It looks like @Keir_Starmer is a climate crisis denier.
This is the term I use for people i.e. politicians, who claim to accept the science, but who refuse to treat it as the crisis and emergency, it is. All this stuff about "finger-wagging Net Zero extremists" is dangerous. 1/
Net Zero policy, as framed by politicians, is completely inadequate, and @KevinClimate calls it Not Zero.
So if @Keir_Starmer thinks Net Zero policy, is extremist, then he is seriously in denial about what the science actually says is necessary.
This is very worrying, because in 2023, it was reported, that after a presentation by @Ed_Miliband, that @Keir_Starmer exploded in anger, and in an outburst, said “I hate tree huggers”. This would indicate that Starmer is seriously in denial.
The reason this is so serious, is we're entering a serious phase, where there could be serious problems, within @Keir_Starmer premiership, and he is completely unfit to handle it, if he is that deeply in denial.
@Sir_David_King, the former Government Chief Scientist under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, says "Humanity’s survival is still within our grasp – just. But only if we take these radical steps"
Self-evidently, @Keir_Starmer is not listening to the science, and it makes me seriously worried as to who he is listening to, and who is advising him. You get the impression, he has never taken a briefing on the science, by an expert, or only cherry-picks, who he listens to,
The UN Secretary General @antonioguterres has made it very clear how serious the problem is, and we need urgent and radical action now, to prevent future catastrophe.
The world's leading climate scientists are terrified. Yet @Keir_Starmer, a man with no apparent qualifications, in relevant science, believes he can reject all these concerns. This is a man detached from reality. An ignorant man, who seems to think, he knows better.
I have said before, that I believe that this type of climate crisis denier, is a much bigger threat, than an out and out climate change denier like Donald Trump. Because they claim to accept the science, when clearly they don't.
We have a right to know, what is the basis of @Keir_Starmer's denial. Is he a rational man, who simply does not understand the science yet, or is he a dyed in the wool, deeply entrenched ideologue, who refuses to accept the science?
Really, we shouldn't be in this position, because if the media were doing their job properly, @Keir_Starmer would have been asked tough questions, about why his apparent position on climate change, is at odds with the science.
It is urgent, with as much haste as possible, that we find out, why @Keir_Starmer appears to be in denial of the science, and whether he is open to listening to the best science, because if he isn't, the Labour Party, needs a new leader.
All the world's governments, are signatories of the 2015 Paris, Climate Agreement, of holding warming below 1.5C. This includes @Keir_Starmer's government.
Yet the @IPCC_CH SR15, says to be within a 50:50 chance of staying below 1.5C, we need to halve emissions, by 2030, on 5 years and 4 months away. It would take the most incredibly radical policy to do this.
In this presentation Professor Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate , says we're on course for 3-4C of warming with current policy. Even the most optimistic, eco-optimist, think that our civilization would struggle to survive more than 3C of warming.
This is how deeply @Keir_Starmer is in denial. He needs to be urgently challenged to explain his position, and to be challenged to listen to a full scientific presentation on the climate and ecological crisis.
If @Keir_Starmer still rejects the need for radical action, at the very least he needs to explain himself, so we can at least know the reason for his entrenched science denial.
Finally, I have only really dealt with the climate crisis, and the evidence is we have a whole system ecological polycrisis, which is far more serious than the climate crisis on its own.
It is not those who are concerned about the climate crisis, who are extremists, the climate activists. But the politicians in denial of the seriousness of the climate crisis. It's not me that says this.
@dwallacewells I find myself, having 2 apparent reactions to this, apparently at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Firstly, I believe it's never too late, to take decisive action to stop things getting worse.
Secondly, I believe we could be in serious danger, much earlier than is recognized.
@dwallacewells There could be major impacts on our system, well before we get to 2C, let alone, 3C (notice "could" i.e. it relies on probability, and what happens is not fixed or determined).
Our system, is far more vulnerable, than is generally recognized.
@dwallacewells Conventionally, future impact scenarios, imagine it getting gradually hotter, to a level where an organized economy, civilization, gets more difficult, to impossible. However, I believe this is mistaken, as it would take a lot of luck to get there in one piece.
Here, @KevinClimate highlights, one of the HUGE problems of our time. Unprincipled, so-called climate "experts", who will say, whatever the powerful want to hear, to advance their careers.
@KevinClimate is living proof, that being scrupulously honest, and sticking to the best possible science, doesn't get you very far. Despite being one of the world's leading experts in his field, he is rarely invited on TV to speak, and is avoided by charlatan politicians.
The pro-economic growth, neoliberal politicians, can cherry-pick, which self-styled "expert", they listen to, using the cherry-picking logical fallacy, to confirm, whatever they find convenient for their agenda.
Let's be clear about this. It is now clear with hindsight that our political leaders never wanted to take the climate action they promised 32 years ago, as it would mean, profound system change, that they didn't want to take.🧵 1/
Our political leadership, didn't want the public to be alarmed about climate change, because it would mean the public would demand immediate action, that the politicians in power, didn't want to take i.e. ending fossil fuel use, and stopping the pursuit of economic growth.
In other words, the moment the politicians, the media, the whole establishment, acknowledged the climate and ecological crisis, was an existential threat to our civilization, their response to it, would have been out of their hands, and they'd have to act on public demand.
The truth is much stranger than fiction. For 32 years our governments have engaged in a performative display, of fighting climate change, whilst emissions have massively increased, and the fossil fuel industry receives an incredible $7 trillion per year in subsidies. 1/5
More emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, have been emitted since promising to address emissions, at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, than were emitted in the whole of human history before this point. Yet supposedly governments are doing all they can.
The public are confused about if it's a real crisis, and we are facing catastrophe, simply because they do not see their governments acting like it's a real crisis, and the billionaire, and corporate media, do not report it like it is a real crisis.
I want to deal with the most important dynamic, and perceptual obstacle, blocking action to address the climate and ecological emergency.
It's why our leadership, is failing to properly acknowledge the science, and not acting appropriately.
It's vital people understand this.
Those with an economic and financial view of the world, regard those with concerns about the climate and ecological crisis, as unworldly, and who do not understand the "real world", like them.
They are really arrogant about this, and refuse to even consider, they're mistaken.
Ever since I became environmentally aware, in the 1970s, I've been hearing this, from people at all levels, when I explain our system is unsustainable, and we must change our system.
I get a patronizing lecture, about "the real world". Meaning, money, finance and economics.
One thing there is very little general understanding of, is that we have passed a critical phase with the climate and ecological crisis, which makes it far different, that it was before.
It is very difficult to define this critical phase, but I will try.
We best define this at 2 main levels.
1) We are at a point, where to prevent future catastrophe, we must act with major action, now.
2) Since about 2010, it has been clear, that governments, are not going to act, in the way they promised at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.
I want to deal with the second point first, because as I've explained previously, the climate and ecological crisis, is primarily a crisis, because our leadership, political, business and social, has not acted in the appropriate way i.e. they are just ignoring the danger.