Why Brexit's deregulation frenzy will slow down the much touted 'growth, prosperity, and innovation' BS meted out by the duopoly.
It becomes clear that the Tories took a sledgehammer to EU/UK regulations without any recourse as to the detrimental and chaotic consequences we see coming up now in the headlines. ‘significant aspects’ of the UK’s ‘regime would become less effective or legally inoperable... the UK’s ability to regulate the financial sector effectively would be compromised, affecting market confidence and creating instability.’
The UK's 74 Special Economic Zones and 12 Freeports contravene EU laws and regulations on State aid which is public money, the EU prohibits govt's of member states from giving money to laissez-faire capitalists, because this would distort the integrity of the EU's Single Market by creating an unlevel playing field. Deregulation is the weapon of choice to obliterate the nation-state and cement corporate hegemony.
A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a designated region 'freed' from the host country's regulations, stakeholders and investors are trusted to 'self-regulate', meaning they can create their own rules.
At one end, we have low-wage production, and reduced employment rights for workers.
At the other end zones are basically tax havens where corporations can both onshore and offshore their profits.
Sunak and Truss turbocharged the resurrection of Thatcher’s free zones and added dozens more; there are now 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports currently being installed across the UK under the Labour Govt.
48 SEZs and 8 Freeports in England
18 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Scotland
8 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Wales
Bidding on all free zones closed in 2022.
All 12 UK Freeports are housed inside a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the zones vary in size from 38 to 75km in diameter.
Example; Forth Ports in Scotland own 8 other Freeports which are owned by parent company Otter Ports Ltd, the managing director of which is Lord Smith of Kelvin, Otter Ports Ltd is registered in the Cayman Islands, Smith did not declare this in the register of interests.
Both Cromarty and the Firth of Forth sit inside much larger Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 70% of the City of Edinburgh is inside Forth Ports SEZ.
From the UK govt website
‘Enterprise zones are a devolved matter and there is no obligation for the devolved administrations to adopt them’ - UK Government 👇🏻👀 researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN05…
The majority of free zones are in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, China has the most, almost half in total. Europe and North America have less than 10%, why would that be? The 82 free zones in the EU are strictly regulated to prevent governments of member states from giving State aid (public money) to companies of their choosing, this distorts the integrity of the EU's Single Market creating an unlevel playing field.
The bidding process for UK free zones took place between 2021 and 2022, businesses lined up for tax breaks and low-regulation were chosen by the UK Govt.
From the EU Commission's website on State Aid and SEZs 👇🏻👀
'(EU) Parliament stresses that State aid should support ecological transformation and foster the development of services, knowledge, and infrastructure rather than providing support to specific companies'.
UK SEZs contravene EU laws and regulations on State aid. When Sunak and Starmer say 'no rejoining the EU', not one reporter in the MSM points out this fundamental component about the EU's rules on State aid. UK SEZs are being installed by stealth. europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes…
If you are concerned about how and why deregulation affects key facets of UK society after Brexit including environmental laws, employment rights, and food safety, then take a look at this paper on Secondary Legislation - Plus ça change? Brexit and the flaws of the delegated legislation system.
I have not come across such a wilful and concerted attack on laws and protections without proper scrutiny of the impacts of secondary legislation, it reads like anarchists have sabotaged the entire legal infrastructure to allow 'absolute deregulation' to empower corporations profit gain and screw the state for decades.
The Environment (Miscellaneous Amendments and Revocations) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 corrected a host of errors, 72 including a ‘tick box’ that was ‘omitted in error’ but was crucial to enable endangered species to be moved within the UK and an amendment which ‘inadvertently altered the operation of an Article’ relating to pesticide products.73
A wash-up SI was also used to correct the accidental removal by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the prohibition on hormone-disrupting chemicals being used in pesticides in the UK, which the Department later described as an ‘erroneous omission.’74 The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (Civil and Family) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 were necessary to rectify a mistake which prevented some Scottish claimants from being able to file for child maintenance in Scotland.75 Somewhat extraordinarily, The Animal Health, Plant Health, Seeds and Food (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 proposed amendments to a draft affirmative instrument that had not yet been laid before parliament.76 Some errors have even attracted wider public notoriety. For instance, the European University Institute Regulations 2019 were withdrawn. These regulations indicated the Government (wrongly) thought that membership of the European University Institute was contingent on EU membership.77 There were 97 wash-up Brexit SIs, to correct earlier mistakes, laid up until Exit Day. This compares with 4.6% of SIs being wash-ups in the 2015-2016 parliamentary session. Not only does this show that mistakes can slip through scrutiny processes, it means that the resulting legal framework is complicated further by layering regulations on regulations.
