The organisation tells the world that it exists solely to help ordinary Catholics to better live out their faith.
But that isn't the full story. For years, it's hidden its true purpose from its membership - and the Vatican.
According to secret documents published for the first time in my upcoming book OPUS, its founder Josemaría Escrivá developed Opus Dei as reactionary stand against the progressive forces that were transforming the lives of the poor and downtrodden in Spain during the 1930s.
Escrivá saw his followers as part of “a rising militia” of “apostles carrying out the orders of Christ” who would penetrate every part of society - government, the judiciary, the media, education - and work from the inside to "defeat the enemies of Christ".
Seem familiar?
By far the most shocking revelation for me has been just how ruthless Opus Dei is willing to be in pursuing its warped agenda - even when its actions clearly run contrary to the virtues of charity and kindness that are supposed to underpin the Christian faith.
On Friday, federal prosecutors in Argentina formally accused Opus Dei of trafficking teenage girls and young women. In my book, many former members testify to the abuse and manipulation they suffered inside the organisation.
“Saint Josemaría tells us … Don't let your life be barren. Be useful. Make yourself felt … Set aflame all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ,” he said.
Project 2025 certainly aims to "set aflame all the ways of the earth" – especially when it comes to education, reproductive rights and same-sex marriage.
Guess who's funding Project 2025?
You guessed it - his friend Leonard Leo, who sits on the board at Opus Dei's Catholic Information Center.
What Project 2025 gives them is a shot as reconfiguring society according to their vision – without the need for any democratic mandate. They plan to purge government of thousands of officials and replace them with likeminded radicals willing to push through their agenda.
LEAKED - internal Opus Dei memo ahead of the launch of my new book tomorrow requesting members "pray for everyone involved" and suggesting they ask the group's founder for his "intercession" from Heaven.
This memo was sent out to the organisation's "numerary" residences all around the world, where celibate members sworn to a life of obedience live.
These places are riddled with abuse - the women are forced to sleep on wooden boards, and every element of daily life is controlled.
The memo gets even simple facts about the book completely wrong - including its title and publication date - and implies that I somehow tricked them into answering my questions. 🤣
An excerpt from my new book OPUS digging into the links between Leonard Leo and a secretive organisation now linked to the trafficking of girls and young women in Argentina
Before Mr Leo’s lawyers get too excited, there is absolutely no implication that he is involved in the case in Argentina, where federal prosecutors announced charges against Opus Dei yesterday
These accusations are not new, however. They have been around for more than four years. Mr Leo has steadfastly stood by Opus Dei during that time as a board member at the Catholic Information Centre, which Opus Dei runs in downtown DC.
🚨🧵Opus Dei formally accused of trafficking girls and young women by federal prosecutors in Argentina - amazing scoop last night by the excellent @PaulaBistagnino
This is the culmination of a two-year investigation following accusations brought by more than forty women, which were first reported by @PaulaBistagnino in @LANACION in 2021.