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Jul 21 6 tweets 2 min read
Dear diabetes patients,

Today, I want to speak about your medicines.

Let us speak some plain facts first.

Check Thread 👇 When a person gets diabetes, he is not very far off from getting high BP and high Cholestrol levels.

So, when you see your doctor, he would prescribe not only diabetes medicines, but also high BP and cholestrol medicines. Let us say, one for each condition - so that makes it 3 tablets in total.
Jul 21 14 tweets 2 min read
How To Get Harder, Feel Bigger & Get Even Better In Bed:

Check Thread 👇

1. Jelking : Start doing this stretching exercise by getting yourself 30 percent erect.

And start doing it for 25-50 reps every day.
Jul 20 5 tweets 1 min read
Water with turmeric in the morning gives at least 5 effects.

Check Thread 👇 Image 🫖Turmeric is known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory
properties.Its active ingredient curcumin is a powerful antioxidant.Water with
turmeric, especially in combination with lemon juice, has many
healing properties.

For cooking, take:
0.5 tsp turmeric powder;
0.5 lemon;
warm water;
Jul 20 5 tweets 2 min read


1: Number of bones: 206
2: Number of muscles: 639
3: Number of kidneys: 2
4: Number of milk teeth: 20
5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pair)
6: Heart chamber number: 4
7: Largest artery: Aorta
8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 Mmhg
9: Blood Ph: 7.4
10: Number of vertebrae in spinal column: 33
11: Number of vertebrae in the neck: 7
12: Number of bones in middle ear: 6
13: Number of bones in face: 14
14: Number of bones in skull: 22
15: Number of bones in chest: 25
16: Number of bones in arms: 6
17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72
18: Number of pumps in the heart: 2
Jul 19 9 tweets 4 min read
THE MYTH ABOUT FEMALE VIRGINITY -why most women won't bleed the first time they have sex.

Check Thread 👇 Image There's a very common myth in South and Central Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc.) and Africa (Nigeria and many other nations ) that you can tell if a woman is a virgin, by whether or not she bleeds the first time she has sex. There is zero truth in this. Not all women bleed the first time they have sex, as I'll explain in this post. To understand why some women bleed and some don't, it's very important to understand what the hymen is.
Jul 19 8 tweets 2 min read
Most people know high blood pressure is a silent killer.

But they don’t know about its leading cause: insulin resistance.

Let’s break down how insulin impacts blood pressure and what you can do about it:

Check Thread 👇 Image Meet John.

He's in his 40s, has three kids, and enjoys the occasional burger and beer.

Despite trying to eat healthier and dropping 5 lbs recently, John gets a surprising diagnosis at his annual check-up:

His doctor recommends blood pressure medication.
Jul 19 13 tweets 5 min read

Check Thread 👇 Image 👉 never cut Onions open then use it next day
👉Onions can give your room fresh air and make you sleep easily. (Just slice onion and put around corner of your room
👉again never use leftover slice Onions next day, they already absorbed germs around.
👉 to stop Onions tears while slicing , either put it in freezer a minutes before slicing or chew chewing gum while slicing or apply oil on the knife before slicing.

1. Clogged ears

The clogged ears are often irritating and not good for your hearing ability. Follow the process to unclogged your ears.
Jul 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Cloves is a known fertility booster for both men and women and has been reported to have the ability to tolerate treat male and female infertility. Cloves water is usually soaked in water and people drink the water to treat infertility and boost fertility.

Here is how clove water help boost fertility…. benefits of cloves water for conceiving

Check Thread 👇Image
Benefits of drinking clove water to for fertility

1. Boosts ovulation

Drinking clove water is believed to boost ovulation and increases a woman’s chances of conception. Many women trying to conceive take clove water to aid ovulation. Cloves is believed to increase the secretion of LH. LH is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries to realease egg during ovulation and menstruation.

Can i drink clove water during ovulation? Yes you can, drinking clove water during your ovulatory period reduces menstrual cramps and can cause you to release many eggs.

When to take clove water for ovulation? Immediately after your last menstrual period… Take morning and evening till your next ovulation.

Jul 18 4 tweets 1 min read
Turmeric honey: the most powerful antibiotic.

Check Thread 👇 Image 🟠1 tbsp of turmeric
100 g of organic honey

🟠How to prepare:
Place the ingredients in a glass jar and mix well.
Jul 16 5 tweets 2 min read

1 Migraine

2 High blood pressure

3 Low blood pressure

4 Pain of joints

5 Sudden increase and decrease of heartbeat

6 Epilepsy

7 Increasing level of cholesterol

8 Cough Image 9 Bodily discomfort

10 Golu pain

11 Asthma

12 Hooping cough

13 Blockage of veins

14 Disease related to Uterus & Urine

15 Stomach problems

16 Poor appetite

17 Also all diseases related to the eyes, ear & throat.

18 Headache
Jul 16 6 tweets 2 min read
Cancer cells die in 42 days

This amazing Austrian drink has cured more than 45 thousand people. You will also forget about other dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, pneumonia, heart attack prevention, all sand and stones from the kidneys, as well as all salts and toxins from your body will be removed.

