If there really was a Jewish ✡️ plot to eliminate white people, they would use their control of the media to normalize replacement…..
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They would also use that media, to call it “diversity”, but it would only be pushed in white majority countries.
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There would be a written plan about this in a book 📕. Like Practical Idealism.
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A Jewish man named ✡️ Larry Fink would use DEI as a way to eliminate white people in corporate boardrooms, and good jobs.
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White male suicide would be a huge problem, but the Jewish controlled media would never report on it.
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The people responsible for the open borders would be Jewish ✡️ like Alejandro Mayorkas.
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The guys funding the mass migration would be ✡️ Jewish like George Sorors.
The ✡️ Jewish media would use Hollywood to normalize interracial marriage, and make a Jewish man appear like a white man for the role. (Jonah Hill.)
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Jewish ✡️ controlled Google would show tons of books about anti white sentiment, and those books would have many Jewish ✡️ authors, and get awards from ✡️ Jewish publications like the New York times.
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A Jewish ✡️ family like the Sackler family would kill off many whites with their facilitation of Opioids.
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There would be lots of ✡️ Jewish support for feminism, discouraging white family formation, and encouraging women to be boss women.
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A ✡️ Jewish family known as the Monsanto family would be poisoning them with GMO’s in their food.
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To help eliminate white Identity, they would make it easy to find books on black nationalism, just not white nationalism…. It would actually show you why that was bad in the search results.
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They would use ✡️ Jewish Mossad agents like Robert Maxwell to control our history books.
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Then they would use those history books to portray white guilt accross European countries. They would be known as slave holders and oppressors only, while psychologically being forced to accept minorities.
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A ✡️ Jewish man would own a site like onlyfans, and use to systematically destroy white women.
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Then a ✡️ Jewish man would encourage it on his podcast, and it would be discussed in the Jewish media.
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A Jewish ✡️ rabbi would even own pornhub, and use it to breakdown family formation further.
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Tinder and Bumble, would also have ✡️ Jewish owners to encourage hook up culture, and discourage family formation.
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Finally, they may even use bioweapons to destroy white people. Remember when RFK jr. Said Covid-19 was specifically designed to spare Jews? What an interesting thing to say….
If there really was such a conspiracy, they should just keep doing what they are doing…..
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When Mel Gibson was forced to apologize for saying “the Jews were responsible for the wars in the world” everyone said it was antisemitic, no one asked whether it was correct.
Let’s review the Jewish hands in the world wars.
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In 1961, Benjamin Freedman gave an historic speech at the Willard Hotel which explained how Zionist and Jews of the world had United to influence the US behind Wilson in World War 1, the federal reserve act, and the graduated income tax. They then later influenced Roosevelt to enter into World War 2 on behalf of world Jewry as well.
You may say, well that’s all well and good but who is this Benjamin Freedman Fellow.
Simply put, he was a Jewish liaison that worked for the Jewish banker/politican Henry Morganthau sr. In other words, he was an insider. He later converted to Christianity, and spent his life being an anti Zionist Jew.
Below he outlines the beginning story of world war 1. The US was initially mostly pro German, and isolationist in nature. The Jews within the US were also initially pro German because they were so anti Czar in Russia, however when presented with the opportunity to get Palestine from a British victory, they used their power within the US to push America into WW1
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I’m not suggesting we should believe everything Freedman is saying, in fact I think he obfuscates a little bit of how Jewish world power works by making it wholly “Zionist” as many anti Zionist Jews do, but much of what he says can clearly be backed up by publicly available information.
The entire speech is worth a listen and is easily findable on YouTube.
His statements about the Jewish influence on Woodrow Wilson coming from Zionist Jew Louis Brandeis, and Zionist Jew Henry Morganthau sr are undeniable.
There are only 2 possibilities, either Epstein is alive or Epstein was murdered.
We all know Epstein didn’t kill himself.
We also know Epstein was working for Israeli intelligence and alongside Jews within our own government to blackmail western politicians.
Given that background, let’s dig deeper into who helped him escape alive, Or who helped to take him out. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.
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Let’s start with the Body. Who viewed the body?
New York Chief medical examiner Barbara Sampson is the one that ruled it a “suicide.”
