If there really was a Jewish ✡️ plot to eliminate white people, they would use their control of the media to normalize replacement…..
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They would also use that media, to call it “diversity”, but it would only be pushed in white majority countries.
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There would be a written plan about this in a book 📕. Like Practical Idealism.
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A Jewish man named ✡️ Larry Fink would use DEI as a way to eliminate white people in corporate boardrooms, and good jobs.
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White male suicide would be a huge problem, but the Jewish controlled media would never report on it.
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The people responsible for the open borders would be Jewish ✡️ like Alejandro Mayorkas.
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The guys funding the mass migration would be ✡️ Jewish like George Sorors.
The ✡️ Jewish media would use Hollywood to normalize interracial marriage, and make a Jewish man appear like a white man for the role. (Jonah Hill.)
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Jewish ✡️ controlled Google would show tons of books about anti white sentiment, and those books would have many Jewish ✡️ authors, and get awards from ✡️ Jewish publications like the New York times.
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A Jewish ✡️ family like the Sackler family would kill off many whites with their facilitation of Opioids.
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There would be lots of ✡️ Jewish support for feminism, discouraging white family formation, and encouraging women to be boss women.
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A ✡️ Jewish family known as the Monsanto family would be poisoning them with GMO’s in their food.
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To help eliminate white Identity, they would make it easy to find books on black nationalism, just not white nationalism…. It would actually show you why that was bad in the search results.
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They would use ✡️ Jewish Mossad agents like Robert Maxwell to control our history books.
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Then they would use those history books to portray white guilt accross European countries. They would be known as slave holders and oppressors only, while psychologically being forced to accept minorities.
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A ✡️ Jewish man would own a site like onlyfans, and use to systematically destroy white women.
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Then a ✡️ Jewish man would encourage it on his podcast, and it would be discussed in the Jewish media.
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A Jewish ✡️ rabbi would even own pornhub, and use it to breakdown family formation further.
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Tinder and Bumble, would also have ✡️ Jewish owners to encourage hook up culture, and discourage family formation.
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Finally, they may even use bioweapons to destroy white people. Remember when RFK jr. Said Covid-19 was specifically designed to spare Jews? What an interesting thing to say….
If there really was such a conspiracy, they should just keep doing what they are doing…..
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When you hear “read banned books” 📚what comes to mind? 💭
Our media would have you believe it means books like “Gender Queer”…… one problem. That book is readily available and advertised. It’s not banned at all.
What do banned books really look like? 🧐
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1. Race- John Barker
This is one of the last books written about race science and the differences across ethnic groups. Published in 1974 before social science took ever and stated Race is not a biological reality, but a social construct.
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2. Race Differences in Intelligence- Richard Lynn
Along the same lines as Race, but specifically testing for the IQ differences among Races. Controversial like the Belle Curve, and not celebrated by modern day social scientists.
When Lee Harvey Oswald was asked if he killed JFK, he simply said.
“No sir, I’m just a patsy.”
Oswald was telling the truth.
The forces behind Kennedys death, are the same forces leading us to war with Iran right now… Let’s expose them. 🔎 👀
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Oswald was the perfect patsy, but he was not some sort of mastermind that worked with and did counter intel work for the CIA. It seems laughable when you actually examine and listen to people who knew him.
He was like many young Americans today, a young Marxist. He often spoke out for Cuban rights and even led an organization to raise awareness of what he perceived as the unjust treatment of Cuba by the US government. He even did multiple local radio interviews a few months before the Kennedy assassination. If he was a secret CIA operative, he was doing a poor job of laying low.
It is true he lived in Russia when in college, and brought back a Russian wife. Many of his former professors and friends from Russia have stated they think it’s impossible that he killed Kennedy.
His brief Russian 🇷🇺 background and Marxist views were selected because they made him easy to blame, not because he was “working for the Russians.”
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Many people have spent agonizing amounts of time examining Oswald and his origins, relationships, political views etc, but unfortunately you are focusing on the wrong person. Oswald was a patsy through and through, but there was a hiccup in the operation. Oswald was not supposed to survive.
Whoever had Kennedy killed also had to have Oswald Killed. Why? Because Oswald would have beat the charges with the flimsy case, and it could have also led back to who actually killed Kennedy. Who’s the clean up crew? Jewish ✡️ man Jack Rubenstein. He shot Oswald on live tv 📺2 days later when Oswald was being Transferred from City to County Jail.
While I can appreciate many things Alex has done over the years, he simply got crushed when it came to discussing Jewish power worldwide.
“Jews control both side of our media, as admitted by the LA times”
🧵 1/10
Alex Jones- “the Nazis were really kinda a weird death cult though.”
David Duke- “no not really. I believe that information is propaganda. What they were, was a group of Europeans that opposed Jewish power.”
“I’ll add if you look at the producers of many of these Nazi occult films 🎥, they seem to all be produced or written by Jews. Even Indiana Jones is produced by Steven Spielberg… remember that the theme of the movie is to race to the ark before Hitler gets there…. Utterly ridiculous.
🧵 2/10
“Jewish controlled media goes as far to produce movies that espouse “kill all the white people.” Look at Django, produced by the Weinstein brothers.
If Churchill was the “villain” of world war 2, what does that make his political counterpart?
This man opposed the 2nd world war, predicted the decline of the British Empire, predicted the dangers of multiculturalism and mass migration.
This man was Sir Oswald Mosley
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If you read a mainstream history book, 📕 you will undoubtedly hear a message echoing Churchill as the greatest Englishman, and Mosley as a facist traitor. Reality of course is much more complicated. Can we say today that Churchill did what was best for Britain and western civilization? No of course not. We have to judge a tree by its fruits. 🍎
Mosley served in the First World War, and came back hardened to never see a generation of Englishmen lost to such nonsense again. He entered politics shortly after, and was one of youngest members of parliament when seated.
He quickly became a popular politician with his skilled oratory, and passion for the English people.
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He was first elected to parliament in 1918, and his political party, and attitude changed over time as the situation in Britain, and western civilization changed. Initially he was a member of the Conservative Party, then he moved to the independent party, and then the Labour Party. As the great depression set in, he realized the 2 party system was not going solve the current crisis, and the possible impending future crisis as Europe was being led to a Second World War.
From there he founded the Britain Union of Facist. The people that followed him were known as the “Blackshirts.”
How did Jewish man ✡️ Jeffrey Epstein get his start? Who really backed him and supported him? Most importantly, who did he work for?
Let’s trace some of his history…. 🕵️ 👀
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Despite not having a college degree, he got his first job as a teacher 👨🏫 at a prestigious private school in New York known as the Dalton School.
Who was the man that hired him? A ✡️ Jewish man by the name of Donald Barr. Donald Barr was also the father of attorney general Bill Barr. Donald Barr also had connections to intelligence serving in the OSS, or the office of strategic services.
This was one of the original intelligence agencies for the US before the creation of the CIA.
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A fun fact about Donald Barr, is that he wrote a few fiction books 📚. One of those books, “Space Relations” contains intergalactic sex slavery. 🧐
Sounds like him and Epstein had similar interests.