It becomes clear that the Tories took a sledgehammer to EU/UK regulations without any recourse as to the detrimental and chaotic consequences we see coming up now in the headlines.
‘significant aspects’ of the UK’s ‘regime would become less effective or legally inoperable... the UK’s ability to regulate the financial sector effectively would be compromised, affecting market confidence and creating instability.’
Apply this massive deregulatory attack to just about everything we take for granted in society, and consider the UK's upcoming 74 Special Economic Zones and 12 Freeports, a Tory initiative backed and signed off by Labour, and it becomes painfully clear that the UK is being privatized, via Zone Fever. publiclawproject.org.uk/content/upload…
All of the problems detailed here align with the anxieties set out in the first part of the report. 359 Brexit SIs were laid in the four months leading up to March 2019. Those SIs touched on every part of UK life, from haulage to equality to food safety. Very significant policies such as alterations to deportation thresholds or changes to social security law were placed in secondary legislation and the rationale for why they deserved to be in delegated legislation was not explained.
The “Henry VIII clause” is one loaded with constitutional symbolism.
The name echoes the King's “impersonation of executive autocracy”: his attempt to usurp the will of Parliament.
We are told that Parliament is sovereign, 'but retrospective Henry VIII clauses are worrying because they entrust the executive, or potentially some other body, with the power to overturn prior Acts of Parliament: rather than legislation being altered by an elected body, statutes are changed by the largely non-elected, if accountable, executive branch. Democratic processes appear to have been circumvented'.
Prospective Henry VIII clauses thus constitute a fetter on the power of future Parliaments, creating the risk that as yet unthought of statutes will be overturned
through the exercise of the delegated power.
These political concerns are mirrored in the difficulties
that Henry VIII clauses present for the legal concept of parliamentary sovereignty. Most understandings of sovereignty can be reduced to a deceptively simple legal rule: “whatever Parliament enacts is law"
Retropspective Henry VIII clauses cannot change/subvert Parliamentary sovereignty, but prospective Henry VIII clauses absolutely can. 'Prospective clauses bring out an ambiguity in the simple formulation of sovereignty: if all that Parliament enacts is legally binding, what happens if one Parliament tries to create a mechanism by which a later Parliament's law-creating power is constrained?' papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…
This is totally unacceptable, Labour are entrenched with corporate corruption. These figures are astronomical sums, they represent an obscene capitulation to neoliberalism and the predations of the asset classes on representative democracy. This is exactly what Starmer meant by ‘changing ‘the Labour Party, by expunging morality, ethics, and all traces of the left courtesy of Peter Mandelson, and Morgan McSweeney.
The Labour Party’s largest-ever donation came from a Cayman Islands-registered hedge fund with shares worth hundreds of millions of pounds in fossil fuels, private health firms, arms manufacturers and asset managers.
Imagine your company is offered several million pounds of State aid (public money) to set up inside any one of Sunak and Starmer's 74 Special Economic Zones or 12 Freeports, you will get tax breaks for the next 10 years while the zones are licensed for a quarter of a century, not only that but your company is trusted by the UK Govt to 'self-regulate' in the zone where employment rights, food safety, and environmental protections have been shredded with 1000s more EU/UK laws for the chop by 2026, any economic or environmental damage to the region will be billed to residents in the zone, all manner of illicit activity is now possible because secondary legislation means zero scrutiny by Parliament including public FOI requests being swept under the carpet, plus compulsory purchase orders give your company carte-blanche to buy up (on the cheap) dozens of business, agricultural, and residential properties, public services will crumble, your company can replace them with their own private services.
What would you do?
Grand Commitee - Transcript from 11 May 2023
Baroness Kramer (Lib Dem) raising the issue of transparency and criminal activity in SEZs and Freeports of which there are 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports currently being set up across the UK, initiated by Sunak and fully backed by Starmer's changed Labour Party.
'I think even the Government recognise that freeports are catnip to criminals and money launderers. I would make the point that the kind of people who are attracted to freeports tend to be those who absolutely push the law to the limit, even when they do not go beyond it. We have so many examples from around the world where the players in various different freeports have gone well beyond it. We know that at least one of the major freeports will be under the Dubai Ports World regime, which already has ownership of major docks in London'.
'...but because there are no customs declarations, customs inspections or tax-related declarations in freeports, the normal mechanisms that provide data and direct monitoring and enforcement agencies are simply not available'.
