Author of OPUS – "A damning account" WASHINGTON POST
– “Vividly told and excellently researched" FINANCIAL TIMES
– "Disturbing and important" IRISH TIMES
3 subscribers
Feb 17 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Federalist Society boss overheard telling private gathering that Chief Justice John Roberts was a solid pick for the Supreme Court because “he attends an Opus Dei evening of reflection once a month”
When the Federalist Society advocated for Roberts to be nominated to the Supreme Court in 2005, it was the first time it had campaigned publicly for a particular candidate
Nice to see Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, taking time out of his busy Project 2025 schedule to spend some time with leaders of the European far-right in Madrid at the weekend…
I wonder if he got to visit the Opus Dei national headquarters in Madrid while he was there 🤔
"Gore did his homework ... OPUS has certainly become required reading on the subject of Opus Dei"
Another great review of my new book OPUS, this time from the good people at @americamag
"The first thing to note about Opus is the tremendous amount of research that went into the project. This involved serious attention to many published works, interviews with present and former members of Opus Dei (including significant leadership figures), and archival research."
Jan 16 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Most organisations would respond to serious allegations of abuse by immediately launching an independent investigation.
Not Opus Dei.
Instead, it’s launched a 106-page diatribe seeking to defend the indefensible.
- grooming children
- spiritual/psychological abuse
- human trafficking
- labor violations
- surreptitious recruitment
- hidden finances
- political ties…
Jan 16 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Most organisations would respond to serious allegations of abuse with a clear response to immediately launch an investigation.
Not Opus Dei.
Instead, it’s launched a 106-page diatribe seeking to defend the indefensible – through contorted logic and disinformation.
The diatribe comes in response to my book OPUS, which was published by Simon & Schuster a few months ago.
It reveals a litany of new complaints against the organisation: of crimes and institutional failings, its surreptitious recruitment methods, the grooming of children, of spiritual and psychological abuse, vast cover-ups, as well as its hidden financial and political ties.…
Jan 8 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
For the first time, one of the hundreds of victims of Opus Dei’s cruel system of grooming and coercing impoverished young girls into a life of servitude tells her own story.
Anne Marie Allen’s new book SERVE comes out in May.
She was 15 when she was accepted onto a cookery school that promised qualifications and a dream future.
Seeking a better life, she moved to the west of Ireland.
Her happiness was short-lived as it became clear she had been tricked into a life of servitude in Opus Dei.
Dec 12, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
"A genuine exposé, a fluid, authoritative account...Gore has done a great service in putting all this material in the public domain in such a digestible format: no wonder Opus Dei is so unhappy with him.
@TheTLS and @PeterKGeoghegan review my new book…
"It seeks to lift the veil on an organization whose secrecy – and outward image of piety and impecuniousness – masks, according to Gore, a litany of exploitative practices, opaque money and clandestine political influence operations that has, so far, culminated in the Trumpist takeover of the US Supreme Court."
Nov 28, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Vatican to study how to address "spiritual abuse" in church law
....could this be a precursor to a full-scale intervention in Opus Dei - and bringing its leaders to justice?
"The use of purported supernatural experiences or recognized mystical elements as a means of or a pretext for exerting control over people or carrying out abuses is to be considered of particular moral gravity"
Nov 23, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
I’m sorry, but this is just WEIRD….
The Washington Post’s executive editor takes time out of his busy schedule to basically say that my book doesn’t include enough positive stuff about Opus Dei
What the actual f**k?
Before we even get into it, WHY – as the guy charged with restoring confidence in the Post – would you undermine your paper’s own coverage?
It called the book “a sober, fact-based indictment....a well-told, gripping story....a damning account of a sprawling organization” only last month
Understanding the bombshell Opus Dei human trafficking indictment
🧵 A THREAD based on this excellent interview with @PaulaBistagnino discussing the groundbreaking case against Opus Dei in Argentina…
For decades, Opus Dei has recruited poor girls in rural Argentina and neighbouring countries on the promise of education and a better life.
Instead, they ended up working for years with no pay and found themselves unable to retire - even when they got sick.
Oct 23, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
"Catholics need to realise that Opus Dei is not what it seems"
Great piece about my new book OPUS from the @Independent_ie and @SarahRMacDonald…
"There has long been an awareness within Opus Dei that there are serious problems in the organisation ... there has been resistance among the leadership to change, even when faced with incontrovertible evidence of abuse and manipulation"
Oct 18, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Opus — understanding the web of influence at the heart of the Catholic Church
Gareth Gore’s investigation into Opus Dei reveals a powerful and shadowy organisation whose reach extends into politics, religion and finance
Gore’s vividly told and excellently researched book Opus is part of a more recent journalistic reconsideration of the accountability of a group that began as the dream of a young Spanish priest...
Oct 16, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Pope Francis makes big move against Opus Dei, taking control of a vast mountain complex in northern Spain
The site, which was built on the orders of its founder, is an important pilgrimage site for its 90,000 members
It includes an immense basilica, four smaller chapels, two conference halls, a research center, a museum, soaring bell tower and large courtyard
Oct 7, 2024 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Agents from the Policía Federal Argentina – basically the country’s FBI – seen outside the Opus Dei HQ in Buenos Aires.
Reports emerging that they paid similar visits to various other Opus Dei premises across the Argentine capital over the weekend.…
The visits are understood to be connected with an investigation into Opus Dei’s involvement in trafficking teenage girls and young women.
Federal prosecutors made a public statement last week, accusing four Opus Dei priests of being involved.
Manipulation, Greed and Power: The Untold Story of Opus Dei
@gareth_gore accuses the organization of holding a Spanish bank hostage and of exploiting its members.
Its future depends on Trump… and on how far Pope Francis is willing to go…
By following the money trail, Gore discovered the group's hidden secrets, which inspired the full title of his book…
Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church
…the darker side of a powerful religious organization
Federal prosecutor's office in Argentina issues statement about Opus Dei human trafficking case.
Confirms it has requested a criminal investigation now be opened into four Opus Dei priests there.…
The organisation targeted girls from impoverished backgrounds, usually those in rural areas many miles from Opus Dei "hospitality schools".
They were recruited to join these schools when they were only children, on the promise of receiving training and improving their prospects.
Oct 3, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
So, what are the ties between JD Vance and the Opus Dei network that has penetrated Washington, DC over the past few years?
Vance is close to Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation and the architect of Project 2025.
He wrote the foreword to Roberts' book Dawn’s Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America which was due out in September but then withdrawn.
LEAKED - internal Opus Dei memo ahead of the launch of my new book tomorrow requesting members "pray for everyone involved" and suggesting they ask the group's founder for his "intercession" from Heaven.
This memo was sent out to the organisation's "numerary" residences all around the world, where celibate members sworn to a life of obedience live.
These places are riddled with abuse - the women are forced to sleep on wooden boards, and every element of daily life is controlled.
Sep 29, 2024 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
This guy 👇 orchestrated a conservative takeover of the US Supreme Court. He was a critical figure in the overturning of Roe vs Wade.
The organisation tells the world that it exists solely to help ordinary Catholics to better live out their faith.
But that isn't the full story. For years, it's hidden its true purpose from its membership - and the Vatican.
Sep 28, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Opus Dei and the Moneybags Kid
An excerpt from my new book OPUS digging into the links between Leonard Leo and a secretive organisation now linked to the trafficking of girls and young women in Argentina
Thank you, @RollingStone…
Before Mr Leo’s lawyers get too excited, there is absolutely no implication that he is involved in the case in Argentina, where federal prosecutors announced charges against Opus Dei yesterday