The top left purple arrow is where their Q4 goal is
Zoom in
Zoom in more.
They placed half a square’s worth
On Q4 Auction Day 2 of 13
The offer of PK-29024 failed/was declared invalid
Placement: 0.005 Trillion
Demand: 0.0441 Trillion
And they just told everyone that this plan…that is clearly failing…will somehow work in 2025 and beyond, when they try to borrow even higher sums of money
By all means, ignore the word of the former president of Estonia. I agree with him. The U.S. has enough leverage now to push Russia over the edge towards economic collapse if it chooses to
It’s not there yet, it needs a shove. The U.S. has enough to shove.
There may be consequences towards giving it a shove. But it is way weaker than people believe it to be. And people miss understand what “financial collapse” looks like.
It doesn’t have to happen quickly, people may not realize they’re in it WHILE it’s occurring.
Everyone seemed surprised when the Soviet Union collapsed. You don’t think people could make the same mistake twice, OR that the former President of Estonia might have some experience there? 🤨
By all means, trust what some U.S. analysts told a reporter.
There were some more things that I hoped to discuss in this thread that I just haven’t had a chance to yet. (Some people wanted a shopping mall thread that I’m still working on it 😂).
Just a reminder, all the data comes from the above linked website that has data going back to the beginning of 2003.
The dates attached will be one day off from the date in Moscow. Therefore, the data for trading that just ended will be under the date 4 November 2024.
Also, for reference, yesterday was a holiday in Russia so there was no trading
“According to the agreement, Astarta must exchange 15,000 tons of chickpeas for a batch of tangerines of the same weight and 10,000 tons of lentils for potatoes. Another agreement provides for the exchange of 20,000 tons of chickpeas for a similar batch of rice…”
I believe the government stepped in and told them to stop showing pirated movies. There was this weird thing where they would say they weren’t going to issue approval for certain movies to be shown in Russia, even though, the company had said they weren’t releasing it in Russia