the hotels were not great and very expensive, therefore, I documented most of my journey and will be updating as I am able.

(A funny. Drivers in Cairo are as bad as any state in America. I asked my driver to stay in his lane, he said “what lanes” and began laughing hysterically.)
egypt4u-travel.comImage The plane ride to Cairo:

During the plane ride to Egypt, I began to feel really sensitive, more than usual. I decided to watch the blockbuster science fiction film, Life. I attempted to grab hold of the experience but quickly let go. There was so much senseless killing, I could not continue to watch. All killing is senseless for the record. I then began watching yet another Sci Fi movie, War For The Planet of the Apes. I resonated with this film. There was a deep truth intimating from the story line…

To fathom the reason we fight, and not get caught up in the revenge scenario when tragedy happens. Something to marinate on, indeed.

Second leg of flight to Cairo:

I met a wonderful woman that I will call G — at the airport in Instanbul, Turkey. A MD residing in Illinois. I actually overheard a conversation she was having as we were preparing to board our plane to Cairo. She mentioned something about essential oils and its homeopathic benefits. I wanted to turn around and see who was speaking because I too believe in the benefits of essential oils, but I was really tired after being on the plane from San Francisco for over 10 hours, I didn’t have the energy, but I remembered her voice.

Later as we boarded and were finding the way to our assigned seats, low and behold… the lady with the booming voice was sitting next to me. After a hour or so she struck up a conversation with me, we started discussing essential oils and the benefits of crystals. Come to find out, she was on a spiritual journey as well! G also shared with me a trip she took last year to Kenya where she volunteered her services to less fortunate families in need of healthcare. She said she felt a deep kinship for the people. It changed her life. I could definitely relate. I felt the same way when I visited Peru that same year. It was as if I was experiencing a homecoming. I felt me and G’s meeting wasn’t by chance. We were exactly where we needed to be.

Touch down in Cairo:

I arrived in Cairo on Saturday March 10th…. my cab ride from the airport to the Golden Tulip Hotel was very interesting. The drivers on the road kind of reminded me of New Yorkers. It was very comical. They drove as if there were no lanes. The next day I asked a local why do many of the drivers drive as if there are no lanes. He kindly replied with a smirk, “what lanes.” That was an experience in of itself.

Once checked in at The Golden Tulip Hotel which I found on trip Advisor, I was thrilled to discover the room was almost perfect. The view was amazing, I had what they call the “superior room” on the 11th floor with an amazing view of the Nile River. I won’t get into what wasn’t so great — all I will say is after my complaints to the hotel staff things were squared away…. and I was happy. So thank you Golden Tulip!

At this point it was late in the evening about 11 PM and I was starved, and I was in Egypt after all. I wanted to walk around near the hotel and I dared it for a moment walking outside the hotel, looking around to my left and to my right. I heard the infamous horns blaring even then and it was funny to me. I walked around the corner but every store and or establishment was closed for the evening. There were a couple Egyptian cab drivers blaring horns asking if I needed a taxi, I politely said, No thank you and hurried back to the hotel. I asked the doorman if the hotel restaurant was still open, he hastily replied no, “but the bar is.”

Delighted to be in the great city of Cairo also known as the ancient city of Memphis, I made my way there.Image
Aug 3 5 tweets 8 min read
📚 Excerpt from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The writings are profound and addresses key information needed for all humanity, as we traverse through time and space, space time. #Books #goodreads #Thoth #Emeraldtablets

TABLET #8 – by Thoth the Atlantean

Unto thee, O man, have I given my knowledge. Unto thee have I given of Light. Hear ye now and receive my wisdom
brought from space planes above and beyond. Not as man am I for free have I become of dimensions and planes. In each, take I on a new body. In each, I change in my form. Know I now that the formless is all there is of form.

Great is the wisdom of the Seven. Mighty are THEY from beyond. Manifest THEY through their power, filled by force from beyond. Hear ye these words of wisdom. Hear ye and make them thine own. Find in them the formless.

Mystery is but hidden knowledge. Know and ye shall unveil.
Find the deep buried wisdom and be master of darkness and Light. Deep are the mysteries around thee, hidden the secrets of Old. Search through the KEYS of my WISDOM. Surely shall ye find the way. The gateway to power is secret, but he who attains shall receive. Look to the LIGHT! O my brother. Open and ye shall receive. Press on through the valley of darkness. Overcome the dweller of night. Keep ever thine eyes of the LIGHT-PLANE, and thou shalt be One with the LIGHT. Man is in process of changing to forms that are not of this world.Image Grows he is time to the formless, a plane on the cycle above. Know ye, ye must become formless before ye are with the LIGHT, List ye, O man, to my voice, telling of pathways to Light, showing the way of attainment when ye shall be One with the Light. Search ye the mysteries of Earth’s heart. Learn of the LAW that exists, holding the stars in their balance by the force of the primordial mist. Seek ye the flame of the EARTH’S LIFE. Bathe in the glare of its flame. Follow the three-cornered pathway until thou, too, art a flame. Speak thou in words without voice to those who dwell down below. Enter the blue-litten temple and bathe in the fire of all life. Know, O man, thou art complex, a being of earth and of fire. Let thy flame shine out brightly. Be thou only the fire. Wisdom is hidden in darkness. When lit by the flame of the Soul, find thou the wisdom and be LIGHT-BORN, a Sun of the Light without form. Seek thee ever more wisdom. Find it in the heart of the flame. Know that only by striving and Light pour into thy brain. Now have I spoken with wisdom. List to my Voice and obey. Tear open the Veils of the darkness. Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.

Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power. Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beingsfrom the great deep below us.Image
Aug 3 6 tweets 7 min read
The 1990s saw powerful female music groups come to the fore.

Two of the biggest hip-hop and R&B groups of the 90s, TLC & Salt -N- Pepa, both successful trios of black women (?) both influencing hip-hop and R&B to this day?

Both groups, covertly transgender. Born male and transitioned to female, this phenomenon is known as Elite Gender Inversion or EGI and has been going on from millennia.

So, let’s spotlight the genre of Hip Hop we grew up on, starting with my boys, 😬.. I meant girls; Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, Tionne “T” Boz Watkins and Rozanda “Chilli” Thomas of TLC. 👀

Heads up, the 90’s Girls band lied to all of us. 👀Image
Don’t shoot the messenger. Elite Gender Inversion is rampant in Hollywood, politics and business. I plan to discover why. Science doesn’t lie. They can go under the knife for aesthetics purposes but they can’t make alterations to the human skeleton.

The human skeleton is the internal framework of the human body. It is composed of around 270 bones at birth. Although there is only one fundamental human skeletal architecture, there are a variety of structural differences between the male and female skeletons.

When viewed in profile, female skulls have a rounded forehead. Male frontal bones are less rounded and slope backwards at a gentler angle. This ridge along the brow is prominent in males and much smoother in females. As this ridge lies above the eyes this structure is known as the supraorbital ridge.Image
Jul 31 6 tweets 6 min read
Fake Diva 101 - (EGI) Elite Gender Inversion 👀

Let’s take a look at VP Kamala Harris ticket to the White House, “Megan Thee Stallion” and see if we can help out her fans regarding a little secret.

Step into Anatomy 101 👇

The human skeleton is the internal framework of the human body. It is composed of around 270 bones at birth. Although there is only one fundamental human skeletal architecture, there are a variety of structural differences between the male and female skeletons.

When viewed in profile, female skulls have a rounded forehead. Male frontal bones are less rounded and slope backwards at a gentler angle. This ridge along the brow is prominent in males and much smoother in females. As this ridge lies above the eyes this structure is known as the supraorbital ridge.


The major difference between female and male skeletons is in the pelvis, which is due to women being able to experience childbirth. The female pelvis is smaller, shallower and wider, and the cavity is more circular in shape. The tailbone, which is the last bone of the spinal column, is more movable in female skeletons. The sacrum, which is a triangle-shaped bone also at the end of the spine and connected to the pelvis, is wider and flatter in females. All these distinctions contribute to the process of carrying a baby in the uterus, particularly allowing for the head and shoulders of the child to pass through the cavity.Image *Eye sockets*
Females tend to have round eye sockets with sharp edges to the upper borders. In contrast, male skulls have much squarer orbits with blunter upper eye margins.

Males have a square jawline and the line between the outer edge of the jaw and the ear is vertical. Conversely, in females the jaw is much more pointed and the edge of the jaw slopes gently towards the ear.Image
Jul 25 4 tweets 4 min read
‘Right to Try’

In 2018 President Donald Trump signed a bill giving terminally ill patients the “right to try”experimental space age treatments, not yet approved by the federal government.

Trump expounded on the topic last week at the Republican National Convention, noting patients will have access to the advanced technology “very fast”, once he is back in office.

Advocacy groups such as the American Association for Cancer Research opposed the bill, which isn’t surprising considering the organization has procured billions of dollars for cancer research since 1913.

Moreover, The National Cancer Act of 1971 initiated over 50 years of momentum that raised the federal investment in cancer research from $500 million in 1972 to $6.5 billion in 2021. In 2024 this investment has only fueled basic needs and clinical research with little impact.Image The movement to increase funding for cancer research started in the 1940s. Funding initially came from a variety of directions. Notably, socialites like Mary Lasker and her wealthy and influential friends such as John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, President Lyndon Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird Johnson became advocates for increasing cancer research funding after she took over the American Society for the Control of Cancer in 1943 and changed the name to the American Cancer Society (ACS).

The Rockefeller Institute and Mary Lasker changed the strategy of private medical institutions by making basic science its highest priority. Most medical research was funded by private philanthropy foundations, where cures for patients with cancer wasn’t the goal. In the early 1950s, the ACS funded more research at universities than the US government. Wanting to increase research spending, Lasker realized that the federal government could provide far more money for research than any private organization. Federal support of research required the support of the US Congress and the president. According to medical journals, Lasker set out to get that support.

