1🧵Around 5:30am on Sunday, a fire broke out at the BioLab plant in Conyers, GA. The fire reignited around 12pm. Initially, 17K people were evacuated & a “shelter in place” order was announced. By the emergence of the 2nd plume the shelter in place order was extended to the entirety of Rockdale County [97k people].
2🧵The Conyers BioLab Facility was used primarily to create spa & pool treatment products and amongst the common chemicals they use is Trichloroisocyanuric Acid [TCCA] which when met with water can cause a chemical reaction leading to a fire & release of a very toxic substance called Chlorine Gas.
3🧵Chlorine Gas is especially concerning for the youth, which in Rockland Co' is roughly 20-25% of the population. The reason why is that Chlorine Gas is much heavier than the air we breath-causing it to linger close to the ground near children and pets.⚠️☢️
1🧵Can we take just a second to look at 15 different COVID-19 related events that happened in 2019 before the global pandemic emerged?
2🧵These 15 events are not all-inclusive, but I have filed them down into 4 categories: conferences, research, government/military & exercises of which I consider to be the most relevant to the pandemic.
Covid-19 is often discussed in terms of the response, but let's look at C19 as the response to other things i.e, these 15 events.👇👇👇
3🧵Things had to lead up to C19; What laws allowed for the C19 response? What did we have at our disposal to address C19? Where did C19 originate?
This time we will dismiss the origins & focus on our level of preparedness and legal standing. We can tackle the smallest subgroup, Research, first and make our way to the largest, Military/Government.
1🧵We think our politicians or our political parties work on behalf of us. The reality is bipartisan politics is a lie. From Bush to Biden, they all worked together laying the groundwork for Operation Warp Speed, because, "..it's a big club & you ain't in it!"- George Carlin
2🧵When former CIA director George HW Bush got the US into the Gulf War [GW] & 100's of thousands of troops came down with GW Syndrome that have generally been regarded as the result of the military+private sector's compulsory untested Anthrax Vaccine.
3🧵During Clinton's term, he gifted Fauci w/ the Vaccine Research Center [VCR] which would help develop MCMs for NIH. Then W.Bush during late 2001 saw the Anthrax attacks on US politicians following the 9/11 terrorist attack on the twin towers.
1🧵Do you know how much your State sends to Israel annually? In 2023 the US signed a MOU w/Israel to guarantee $3.8 Billion in Federal aid per year til 2028, but how much does each of the 50 States pay 🇮🇱annually?💰
1🧵The conspiracies surrounding COVID-19 are vast. Everything from snake venom, microchips, 5G, nanotechnology, magnetic properties & graphene oxide have been lamented by the ultra suspicious. As wild as some claims may sound, not all are "baseless" conspiracies.
2🧵In early 2020, Dr. Carrie Madej put out a warning to society that mRNA technology in these vaccines were a step in the direction of transhumanism. The video went viral & ever since, any discussion about nanotech in mRNA has been touted as a conspiracy...but is it?
3🧵As government corruption increases & transparency decreases conspiracies will thrive. In response, fact-checkers have emerged to the mainstream & amongst them Politifact is arguably the most prevalent. Politifact deemed Medej's claims as a "baseless" conspiracy.
1🧵In May of 2020 a high level government official facilitated a near billion dollar contract to a 4mo old company.👀 Then after a couple years the official retires & is now on the Board for that very same company. 🤬How is this not criminal?
2🧵 Gustave Perna a 4⭐General served in the Army for 40+ yrs. He was; commanding general of the Army's Material Command, Commander at Aberdeen Proving Ground, the DLA and in May 2020 he was named Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed [OWS].
3🧵Perna was chosen to lead the DoD portion of OWS not only because Perna had a long history of managing logistics in the Army but also since 2016 he had been a Board Advisor for the Army Emergency Relief, alongside General Mark Milley.