Great thread.
"Exciting white paper: Anyone who disinfects the air in their restaurant with far-UV light saves up to 290 CHF (or € , exchange rate is almost 1:1) per Swiss franc invested because employees get sick less often. 1/4"
"In doctor's waiting rooms or in hospitals, the return on investment would be CHF 100, in offices CHF 30. And that applies even for a "normal" winter. In a Covid-19 wave, the RoI would be much higher. 2/4"
"If Far-UVC were introduced in all restaurants, waiting rooms and offices in Switzerland, the RoI would be CHF 1,400 and 2.4 days of sick leave avoided per person. This could reduce sickness absences by 40 percent. 3/4"
"Far UVC is considered safe when used correctly, especially with ventilation. In the study, it was at least as efficient as HEPA filters, cost a similar amount, and was quieter. The study" -
and the consultancy d-fine. 4/4
@AureliaAllen @1goodtern @gwladwr @Saffiya_Khan1
This is a wilfully manipulative and misleading article from the BBC, misinterpreting and minimizing data. This is dangerous for an open and democratic society. It will only lead to more deaths and more chronic illness.
They suggest a 24% rise in hospitalisations is a "very small increase"!!! They ignore recent data from Scotland where we have seen increases of 40%+ for the last two weeks, and hospital trusts under immense pressure.
They calculate the infection rate at 1 in 25,000 (!!!) based on current testing regimes, and compare this to 1 in 13 in March 2020.
Apart from being totally scientifically inumerate, this also sounds factually wrong; March 2020 wasn't the big infection wave! 3/4