'Why is the register that is going to be put together for freeports not to be made public? If I understood the answer that I got, it was, “Oh, this will all be dealt with when we get to Companies House legislation”.
Well, here we are: that economic crime Bill 2, with Companies House at the heart of it, but I cannot see anything that deals with making that register of beneficial owners in freeports public' hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2023-05-…
Baroness Bennet Green Party @natalieben
“Contracts at the site will be a commercial matter for the companies involved”. Official Report, Commons, 10/5/23
There is great public concern about what is happening on Teesside, and it is at the moment extremely opaque.
I shall concentrate mostly on freeports, because, as the noble Baroness said, investment zones are such a “fluffy” area that is very hard to grasp on to it. As to what we know about freeports and what is happening, a lot of the questions are being asked by the independent media and the civil society organisations referred to by the noble Baroness. I would point anyone who is interested to an excellent, 44-page report from the Bylines Network that was put out by local journalists from around the country in areas directly affected. It does a great job of examining some of the issues, but butting up again and again against commercial confidentiality and lack of recording. One of those reports notes that in 2020, the Royal United Services Institute Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies submitted evidence to the International Trade Committee saying that “there is evidence of criminal activity taking place in multiple freeports around the world. It often involves trade in counterfeit goods, drug trafficking, smuggling of untaxed goods or trade-based money laundering”.
'If we were to think of something that is essential to the purposes of the economic crime Bill now before us, shining the light, opening the doors and being able to see what is happening would clearly be it. What we are talking about with freeports are huge concessions from the Government. As the noble Baroness, Lady Kramer, said, they include freedom from all kinds of usual customs controls, but also stamp duty land tax relief, enhanced structures and building allowance, enhanced capital allowances, employer national insurance contributions relief, and business rates relief and retention. Those are huge concessions. Surely it would only be absolutely fair and reasonable to demand full transparency about who is responsible and who is making those decisions'.
'It is very evident that there is great public concern. This is one way that the Bill or some other mechanism—I directly put the question, “If not this Bill, where else?”, to the Minister—will make sure of what will happen if we create these structures. The reason why people are so suspicious about this seems to go back to an uncredited blog from 2010 on the website of a right-wing lobbying group, the TaxPayers’ Alliance, which raised the idea of charter cities. People are very suspicious. Surely the Government would want to dispel some of those suspicions by ensuring that there is absolute transparency and openness'.
Here is the link to the 44-page Freeports Gazette Natalie refers to above of which I was a contributor. @BylinesCymru bylines.cymru/wp-content/upl…
Shanker Singham's role in the implementation of the UK 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports must be exposed.
Starmer announcing more pain and economic hardship is not what people voted for.
The vast majority of the public already had this from 14 years of Tory austerity policies.
Labour are not being honest with the public, they have been very busy as board members of Sunak’s nationwide SEZs/Freeports consortia.
Here’s what happening behind the scenes and beyond the radar of the MSM.
The UK is being carved up into jurisdictions where governance is given over to corporations along with tax breaks for 10 years, the free zones are licensed for 25 years and contravene EU laws on State aid (public money) that prohibit govts of member states from giving money to corporations of their choosing, this unleashes market distortions that destabilizes the integrity of the EUs Single Market, basically UK SEZs sabotage the UK’s chances of rejoining the EU for the duration of the licenses, 25 years.
Each SEZ is a growth sector for the asset classes, companies include Blackrock, Blackstone, Macquarie, Google, Exxon Mobil, Uber, Caldwell, and many more.
‘Unfortunately, their proposals draw more from right-wing think tanks, astroturf campaigns and asset managers than they do the demands of workers, tenants and the labour movement’
The profits of Cauldwell and BlackRock go up and the costs of housing remain unmoved.
Join up Brexit and the fact that Labour spent a year having meetings everyday with the private sector, including governance consultancies that worked for Cameron and Thatcher, the sad truth emerges that Labour are in thrall to the most malevolent corporations and lobbyists responsible for ever widening contrasts between rich and poor. The UK is being privatised, zone fever is happening right now, and it’s all because of Brexit, the main culprit that Labour refuse to discuss.
Now read this, an expose of the inner workings between corporations, governace consultancies, and Lthink tank abour Together.
Be in no doubt that Starmer’s changed Labour Party is handing over the collective sovereignty of the UK to the absolute worst corporations and predatory capitalists both foreign and domestic. opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-…
We are used to thinking about rich donors and corporations having the ear of the Tories but there is plenty of evidence to suggest this issue won’t disappear once Keir Starmer enters Downing Street.