Dr Nicola Boyd Profile picture
PhD computational chemist. Loves nature. Integrated, automatic public health for everyone. On substack - https://t.co/UjoAridsDC
Feb 28 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 The importance of Far-UVCs ability to destroy multiple pathogens simultaneously *outside the human host* cannot be overstated. Leaving no mutational space to explore, it literally creates an evolutionary DEAD END for replicating entities. 2/4 Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are potentially fatal multi-drug resistant bacterial infections, causing serious problems in healthcare settings.
This study examined the impact of Far-UVC on both air and surface contamination.
Feb 26 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 The importance of *not* being re-infected with COVID could not be more stark -

“Compared to those reporting never having COVID-19, experiencing one COVID-19 infection was associated with a significant increase in....researchsquare.com/article/rs-490… 2/5 "..the probability of reporting all symptoms..
reinfections had a compound effect in the likelihood of reporting symptoms.
"While vaccinations and boosters prior to infection are associated with lower likelihood of Long COVID, reinfections diminish their protective effect.”
Feb 24 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 Post Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) is a condition that is strikingly similar to Long Covid – see link.
Originally, LC was claimed by many to only affect a small fraction of the population, and was largely ignored by medical professionals. medrxiv.org/content/10.110… 2/9 Recent data contradicts this, suggesting that LC risk increases with repeat infections. This growing trend suggests that LC may not be restricted to a fixed sub-set with specific immunological profiles.
Jan 31 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 The second report:
“[Far-UVCs] ability to maintain safety while reducing exposure to harmful microorganisms has fueled interest from industries seeking long-term solutions to prevent contamination.”
verifiedmarketreports.com/product/far-uv… 2/4 “Far UVC lamps are increasingly seen as a viable solution to continuously disinfect air in indoor spaces, driving demand across various sectors. Governments and private sectors are investing in research and development, aiming to expand the functionality of Far UVC lamps.”
Dec 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ More reassuring news about Far-UVC and ozone.
Although still a pre-print, this study supports previous findings. It was a real world setting (a small, poorly ventilated conference room) with a Far-UVC lamp operating at the recommended intensity...

chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxi… 2/ ..for disinfection.
"We find that a single Lumenizer 300 far-UVC lamp, specified by the manufacturer to be sufficient for disinfection of the space, does not negatively impact indoor air quality through net generation of O3 or PM under the conditions of our experiment."
Dec 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Great presentation on the opportunities and challenges facing the Far-UVC industry discussed by Rolf Bergman (lighting technology consultant) at the recent international Far-UVC conference.
Key points he makes are....
2/ - Low cost LEDs are essential as power → conversion efficiency is vital for driving down costs.
- The issue of ozone & 2ndary pollutants are standalone problems that need to be adressed regardless of Far-UVC. For eg. increased ventilation in high pollution urban areas...
Nov 30, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Recent posts by @brownecfm & others about the need for technological fixes for the pandemic prompted me to revisit an article I wrote in March, exploring why we've underplayed what was a good hand in terms of engineered solutions.
Full article here - mattersofperspective.substack.com/p/basking-in-t…Image 2/ In all previous pandemics we have always pursued strategies to limit infections:
"Control, eliminate and eradicate are synonymous with what ‘living with disease’ has always meant."
The mission was always to reduce disease burden, with multifaceted strategies, targets etc Image
Nov 18, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 More reassuring data confirming the safety of Far-UVC with respect to the skin. In this thread I'll summarise the key points from the authors.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ph… 2/9 The skin’s first line of defence against *all* UV radiation is the outermost layer of the epidermis - the stratum corneum - which acts as a biomechanical barrier. Image
Oct 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Reducing our dependence on drug & chemical quick fixes with new, clean, preventative technologies will usher in a new era, with far reaching implications for human and environmental well-being.
This is beyond COVID – it’s *much* bigger than this.
➡️Ecological degradation - drug, fungicide & pesticide pollution
➡️Food insecurity - crop damage, harvest losses & food contamination
➡️Antimicrobial drug resistance – bacteria, fungi & viruses evading treatments
➡️Disease control & pandemic preparedness
Oct 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Great thread.
"Exciting white paper: Anyone who disinfects the air in their restaurant with far-UV light saves up to 290 CHF (or € , exchange rate is almost 1:1) per Swiss franc invested because employees get sick less often. 1/4" "In doctor's waiting rooms or in hospitals, the return on investment would be CHF 100, in offices CHF 30. And that applies even for a "normal" winter. In a Covid-19 wave, the RoI would be much higher. 2/4"
Sep 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Very significant!!!
The CIBSE are a critical influence on building standards, & Mike Ralph is Principle Engineer at NHS Scotland Assure, the organisation that oversees hospital design for NHS Scotland.

Hospital acquired infections, including Covid…
1/4cibsejournal.com/technical/ligh… … cost the NHS £bns & action is essential.
He says the long-term solution for⬇️HAIs & making the NHS pandemic resilient, is hard-wired UVC light disinfection.
Ralph states that mechanical filtration/ventilation has key drawbacks:
- costly and disruptive if upgrades needed
Jun 30, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
@AureliaAllen @1goodtern @gwladwr @Saffiya_Khan1
This is a wilfully manipulative and misleading article from the BBC, misinterpreting and minimizing data. This is dangerous for an open and democratic society. It will only lead to more deaths and more chronic illness.

1/4 Image They suggest a 24% rise in hospitalisations is a "very small increase"!!! They ignore recent data from Scotland where we have seen increases of 40%+ for the last two weeks, and hospital trusts under immense pressure.