Lasker had a deep understanding of public relations, advertising, and persuasion. She used skills developed by her husband to move public opinion to support the federal support of cancer research. Her husband, Albert Lasker, was an advertising executive who famously used advertising to change popular culture and appeal to the consumer. Among
his most noted successes were the Harding presidential campaign of 1920, the launch of Kotex sanitary napkins (1921), Kleenex facial tissues (1924), and Lucky Strike cigarettes (1927). It is ironic that Albert Lasker was an innovator in tobacco advertising and made it socially acceptable for women to smoke.

Mary Lasker also lobbied senators and congressmen and even gave some “Lasker Awards” to encourage increased appropriation for the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The initial efforts were purportedly aimed at increasing public funding of cancer research. At this same time, the US biomedical research infrastructure, especially the cancer research infrastructure, was small. Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876 as the nation's first medical research–based university.John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s wife was Abby Aldrich Rockefeller
Jul 15 21 tweets 9 min read
Two Trumps. The plan to save the World. Image

The Plan… Image
Jul 9 10 tweets 19 min read
Elite Gender Inversions - (EGI) - Part 3

Firstly, I am going on record to say that I am not suicidal, I am not on any medication, and I am not depressed. I am happy and very active. I have always been a thinker, and a seeker of truth. I am one whom follows the synchronicities to get a clearer understanding for the fulfillment of my divine plan, my true life's purpose. The research and ultimate knowing has brought me here today. I ask that you read, and if you feel there may be some semblance of truth, please research for yourself.
Shalom ve'ahava.

“Every secret you have kept will become known. What you have whispered in hidden places, will be shouted from the house tops.” - The Lost Gospel of Q

Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) is based on the law of Baphomet which states" Do everything opposite to God". The whole system of Satan is based on Inversion. It asserts that a secret group of global elites are covertly transgender. We say "elite" because this sect of society has access to drugs the average person cannot afford.

A lifetime of required treatments that often start from conception itself. Hollywood is the propaganda tool for the continuation of superficial pleasures, instant gratification, social issues, mass psychogenic illness, hysteria, depression, and other types of mental illness.

Truth is not always welcomed, especially when it challenges the status quo or threatens comfort zones. Our enemy is know longer trying to hide itself, step up and 'become' your own savior. They were here in the beginning and will ride until the last judgement.

As the Roman poet Juvenal said around 100 AD:

"The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly for just two things: bread and circuses." -- Roman poet Juvenal.

In these writings, I am not saying or implying there is anything wrong with being transgender. I love and respect all people, regardless of their lifestyle. What I am saying is there is something deeply concerning when we have politicians from all over the world, celebrities, news correspondents, CEO's of large companies, elite Athletes pretending to be born a certain sex when they were born the opposite.

This is the missing link.....

Let this sink in, when you find yourself binge watching a show on Netflix over the weekend,  or going to the movies with your bestie to see the sequel of a favorite show, when you find yourself idolizing your favorite hip hop or pop singer, what's that rapper you love so much that performed on a stage in the shape of an upside down cross?Symbolism will be their downfall...
Image credit:@DariusVolket on X.
Image credit: The Son of Man on X.
The Diva you strive to emulate, you know the Victoria secrets model that recently got her big break in movies, with the slanted forehead and square jawline with the perfect boobs? Yep, that one...she was born male.

Yes, and the big secret behind Victoria's Secret, is that all those women were born male.


The tools used to mislead us include: HRT (hormone replacement therapy), hormone blockers, puberty blockers, HGH (human growth hormone), surgeries, makeup, clothing, etc. Study the photographic evidence. See and learn for yourself.

According to folklore, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom was purportedly born male. Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from June 20, 1837 until her death, January 22, 1901. Her reign of 63 years and 216 days, which was longer than any of her predecessors, and was known as the Victorian era.

Yes, my friends, while you were sleeping they have fooled generation after generation with their demented gender switching traditions. Most are inverted at birth, others that make it into the limelight for whatever reason are presented with more fame and money they could ever dream of.

Their families are told limited information, made to sign Non Disclosure Agreements, and given small stipends over the course of time. They are not permitted to speak about their sister Shanequa, being whisked into Hollywood to undergo hormone replacement therapy, hormone blockers, puberty blockers, human growth hormones, surgeries, makeup, training, etc -- where lil Shanequa is now known to the world as Nico, the hottest R&B singer, with an adonis belt that would make even Tyrese Gibson look like a real boy.

If Nico plays his cards right, his offspring will become part of this sick cult and be inverted from birth. Idris Elba and Denzel Washington - Image credit: The Son of Man on X
Saweetie fails the Forensic tests/Bio male skull/ 5x the MALE gait/straight legs/knees together/feet forwards. Image credit: The Son of Man on X.
Keira Christina Knightley - Image credit: Getty
Victoria Secret Models - Image credit: Getty
Jun 11 7 tweets 3 min read
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. on , shows he died in 2018 at Guantanamo, Cuba… Go in and search under birth, marriage and death records. Type in Joseph, Robinette Biden Jr, birthdate is November 20, 1942. 👀