For a complete cure, he recommended drinking only teas and juices prepared according to his recipe for 42 days.

How To Prepare This Juice.

Check Thread 👇Image
To prepare the juice you need
- 300 grams of red beets
- 100 grams of carrots
- 100 grams of celery root
- 70 grams of fresh potato juice
- 30 grams of radish

Κ potatoes are optional, with the exception of liver cancer, where potatoes play an important role. Image
Jul 15 10 tweets 3 min read
Why does my underwear appear bleached?

Check Thread 👇 Image Every lady/woman who has attained puberty will have Vagina discharge- it is normal. It may leave a white or yellow stain on your underwear 🩲 , that’s ok. Discharge is part of the vagina’s natural self-cleaning process.
Jul 14 4 tweets 2 min read
Want your hair to grow like grass?

Try this clove recipe👇.

Soak Cloves in your olive oil or your preferred hair cream for 3 days.

And use it to always moisturize your natural hair.

From your scalp to the root

Another way to use cloves for natural hair growth is

To soak with clean water in a bottle for 3 days.
Jul 14 8 tweets 2 min read
Drinking A Cup Of Onion, Garlic and Ginger Will Cure The Following Diseases When Taking Daily.

The Thread👇 Image 1. Powerful Antioxidant Properties: These help protect the body from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart and cancer diseases.

2. Nutrient-Rich Superfood : Theses are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin A, C and E minerals like calcium, potassium and protein.
Jul 13 9 tweets 2 min read
A Chinese medicinal drink with turmeric!
Removes 5 kg of toxins from the intestines and blood vessels and help for cancer!

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The beneficial properties of turmeric are recognized all over the world. This spice has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antioxidant and antiseptic properties. By adding turmeric to your daily diet, you will increase immunity, improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolism
Jul 12 8 tweets 2 min read

Topic: Back To The Topic of Ovulation

" For those asking how to calculate ovulation and fertile days, here we go again!


First you need to know your cycle length before you can know your likely ovulation day. Note that a normal cycle length ranges between 21-35 days, anything below 21 days or above 35 days is-Image abnormal, so see your gynecologist).

● To know your cycle length (that is how many days it takes before you see your menstrual period) you start counting from the FIRST day you saw blood to the FIRST day you'll see blood of your next period (which can be within the same month or the next month, it doesn't matter so long as the number of days is within the normal range of 21-35 days when you count the interval between previous & present).
Jul 11 14 tweets 3 min read

Sperm cells are either X or Y. The Egg cell is always X. If X-Sperm cell meets the egg(X) the baby will be a Girl (XX). If Y-Sperm cell meets the egg(X), the baby will be a Boy (XY).
The Y-Sperm cells move fast but die fast (its lifespan is about 24hrs). X-Sperm cells move slowly but survive longer (up to 3-4days).

Therefore, if you have intercourse some days before ovulation, most of the Y-Sperm cells would have died leaving mostly X-Sperm cells-
Jul 10 9 tweets 3 min read
Exercises better than viagra, that naturally boost your Libido and confidence in bedroom

Check Thread 👇

Exercise 01 : Leg Raise Image
Jul 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Garlic, honey and vinegar. The combination of these 3 ingredients can even defeat cancer!

Asthma, arthritis, hypertension, infertility, impotence and even cancer - all these terrible diseases can not resist the healing elixir.

Check Thread 👇 Image The action of the medicinal drink is explained by a powerful increase in immunity and a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. Already after 2 weeks of constant intake of a mixture of garlic, honey and vinegar, even patients with a severe form of diseases show improvement. Has no side effects, and for perfectly healthy people elixir of honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar is a godsend.
Jul 8 10 tweets 2 min read
Do this each morning to get abs, improve your sex stamina and dragon size

💯% Quick Results

1. Leg raise Image Image
Jul 7 5 tweets 1 min read

It gets rid of bad cells formed in the body or inhibits their growth!

Take it for 3 months, health is instantly restored. It's like a miracle.
You need one beetroot, two carrots and one apple..

Check Thread For Benefits 👇 Image Wash, peel the skin, cut into pieces and put in a juicer and drink the juice immediately.

You can add lime or lemon for a more refreshing taste.
This miracle drink is effective for the following diseases: