Tel Aviv has military infrastructure everywhere in the city, embedded in civilian neighborhoods. Bunkers underneath housing the entire Israeli military and intelligence command and control structure. They are all legitimate targets per Israel's own standard. Actual human shields
wherever Netanyahu is, Ben Gvir, Gantz, the entire Israeli political and military leadership, is automatically turned into a legitimate military target to bomb and wipe off the face of the earth. Every person in that vicinity is a human shield. That's their own standard. APPLY IT
if you don't reply in kind, they will just keep escalating over and over and over again. As they have been doing for not just the past year of the ongoing Gaza genocide, but for decades, since the Zionist rape-terrorists began their death-cult of Israel
as with every depraved genocidal Zionist accusation, the "human shields" propaganda line is the perfect example of it being a confession by them. It applies to every single Israeli. All those in the Gaza border compounds embody it perfectly:
Zionist Genocide Queen Kamala Harris just officially sanctioned the mass murder of Lebanese babies, children, girls, boys, women and men, the wiping out of an entire neighborhood, vaporizing their bodies from existence with US made and delivered bombs and jets.
She alongside the rest of the Western media and political class who are all gleefully celebrating this wanton act of mass murderous terrorism have accepted that they themselves are all legitimate targets.
In fact, unlike Nasrallah and other Hezbollah and Hamas leaders, they are actual genocidal terrorists who gleefully fund, arm, and engage in mass murder, beheadings, maiming and rape of Palestinian, Lebanese and other babies, children, girls, boys, women and men.
So again by their standard they are all legitimate targets, and so is anyone who may be around them at any time because they're all automatically "human shields". That's their logic, so let's see how it plays out for them.
again, this is just an obvious statement of fact that no one can deny. If you accept that hundreds of babies, children, girls, boys, women and men can all be mass murdered to strike at one person who especially compared to any Western and Israeli leader is a veritable Saint, then that also applies to you. You are a target too, and so is everyone around you at any given time. That's your standard, that you set. That's not my standard, that's your own standard that you just established.
When you say this to anyone in the Western media and political class, they can't even comprehend it. It is incomprehensible to them that the standards they apply to others, to those they see as sub-human like Palestinians and Lebanese and Iraqis and Afghans and Libyans, should also apply to them, the Ubermenschen who are above such lowly concerns like basic principles being actually universally applied.
But they have a serious problem: The "sub-humans" don't have such a narrow understanding of the world and their own humanity, and they will impose their own principles back on them. And when they inevitably do, you will see all of these Western media and political class genocidal scum who gleefully celebrate their superiority suddenly begin to hysterically cry endless crocodile tears. "OH NO THEY ACTUALLY APPLIED OUR OWN PRINCIPLES TO OURSELVES, OH NOOO KAMALA MOMALA COCONUT PILLED IS GONE NOW OH NO."
But the rest of the world, the vast majority of humanity, celebrates.
look at how utterly unhinged and deranged Western media class hacks get when you point out this obvious truism that they too are subject to the same principles they apply to those they consider to be sub-human. They go insane with rage. Just look:
every day I read the daily write ups on the Gaza genocide and Lebanon massacres in the NYT, AP, BBC, Guardian, Washington Post, Reuters, and the outright brazen lies and propaganda is so infuriating, so enraging, because it's so patently absurd and deranged that any 10 year old with minimal critical thinking skills can see right through it.
It's difficult to conceive how any human being can lower themselves to this level of shameless cuntery to fabricate and publish this trash, whose sole purpose is to justify and launder the mass maiming, beheading, rape and murder of babies, children, girls, boys, women and men by a genocidal death-cult masquerading as a society
I'll post about this separately tomorrow because it deserves its own thread, but the AP in today's piece on the indiscriminate terror bombings of Lebanon cites a deranged fanatical genocidal Zionist freak who served in Israeli military intelligence and now heads a fake "think tank" propaganda front whose entire board is filled with Israeli military and intelligence officials as objective proof that there are Hezbollah missiles everywhere across Lebanon which is why Israel is legitimately bombing all of it.
They actually did that. And of course Melanie Lidman, the genocidal freak scum who migrated over to the AP from the Times of Israel propaganda rag contributed to that piece, and I am 100% that she was behind that paragraph. More on that vile scumbag here:
it's just astonishing. I'm looking up more information on that deranged fanatical genocidal Zionist woman the AP cited as their objective neutral source for Hezbollah having missiles embedded in every single Lebanese city and village which is why bombing all of it is legitimate, and she's the most unhinged propagandist alive. Her name is Sarit Zehavi.
She has AIPAC videos, she writes propaganda pieces saying the ceasefire deal will only cause more devastation to the region because Iran has to be destroyed, she demanded US troops stay in Iraq, she and her fake "think tank" front have said that every Lebanese civilian is a legitimate kill because they're all human shields.
This is the person the AP cited as proof without any evidence. They just cited her saying it, and then presented it as objective fact.
To the guy who wrote that piece, and to the two others who contributed to it, you're going to have some fun tomorrow.
yesterday Jake Tapper fabricated out of thin air the claim that Rashida Tlaib said the Attorney General of Michigan made decisions to prosecute anti-genocide protesters because she's Jewish. She never said this. He just made it up.
He then used his position as CNN anchor to pressure Michigan governor Whitmer to denounce Tlaib over a statement she never made, and now, just hours ago, his fellow CNN anchor Dana Bash repeated the same lie that Tlaib made that statement as fact to prove that there is "widespread anti-Semitism on the left".
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are fanatical deranged Zionist genocidal propagandist scum, and they are now just outright lying about the only Palestinian-American member of Congress to smear her and put a kill target on her. They want to kill her. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash want one of their deranged Zionist terrorist followers to do what they did in killing the 6 year old Palestinian boy and the Palestinian student who was shot and paralyzed.
That is what they are doing using their CNN positions, and no one in the media class is doing anything about it. They will face zero repercussions for fabricating and spreading a blood libel murderous racist lie about a sitting member of Congress who constantly gets death threats from Zionist terrorist scum like them.
recently I said that if the Nuremberg trial principles were applied, both Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would be hanged for all the genocidal murderous propaganda they have fabricated and spread with glee. And every single day they keep proving this right:
Dana Bash is one of the most unhinged genocidal racist scumbag pieces of shit alive, and the same goes for fellow Zionist propagandist scum Jake Tapper. Look at her face as she justifies the mass rape and murder of Palestinian babies, children and women:
so the principle now established by the Western media and political class is that if you intercept an electronic device used by a member or supporter of a genocidal murderous terrorist political party, like say the Republicans and Democrats, AIPAC, every Israeli party, and implant an explosive in it, and then remotely detonate it whenever you like without care for if it actually blinds, maims or kills that specific person, but also anyone else around them at the time, or others who may have possession of it like their children, spouses, friends, etc., that's not only a perfectly legitimate thing to do, it's actually awesome and sophisticated and to be celebrated.
So the depraved principle that is now established by them is: It is perfectly fine and even great to want to intentionally maim, blind and kill all those people, and anyone who may be around them or be confused for them, at any time of your choosing, whenever you please.
That's a cool principle. Let's see how it works out for them.
to be clear these principles have been long-established. For example the Western media and political class recently reaffirmed you can put a kill target on writers, then murder them along with their relatives including young children. Bari Weiss did that:
when Ukro-Nazis car-bombed Daria Dugina, who whatever you may think of her was not a combatant, the Western media class celebrated with such utter glee. But that means you are all legitimate targets too. They can't even comprehend it. It's astonishing
if planting explosives in electronic devices and blowing them up in civilian areas killing and wounding indiscriminately is fine and in fact great, what's wrong with putting explosives in cars in Tel Aviv? Oh right, only genocidal occupiers are allowed to do murderous terrorism
this is the point Chomsky made to a Zionist hack "reporter" who couldn't comprehend why the entire Western media and political class who hysterically cry about car bombs from those who are occupied and genocided, gleefully support state terror by Israel
"It's a great analytical error to describe terrorism as the weapon of the weak. Like most weapons it is primarily a weapon of the strong, and always has been."
if Hamas, Hezbollah, or any group or person exploded electronic devices in Israel and killed children, it would be described by the entire Western media class as a horrific act of wanton evil sadistic terrorism. Israel does it and it's seen as an epic based move to be celebrated
what is the difference between killing children and civilians by intentionally exploding devices meant to kill them, and doing it by shooting or bombing them?
There is no difference.
It's the same act of mass murder, of actual terrorism.
But because Israel does it with Western arms, funding, weapons and intel it's epic and based and we all have to celebrate it as such
change the people killed and wounded for Israelis and the exact same means was used to do it, and the entire Western media and political class would be crying endless hysterical crocodile tears, writing 6000 word profiles on each and every one of them as pure Saints, like they do with all the genocidal Israeli Zionist baby-killing rape-soldiers on October 7 when they mention the Holy 1200 (a fake made up purely propaganda number as I detailed here: ).
It is the same with the entire depraved genocidal "human shields" propaganda, which like every Zionist accusation is of course pure projection and actually applies to them:
The entire Western media and political class can't even comprehend this. They can't even comprehend that the same genocidal murderous principles they apply to others should also be applied to themselves. It's incomprehensible to these depraved scum