The small talk around a small muscle known as the pubococcygeus muscle.
The one that ameloriates your erection and helps you control that ejaculation.
When you were a boy, your urination stream was powerful.
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You could send your fountain of urine across the river or over the wall. This has changed in your adulthood.
Fellow men,
You see, sometimes in this life, we undergo so many daily challenges like looking for money to fend for our families.
This takes toll on us that when you get in bed, you don't want anything to do with sexing your woman.
These challenges eat your mind that you justify why you can't have a strong, persistent erection. You just want to do, finish and turn the other end to sleep.
Just onion juice can perform this wonder to our prostate health? what are you waiting for?_
This is good for the MEN in this House to try !!!!!!!
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Onion remedy
Here is a simple remedy available to everyone to never suffer from prostate diseases. Those who already suffer from it can also try it. It works very well.
Know first that in all men, from 45 years the prostate accumulates toxins due to urine and semen which-
pass through the urethra. The prostate also participates in the composition of sperm by adding a secretion that is not entirely eliminated from this gland. When the residual secretions stay there, it participates in its progressive intoxication.
IT TREAT Bad breath, avocado is superior to any mouth lotions or remedies for bad breath, it effectively removes intestinal putrefaction or decomposition which is the real cause of a coated tongue and bad breath......
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AVOCADO is an excellent food remedy in acute digestive disorders
It blandness is comforting to the hypersensitive surface of the stomach and duodenum and its abundant vitamins reanimate the inflamed and crippled cells....
The Avocado is an efficient aid in changing the intestinal Flora to combat Autointoxication, colitis, and biliousness..
In cases of hyperacidity with sour stomach, Avocado and well ripened papaya should be used as a staple diet..
The Indian medicinal drink with turmeric!
Removes 5 kg of toxins from the intestines and blood vessels!
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The beneficial properties of turmeric are recognized all over the world. This spice has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antioxidant and antiseptic properties. By adding turmeric to your daily diet, you will increase immunity, improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolism.
That is why people who want to lose weight often resort to the use of turmeric. Today we will share with you a recipe for not only a delicious, but also an incredibly healthy drink. With its help, you can easily get rid of extra pounds and detoxify the body.