While her ancestry does not say directly that she is Jewish, one would say it is likely since she is now a VP at the Jewish founded and led Mount Sinai Health system. She also updated NY burial policies for a specific subset of Jews in 2014.
Assuming you think Epstein was murdered and Sampson is lying, you have to assume she is covering either Epsteins death or escape for some reason. Assuming she is not Jewish, one would think she is doing it for her career, (like the VP job at Mount Sinai), or she is Jewish and is protecting a Jewish spy.
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If you were going to kill or cover for Epsteins escape, you would need someone inside of the Justice department to help you out. Someone like Zionist Jew Bill Barr.
Bill Barr is special because his father is actually the person that got Epsteins career started. Yep his father hired Epstein as a math teacher without a college degree. His father also worked for the OG CIA which was called the OSS.
In other words, it is very likely that Bill Barr knew exactly what Epstein was doing, and had to help cover up the Jewish blackmail operation.
Knowing what we know now about the Jewish Neocon influence leading us into endless wars in the Middle East, these old propaganda speeches from George W. Bush hit so different.
“These Muslim terrorist want to drive Israel out of the Middle East.”
“They want to drive Christian’s and Jews out of Africa.”
Then proceeds to compare Al Qaeda to Facism and Nazi germany. 😆
No. They 1940’s Facism and radical Islam are obviously not the same in any way, other than they were both opposed by Jews.
Let’s decipher the propaganda and dig deeper and see what led us into these never ending wars…
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✡️- Michael Gerson
✡️- David Frum
These are the Jewish speech writers who wrote most of George W. Bushes speeches.
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Then you have ✡️ Jewish deputy to the secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz who was loudly beating the drum for war.
Ayo Kimathi- “Everybody gotta go look this up. An immunologist by the name of J Bart Classen, who worked at NAID/NIH accross the hall from Anthony Fauci for 30 years, wrote a peer reviewed paper about how Mossad had created Covid-19 as a bioweapon of genocide….. 🤯
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Yes it is a real article written by a legit immunologist that has multiple patents etc.
“The Author believes Mossad intends to kill billions of people.”
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“While working at NIAD the author realized that as of 1988, NIH had been highly infiltrated by Israeli Mossad. To the authors knowledge the Mossad leader at NIH was Israeli National Zami Ben-Sasson…. Mossad has been using NIH for the development of bioweapons… Israel never signed the 1972 Biological and Toxin weapons convention…
A lot of people are missing the point with USAID. Yes it’s great we are exposing that our money has been funneled to corrupt institutions, but USAID is not the boogeyman, it is just a tool.
There is a reason Mike Benz ✡️ (Jewish) is running point on this, and it’s to mislead you from the Jewish influence that has actually been running these NGO’s, the Media, and the like.
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This is why ✡️ Jew Bret Weinstein is on here discussing how USAID is the reason our order was wide open under Biden. He is framing the discussion.
No. It was ✡️ Alejandro Mayorkas that left the border wide open, and ✡️ Jewish funded/ Led NGO’s that facilitated it.
The fact that they got money from USAID was just a bonus.
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Further we see Jews ✡️ like Michael Shellenberger front running how USAID has been responsible for regime change worldwide, and not Jewish influence or NGO’s…
When examined objectively, the amount of Jewish propaganda and influence used to goad the American public into World war 2 is astounding.
Let’s examine some of the films around that time.
Confessions of a Nazi Spy, 1939.
Directed by ✡️ Anatole Litvak
Produced by ✡️ Warner brothers. Real last Name Wonsal or Wonskolaser
Keep in mind the American public was very isolationist, and many Americans were German immigrants.
This movie is about a secret Nazi spy ring working to subvert the citizenry of America, which is ironic since this film is doing exactly that but subverting America for Jewish interest.
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Beast Of Berlin- 1939
Director- ✡️ Sam Newfield
This movie is about a man and his wife leading an anti Nazi literature movement in Germany. In other words, it’s normalizing treason for “moral reasons.”
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Escape- 1940
Director- ✡️ Mervyn LeRoy
A movie about an American going over to Germany to sneak someone out of a concentration camp….